HTMLPDF | 296-30-010 | Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-060 | Who does a victim report the crime to in order to meet reporting requirements? |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-080 | Can family members of sexual assault victims receive counseling? |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-081 | What are the general obligations of a provider who provides medical or mental health services to a crime victim? |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-085 | What is different about billing for a crime victim claimant? |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-087 | Can a victim be billed for expenses related to their claim? |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-090 | What are the maximum allowable fees? |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-095 | How do the rules and fees apply to out-of-state providers? |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-100 | Will the department notify providers if a fee schedule is amended or established? |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-105 | What protest or appeal rights are available? |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-120 | May the department waive, modify or adjust the debt owed by a convicted offender? |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-170 | Who is required to pay for sexual assault examinations? |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-180 | What protection is available to crime victims to prevent unjust enrichment to others from their benefits? |
HTMLPDF | 296-30-900 | What law controls a claim if a statute is amended after the date of the criminal act? |