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PDFWAC 246-976-445

EMS data systemDepartment responsibilities.

(1) Purpose: The department maintains a statewide electronic emergency medical services data system, as required by RCW 70.168.090. The purpose of this data system is to:
(a) Provide data for EMS activity surveillance, analysis, and quality assurance programs;
(b) Monitor and evaluate the outcome of care provided by EMS services personnel, in support of statewide and regional quality assurance and system evaluation activities;
(c) Assess compliance with state standards for EMS care (chapters 18.71, 18.73, 70.168 RCW and this chapter);
(d) Provide information for resource planning, system design and management; and
(e) Provide a resource for research and education.
(2) Confidentiality: RCW 70.168.090 and chapter 42.56 RCW apply to EMS data, records, and reports developed pursuant to RCW 70.168.090. Data elements related to the identification of individual patient's, provider's, and facility's care outcomes shall be confidential, shall be exempt from chapter 42.56 RCW, and shall not be subject to discovery by subpoena or admissible as evidence. Patient care quality assurance proceedings, records, and reports developed pursuant to RCW 70.168.090 are confidential, exempt from chapter 42.56 RCW, and are not subject to discovery by subpoena or admissible as evidence.
(a) The department may release confidential information from the electronic EMS data system in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. No other person may release confidential information from the data system without express written permission from the department.
(b) The department may approve requests for EMS data system data and reports consistent with applicable statutes and rules.
(c) The department has established criteria defining situations in which EMS data system information is confidential and situations in which data may be shared, in order to protect confidentiality for patients, providers, and facilities.
(d) Subsection (2)(a) through (c) of this section does not limit access to confidential data by approved regional quality assurance and improvement programs and medical program directors established under chapter 70.168 RCW and described in WAC 246-976-910 and 246-976-920.
(3) Data submission: The department establishes and maintains procedures and format for ambulance and aid services to submit data electronically. Reporting mechanisms will meet state requirements for data security, data interoperability, and national reporting standards. These will include a mechanism for the reporting agency to check data for validity and completeness before data is sent to WEMSIS.
(4) Data quality: The department establishes mechanisms to evaluate the quality of EMS data. These mechanisms will include:
(a) Detailed protocols for quality control, consistent with the department's most current data quality guidelines.
(b) Validity studies to assess the timeliness, completeness, and accuracy of case identification and data collection.
(5) Data reports and data sharing: The department may create, release, and provide access to data files and reports in accordance with RCW 70.168.090. The type of information contained in the file, including direct and indirect patient, provider and facility identifiers, determines the permitted release of, or access to, the data file or report.
(a) Annually, the department reports:
(i) Summary statistics and trends for demographic and related EMS care and activity information for the state and for each emergency medical service/trauma care (EMS/TC) region;
(ii) Benchmarking and performance measures, for system-wide evaluation and regional quality improvement programs;
(iii) Trends, patient care outcomes, and other data, for the state and each EMS/TC region, for the purpose of regional evaluation; and
(iv) Aggregate regional data upon request, excluding any confidential or identifying data.
(b) The department will provide reports to EMS services, approved regional quality assurance and improvement programs and medical program directors upon request, according to the confidentiality provisions in subsection (2) of this section and all applicable laws and regulations.
(c) In order to comply with WAC 246-976-920, the department may provide aggregate reports and directly identifiable patient record access to medical program directors for EMS services within their jurisdiction.
(d) In order to comply with RCW 70.168.090, the department will provide reports, patient data and record access related to suspected drug overdoses to government agencies, including local public health agencies, tribal authorities, and other organizations at the discretion of the department, for the purposes of including, but not limited to, identifying individuals to engage substance use disorder peer professionals, patient navigators, outreach workers, and other professionals as appropriate to prevent further overdoses and to induct into treatment and provide other needed supports as may be available. Data for this purpose will be provided upon request and according to the confidentiality provisions in subsection (2) of this section and all applicable laws and regulations.
(e) The department may share confidential data files containing one or more direct patient identifiers with researchers with approval from the Washington state institutional review board (IRB) and a signed confidentiality agreement. The department may also require researchers to enter into a data sharing agreement.
(f) The department may provide a hospital with access to the complete electronic patient care report for activations in which the patient was delivered to their facility.
(g) The department may provide data and reports to other parties not listed in (c) through (f) of this subsection upon request, according to the confidentiality provisions in subsection (2) of this section and all applicable laws and regulations.
(h) When fulfilling a request for data, the department may provide the fewest data elements and patient records necessary for the stated purpose of a requestor's project.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040 and 70.168.090. WSR 24-15-130, § 246-976-445, filed 7/23/24, effective 9/30/24.]
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