HTMLPDF | 246-840-010 | Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-015 | Requirement to submit demographic data. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-020 | Credentials issued to an LPN, RN, or ARNP in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-025 | Initial licensure for registered nurses and practical nurses—Commission approved Washington state nursing education program. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-030 | Initial licensure for registered nurses and practical nurses—Out-of-state traditional nursing education program approved by another United States nursing board. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-045 | Initial licensure for registered nurses and practical nurses who graduate from an international school of nursing. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-048 | Students enrolled in a nontraditional nursing program. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-050 | Licensing examination. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-060 | Results and retaking of examination. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-090 | Licensure for nurses by interstate endorsement. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-095 | Temporary practice permits. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-105 | Brief adjudicative proceedings—Denials based on failure to meet education, experience, or examination prerequisites for licensure. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-111 | Expired license. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-120 | Inactive credential. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-125 | Retired active credential. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-200 | Continuing competency purpose statement. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-210 | Continuing competency definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-220 | Continuing competency requirements—Active status. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-222 | Continuing competency requirements—Health equity continuing education. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-230 | Continuing competency audit process and compliance. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-250 | Continuing competency requirements—Reactivation from expired status. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-260 | Continuing competency requirements—Reactivation from inactive status. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-300 | ARNP scope of practice. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-302 | ARNP designations, certification, and approved certification examinations. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-310 | Use and protection of professional titles. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-311 | ARNP previously adopted specialties. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-340 | Initial ARNP requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-342 | Licensure for ARNP applicants by interstate endorsement. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-344 | Licensure for ARNP applicants educated and licensed outside the United States. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-360 | Renewal of ARNP licensure. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-361 | Continuing education for ARNP license renewal. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-365 | Inactive and reactivating an ARNP license. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-367 | Expired license. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-400 | ARNP prescriptive authority. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-410 | Application requirements for ARNP prescriptive authority. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-420 | Authorized prescriptions by ARNP with prescriptive authority. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-450 | Renewal of ARNP prescriptive authority. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-451 | Continuing education requirements for ARNP prescriptive authority. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-460 | Pain management—Intent. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-463 | Exclusions. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-465 | Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4651 | Patient notification, secure storage, and disposal. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4653 | Use of alternative modalities for pain treatment. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4655 | Continuing education requirements for opioid prescribing. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4657 | Diagnosis identified on prescriptions. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4659 | Patient evaluation and patient record—Acute. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4661 | Treatment plan—Acute nonoperative pain. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4663 | Treatment plan—Acute perioperative pain. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4665 | Patient evaluation and patient record—Subacute pain. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4667 | Treatment plan—Subacute pain. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-467 | Patient evaluation and patient record. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-470 | Treatment plan. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-475 | Written agreement for treatment. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-477 | Periodic review. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-485 | Consultation—Recommendations and requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-487 | Consultation—Exemptions for exigent and special circumstances. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-490 | Consultation—Exemptions for the advanced registered nurse practitioner. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-493 | Pain management specialist. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4935 | Assessment of treatment plan. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4940 | Patients with chronic pain, including those on high doses, establishing a relationship with a new practitioner. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4950 | Special populations—Patients twenty-five years of age or under, pregnant patients, and aging populations. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4955 | Episodic care of chronic opioid patients. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4960 | Coprescribing with certain medications. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4970 | Coprescribing of opioids for patients receiving medication assisted treatment (MAT). |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4980 | Coprescribing of naloxone. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-4990 | Prescription monitoring program—Required registration, queries, and documentation. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-500 | Philosophy governing approval of nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-505 | Purposes of commission approval of nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-510 | Approval of initial (new) in-state nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-511 | Accreditation requirements for all nursing education programs located in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-512 | Standards and evaluation of nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-513 | Reporting and recordkeeping requirements for nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-514 | Purpose and outcomes for approved nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-516 | Organization and administration for all nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-517 | Nurse administrator qualification requirements in nursing education programs located in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-518 | Resources, facilities and services for approved nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-519 | Student requirements in all approved nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-521 | Additional student requirements for prelicensure registered nurse nursing education programs located in the state of Washington. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-522 | Additional student requirements for RN to BSN and graduate nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-523 | Faculty requirements for nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-524 | Degree requirements for faculty teaching in practical nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-526 | Degree requirements for nursing faculty teaching in prelicensure registered nurse or for RN to BSN education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-527 | Degree and licensing requirements for nursing faculty teaching in a nursing education program leading to licensure as an advanced registered nurse practitioner. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-528 | Degree requirements for nursing faculty teaching in a graduate nursing education program not leading to licensure as an advanced registered nurse practitioner. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-529 | Exceptions to nursing faculty degree requirements in prelicensure registered nurse nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-531 | Clinical and practice experiences for students in approved nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-532 | Faculty to student ratios for clinical and practice experience in nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-533 | Nursing preceptors, interdisciplinary preceptors, and proctors in clinical or practice settings for nursing students located in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-534 | Use of simulation for clinical experiences in LPN, RN, or RN to BSN nursing education programs located in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-536 | Dedicated education units for practical nurse or registered nurse nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-537 | Curriculum for approved nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-539 | Curriculum for practical nurse nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-541 | Curriculum for prelicensure registered nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-542 | Curriculum for registered nurse to bachelor's or master's in nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-543 | Curriculum for nursing education programs preparing students for licensure as advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNP). |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-544 | Curriculum for graduate nursing education programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-546 | Distance-learning nursing education course or courses offered by approved nursing programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-547 | Extended or satellite nursing campus of nursing education programs approved in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-549 | Internationally educated nurse program approval criteria for nursing education programs approved in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-551 | Internationally educated practical nurse program in an approved nursing education program. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-552 | Internationally educated registered nurse program in an approved nursing education program. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-553 | Innovation projects or program approach for approved nursing education programs located in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-554 | Ongoing evaluation and approval of nursing education programs located in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-556 | Ongoing approval, accreditation and commission reviews. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-557 | Commission action following commission site visit, complaint investigation, or national accreditation visits of nursing education programs located in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-558 | Denial, statement of deficiencies, conditional approval or withdrawal of approval of nursing education programs located in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-559 | Closing of an approved nursing education program located in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-561 | Reinstatement of approval for nursing programs located in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-562 | Appeal of commission decisions. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-563 | Criteria for approval of LPN and RN refresher course program located in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-564 | Curriculum for LPN nurse refresher course. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-566 | Curriculum for registered nurse refresher course. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-567 | Refresher course program for advanced registered nurse practice nurses. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-568 | Criteria for approval of refresher course program located outside Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-569 | Commission action regarding refresher course programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-571 | Out-of-state distance learning nursing program approval for practice experiences in Washington state. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-581 | Early remediation program purpose. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-582 | Early remediation program definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-583 | Early remediation program criteria. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-700 | Standards of nursing conduct or practice. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-705 | Functions of a registered nurse and a licensed practical nurse. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-710 | Violations of standards of nursing conduct or practice. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-720 | Mitigating circumstances. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-730 | Mandatory reporting. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-740 | Sexual misconduct prohibited. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-745 | Adjudicative proceedings. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-747 | Appearance and practice before agency—Standards of ethical conduct. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-750 | Philosophy governing voluntary substance use monitoring programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-760 | Definitions of terms used in WAC 246-840-750 through 246-840-790. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-770 | Approval of substance use monitoring programs. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-780 | Conditions for participants entering the approved substance use monitoring program. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-790 | Substance use disorder monitoring stipend program. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-800 | Scope of practice—Advisory opinions. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-810 | Provision for continuity of drug therapy for residents. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-820 | Provision for clean, intermittent catheterization in schools. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-830 | Determination and pronouncement of death by a licensed registered nurse. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-835 | Nurse delegation—Blood glucose monitoring and testing in settings other than community-based and in-home care. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-840 | Nursing technician. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-850 | Use of nomenclature. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-860 | Nursing technician criteria. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-870 | Functions of the nursing technician. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-880 | Functions of the registered nurse supervising the nursing technician. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-890 | Functions of the employing facility. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-900 | Functions of the nursing program. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-905 | How to register as a nursing technician. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-910 | Purpose. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-920 | Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-930 | Criteria for delegation. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-935 | Nurse delegation—Blood glucose monitoring and testing in community-based and in-home care settings. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-940 | Washington state board of nursing community-based and in-home care setting delegation decision tree. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-950 | How to make changes to the delegated tasks. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-960 | Rescinding delegation. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-970 | Accountability, liability, and coercion. |
HTMLPDF | 246-840-990 | Fees and renewal cycle. |