HTMLPDF | 246-247-001 | Purpose. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-002 | Authority. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-010 | Applicability. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-020 | Exemptions. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-030 | Definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-035 | National standards adopted by reference for sources of radionuclide emissions. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-040 | General standards. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-060 | Applications, registration and licensing. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-065 | Fees. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-075 | Monitoring, testing, and quality assurance. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-080 | Inspections, reporting, and recordkeeping. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-085 | Compliance determination for existing emission units and facilities. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-100 | Enforcement actions. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-110 | Appendix A—Application information requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-120 | Appendix B—BARCT compliance demonstration. |
HTMLPDF | 246-247-130 | Appendix C—ALARACT compliance demonstration. |