HTMLPDF | 220-450-010 | Criteria for planting aquatic plants and releasing wildlife. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-020 | Revocation, modification, or suspension of a permit to hold wild animals, wild birds, or game fish in captivity. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-030 | Live wildlife—Taking from the wild, importation, possession, transfer, and holding in captivity. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-040 | Live wildlife—Facility, fencing, and marking requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-050 | Sale of fish and wildlife by zoos and aquariums. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-060 | Definitions—Wildlife rehabilitation permits. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-070 | Wildlife rehabilitation permits—Requirements and restrictions. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-080 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Responsibilities of primary permittees and subpermittees. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-090 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Permit modification, suspension, or revocation. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-100 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Facility requirements and inspections—On- and off-site care. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-110 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Releasing wildlife. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-120 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Veterinary care. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-130 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Records retention and reporting requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-140 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Falconers assisting with raptor rehabilitation. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-150 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Transfer, import, and export of wildlife and restrictions. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-160 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Possession of dead wildlife and wildlife parts. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-170 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Disposition of nonreleasable and over-habituated, mal-imprinted, or tamed wildlife and live retention for foster and education. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-180 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Euthanizing wildlife. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-190 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Disposing of wildlife remains. |
HTMLPDF | 220-450-200 | Wildlife rehabilitation—Commercial uses. |