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Chapter 434-624 WAC

Last Update: 7/16/24


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF434-624-020Committee officers—Duties.
HTMLPDF434-624-030General powers of the committee.
HTMLPDF434-624-040General duties of the committee.
HTMLPDF434-624-050Committee meetings.



A representative appointed by the state auditor, the state archivist, a representative appointed by the attorney general and a representative appointed by the director of the office of financial management shall constitute a committee to be known as the state records committee.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 40.14.020. WSR 24-15-059, § 434-624-010, filed 7/16/24, effective 8/16/24. Statutory Authority: Chapter 40.14 RCW. WSR 93-04-001, § 434-624-010, filed 1/21/93, effective 2/21/93.]


Committee officersDuties.

The representative of the state auditor shall be ex officio chairperson of the state records committee. The representative appointed by the attorney general shall be vice chairperson. The state archivist shall act as secretary and shall be responsible for the proper recording of its proceedings.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 40.14.020. WSR 24-15-059, § 434-624-020, filed 7/16/24, effective 8/16/24. Statutory Authority: Chapter 40.14 RCW. WSR 93-04-001, § 434-624-020, filed 1/21/93, effective 2/21/93.]


General powers of the committee.

The state records committee may adopt appropriate procedures for records disposition authorization, scheduling, and other matters relating to the retention, preservation, or destruction of public records of state agencies; may exercise such further powers as are granted by chapter 40.14 RCW or by any other statute.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 40.14 RCW. WSR 93-04-001, § 434-624-030, filed 1/21/93, effective 2/21/93.]


General duties of the committee.

The committee shall review records retention and disposition schedules submitted to it for authorization and may veto, approve, or amend the schedule or any or all records series contained therein. Approval of a schedule or amended schedule shall be by majority vote of the state records committee members.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 40.14 RCW. WSR 93-04-001, § 434-624-040, filed 1/21/93, effective 2/21/93.]


Committee meetings.

The state records committee shall meet in open session at least quarterly to consider all business relevant to the duties of the committee, at the office of the state archivist, Olympia, Washington.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 40.14.020. WSR 12-06-053, § 434-624-050, filed 3/5/12, effective 4/5/12. Statutory Authority: Chapter 40.14 RCW. WSR 93-04-001, § 434-624-050, filed 1/21/93, effective 2/21/93.]