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434-324-095  <<  434-324-103 >>   434-324-104

PDFWAC 434-324-103

Verification notices.

A verification notice must be sent when a voter registration application does not contain all the minimum information required in RCW 29A.08.010. The notice must be sent by first-class forwardable mail and must include a response form that:
(1) Is preaddressed and postage paid or is accompanied by a preaddressed and postage paid return envelope.
(2) Requests that the applicant provide the missing information only.
(3) Requests that the applicant provide the missing information within 45 days from the date the verification notice was mailed.
If the applicant does not respond by the 45 day deadline, the voter registration application is considered void.
(4) The county auditor shall mail a verification notice to a primary-only voter, as defined in WAC 434-232-010, no earlier than 90 days before the primary that they are eligible to participate in.
(5) The county auditor shall not mail a verification notice to a participant in the future voter program established under RCW 29A.08.170 until the participant becomes a registered voter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 29A.04.611. WSR 22-10-041, § 434-324-103, filed 4/27/22, effective 5/28/22; WSR 20-13-043, § 434-324-103, filed 6/10/20, effective 7/11/20. Statutory Authority: RCW 29A.04.611 and 29A.04.620. WSR 16-13-063, § 434-324-103, filed 6/13/16, effective 7/14/16.]
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