Chapter 85.08 RCW



HTMLPDF 85.08.010Definitions.
HTMLPDF 85.08.015Certain powers and rights governed by chapter 85.38 RCW.
HTMLPDF 85.08.025Voting rights.
HTMLPDF 85.08.190Eminent domainConsolidation of actions.
HTMLPDF 85.08.200Verdict to fix damages and benefitsJudgment.
HTMLPDF 85.08.210Warrant for damages.
HTMLPDF 85.08.220Construction to be directed, when.
HTMLPDF 85.08.230Levy for preliminary expensesCollection"Preliminary expenses" defined.
HTMLPDF 85.08.285Special assessment bonds.
HTMLPDF 85.08.300SupervisorsElectionDuties.
HTMLPDF 85.08.305SupervisorsTerms of officeCounty engineer to act as supervisor.
HTMLPDF 85.08.310Construction of improvementsContracts with United States.
HTMLPDF 85.08.320Compensation and expenses of officers and employeesCosts paid by voucher, payroll, or warrant.
HTMLPDF 85.08.340Crossing roads or public utilitiesProcedureCosts.
HTMLPDF 85.08.360Total costsApportionmentBoard of appraisers.
HTMLPDF 85.08.370Benefits to public roads, sewer systemsApportionment of cost against city, county and state.
HTMLPDF 85.08.375Benefits to state landsApportionment of costs.
HTMLPDF 85.08.380Benefits to and protection from irrigation system.
HTMLPDF 85.08.385Drainage ditches along highway, etc.
HTMLPDF 85.08.390Schedule of property and benefitsFiling.
HTMLPDF 85.08.400Hearing on scheduleNoticeLevy of assessmentState lands.
HTMLPDF 85.08.410Schedule approved or modifiedMaintenance assessment.
HTMLPDF 85.08.420Assessment rollFormNoticePublication.
HTMLPDF 85.08.430Payment of assessmentsInterestLien.
HTMLPDF 85.08.440Appeal from apportionmentProcedureAppellate review.
HTMLPDF 85.08.450Regularity and validity of proceedings conclusive.
HTMLPDF 85.08.460District liable on judgmentsSupplemental levy.
HTMLPDF 85.08.470District funds.
HTMLPDF 85.08.480Collection of assessmentsCertificates of delinquencyForeclosure.
HTMLPDF 85.08.490Title acquired at saleForeclosure for general taxesLien of assessments preserved.
HTMLPDF 85.08.500Resale or lease by countyDisposition of proceedsTax statements.
HTMLPDF 85.08.510Invalid levyReassessment.
HTMLPDF 85.08.520Supplemental assessments.
HTMLPDF 85.08.530Levies against county, city or town, how paid.
HTMLPDF 85.08.540Abandonment or change in systemSubdistricts.
HTMLPDF 85.08.560Extension of existing systemApportionment of cost.
HTMLPDF 85.08.565Special assessmentsBudgetsAlternative methods.
HTMLPDF 85.08.570Districts in two or more countiesNoticeHearings.
HTMLPDF 85.08.630Waters developedDefinedDisposal of.
HTMLPDF 85.08.640Waters developedContracts for use and sale.
HTMLPDF 85.08.650Waters developedApplication for use.
HTMLPDF 85.08.660Waters developedNotice of hearingForm of applicationBond.
HTMLPDF 85.08.670Prosecuting attorneyDuties.
HTMLPDF 85.08.680Rules and regulations.
HTMLPDF 85.08.690Penalty for injury to or interference with improvement.
HTMLPDF 85.08.820Drainage bonds owned by stateCancellation of interest and assessmentsLevy omitted.
HTMLPDF 85.08.830Merger of improvement district with irrigation districtAuthorized.
HTMLPDF 85.08.840Merger of improvement district with irrigation districtJurisdiction to hear, supervise, and conduct proceedingsClerk, notice, records.
HTMLPDF 85.08.850Merger of improvement district with irrigation districtPetitionSigningPresentation.
HTMLPDF 85.08.860Merger of improvement district with irrigation districtAssent by irrigation districtElection, order, notice.
HTMLPDF 85.08.870Merger of improvement district with irrigation districtNotice, contentsElection, ballots.
HTMLPDF 85.08.880Merger of improvement district with irrigation districtProceedings and costs on approval or disapproval.
HTMLPDF 85.08.890Merger of improvement district with irrigation districtPrior indebtedness.
HTMLPDF 85.08.895Annexation of territoryConsolidation of special districtsSuspension of operationsReactivation.
HTMLPDF 85.08.900Alternative methods of formation of improvement districts.
HTMLPDF 85.08.905Sewerage improvement districtsPowers.
HTMLPDF 85.08.910Sewerage improvement districts located in counties with populations of from forty thousand to less than seventy thousand become water-sewer districts.
HTMLPDF 85.08.920Sewerage improvement districts operating as sewer districts become water-sewer districtsProcedure.


Reviser's note: Chapter 85.08 RCW is almost entirely composed of chapter 176, Laws of 1913, the basic drainage improvement district act, as it has been amended and added to by subsequent legislation. Chapter 130, Laws of 1917 and chapter 157, Laws of 1921 are primarily express amendments to such basic act, however, also contained in such acts were several sections not expressly amendatory of the basic act but which are in pari materia therewith; therefore, such other sections are also codified in this chapter. Further, RCW 85.08.820 contains an independent session law which is in pari materia and so closely connected with the subject matter of this chapter that it has been codified herein. Thus, throughout chapter 85.08 RCW the term "this act" has been translated to read "this chapter" unless because of peculiar circumstances other treatment is required in which case it is specially noted.
Repeal and saving (1913 c 176 s 39): "Sec. 39. Chapter LXVI of the Laws of 1901 is hereby repealed, saving and excepting, however, that the provisions of said act shall continue in force and effect and shall be applicable to and shall govern all proceedings, rights and powers, in the case of ditches already contracted for, or under construction under said act, and in the case of the maintenance of the same for the current year 1913; and the method of supervision, construction, payment for the work, apportionment of costs, and assessment and collection thereof, delinquency and foreclosing thereof and penalties therefor, and all other proceedings in regard to the same, shall be as in said chapter LXVI of Laws of 1901 prescribed: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That with the consent of the holders of warrants heretofore issued or hereafter issued for work already begun or contracted for under said act, or with the consent of the contractor engaged in constructing any ditch or drainage system under said act, the provisions of this act in regard to the funding of such warrants with bonds, or the payment for work with bonds and the issuance and sale thereof, and all provisions in regard to such issuing of bonds, shall be applicable to such outstanding warrants or work already begun or contracts let for work. And in such event and to the extent of the costs so acquiesced in by warrant holders or contractors, all the provisions of this act in regard to the method of payment, form, issuing and sale, of bonds and warrants, extension of the assessment over a term of years, collecting, delinquency, interest and foreclosure of the assessments, and all other proceedings in regard thereto shall be as in this act provided. In such event the county commissioners shall prescribe the method and time of payment of the assessments and whether bonds shall be issued and perform any other proper act in regard to the same, at a special meeting called for that purpose, or at the hearing on the apportionment of costs provided for in section 30 hereof.
PROVIDED, ALSO, That in case any of the provisions of this act shall be applied to any proceedings in regard to any ditch begun under said chapter LXVI of the Laws of 1901 and the same shall be held not to be legally applicable thereto by a court of competent jurisdiction, then appropriate and proper proceedings for the performance of said acts or duties shall be had and done in regard thereto, as in said chapter LXVI of the Laws of 1901 provided. And from the time any such drainage district organized and existing under the provisions of said chapter LXVI of the Laws of 1901, shall be brought under the provisions of this act, said district shall be known and designated in all proceedings and records relating thereto, as Drainage Improvement District No. . . . . of . . . . . . County, retaining its original serial number.
Nothing in this act contained shall be construed as in anywise modifying or repealing any of the provisions of chapter CXV of the Laws of 1895, or the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, or affecting any proceeding heretofore or that may hereafter be had under the provisions of said act."
Applicability of prior laws (1913 c 176 s 40): "Sec. 40. Except as specified in the foregoing section, all of the provisions of this act, instead of said chapter LXVI of the Laws of 1901, shall be applicable to and shall govern and be the law in all respects, in regard to all ditches and drainage systems now existing, initiated or applied for under said chapter LXVI of the Laws of 1901, and all powers hereby vested in or granted to all boards and officers under this act shall be vested in such boards and officers that shall hereafter have charge of the work, or administering of the affairs of such ditches and drainage systems, and the districts in which they lie."
Severability (1913 c 176 s 41): "Sec. 41. An adjudication that any section, paragraph, or portion of this act, or any provision thereof, or proceeding provided for therein, is unconstitutional or invalid shall not affect or determine the constitutionality, or validity, of this act as a whole or of any other portion or provisions thereof, and all provisions of this act not adjudicated to be unconstitutional shall be and remain in full force and effect and shall be operative until specifically adjudicated to be unconstitutional or invalid."
Dissolution of inactive special purpose districts: Chapter 36.96 RCW.
Local governmental organizations, actions affecting boundaries, etc., review by boundary review boards: Chapter 36.93 RCW.
Special district creation and operation: Chapter 85.38 RCW.