Chapter 8.12 RCW



HTMLPDF 8.12.005Condemnation final actionsNotice requirements.
HTMLPDF 8.12.010"City" defined.
HTMLPDF 8.12.020Other terms defined.
HTMLPDF 8.12.030Condemnation authorizedPurposes enumerated.
HTMLPDF 8.12.040Ordinance to specify method of paymentLimitations.
HTMLPDF 8.12.050Petition for condemnation.
HTMLPDF 8.12.060Contents of petition.
HTMLPDF 8.12.070SummonsService.
HTMLPDF 8.12.080Service when state or county lands are involved.
HTMLPDF 8.12.090Waiver of juryAdjudication of public useProcedure.
HTMLPDF 8.12.100TrialJuryRight to separate juries.
HTMLPDF 8.12.120Interested party may be brought in.
HTMLPDF 8.12.130Jury may view premises.
HTMLPDF 8.12.140Damages to buildingMeasure.
HTMLPDF 8.12.150Separate findings where there are several interestsInterpleader of adverse claimants.
HTMLPDF 8.12.160VerdictNew trialContinuanceNew summons.
HTMLPDF 8.12.170Change of ownershipPowers of court.
HTMLPDF 8.12.190Findings by jury.
HTMLPDF 8.12.200JudgmentAppellate reviewPayment of award into court.
HTMLPDF 8.12.210Title vests upon payment.
HTMLPDF 8.12.220Payment from general fund.
HTMLPDF 8.12.230Payment by special assessment.
HTMLPDF 8.12.240Petition for assessmentAppointment of commissioners.
HTMLPDF 8.12.250Advancement from general funds against assessments.
HTMLPDF 8.12.260Appointment of board of eminent domain commissionersTerms of office.
HTMLPDF 8.12.270Oath of commissionersCompensation.
HTMLPDF 8.12.280Duties of commissionersAssessment of benefitsApportionment.
HTMLPDF 8.12.290Assessment roll.
HTMLPDF 8.12.300Hearing on assessment rollNotice.
HTMLPDF 8.12.310Proof of service.
HTMLPDF 8.12.320Continuance of hearing.
HTMLPDF 8.12.330Objections to assessment roll.
HTMLPDF 8.12.340Modification of assessment.
HTMLPDF 8.12.350Judgment, effectLien.
HTMLPDF 8.12.360Certification of roll to treasurer.
HTMLPDF 8.12.370Treasurer's notice to pay when assessments immediately payable.
HTMLPDF 8.12.380Notice by mailPenalty for default.
HTMLPDF 8.12.390Bonds authorized.
HTMLPDF 8.12.400MaturityInterestPayment.
HTMLPDF 8.12.410SaleApplication of proceeds.
HTMLPDF 8.12.420Installment payment of assessments.
HTMLPDF 8.12.430Notice to payDue date of installmentsPenaltyInterest.
HTMLPDF 8.12.440Bond owner may enforce collection.
HTMLPDF 8.12.450Bondholder's remedy limited to assessments.
HTMLPDF 8.12.460Payment of bondsCallNotice.
HTMLPDF 8.12.470Enforcement of collectionInterest on delinquency.
HTMLPDF 8.12.480Assessment fund to be kept separate.
HTMLPDF 8.12.490Record of payment and redemption.
HTMLPDF 8.12.500Liability of treasurer.
HTMLPDF 8.12.510Reassessment.
HTMLPDF 8.12.520Lien of assessmentEnforcement by civil action.
HTMLPDF 8.12.530Discontinuance of proceedings.
HTMLPDF 8.12.540Subsequent compensation for property taken or damaged.
HTMLPDF 8.12.550Regrade assessments.
HTMLPDF 8.12.560Construction as to second-class cities.


Additional provisions relating to eminent domain proceedings: Chapter 8.25 RCW.
Appointment of guardian ad litem for minors, incapacitated persons: RCW 8.25.270.
Auditoriums, art museums, swimming pools, athletic and recreational fields: RCW 35.21.020.
Cemetery districts: RCW 68.52.200.
City-owned electric power and light companyLimitation on right of eminent domain: RCW 35.84.030.
Code city: RCW 35A.64.200.
Condemnation of blighted property: Chapter 35.80A RCW.
Easements over public land: Chapter 79.36 RCW.
Electric energy facilities: RCW 35.84.020.
FerriesAuthority to acquire and maintain: RCW 35.21.110.
First-class cities: RCW 35.22.280(6).
Housing authority: RCW 35.82.070, 35.82.110.
Limited access facilities: RCW 47.52.050.
Local improvements
filling and draining lowlandsWaterwaysDamages: RCW 35.56.050.
filling lowlandsDamages: RCW 35.55.040.
generally: Chapters 35.43 through 35.56 RCW.
Metropolitan municipal corporations: RCW 35.58.320.
Metropolitan park districtsPark commissioner's authority generally: RCW 35.61.130.
Military purposes: RCW 8.04.170.
Multi-purpose community centersPowers of condemnation: RCW 35.59.050.
Municipal airports
acquisition of real property: RCW 14.08.030.
joint condemnation proceedings: RCW 14.08.200.
Off-street parking facilities: RCW 35.86.030.
Parking commission: RCW 35.86A.080.
Parkways, park drives, and boulevards: RCW 35.21.190.
Relocation assistance: Chapter 8.26 RCW.
Second-class cities: RCW 35.23.311, 35.23.440(45).
Sewerage systems: RCW 35.67.020.
Street railway extensions of municipal corporations: RCW 35.84.060.
generally: RCW 35.27.380.
off-street parking: RCW 35.27.570.
Watershed property, city in adjoining state may condemn: RCW 8.28.050.
Waterworks, authority to acquire and operate: RCW 35.92.010.


Condemnation final actionsNotice requirements.

Proceedings under this chapter are subject to the notice requirements of RCW 8.25.290. Compliance with RCW 8.25.290 is required before an action can be filed under this chapter.

"City" defined.

The term "city," when used in this chapter, means and includes every city and town and each unclassified city and town in the state of Washington.
[ 1915 c 154 s 20; RRS s 9272.]


Severability1915 c 154: "An adjudication of invalidity of any part of this act shall not affect the validity of the act as a whole or any part thereof." [ 1915 c 154 s 19; RRS s 9271.] This applies to RCW 8.12.010 through 8.12.560.

Other terms defined.

Whenever the word "person" is used in this chapter, the same shall be construed to include any company, corporation or association, the state or any county therein, and the words "city" or "town" wherever used, shall be construed to be either. Whenever the words "installment" or "installments" are used in this chapter, they shall be construed to include installment or installments of interest, as provided in RCW 8.12.420. Whenever the words "public markets" are used in this chapter and the public market is managed in whole or in part by a public corporation created by a city, the words shall be construed to include all real or personal property located in a district or area designated by a city as a public market and traditionally devoted to providing farmers, crafts vendors and other merchants with retail space to market their wares to the public. Property located in such a district or area need not be exclusively or primarily used for such traditional public market retail activities and may include property used for other public purposes including, but not limited to, the provision of human services and low-income or moderate-income housing.

Condemnation authorizedPurposes enumerated.

Every city and town and each unclassified city and town within the state of Washington, is hereby authorized and empowered to condemn land and property, including state, county and school lands and property for streets, avenues, alleys, highways, bridges, approaches, culverts, drains, ditches, public squares, public markets, city and town halls, jails and other public buildings, and for the opening and widening, widening and extending, altering and straightening of any street, avenue, alley or highway, and to damage any land or other property for any such purpose or for the purpose of making changes in the grade of any street, avenue, alley or highway, or for the construction of slopes or retaining walls for cuts and fills upon real property abutting on any street, avenue, alley or highway now ordered to be, or such as shall hereafter be ordered to be opened, extended, altered, straightened or graded, or for the purpose of draining swamps, marshes, tidelands, tide flats or ponds, or filling the same, within the limits of such city, and to condemn land or property, or to damage the same, either within or without the limits of such city for public parks, drives and boulevards, hospitals, pesthouses, drains and sewers, garbage crematories and destructors and dumping grounds for the destruction, deposit or burial of dead animals, manure, dung, rubbish, and other offal, and for aqueducts, reservoirs, pumping stations and other structures for conveying into and through such city a supply of fresh water, and for the purpose of protecting such supply of fresh water from pollution, and to condemn land and other property and damage the same for such and for any other public use after just compensation having been first made or paid into court for the owner in the manner prescribed by this chapter.

Ordinance to specify method of paymentLimitations.

When the corporate authorities of any such city shall desire to condemn land or other property, or damage the same, for any purpose authorized by this chapter, such city shall provide therefor by ordinance, and unless such ordinance shall provide that such improvement shall be paid for wholly or in part by special assessment upon property benefited, compensation therefor shall be made from any general funds of such city applicable thereto. If such ordinance shall provide that such improvement shall be paid for wholly or in part by special assessment upon property benefited, the proceedings for the making of such special assessment shall be as hereinafter prescribed, in this chapter: PROVIDED, That no special assessment shall be levied under authority of this chapter except when made for the purpose of streets, avenues, alleys, or highways or alterations thereof or changes of the grade therein or other improvements in or adjoining the same, or for bridges, approaches, culverts, sewers, drains, ditches, public squares, public playgrounds, public parks, drives or boulevards or for the purpose of draining swamps, marshes, tide flats, tidelands or ponds or for filling the same: AND IT IS FURTHER PROVIDED, That when a street, avenue, highway or boulevard is established or widened to a width greater than one hundred and fifty feet the excess over and above the one hundred and fifty feet shall be paid out of the general fund of such city without any deduction for benefits of such excess.

Petition for condemnation.

Whenever any such ordinance shall be passed by the legislative authority of any such city for the making of any improvement authorized by this chapter or any other improvement that such city is authorized to make, the making of which will require that property be taken or damaged for public use, such city shall file a petition in the superior court of the county in which such land is situated, in the name of the city, praying that just compensation, to be made for the property to be taken or damaged for the improvement or purpose specified in such ordinance, be ascertained by a jury or by the court in case a jury be waived.

Contents of petition.

Such petition shall contain a copy of said ordinance, certified by the clerk under the corporate seal, a reasonably accurate description of the lots, parcels of land and property which will be taken or damaged, and the names of the owners and occupants thereof and of persons having any interest therein, so far as known, to the officer filing the petition or appearing from the records in the office of the county auditor.
[ 1907 c 153 s 4; RRS s 9218. Prior: 1905 c 55 s 4; 1893 c 84 s 4.]


Upon the filing of the petition aforesaid a summons, returnable as summons in other civil actions, shall be issued and served upon the persons made parties defendant, together with a copy of the petition, as in other civil actions. And in case any of them are unknown or reside out of the state, a summons for publication shall issue and publication be made and return and proof thereof be made in the same manner as is or shall be provided by the laws of the state for service upon absent defendants in other civil actions. Notice so given by publication shall be sufficient to authorize the court to hear and determine the suit as though all parties had been sued by their proper names and had been personally served.
[ 1907 c 153 s 5; RRS s 9219. Prior: 1905 c 55 s 5; 1893 c 84 s 5.]


Commencement of actions: Chapter 4.28 RCW.
Publication of
legal notices: Chapter 65.16 RCW.
notice in eminent domain proceedings: RCW 4.28.120.

Service when state or county lands are involved.

In case the land, real estate, premises or other property sought to be appropriated or damaged is state, school or county land, the summons and copy of petition shall be served on the auditor of the county in which such land, real estate, premises or other property is situated. Service upon other parties defendant shall be made in the same manner as is or shall be provided by law for service of summons in other civil actions.
[ 1907 c 153 s 6; RRS s 9220. Prior: 1905 c 55 s 6; 1893 c 84 s 6.]


Service of process where state land is involved: RCW 8.28.010.

Waiver of juryAdjudication of public useProcedure.

In any proceedings under this chapter wherein a trial by jury is provided for, the jury may be waived as in other civil cases in courts of record in the manner prescribed by law, and the matter may be heard and determined without the intervention of a jury. Whenever an attempt is made to take private property, for a use alleged to be public under authority of this chapter, the question whether the contemplated use be really public shall be a judicial question and shall be determined as such by the court before inquiry is had into the question of compensation to be made. When a jury is required for the determination of any matter under this chapter, such jury may be the same jury summoned for the trial of ordinary civil actions before the court, or the court may, in its discretion, issue a venire to the sheriff to summon as jurors such number of qualified persons as the court shall deem sufficient. Except as herein otherwise provided, the practice and procedure under this chapter in the superior court and in relation to the taking of appeals and prosecution thereof, shall be the same as in other civil actions, but all appeals must be taken within thirty days from the date of rendition of the judgment appealed from. Proceedings under this chapter shall have precedence of all cases in court except criminal cases.
[ 1907 c 153 s 51; RRS s 9276. Prior: 1905 c 55 s 50; 1893 c 84 s 50. Formerly RCW 8.12.090, 8.12.110 and 8.12.200, part.]


Juries, civil actions: Chapters 2.36, 4.44 RCW.

TrialJuryRight to separate juries.

Upon the return of said summons, or as soon thereafter as the business of court will permit, the said court shall proceed to the hearing of such petition and shall impanel a jury to ascertain the just compensation to be paid for the property taken or damaged, but if any defendant or party in interest shall demand, and the court shall deem it proper, separate juries may be impaneled as to the compensation or damages to be paid to any one or more of such defendants or parties in interest.
[ 1907 c 153 s 7; RRS s 9221. Prior: 1905 c 55 s 7; 1893 c 84 s 7.]

Interested party may be brought in.

Such jury shall also ascertain the just compensation to be paid to any person claiming an interest in any lot, parcel of land, or property which may be taken or damaged by such improvement, whether or not such person's name or such lot, parcel of land, or other property is mentioned or described in such petition: PROVIDED, Such person shall first be admitted as a party defendant to said suit by such court and shall file a statement of his or her interest in and description of the lot, parcel of land, or other property in respect to which he or she claims compensation.


Rules of court: CR 17 through 25.

Jury may view premises.

The court may upon the motion of such city or of any defendant direct that said jury (under the charge of any officer of the court and accompanied by such person or persons as may be appointed by the court to point out the property sought to be taken or damaged) shall view the lands and property affected by said improvement.
[ 1907 c 153 s 9; RRS s 9223. Prior: 1905 c 55 s 9; 1893 c 84 s 9.]


View of premises by jury: RCW 4.44.270.

Damages to buildingMeasure.

If there be any building standing, in whole or in part, upon any land to be taken, the jury shall add to their finding of the value of the land taken the damages to said building. If the entire building is taken, or if the building is damaged, so that it cannot be readjusted to the premises, then the measure of damages shall be the fair market value of the building. If part of the building is taken or damaged and the building can be readjusted or replaced on the part of the land remaining, then the measure of damages shall be the cost of readjusting or moving the building, or the part thereof left, together with the depreciation in the market value of said building by reason of said readjustment or moving.

Separate findings where there are several interestsInterpleader of adverse claimants.

If the land and buildings belong to different parties, or if the title to the property be divided into different interests by lease or otherwise, the damages done to each of such interests may be separately found by the jury on the request of any party. In making such findings, the jury shall first find and set forth in their verdict the total amount of the damage to said land and buildings and all premises therein, estimating the same as an entire estate and as if the same were the sole property of one owner in fee simple; and they shall then apportion the damages so found among the several parties entitled to the same, in proportion to their several interests and claims and the damages sustained by them respectively, and set forth such apportionment in their verdict. No delay in ascertaining the amount of compensation shall be occasioned by any doubt or contest which may arise as to the ownership of the property, or any part thereof, or as to the extent of the interest of any defendant in the property to be taken or damaged, but in such case, the jury shall ascertain the entire compensation or damage that should be paid for the property and the entire interests of all the parties therein, and the court may thereafter require adverse claimants to interplead, so as to fully determine their rights and interests in the compensation so ascertained. And the court may make such order as may be necessary in regard to the deposit or payment of such compensation.
[ 1907 c 153 s 11; RRS s 9225.]


Rules of court: CR 54.

VerdictNew trialContinuanceNew summons.

Upon the return of the verdict the proceedings of the court regarding new trial and the entry of judgment thereon shall be the same as in other civil actions, and the judgment shall be such as the nature of the case shall require. The court shall continue or adjourn the case from time to time as to all occupants and owners named in such petition who shall not have been served with process or brought in by publication, and new summons may issue or new publication may be made at any time; and upon such occupants or owners being brought in, the court may impanel a jury to ascertain the compensation so to be made to such defendant or defendants for private property taken or damaged, and like proceedings shall be had for such purpose as herein provided.


Rules of court: CR 17 through 25, 54, 59.
Entry of judgment, civil actions: Chapter 4.64 RCW.
New trials, civil actions: Chapter 4.76 RCW.

Change of ownershipPowers of court.

The court shall have power at any time, upon proof that any such owner or owners named in such petition who has not been served with process has ceased to be such owner or owners since the filing of such petition, to impanel a jury and ascertain the just compensation to be made for the property (or the damage thereto) which has been owned by the person or persons so ceasing to own the same, and the court may upon any finding or findings of any jury or juries, or at any time during the course of such proceedings enter such order, rule, judgment or decree as the nature of the case may require.

Findings by jury.

When the ordinance providing for any such improvement provides that compensation therefor shall be paid in whole or in part by special assessment upon property benefited, the jury or court, as the case may be, shall find separately:
(1) The value of land taken at date of trial;
(2) The damages which will accrue to the part remaining because of its severance from the part taken, over and above any local or special benefits arising from the proposed improvement. No lot, block, tract or parcel of land found by the court or jury to be so damaged shall be assessed for any benefits arising from such taking only;
(3) The gross damages to any land or property not taken (other than damages to a remainder, by reason of its severance from the part taken), and in computing such gross damages shall not deduct any benefits from the proposed improvement. Such finding by the court or jury shall leave any lot, block, parcel or tract of land, or other property subject to assessment for its proportion of any and all local and special benefits accruing thereto by reason of said improvement.
When such ordinance does not provide for any assessment in whole or in part on property specially benefited, the compensation found for land or property taken or damaged shall be ascertained over and above any local or special benefits from the proposed improvement.
Such city or town may offset against any award of the jury or court for the taking or damaging of any lot, block, tract or parcel of land or other property, any general taxes or local assessments unpaid at the time such award is made. Such offset shall be made by deducting the amount of such unpaid taxes and assessments at the time of payment of the judgment or issuance of a warrant in payment of such judgment.

JudgmentAppellate reviewPayment of award into court.

Any final judgment or judgments rendered by said court upon any finding or findings of any jury or juries, or upon any finding or findings of the court in case a jury be waived, shall be lawful and sufficient condemnation of the land or property to be taken, or of the right to damage the same in the manner proposed, upon the payment of the amount of such findings and all costs which shall be taxed as in other civil cases, provided that in case any defendant recovers no damages, no costs shall be taxed. Such judgment or judgments shall be final and conclusive as to the damages caused by such improvement unless appellate review is sought, and review of the same shall not delay proceedings under said ordinance, if such city shall pay into court for the owners and parties interested, as directed by the court, the amount of the judgment and costs, and such city, after making such payment into court, shall be liable to such owner or owners or parties interested for the payment of any further compensation which may at any time be finally awarded to such parties seeking review of said proceeding, and his or her costs, and shall pay the same on the rendition of judgment therefor, and abide any rule or order of the court in relation to the matter in controversy. In case of review by the supreme court or the court of appeals of the state by any party to the proceedings the money so paid into the superior court by such city, as aforesaid, shall remain in the custody of said superior court until the final determination of the proceedings. If the owner of the land, real estate, premises, or other property accepts the sum awarded by the jury or the court, he or she shall be deemed thereby to have waived conclusively appellate review and final judgment may be rendered in the superior court as in other cases.
[ 2011 c 336 s 261; 1993 c 14 s 1; 1988 c 202 s 10; 1971 c 81 s 39; 1907 c 153 s 16; 1905 c 55 s 16; 1893 c 84 s 16; RRS s 9230. FORMER PART OF SECTION: 1907 c 153 s 51, part; RRS s 9276, part, now codified in RCW 8.12.090. Prior: 1905 c 55 s 50; 1893 c 84 s 50, part.]


Effective date1993 c 14: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately [April 12, 1993]." [ 1993 c 14 s 2.]
Severability1988 c 202: See note following RCW 2.24.050.

Title vests upon payment.

The court, upon proof that just compensation so found by the jury, or by the court in case the jury is waived, together with costs, has been paid to the person entitled thereto, or has been paid into court as directed by the court, shall enter an order that the city or town shall have the right at any time thereafter to take possession of or damage the property in respect to which such compensation shall have been so paid or paid into court as aforesaid, and thereupon, the title to any property so taken shall be vested in fee simple in such city or town.


Rules of court: CR 58.


Payment from general fund.

When the ordinance under which said improvement is ordered to be made shall not provide that such improvement shall be made wholly by special assessment upon property benefited, the whole amount of such damage and costs, or such part thereof as shall not be assessed upon property benefited shall be paid from the general fund of such city or town, and if sufficient funds therefor are not already provided, such city or town shall levy and collect a sufficient sum therefor as part of the general taxes of such city or town, or may contract indebtedness by the issuance of bonds or warrants therefor as in other cases of internal improvements.

Payment by special assessment.

When such ordinance under which said improvement shall be ordered, shall provide that such improvement shall be paid for, in whole or in part, by special assessment of property benefited thereby, the damages and costs awarded, or such part thereof as is to be paid by special assessment, shall be levied, assessed and collected in the manner hereinafter provided.

Petition for assessmentAppointment of commissioners.

Such city may file in the same proceeding a supplementary petition, praying the court that an assessment be made for the purpose of raising an amount necessary to pay the compensation and damages which may [be] or shall have been awarded for the property taken or damaged, with costs of the proceedings, or for such part thereof as the ordinance shall provide. The said court shall thereupon appoint three competent persons as commissioners to make such assessment, or if there be a board of eminent domain commissioners of such city, appointed under the provisions of this chapter, said proceeding for assessment shall be referred to said board. Said commissioners shall include in such assessment the compensation and damages which may [be] or shall have been awarded for the property taken or damaged, with all costs and expenses of the proceedings incurred to the time of their appointment, or to the time when said proceeding was referred to them, together with the probable further costs and expenses of the proceedings, including therein the estimated costs of making and collecting such assessment.

Advancement from general funds against assessments.

If any city or town shall desire to take possession of any property or do any damage or proceed with any improvement, the compensation for which is to be paid for in whole or in part by the proceeds of special assessment under this chapter, it may advance from its general funds, or any moneys available for the purpose, the amount of the assessments aforesaid, and pay the same to the owner or into court, as herein provided, reimbursing itself for moneys so advanced from the special assessments aforesaid. If there be no funds available for the purpose, such city may contract indebtedness for the purpose of raising funds therefor, which indebtedness shall be contracted and such proceedings taken therefor as is provided by law for indebtedness contracted for other internal improvements.


Contracting indebtedness by city: Titles 35, 39 RCW.


Appointment of board of eminent domain commissionersTerms of office.

At any time after June 11, 1907, any such city may petition the superior court of the county in which said city is situated, that a board of eminent domain commissioners be appointed to make assessments in all condemnation proceedings instituted by such city. Said superior court shall thereupon, by order duly entered in its records, appoint three competent persons as commissioners who shall be known as and who shall constitute the "board of eminent domain commissioners of the city of . . . .," and who shall thereafter make assessments in all condemnation proceedings instituted by such city. The order of the court shall provide that one of the members of such board shall serve for one year, one for two years, and one for three years, from the date of their appointment and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Annually thereafter, said superior court shall appoint one such person as such commissioner, whose term shall begin on the same day of the month on which the first order of appointment was made and continue for three years thereafter and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. If any commissioner shall be disqualified in any proceeding by reason of interest, or for any other reason, said superior court shall appoint some other competent person to act in his or her place in such proceeding.

Oath of commissionersCompensation.

All commissioners, before entering upon their duties, shall take and subscribe an oath that they will faithfully perform the duties of the office to which they are appointed, and will to the best of their abilities make true and impartial assessments according to law. Every commissioner shall receive compensation at the rate of ten dollars per day for each day actually spent in making the assessment herein provided for: PROVIDED, That in any city of the first class the superior court of the county in which said city is situated may, by order duly entered in its record, fix the compensation of each commissioner in an amount in no case to exceed twenty-five dollars per day for each day actually spent in making the assessment herein provided for. Each commissioner shall file in the proceeding in which he or she has made such assessment his or her account, stating the number of days he or she has actually spent in said proceeding, and upon the approval of said account by the judge before whom the proceeding is pending, the comptroller or city clerk of such city shall issue a warrant in the amount approved by the judge upon the special fund created to pay the awards and costs of said proceeding, and the fees of such commissioner so paid shall be included in the cost and expense of such proceedings. In case such commissioners are, during the same period, or parts thereof, engaged in making assessments in different proceedings, in rendering their accounts they shall apportion them to the different proceedings in proportion to the amount of time, actually spent by them on the assessment in each proceeding.
[ 2011 c 336 s 263; 1947 c 139 s 1; 1929 c 87 s 1; 1915 c 154 s 2; 1907 c 153 s 22; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 9236. Prior: 1905 c 55 s 22, part; 1893 c 84 s 22, part.]

Duties of commissionersAssessment of benefitsApportionment.

It shall be the duty of such commissioners to examine the locality where the improvement is proposed to be made and the property which will be especially benefited thereby, and to estimate what proportion, if any, of the total cost of such improvement will be a benefit to the public, and what proportion thereof will be a benefit to the property to be benefited, and apportion the same between the city and such property so that each shall bear its relative equitable proportion, and having found said amounts, to apportion and assess the amount so found to be a benefit to the property upon the several lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land, or other property in the proportion in which they will be severally benefited by such improvement: PROVIDED, That the legislative body of the city may in the ordinance initiating any such improvement establish an assessment district and said district when so established shall be deemed to include all the lands or other property especially benefited by the proposed improvement, and the limits of said district when so fixed shall be binding and conclusive on the said commissioners: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That no property shall be assessed a greater amount than it will be actually benefited. That all leasehold rights and interests of private persons, firms or corporations in or to harbor areas located within the corporate limits of any incorporated city or town are for the purpose of assessment for the payment of the awards, interest and costs of any improvement authorized by this chapter, declared to be real property, and all such leasehold rights and interests may be assessed and reassessed in accordance with the special benefits received for the purpose of paying the cost of any such improvement heretofore made or which may hereafter be made in accordance with law.
[ 1915 c 154 s 3; 1909 c 211 s 1; 1907 c 153 s 23; RRS s 9237. Prior: 1905 c 55 s 22, part; 1893 c 84 s 22, part.]

Assessment roll.

Such commissioners in each proceeding shall also make or cause to be made an assessment roll in which shall appear the names of the owners, so far as known, the description of each lot, block, tract or parcel of land or other property and the amounts assessed as special benefits thereto, and in which they shall set down as against the city the amount they shall have found as public benefit, if any, and certify such assessment roll to the court before which said proceeding is pending, within sixty days after their appointment or after the date of the order referring said proceeding to them, or within such extension of said period as shall be allowed by the court.

Hearing on assessment rollNotice.

After the return of such assessment roll, the court shall make an order setting a time for the hearing thereof before the court, which day shall be at least twenty days after return of the roll. It shall be the duty of the commissioners to give notice of the assessment and of the day fixed by the court for the hearing thereof in the following manner:
(1) They shall at least twenty days prior to the date fixed for the hearing on the roll, mail to each owner of the property assessed, whose name and address is known to them, a notice substantially in the following form:
"Title of Cause. To  . . . .: Pursuant to an order of the superior court of the State of Washington, in and for the county of  . . . . . ., there will be a hearing in the above entitled cause on  . . . . . . at  . . . . . . upon the assessment roll prepared by the commissioners heretofore appointed by said court to assess the property specially benefited by the (here describe nature of improvement); and you are hereby required if you desire to make any objections to the assessment roll, to file your objections to the same before the date herein fixed for the hearing upon the roll, a description of your property and the amount assessed against it for the aforesaid improvement is as follows: (Description of property and amount assessed against it.)
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
(2) They shall cause at least twenty days' notice to be given by posting notice of the hearing on the assessment roll in at least three public places in the city, one of which shall be in the neighborhood of the proposed improvement, and by publishing the same at least for two successive weeks in the official newspaper of the city. The notice so required to be posted and published, may be substantially as follows:
"Title of Cause. Special assessment notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that an assessment roll has been filed in the above entitled cause providing for the assessment upon the property benefited of the cost of (here insert brief description of improvement) and that the roll has been set down for hearing on the  . . . . day of  . . . . at  . . . . . . The boundaries of the assessment district are substantially as follows: (here insert an approximate description of the assessment district). All persons desiring to object to the assessment roll are required to file their objections before the date fixed for the hearing upon the roll, and appear on the day fixed for hearing before said court.
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

Proof of service.

On or before the final hearing, the affidavit of one or more of the commissioners shall be filed in said court, stating that they have sent, or caused to be sent, by mail, to the owners whose property has been assessed and whose names and addresses are known to them, the notice hereinbefore required to be sent by mail to the owners of the property assessed. They shall also cause to be filed the affidavit of the person who shall have posted the notice required by this chapter to be posted, setting forth when and in what manner the same was posted. Such affidavits shall be received as prima facie evidence of a compliance with this chapter in regard to giving such notices. They shall also file an affidavit of publication of such notice in like manner as is required in other cases of affidavits of publication of notice of [or] summons.

Continuance of hearing.

If twenty days shall not have elapsed between the first publication or the posting of such notices and the day set for hearing, the hearing shall be continued until such time as the court shall order. The court shall retain full jurisdiction of the matter, until final judgment on the assessments; and if the notice given shall prove invalid or insufficient the court shall order new notice to be given.

Objections to assessment roll.

Any person interested in any property assessed may without payment of any fee to the clerk of court file objections to such report at any time before the day set for hearing said roll. As to all property to the assessment of which objections are not filed as herein provided, default may be entered and the assessment confirmed by the court. On the hearing, the report of such commissioners shall be competent evidence and either party may introduce such other evidence as may tend to establish the right of the matter. The hearing shall be conducted as in other cases at law, tried by the court without a jury, and if it shall appear that the property of the objector is assessed more or less than it will be benefited or more or less than its proportionate share of the costs of the improvement, the court shall so find and also find the amount in which said property ought to be assessed, and the judgment shall be entered accordingly.
[ 1947 c 139 s 2; 1907 c 153 s 28; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 9242. Prior: 1905 c 55 ss 27, 28; 1893 c 84 ss 27, 28.]

Modification of assessment.

The court before which any such proceedings may be pending shall have authority at any time before final judgment to modify, alter, change, annul or confirm any assessment returned as aforesaid, or cause any such assessment to be recast by the same commissioners, whenever it shall be necessary for the obtainment of justice, or may appoint other commissioners in the place of all or any of the commissioners first appointed for the purpose of making such assessment or modifying, altering, changing or recasting the same, and may take all such proceedings and make all such orders as may be necessary to make a true and just assessment of the cost of such improvement according to the principles of this chapter, and may from time to time, as may be necessary, continue the application for that purpose as to the whole or any part of the premises.

Judgment, effectLien.

The judgment of the court shall have the effect of a separate judgment as to each tract or parcel of land or other property assessed, and any appeal from such judgment shall not invalidate or delay the judgment except as to the property concerning which the appeal is taken. Such judgment shall be a lien upon the property assessed from the date thereof until payment shall be made, and said lien shall be paramount and superior to any other lien or encumbrance whatsoever, theretofore or thereafter created, except a lien for assessments for general taxes.

Certification of roll to treasurer.

The clerk of the court in which such judgment is rendered shall certify a copy of the assessment roll and judgment to the treasurer of the city, or if there has been an appeal taken from any part of such judgment, then he or she shall certify such part of the roll and judgment as is not included in such appeal, and the remainder when final judgment is rendered: PROVIDED, That if upon such appeal, the judgment of the superior court shall be affirmed, the assessments on such property as to which appeal has been taken shall bear interest at the same rate and from the same date which other assessments not paid within the time hereafter provided shall bear. Such copy of the assessment roll shall describe the lots, blocks, tracts, parcels of land, or other property assessed, and the respective amounts assessed on each, and shall be sufficient warrant to the city treasurer to collect the assessment therein specified. In no case, however, shall a copy of such assessment roll and judgment be certified to the city treasurer unless and until the awards of the jury shall have first been accepted by the city council or other legislative body as provided by law, or the time for rejecting the same shall have expired.

Treasurer's notice to pay when assessments immediately payable.

Whenever the assessment for any such improvement shall be immediately payable, the owner of any such lot, tract, or parcel of land or other property so assessed may pay such entire assessment, or any part thereof, without interest, within thirty days after the notice of such assessment.
The city treasurer shall, as soon as the certified copy of the assessment roll has been placed in his or her hands for collection, publish a notice in the official newspaper of the city for two consecutive daily, or two consecutive weekly issues, and then by posting four notices thereof in public places along the line of the proposed improvement, that the said roll is in his or her hands for collection, and that any assessment thereon, or any part thereof, may be paid within thirty days from the date of the first publication or posting of said notice, without penalty, interest or costs, and if not so paid, the same shall thereupon become delinquent.

Notice by mailPenalty for default.

It shall be the duty of the city treasurer into whose hands such judgment and assessment roll shall come, to mail notices of such assessment to the persons whose names appear on the assessment roll, so far as the addresses of such persons are known to him or her. Any such treasurer omitting so to do, shall be liable to a penalty of five dollars for every such omission; but the validity of the special assessment shall not be affected by such omission. When any assessment or assessments are paid, it shall be the duty of the treasurer to write the word "paid" opposite the same together with the name and post office address of the person making the payment and the date of payment. The owner may annually notify the treasurer of his or her address and it shall be the duty of the treasurer to mail the notice above provided for to such address.


Bonds authorized.

The city council or other legislative body of any city may, in their discretion, provide by ordinance for the payment of the whole or any portion of the cost and expense of any local improvement authorized by law, by bonds of the improvement district, which bonds shall be issued and sold as herein provided.


Cities and towns: Title 35 RCW.
Public contracts and indebtedness: Title 39 RCW.


(1) Such bonds shall be issued only in pursuance of ordinances of the city directing the issuance of the same, and by their terms shall be made payable on or before a date not to exceed twelve years from and after their date, which latter date may be fixed by resolution or ordinance by council or other legislative body of said city and shall bear interest at such rate or rates as may be authorized by the council or other legislative body of said city, which interest shall be payable annually, or semiannually, as may be provided by resolution or ordinance: PROVIDED, That the legislative body of any city of the first class having a population of three hundred thousand inhabitants, or more, issuing any bonds hereunder may by ordinance, passed by unanimous vote, authorize the issuance of such bonds payable on or before a date not to exceed twenty-two years from and after the date of the issue of such bonds, and shall in such ordinance provide that said bonds shall be sold at not less than par and shall bear interest at such rate or rates as may be authorized by the legislative body.
Such bonds shall be in such denominations as shall be provided in the resolution or ordinance authorizing their issuance and shall be numbered from one upwards, consecutively, and each bond and any coupon shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the clerk or comptroller of such city: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That any coupons may in lieu of being so signed have printed thereon a facsimile of the signature of said officers and each bond shall have the seal of such city affixed thereto and shall refer to the improvement to pay for which the same shall be issued and to the ordinance authorizing the same. Each bond shall provide that the principal sum therein named, and the interest thereon, shall be payable out of the local improvement fund created for the payment of the cost and expense of such improvement, and not otherwise. Such bonds shall not be issued in any amount in excess of the cost and expense of the improvement. The bonds may be in any form, including bearer bonds or registered bonds as provided in RCW 39.46.030.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, such bonds may be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Purpose1970 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 39.52.020.
ValidationSavingSeverability1969 ex.s. c 232: See notes following RCW 39.52.020.

SaleApplication of proceeds.

(1) The bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter or any portion thereof may be sold by any authorized officer or officers of the city at not less than their par value and accrued interest, and the proceeds thereof shall be applied in payment of the awards, interest and costs of the improvement.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, such bonds may be sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

Installment payment of assessments.

In all cases where any city shall issue bonds as provided for in this chapter, the whole or any portion of the separate assessments for any such improvement may be paid during the thirty day period provided for in RCW 8.12.430, and thereafter the sum remaining unpaid may be paid in equal annual installments; the number of which installments shall be less by two than the number of years which the bonds issued to pay for the improvements may run, with interest upon the whole unpaid sum at the bond rate, and each year thereafter one of such installments, together with the interest due thereon and on all installments thereafter to become due, shall be collected in the same manner as shall be provided by law and the resolutions and ordinances of such city for the collection of assessments for such improvements in cases where no bonds are issued: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That whenever the legislative body of any city of the first class having a population of three hundred thousand inhabitants, or more, shall have, as provided in RCW 8.12.400, by unanimous vote determined that any bonds issued hereunder shall be payable in twenty-two years, such legislative body may by ordinance provide that the principal sum remaining unpaid after the thirty day period specified in RCW 8.12.430 may be paid in ten equal annual installments, beginning with the eleventh year and ending with the twentieth year after said thirty day period, together with interest upon the unpaid installments at the bond rate, and that in each year after the said thirty day period, to and including the tenth year thereafter, one installment of interest on the principal sum of said assessment shall be paid and collected, and that, beginning with the eleventh year after said thirty day period, one installment of the principal, together with the interest due thereon and on all installments thereafter to become due, shall be paid and collected in the same manner as shall be provided by law and the resolutions and ordinances of such city for the collection of assessments for such improvements in cases where no bonds are issued.
In all cases of improvements authorized in this chapter, where, at the time this chapter shall become effective, the notice by the city treasurer of the assessment for such improvement shall not have been published, the city council or other legislative body of such city may by ordinance or resolution provide for the issuance and sale of bonds for such improvement and for the payment of such assessments in installments.

Notice to payDue date of installmentsPenaltyInterest.

Whenever the assessment for any such improvement shall be payable in installments, the owner of any lot, tract, or parcel of land or other property charged with any such assessment may pay the assessment or any portion thereof, without interest, within thirty days after such notice of the assessment.
The city treasurer shall, as soon as the certified copy of the assessment roll has been placed in his or her hands for collection, publish a notice in the official newspaper of the city for two consecutive daily or two consecutive weekly issues, that the roll is in his or her hands for collection and that any assessment thereon or any portion of any such assessment may be paid at any time within thirty days from the date of the first publication of the notice without penalty, interest, or costs, and the unpaid balance, if any, may be paid in equal annual installments, or any such assessment may be paid at any time after the first thirty days following the date of the first publication of the notice by paying the entire unpaid portion thereof with all penalties and costs attached, together with all interest thereon to the date of delinquency of the first installment thereof next falling due.
The notice shall further state that the first installment of the assessment shall become due and payable during the thirty day period succeeding a date one year after the date of first publication of the notice, and annually thereafter each succeeding installment shall become due and payable in like manner.
If the whole or any portion of any assessment remains unpaid after the first thirty day period herein provided for, interest upon the whole unpaid sum shall be charged at the bond rate, and each year thereafter one of the installments, together with interest due upon the whole of the unpaid balance, shall be collected, except that where the assessment is payable in twenty years, installments of interest only shall be collected for the first ten years, as provided in RCW 8.12.420.
Any installment not paid prior to the expiration of the thirty day period during which the installment is due and payable, shall thereupon become delinquent. All delinquent installments shall be subject to a charge of five percent penalty levied upon both principal and interest due on the installments, and all delinquent installments, except installments of interest when the assessment is payable in twenty years, as provided in RCW 8.12.420, shall, until paid, be subject to a charge for interest at the bond rate.
The bonds herein provided for shall not be issued prior to twenty days after the expiration of the thirty days first above mentioned, but may be issued at any time thereafter. In all cases where any sum is paid as herein provided, the same shall be paid to the city treasurer, or to the officer whose duty it is to collect the assessments, and all sums so paid shall be applied solely to the payment of the awards, interest and costs of the improvements or the redemption of the bonds issued therefor.

Bond owner may enforce collection.

If the city shall fail, neglect, or refuse to pay said bonds or to promptly collect any such assessments when due, the owner of any such bonds may proceed in his or her own name to collect such assessment and foreclose the lien thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction, and shall in addition to the principal of such bonds and interest thereon, recover five percent of such sum, together with the costs of such suit. Any number of owners of such bonds for any single improvement may join as plaintiffs and any number of owners of the property on which the same are a lien may be joined as defendants in such suit.


Rules of court: CR 17 through 25.
Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

Bondholder's remedy limited to assessments.

Neither the holder nor owner of any bond issued under the authority of this chapter shall have any claim therefor against the city by which the same is issued, except from the special assessment made for the improvement for which such bond was issued, but his or her remedy in case of nonpayment, shall be confined to the enforcement of such assessments. A copy of this section shall be plainly written, printed, or engraved on each bond so issued.

Payment of bondsCallNotice.

The city treasurer shall pay the interest on the bonds authorized to be issued by this chapter out of the respective local improvement funds from which they are payable. Whenever there shall be sufficient money in any local improvement fund against which bonds have been issued under the provisions of this chapter, over and above sufficient for the payment of interest on all unpaid bonds, to pay the principal of one or more bonds, the treasurer shall call in and pay such bonds. The bonds shall be called in and paid in their numerical order, commencing with number one. The call shall be made by publication in the city official newspaper in its first publication following the delinquency of the installment of the assessment or as soon thereafter as is practicable, and shall state that bonds No. . . . . . (giving the serial numbers of the bonds called) will be paid on the day the next interest payments on the bonds shall become due, and interest on the bonds shall cease upon such date.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.


Enforcement of collectionInterest on delinquency.

Wherever any assessment or installment thereof shall become delinquent, the city treasurer shall enforce the collection thereof in the same manner as provided in chapter 9, Laws of 1933 [as codified in chapter 35.50 RCW], or such other laws as may be hereafter enacted for the foreclosure of delinquent local (physical) improvement assessments. All assessments or installments unpaid at the expiration of the time fixed herein for the payment of the same, shall bear interest at the rate of ten percent per annum, from said date until paid.

Assessment fund to be kept separate.

All moneys collected by the treasurer upon assessments under this chapter shall be kept as a separate fund and shall be used for no other purpose than the redemption of warrants or bonds drawn or issued against the fund.

Record of payment and redemption.

Whenever before the sale of any property the amount of any assessment thereon, with interest and costs accrued thereon, shall be paid to the treasurer, he or she shall thereupon mark the same paid, with the date of payment thereof on the assessment roll, and whenever after sale of any property for any assessments, the same shall be redeemed, he or she shall thereupon enter the same redeemed with the date of such redemption on such record. Such entry shall be made on the margin of the record opposite the description of such property.

Liability of treasurer.

If the treasurer shall receive any moneys for assessments, giving a receipt therefor, for any property and afterwards return the same as unpaid, or shall receive the same after making such return, and the same be sold for assessment which has been so paid and receipted for by himself or herself or his or her clerk or assistant, he or she and his or her bond shall be liable to the holder of the certificate given to the purchaser at the sale for the amount of the face of the certificate, and a penalty of fifteen percent additional thereto besides legal interest, to be demanded within two years from the date of the sale and recovered in any court having jurisdiction of the amount, and the city shall in no case be liable to the holder of such certificate.



If any assessment be annulled or set aside by any court, or be invalid for any cause, a new assessment may be made, and return and like notice given and proceedings had as herein required in relation to the first; and all parties in interest shall have the like rights, and the city council or other legislative body, and the superior court, shall perform the like duties and have like power in relation to any subsequent assessment as are hereby given in relation to the first assessment.

Lien of assessmentEnforcement by civil action.

All the assessments levied by any city under this chapter shall, from the date of the judgment confirming the assessment be a lien upon the real estate upon which the same may be imposed, and such lien shall continue until such assessments are paid; if any proceedings taken for the enforcement thereof, shall be held void or invalid, such city shall provide by ordinance for new proceedings and a new sale for the enforcement thereof in like manner as hereinbefore provided; and in addition to the remedy hereinbefore provided, any city may enforce such lien by civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction in like manner and with like effect as actions for the foreclosure of mortgage.


Foreclosure actions, real estate mortgages: Chapter 61.12 RCW.

Discontinuance of proceedings.

At any time within six months from the date of rendition of the last judgment awarding compensation for any such improvement in the superior court, or if appellate review is sought, then within two months after the final determination of the proceeding in the supreme court or the court of appeals, any such city may discontinue the proceedings by ordinance passed for that purpose before making payment or proceeding with the improvement by paying or depositing in court all taxable costs incurred by any parties to the proceedings up to the time of such discontinuance. Except as provided in RCW 8.25.290(3), if any such improvement be discontinued, no new proceedings shall be undertaken therefor until the expiration of one year from the date of such discontinuance.


Severability1988 c 202: See note following RCW 2.24.050.

Subsequent compensation for property taken or damaged.

If any city has heretofore taken or shall hereafter take possession of any land or other property, or has damaged or shall hereafter damage the same for any of the public purposes mentioned in this chapter, or for any other purpose within the authority of such city or town, without having made just compensation therefor, such city or town may cause such compensation to be ascertained and paid to the persons entitled thereto by proceedings taken in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, and the payment of such compensation and costs as shall be adjudged in favor of the persons entitled thereto in such proceedings shall be a defense to any other action for the taking or damaging of such property.

Regrade assessments.

If any street, avenue or alley, or the right to use and control the same for purposes of public travel, shall belong to any city and such city shall establish a grade therefor, which grade requires any cut or fill, damaging abutting property, the damages to arise from the making of such grade may be ascertained in the manner provided in this chapter, but such city may provide that the compensation to be made for such damage, together with the accruing costs, shall be added to the cost of the labor and material necessary for the grading thereof, and shall be paid by assessment upon the property within the local assessment district defined by law or the charter or ordinances of such city in the same manner and to the same extent as other expenses of such improvement are assessed and collected. In such cases it shall not be necessary to procure the appointment of commissioners to take the other proceedings herein provided for making such assessments, but all the proceedings for the assessment and collection of such damages and costs, shall, if so ordained by such city, be governed by the charter provisions, law or ordinances in force in such city for the assessment and collection of the costs of such improvements upon property locally benefited thereby: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That this section shall not apply to the original grading of such street, avenue or alley.

Construction as to second-class cities.

In so far as this chapter relates to cities of the second-class, this chapter shall not be deemed to be exclusive or as repealing or superseding any existing law relative to such cities, covering any subject covered by this chapter, but as to such cities, this chapter shall be construed as conferring additional powers and additional remedies, to those now provided by law.
[ 1907 c 153 s 56; RRS s 9279.]


Second-class cities, specific powers enumerated: RCW 35.23.440(45).