Title 23A RCW (Washington Business Corporation Act) to Title 23 RCW (Corporations And Associations (Profit))
Chapter 23.01 RCW (1933 c 185 as amended) which was repealed effective July 1, 1967, was based upon the Model Business Corporation Act promulgated in 1928 as the "Uniform Business Corporation Act" by the Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws which in 1943 was renamed "Model Business Corporation Act" and in 1957 was withdrawn. 1965 c 53 codified herein as Title 23A RCW, is based upon the Model Business Corporation Act prepared by the Committee on Corporate Laws (Section of Corporation, Banking, and Business Law) of the American Bar Association. While the general subject matter of the two acts is the same, the subordinate parts thereof are often dissimilar; thus the following table as it relates to chapter 23.01 RCW cannot in every instance pinpoint specific provisions but in such cases it is hoped it may be useful as a comparative guide for locating what are necessarily rather broad areas of subject matter. On the other hand, the resemblance between chapters 23A.32 and 23.52 RCW--Foreign corporation; chapters 23A.36 and 23.54 RCW--Nonadmitted organizations; and chapters 23A.40 and 23.60 RCW--Fees and charges, is fairly close and the table as it relates to such chapters is considerably more precise.