HTMLPDF | 182-12-108 | Purpose. |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-109 | Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-111 | Which entities and individuals are eligible for public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-113 | What are the obligations of a state agency in the application of employee eligibility? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-114 | How do employees establish eligibility for public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-116 | Who is eligible to participate in the salary reduction plan? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-123 | Is dual enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) and school employees benefits board (SEBB) prohibited? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-128 | When may an employee waive enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) medical and when may they enroll in PEBB medical after having waived enrollment? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-129 | What happens when an employee moves from an eligible to an otherwise ineligible position or job due to a layoff? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-131 | How do eligible employees maintain the employer contribution toward public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-133 | What options for continuation coverage are available to employees and their dependents during certain types of leave or when employment ends due to a layoff? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-136 | May employees on approved educational leave waive continuation coverage? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-138 | What options are available if an employee is approved for the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or the paid family and medical leave program? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-141 | If an employee reverts from an eligible position, what happens to their public employees benefits board (PEBB) insurance coverage? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-142 | What options for continuation coverage are available to faculty and seasonal employees who are between periods of eligibility? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-146 | When is an enrollee eligible to continue public employees benefits board (PEBB) benefits under Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-148 | What options for continuation coverage are available to employees during their appeal of dismissal? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-171 | When is a retiring employee or a retiring school employee eligible to enroll in public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-180 | When is an elected and full-time appointed official of the legislative and executive branch of state government, or their survivor eligible to continue enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-200 | May a retiring employee, a retiring school employee, or a retiree enrolled as a dependent in a health plan sponsored by public employees benefits board (PEBB) or school employees benefits board (SEBB) defer enrollment under PEBB retiree insurance coverage? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-205 | May a retiree or a survivor defer enrollment or voluntarily terminate enrollment under public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-207 | When can a retiree or an eligible dependent's public employees benefits board (PEBB) insurance coverage be terminated by the health care authority (HCA)? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-209 | Who is eligible for retiree term life insurance? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-211 | May an employee or a school employee who is determined to be retroactively eligible for disability retirement enroll or defer enrollment in public employees benefits board (PEBB) retiree insurance coverage? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-250 | Public employees benefits board (PEBB) insurance coverage eligibility for survivors of emergency service personnel killed in the line of duty. |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-260 | Who are eligible dependents? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-262 | When may subscribers enroll or remove eligible dependents? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-263 | National Medical Support Notice (NMSN). |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-265 | What options for continuing health plan enrollment are available to a surviving spouse, state registered domestic partner, or child, if an employee, a school employee, or a retiree dies? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-270 | What options for continuation coverage are available to dependents who cease to meet the eligibility criteria as described in WAC 182-12-260? |
HTMLPDF | 182-12-300 | Public employees benefits board (PEBB) wellness incentive program eligibility and procedural requirements. |