WAC 388-14A-3900
WSR Filing Number | Type of Filing | Date of Filing |
22-02-063 | Permanent Rule | 1/04/2022 |
21-22-071 | Proposal Original Notice | 10/29/2021 |
21-21-046 | Emergency Rule | 10/14/2021 |
21-13-094 | Emergency Rule | 6/18/2021 |
21-06-023 | Emergency Rule | 2/22/2021 |
21-05-011 | Emergency Rule | 2/04/2021 |
13-01-075 | Permanent Rule | 12/18/2012 |
12-21-026 | Proposal Original Notice | 10/09/2012 |
11-22-063 | Preproposal Statement of Inquiry Withdrawl | 10/31/2011 |
03-22-054 | Preproposal Statement of Inquiry | 10/31/2003 |
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