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Chapter 415-112 WAC

|Show DispositionsLast Update: 5/6/24


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF415-112-040Actuarial factors and schedules.
HTMLPDF415-112-119Purpose and scope of eligibility rules.
HTMLPDF415-112-120What is the definition of a "teacher"?
HTMLPDF415-112-122Am I eligible for TRS membership if I am an educational staff associate?
HTMLPDF415-112-125If I am eligible, how can I establish membership?
HTMLPDF415-112-130If I separate from, and then reenter employment, do I continue to participate in TRS?
HTMLPDF415-112-140Am I eligible for membership and service credit as a substitute teacher?
HTMLPDF415-112-145When does my status as a TRS member terminate?
HTMLPDF415-112-150May I waive my Plan 3 one percent retirement benefit?
HTMLPDF415-112-155If I work concurrently in a TRS position and PERS position, which system will I be in?
HTMLPDF415-112-156If I work concurrently in a TRS position and SERS position, which system will I be in?
HTMLPDF415-112-160Judicial benefit multiplier program teachers' retirement system Plan 1.
HTMLPDF415-112-240In TRS Plan 1, do I receive service credit for my first ninety days of service?
HTMLPDF415-112-250Will I receive service credit for leave with pay?
HTMLPDF415-112-255How do I purchase or restore Plan 1 service credit?
HTMLPDF415-112-256How do I purchase or restore Plan 2 or 3 service credit?
HTMLPDF415-112-270In TRS Plan 1, may I receive service credit for professional preparation?
HTMLPDF415-112-280Credit for teaching United States military personnel.
HTMLPDF415-112-290May I purchase Plan 1 service credit for out-of-state teaching?
HTMLPDF415-112-292May I purchase TRS Plan 2 or Plan 3 service credit for public education experience gained by teaching out-of-state or for the federal government?
HTMLPDF415-112-295May I use out-of-state teaching service credit to determine eligibility for retirement?
HTMLPDF415-112-300What types of service do not qualify for TRS service credit?
HTMLPDF415-112-330How does the department calculate service credit for TRS Plan 1 employees?
HTMLPDF415-112-332How does the department calculate service credit for Plan 2 and 3 members?
HTMLPDF415-112-335Calculating service credit for part-time community and technical college employees.
HTMLPDF415-112-400Purpose and scope of TRS earnable compensation rules.
HTMLPDF415-112-401What types of payments are considered earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-402What is earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-412Are nonmoney payments from my employer earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-413VehiclesDoes the value of my use of an employer vehicle qualify as earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-41301Are vehicle allowances earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-415Are cash-outs for annual leave and personal leave included in earnable compensation and/or average final compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-417Are cash-outs for sick leave included in earnable compensation and/or average final compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-430How is average final compensation calculated?
HTMLPDF415-112-432Do I qualify for the alternate computation of earnable compensation in RCW 41.32.345?
HTMLPDF415-112-434How is my earnable compensation adjusted if I meet the requirements in WAC 415-112-432 for two consecutive fiscal years?
HTMLPDF415-112-435How is earnable compensation adjusted for TRS Plan 1 members in extended school year programs?
HTMLPDF415-112-440May I withdraw my employee contributions?
HTMLPDF415-112-4601Are contract salary payments earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-4602Are bonuses for National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-4603Are performance bonuses earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-4604Is compensation applied toward cafeteria plans earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-4607Are retroactive salary increases earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-4608Is severance pay earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-4609Are payroll deductions earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-471Is compensation reported for legislative leave?
HTMLPDF415-112-473Is paid leave, which is not earned over time, earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-474Is compensation from shared leave earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-475Is the pay I receive from my employer when I am on union leave earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-477Are payments for reinstatement or payment instead of reinstatement earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-480Are fringe benefits earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-482Are disability insurance or workers' compensation payments earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-485Are payments that are outside my employer's legal authority earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-487Are optional payments considered earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-489Are reimbursements for business expenses earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-490Is a retirement bonus or incentive earnable compensation?
HTMLPDF415-112-500Do I qualify for retirement from Plan 1?
HTMLPDF415-112-504What are my TRS Plan 1 retirement benefit options?
HTMLPDF415-112-505What are my TRS Plan 2 or Plan 3 retirement benefit options?
HTMLPDF415-112-507How do I apply for TRS retirement benefits?
HTMLPDF415-112-509When will the department approve my application for service retirement?
HTMLPDF415-112-515When does a member of the teachers' retirement system (TRS) enter retirement status?
HTMLPDF415-112-520When do my monthly retirement payments begin?
HTMLPDF415-112-523How does the department calculate my retirement allowance?
HTMLPDF415-112-525What are the return to work rules for TRS Plan 1, Plan 2, and Plan 3?
HTMLPDF415-112-544How does the department calculate the retirement allowance of a TRS Plan 2 or Plan 3 member who retires, reenters TRS membership, and then retires again?
HTMLPDF415-112-546If I have retired from another retirement system or am eligible to retire, am I excluded from participating in TRS?
HTMLPDF415-112-555What is the TRS Plan 1 minimum allowance?
HTMLPDF415-112-600Am I eligible for temporary disability benefits?
HTMLPDF415-112-610What temporary disability benefits are due upon death of a member?
HTMLPDF415-112-620When will my disability retirement allowances begin to accrue?
HTMLPDF415-112-630How will returning to work affect my Plan 1 disability retirement benefits?
HTMLPDF415-112-700How is "dependent" defined for determining Plan 1 beneficiary rights?
HTMLPDF415-112-705How do I designate a beneficiary, and who will receive a distribution if I die before retirement?
Site Contents
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