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Chapter 363-116 WAC

|Show DispositionsLast Update: 1/19/24


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF363-116-010Time and place of meeting.
HTMLPDF363-116-020Special meeting.
HTMLPDF363-116-030Emergency meeting.
HTMLPDF363-116-065Number of pilots.
HTMLPDF363-116-070Collection of fees.
HTMLPDF363-116-0751Qualifications for pilot applicants.
HTMLPDF363-116-076Examination for pilot applicants.
HTMLPDF363-116-077Simulator evaluation for pilot applicants.
HTMLPDF363-116-078Pilot training program.
HTMLPDF363-116-080Licensing of pilots.
HTMLPDF363-116-081Rest period.
HTMLPDF363-116-082Limitations on new pilots.
HTMLPDF363-116-083Written examination protest and appeal procedures.
HTMLPDF363-116-084Simulator evaluation review and appeal procedures.
HTMLPDF363-116-085Association bylaws.
HTMLPDF363-116-086Challenges to board actions concerning licensing determinations and appeal procedures.
HTMLPDF363-116-110Details and requirements of annual license fee payment, physical examination report and reinstatement application for licensed pilots.
HTMLPDF363-116-115Sanctions for drug and alcohol offenders.
HTMLPDF363-116-120Job descriptionPhysical examinationHealth requirements.
HTMLPDF363-116-170Pilotage station.
HTMLPDF363-116-175Tariff proposals.
HTMLPDF363-116-185Pilotage rates for the Grays Harbor pilotage district.
HTMLPDF363-116-200Duties of pilots.
HTMLPDF363-116-205Vessel certification.
HTMLPDF363-116-2051Vessel certification form.
HTMLPDF363-116-300Pilotage rates for the Puget Sound pilotage district.
HTMLPDF363-116-301New revenue collection.
HTMLPDF363-116-315Retirement disbursements.
HTMLPDF363-116-35001Exemption from provisions of WAC 197-10-800.
HTMLPDF363-116-360Exempt vessels.
HTMLPDF363-116-365Docking and undocking of certain vessels by the vessels' masters.
HTMLPDF363-116-370System of specified disciplinary or corrective actions.
HTMLPDF363-116-400Procedure for request by steamship company or agent that certain pilots not be assigned to certain vessels for specific safety reasons.
HTMLPDF363-116-405Relieving pilots for cause.
HTMLPDF363-116-410Definition of Grays Harbor pilotage district.
HTMLPDF363-116-420Summary/temporary license suspension.
HTMLPDF363-116-500Tug escort requirements for oil tankers.
Site Contents
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