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Chapter 357-26 WAC

Last Update: 11/20/20


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF357-26-005What is the purpose of this chapter?
HTMLPDF357-26-010When must an employer reasonably accommodate a disability?
HTMLPDF357-26-015What actions may an employer take to reasonably accommodate a disability?
HTMLPDF357-26-020What is the requirement for employers to have a policy and procedure covering disability accommodation?
HTMLPDF357-26-025May an employee who is unable to perform the essential functions of a position due to a disability request to be separated from employment?
HTMLPDF357-26-030When must an employer provide reasonable pregnancy accommodations?
HTMLPDF357-26-035What actions must an employer take to provide reasonable pregnancy accommodations?
HTMLPDF357-26-040When may an employer deny a reasonable pregnancy-related accommodation?
HTMLPDF357-26-045When an employee is pregnant or has a pregnancy-related health condition and requests a reasonable pregnancy accommodation what documentation may the employee be required to submit?
HTMLPDF357-26-050When must an employer provide reasonable safety accommodations?
HTMLPDF357-26-055What actions must an employer take to provide safety accommodations?
HTMLPDF357-26-060When an applicant or employee who is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking or when an employee has a family member who is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking and seeks a reasonable safety accommodation, what documentation may the applicant or employee be required to submit?
Site Contents
Selected content listed in alphabetical order under each group