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Chapter 314-35 WAC

Last Update: 3/27/24


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF314-35-010Vapor productsIntroduction.
HTMLPDF314-35-020Licensing requirements.
HTMLPDF314-35-021Insurance requirements.
HTMLPDF314-35-023Vapor product license transfer and relocation.
HTMLPDF314-35-024Vapor product packaging and labeling.
HTMLPDF314-35-025Vapor product applicant and licensee hearing rights.
HTMLPDF314-35-027Qualifying for a vapor product license.
HTMLPDF314-35-030Vapor product licensee recordkeeping requirements.
HTMLPDF314-35-040Age-restricted vapor products retailer licensed locations.
HTMLPDF314-35-045Vapor product licensee responsibilities.
HTMLPDF314-35-050Vapor product license suspensions and revocations.
HTMLPDF314-35-055Seizure of cannabinoid vapor products.
HTMLPDF314-35-060Seizure of vapor products.
HTMLPDF314-35-070Penalty structure.
HTMLPDF314-35-075Category IViolations that create a direct or immediate threat to public health, safety, or both.
HTMLPDF314-35-080Category IIViolations that create a potential threat to public health, safety, or both.
HTMLPDF314-35-085Category IIIRegulatory violations.
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