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PDFWAC 110-740-0070


(1) Mandatory confinement.
A JR youth must be confined for a minimum of 30 days for possession of a firearm or use of a deadly weapon while on parole, per RCW 13.40.210 (4)(c).
(2) Confinement for up to 30 days.
A JR youth may be confined for a period not to exceed 30 days for violating one or more conditions of parole, per RCW 13.40.210 (4)(a)(i) through (iv).
(3) Confinement for remainder of sentence.
As provided for in RCW 13.40.210 (4)(a)(v) and (vi), certain JR youth who are placed on parole before completing their maximum sentence may be returned to confinement for the remainder of their sentence if they violate conditions of parole.
(a) Sex offenders: A JR youth may be returned to confinement for the remainder of the sentence range if the offense for which the youth was sentenced is rape in the first or second degree, rape of a child in the first or second degree, child molestation in the first degree, indecent liberties with forcible compulsion, or a sex offense that is also a serious violent offense as defined under RCW 9.94A.030.
(i) The remainder of sentence is calculated as the maximum aggregated term of qualifying sex offenses, minus the number of days served on the aggregated sentence for the qualifying sex offense or offenses.
(ii) Previous days in confinement for a parole violation are not deducted in this calculation.
(iii) Aggregated terms are served such that any term or terms for qualifying sex offenses are considered the last served.
(b) Graduates of basic training camp: A JR youth who has successfully completed the juvenile offender basic training camp program under RCW 13.40.320 may be returned to confinement for the remainder of their sentence range.
(i) The remainder of sentence is calculated as the maximum aggregated term or 455 days, whichever is shorter, minus the number of days served on their aggregated sentence and on active parole.
(ii) Previous days in confinement for a parole violation are not deducted in this calculation.
(4) Juvenile sex offender confinement for up to 24 weeks.
(a) As provided for in RCW 13.40.210 (4)(b), a JR youth may be returned to confinement for up to 24 weeks if:
(i) The JR youth was sentenced for a sex offense as defined in RCW 9A.44.130;
(ii) The JR youth is known to have violated the terms of parole; and
(iii) In the determination of the secretary, other graduated sanctions or interventions have not been effective in controlling the youth's parole violations; or
(iv) The behavior is so egregious it warrants the use of the higher level intervention and the violation:
(A) Is a known pattern of behavior consistent with a previous sex offense that puts the JR youth at high risk for reoffending sexually;
(B) Consists of sexual behavior that is determined to be predatory as defined in RCW 71.09.020; or
(C) Requires a review under chapter 71.09 RCW, due to a recent overt act.
(b) The total number of days of confinement under this subsection (4) shall not exceed the number of days provided by the maximum sentence imposed by the disposition for the underlying sex offense or offenses pursuant to RCW 13.40.0357.
(c) The department shall not aggregate multiple parole violations that occur prior to the parole revocation hearing and impose consecutive 24-week periods of confinement for each parole violation under this subsection (4).
(5) Criteria for juvenile sex offender confinement.
A parole revocation petition to confine a juvenile sex offender for the remainder of sentence under subsection (3) of this section or for up to 24 weeks under subsection (4) of this section will be based on, but not limited to, the following behavioral and sentence considerations:
(a) Behavioral criteria:
(i) Behavior that appears to constitute a new sex offense or a statement by the JR youth reporting a new sex offense;
(ii) Statements by the JR youth that indicate an imminent risk to re-offend sexually unless confined;
(iii) Accessing, making or possessing child pornography;
(iv) Accessing, making or possessing pornography that depicts excessive physical violence, death or threats of death, torture or infliction of pain, use of a weapon, humiliation or bondage;
(v) Possession of materials which, in total, constitute a "rape kit";
(vi) Unsupervised contact with previous victim(s) or target victim populations, except for approved peer age contact (attending school, etc.);
(vii) Use, possession or providing of drugs and/or alcohol associated with the JR youth's illegal sexualized behaviors.
(b) Available remainder of sentence range.
If the JR youth has not served the maximum sentence imposed for the underlying offense or offenses, and confinement under WAC 110-740-0070 (3) or (4) are both available, the petition for relief will take into account whether the remainder of sentence is sufficient to accomplish the purposes of the revocation. If so, the petition will be for confinement for the remainder of the sentence range; if not, the petition will be for up to 24 weeks of confinement.
(6) If the JR youth's parole is revoked, the department must give the youth credit against any period of confinement for days served in detention pending the parole revocation hearing.
(7) Serving confinement.
(a) The JR youth must serve their confinement in a facility or detention facility as described in WAC 110-740-0010.
(b) Confinement may be continuous, or for a portion of each day, or for certain days each week with the balance of time under supervision.
(8) If a juvenile's parole is revoked two or more times during one parole period, the secretary must approve any period of confinement exceeding a combined total of 30 days.
(9) Unless conditions of parole are otherwise amended, the order of parole conditions in effect at the time the parole was revoked shall be deemed reinstated immediately following any period of confinement.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.020. WSR 24-19-056, s 110-740-0070, filed 9/13/24, effective 10/14/24. WSR 19-14-079, recodified as § 110-740-0070, filed 7/1/19, effective 7/1/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.210 (4)(b). WSR 08-21-038, § 388-740-0070, filed 10/8/08, effective 11/8/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.020, 13.24.010. WSR 00-17-046, recodified as § 388-740-0070, filed 8/7/00, effective 8/27/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.05.130 and 13.40.210. WSR 99-03-077, § 275-30-070, filed 1/19/99, effective 2/19/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.210. WSR 90-22-072 (Order 3091), § 275-30-070, filed 11/6/90, effective 12/7/90; WSR 88-20-083 (Order 2709), § 275-30-070, filed 10/5/88.]
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