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Reports to the Legislature
Close Note: This page consolidates, and makes available electronically, reports to the Legislature from January 1, 2008 to date. These reports come from a variety of sources and the Legislature makes no claim as to the timeliness or comprehensiveness of the list. If you have or are aware of additional reports during this time frame, please send them to the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives or the Secretary of the Senate.

Reports to the Legislature by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee, and the State Auditor's Office can be accessed at:
WSIPP: https://www.wsipp.wa.gov
JLARC: Audit and Study Reports
SAO: Reports
You may click on the column headings in the table below to sort it in ascending or descending order. For instance, if you would like to see all reports for an organization in date order, first choose the organization from the menu below, then click the Report Date column heading to sort by date. View more information about this page.

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Organization Name RCW Bill Exec. Order Report Title Report Date
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Quarterly Report, January - March 2021 (278k) 5/1/2021
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Quarterly Report, April - June 2022 (246k) 9/15/2022
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Quarterly Report, April - June 2022 Attachment (1004k) 9/15/2022
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Technology Pool Report, April - June 2022 (161k) 9/1/2022
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Quarterly Report, April - June 2022 Financial Performance Metrics (296k) 9/1/2022
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Quarterly Report, July - September 2022 (297k) 11/30/2022
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Quarterly Report, July - September 2022 Attachment (823k) 11/30/2022
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Quarterly Report, July - September 2022 Metrics (289k) 11/30/2022
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Technology Pool Report, July-September 2022 (209k) 11/30/2022
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Quarterly Report, October - December 2022 (335k) 2/8/2023
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Overview - Expenditure Report, October - December 2022 (229k) 2/1/2023
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Performance Metrics Quarterly Report, October - December 2022 (232k) 2/1/2023
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Quarterly Report, January - March 2023 (265k) 5/5/2023
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Budget Report Attachment, January - March 2023 (309k) 5/1/2023
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Performance Metrics Attachment, January - March 2023 (288k) 5/1/2023
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Executive Committee Approval of Phase 1A Schedule (825k) 5/31/2023
Center for Law, Science and Global Health, University of Washington School of Law SB 5883 (2017-18)  (6k) Volk v. DeMeerleer Study (466k) 12/1/2017
Agriculture, Department of ESSB 5882 (2013-14)  (247k) Honey Bee Work Group (665k) 12/12/2014
Economic Development Commission SSB 5881 (2007-08)  (21k) Water Power License Fees (423k) 12/18/2009
Ecology, Department of SSB 5881 (2007-08)  (21k) Water Power License Fees: Expenditures, Recommendations, and Recognition (1.5MB) 10/31/2012
Ecology, Department of SSB 5881 (2007-08)  (21k) Water Power License Fees (2.7MB) 9/30/2014
Financial Management, Office of ESSB 5875 (2013-14)  (45k) Independent Examination of Department of Commerce Expenditure for Private for-Profit Rental Housing (372k) 6/30/2015
Administration and Delivery of Services to Children and Families, Joint Task Force on ESSB 5872 (2005-06)  (13k) Final Report - August 2007 (459k) 8/1/2007
Administration and Delivery of Services to Children and Families, Joint Task Force on ESSB 5872 (2005-06)  (13k) Final Report - December 2005 (374k) 12/1/2005
Commerce, Department of E2SSB 5854 (2009-10)  (65k) Home Energy Audit and Retrofit Report (1.4MB) 1/31/2011
Enterprise Services, Department of E2SSB 5854 (2009-10)  (65k) Energy Code, 2012 Legislative Report (448k) 12/31/2012
Financial Management, Office of SB 5849 (2017-18)  (32k) Veterans Recruitment Program (Preliminary Proposal) (476k) 1/26/2018
Veterans Affairs, Department of SB 5849 (2017-18)  (32k) Veterans Peer Corps (512k) 12/31/2018
Medical Commission, Washington 2SSB 5846 (2019-20)  (68k) Integration of International Medical Graduates (IMG) into Washington's Health Care System: Strategies and Recommendations from the 2019 IMG Workgroup (303k) 12/1/2019
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of 28A.320 SB 5843 (2007-08)  (16k) K-12 Data Feasibility Study Report (293k) 1/1/2009
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of E2SSB 5841 (2007-08)  (46k) Washington State Community Learning Center Program (1.9MB) 11/1/2008
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of E2SSB 5841 (2007-08)  (46k) Washington State Community Learning Center Program 2009 Report (233k) 12/31/2009
Health Care Authority SB 5841 (2007-08)  (26k) Disease Management Strategies in Washington State Final Status Report (1.7MB) 1/1/2009
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) SB 5841 (2007-08)  (26k) K-3 Demonstration Project (SB 5841) Interim Report (1.9MB) 10/1/2008
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of SB 5841 (2007-08)  (26k) K-3 Demonstration Project, Senate Bill 5841 Final Report (3.6MB) 12/1/2009
Transportation, Department of SSB 5837 (2017-18)  (14k) HOV Lane Access Public Rule-Making Progress Report for 2018 (4.6MB) 12/31/2018
Health Care Authority SSB 5835 (2017-18)  (52k) Birth Centers (366k) 10/15/2018
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5825 (2019-20)  (147k) SR 167 Master Plan - Planning and Environmental Linkages Study (4.8MB) 6/1/2023
Health, Department of SSB 5821 (2021-22)  (85k) Emergency Cardiac and Stroke System Assessment (2.6MB) 10/1/2023
Social & Health Services, Department of SSB 5819 (2021-22)  (79k) No-Paid Services Client Caseload (956k) 12/1/2022
Social & Health Services, Department of SSB 5819 (2021-22)  (79k) No-Paid Services Client Caseload (1.8MB) 12/1/2024
Labor and Industries, Department of SSB 5814 (2021-22)  (83k) Child Physical Abuse Exams 2023 Annual Report (190k) 11/1/2023
Labor and Industries, Department of SSB 5814 (2021-22)  (83k) Child Physical Abuse Exams 2024 Annual Report (279k) 11/1/2024
Washington State Patrol SSB 5812 (2023-24)  (76k) Electric Vehicle Fire Study (1.1MB) 1/1/2025
Employment Security Department E2SSB 5809 (2009-10)  (28k) Workforce Training Program Outcomes (242k) 12/1/2010
Labor and Industries, Department of SSB 5801 (2011-12)  (49k) Implementation of the Medical Provider Network and Expansion of the Centers for Occupational Health and Education (537k) 12/1/2012
Labor and Industries, Department of SSB 5801 (2011-12)  (49k) Implementation of the Medical Provider Network and Expansion of the Centers for Occupational Health and Education (SSB 5801) (278k) 12/1/2013
Labor and Industries, Department of SSB 5801 (2011-12)  (49k) Medical Provider Network & Expansion of the Centers for Occupational Health and Education, 2014 Report (8.7MB) 12/1/2014
Student Achievement Council 2SSB 5800 (2019-20)  (74k) Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness (SSEH) Pilot Program Report (2.0MB) 12/1/2023
Labor and Industries, Department of SB 5795 (2021-22)   Increasing Contractor Bonding Requirements (145k) 12/1/2021

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