43.130.040  <<  43.130.050 >>   43.130.060


Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter employees affected by the closure of a state facility as defined in RCW 43.130.020(2) who were employed as of May 1, 1973 at such facility, and who are still in employment of the state or on an official leave of absence as of September 26, 1973, who would otherwise qualify for the enumerated benefits of this chapter are hereby declared eligible for such benefits under the following conditions:
(1) Such employee must be actively employed by the state of Washington or on an official leave of absence on September 26, 1973, and unless the early retirement or terminal pay provisions of this chapter are elected, continue to be employed or to be available for employment in a same or like job classification at not less than one full range lower than the same salary range for a period of at least thirty days thereafter;
(2) Such employee must give written notice of his or her election to avail himself or herself of such benefits within thirty days after the *passage of this 1973 act or upon closure of the institution, whichever is later.


*Reviser's note: The effective date of 1973 2nd ex.s. c 37 was September 26, 1973, due to the emergency clause contained in section 9, codified as RCW 43.130.910.
1973 2nd ex.s. c 37 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 2603) passed the Senate September 14, 1973, passed the House September 13, 1973, and was approved by the governor September 26, 1973.
Employees to whom chapter is operative: RCW 43.130.910.
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