42.14.030  <<  42.14.035 >>   42.14.040

Convening legislature at locations other than usual seat of government.

Whenever, in the judgment of the governor, it becomes impracticable, due to an emergency resulting from a catastrophic incident, to convene the legislature in the usual seat of government at Olympia, the governor may call the legislature into emergency session in any location within this or an adjoining state. The first order of business of any legislature so convened shall be the establishment of temporary emergency seats of government for the state. After any emergency relocation, the affairs of state government shall be lawfully conducted at such emergency temporary location or locations for the duration of the emergency.


Contingent effective date2019 c 471 ss 4-10: See note following RCW 42.14.010.
FindingIntent2019 c 471: See note following RCW 38.52.010.
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