Chapter 24.24 RCW



HTMLPDF 24.24.010Who may incorporateFiling fee.
HTMLPDF 24.24.015Fees for services by secretary of state.
HTMLPDF 24.24.020ArticlesContents.
HTMLPDF 24.24.030Powers.
HTMLPDF 24.24.040Membership certificates.
HTMLPDF 24.24.050Bylaws.
HTMLPDF 24.24.060MembershipTrusteesElections.
HTMLPDF 24.24.070Control of businessOfficers.
HTMLPDF 24.24.080Right of corporations under the statutes.
HTMLPDF 24.24.090Certificates of capital stock.
HTMLPDF 24.24.100Fees.
HTMLPDF 24.24.110Exemption from ordinary corporate taxes.
HTMLPDF 24.24.120Indemnification of agents of any corporation authorized.


Revolving fund of secretary of state, deposit of moneys for costs of carrying out secretary of state's functions under this chapter: RCW 43.07.130.

Who may incorporateFiling fee.

Any ten or more residents of this state who are members of any chartered body or of different chartered bodies of any fraternal order or society who shall desire to incorporate for the purpose of owning real or personal property or both real and personal property for the purpose and for the benefit of such bodies, may make and execute articles of incorporation, which shall be executed in duplicate, and shall be subscribed by each of the persons so associating themselves together: PROVIDED, That no lodge shall be incorporated contrary to the provisions of the laws and regulations of the order or society of which it is a constituent part. Such articles, at the election of the incorporators, may either provide for the issuing of capital stock or for incorporation as a society of corporation without shares of stock. One of such articles shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state in accordance with Article 2 of chapter 23.95 RCW, accompanied by a filing fee established by the secretary of state under RCW 23.95.260, and the other of such articles shall be preserved in the records of the corporation.


Effective dateContingent effective date2015 c 176: See note following RCW 23.95.100.
IntentSeverabilityEffective datesApplication1982 c 35: See notes following RCW 43.07.160.
Severability1981 c 302: See note following RCW 19.76.100.

Fees for services by secretary of state.

See RCW 43.07.120.


The articles of incorporation shall set forth;
(1) The names of the persons so associating themselves together, their places of residence and the name and location of the lodge, chapter, or society to which they severally belong;
(2) The corporate name assumed by the corporation and the duration of the same if limited;
(3) The purpose of the association, which shall be to provide, maintain and operate a building or buildings to be used for fraternal and social purposes, and for the benefit of the several bodies represented in such association;
(4) The place where the corporation proposes to have its principal place of business;
(5) The amount of capital stock and the par value thereof per share, if it shall be organized as a joint stock company.
[ 1927 c 190 s 2; RRS s 3887-2.]


Upon making and filing such articles of incorporation the persons subscribing the same and their successors in office and associates, by the name assumed in such articles, shall thereafter be deemed a body corporate, and may acquire and possess real and personal property and may erect and own suitable building or buildings to be used, in whole or in part, for meetings of fraternal bodies, and for all social and fraternal purposes of the several bodies represented in the membership of the corporation, and may exercise all other powers that may lawfully be exercised by other corporations organized under the general incorporation laws of Washington, including the power to borrow money, and for that purpose may issue its bonds and mortgage its property to secure the payment of such bonds.
[ 1927 c 190 s 3; RRS s 3887-3.]

Membership certificates.

If the corporation shall not be a joint stock company, then it may provide by its bylaws for issuing to the several bodies represented in its membership certificates of participation, which shall evidence the respective equitable interests of such bodies in the properties held by such corporation.
[ 1927 c 190 s 4; RRS s 3887-4.]


Every such corporation shall have full power and authority to provide by its bylaws for the manner in which such certificates of participation of its certificates or shares of stock shall be held and represented, and may also in like manner provide, that its shares of stock shall not be transferred to, or be held or owned by any person, or by any corporation other than a chartered body of the order or society represented in its membership.
[ 1927 c 190 s 5; RRS s 3887-5.]


Every such corporation shall have power to provide by its bylaws for succession to its original membership and for new membership, and also for the election from its members of a board of trustees, or a board of directors, and to fix the number and term of office of such trustees or directors; PROVIDED, That there shall always be upon such board of trustees or board of directors at least one representative from each of the several bodies represented in the membership of the association, and the term of office of a trustee shall not exceed three years.
[ 1927 c 190 s 6; RRS s 3887-6.]

Control of businessOfficers.

The management and control of the business and property of such corporation shall be fixed in said board of trustees or board of directors, as the case may be. Said trustees or directors shall elect from their own number at each annual meeting of the corporation a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, who shall perform the duties of their respective office in accordance with the bylaws of the corporation and the rules and regulations prescribed by the board of trustees or board of directors.
[ 1927 c 190 s 7; RRS s 3887-7.]

Right of corporations under the statutes.

Any corporation composed of fraternal organizations and/or members of fraternal organizations, heretofore incorporated under the laws of the state of Washington, may elect to subject [the] corporation and its capital stock and the rights of its stockholders therein to the provisions of this chapter by a majority vote of its trustees or directors and the unanimous assent or vote of the capital stock of such corporation.
If the unanimous written assent of the capital stock has not been obtained then the unanimous vote of all of the stockholders may be taken at any regular meeting of the stockholders or at any special meeting of the stockholders called for that purpose in the manner provided by the bylaws of such corporation for special meetings of the stockholders.
The president and secretary of such corporation shall certify said amendment in triplicate under the seal of such corporation as having been adopted by a majority vote of its trustees or directors and by the unanimous written assent or vote as the case may be of all of its stockholders, and file and keep the same as in the case of original articles; and from the time of filing said certificate such corporation and its capital stock and the rights of its stockholders therein shall be subject to all of the provisions of this chapter; PROVIDED, That nothing in this chapter shall affect the rights of the third person, pledgees of any shares of such capital stock, in such pledged stock, under pledges subsisting at the date of the filing of said amendment.
[ 1927 c 190 s 8; RRS s 3887-8.]

Certificates of capital stock.

All certificates of capital stock of corporations incorporated under or becoming subject to the provisions of this chapter shall have expressly stated on the face thereof that such corporation and its capital stock and the rights of stockholders therein are subject to the provisions of this chapter and that its capital stock is not assignable or transferable except as in this chapter provided.
[ 1927 c 190 s 9; RRS s 3887-9.]


The secretary of state shall file such articles of incorporation or amendment thereto in the secretary of state's office and issue a certificate of incorporation or amendment, as the case may be, to such fraternal association upon the payment of a fee established by the secretary of state under RCW 23.95.260.


Effective dateContingent effective date2015 c 176: See note following RCW 23.95.100.
Effective date1993 c 269: See note following RCW 23.86.070.
IntentSeverabilityEffective datesApplication1982 c 35: See notes following RCW 43.07.160.

Exemption from ordinary corporate taxes.

Such fraternal association shall be a body politic and corporate with all powers and incidents of a corporation upon its compliance with the provisions of this chapter; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That such fraternal corporation shall not be subject to any license fee or other corporate tax of commercial corporations.
[ 1927 c 190 s 11; RRS s 3887-11.]

Indemnification of agents of any corporation authorized.

See RCW 23B.17.030.