These documents are currently being revised to incorporate the changes made during the 2024 Legislative Session. Please consult the Sections Affected Table for changes made during the 2024 Legislative Session.

Chapter 28A.525 RCW



HTMLPDF 28A.525.010Statement of intent.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.020Duties of superintendent of public instruction.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.025School facilities citizen advisory panelMembershipTravel expensesTechnical advisory group.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.030Modernization of existing school facilities.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.040Portable buildings or classrooms.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.050Applications for aidRecommendations.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.055Eligibility for state assistance for new constructionInventory assessment exclusionsRules.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.060ManualContentsPreparation and revision.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.070Development of school building programsAssistance of superintendent of public instruction.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.080Federal funds for school plant facilitiesRules.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.090Construction management techniquesRulesUseInformation and training.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.095Condensed compliance reportsSecond-class districts.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.159School construction assistance grants for small school districts and state-tribal education compact schools.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.161School construction assistance calculations for shared or colocated facilitiesRules.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.162Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesLocal school district participationComputing state funding assistanceRules.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.164Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesDuties of superintendent of public instruction.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.166Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesComputation of state aid for school plant project.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.168Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesUse of taxable valuation and state funding assistance percentage in determining eligibility.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.170Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesAdditional allotment authorizedEffect of allotment on future disbursements to district.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.172Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesApplication by district for state assistanceStudies and surveys by the superintendent of public instruction.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.174Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesManual, other materials to guide and provide information to district.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.176Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesConsultatory and advisory service from the superintendent of public instruction.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.178Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesModifiable basic or standard plans for school buildings.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.180Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesReduction of appropriation for receipt of federal funds.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.190Prioritizing construction of common school facilities.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.200Allocation and distribution of funds for school plant facilities governed by chapter.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.310Proceeds from voter-approved bonds, voter-approved levies, and other fundingUse for installment purchase contracts and leases with options to purchase.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.320School seismic safety and planning grantsAdvisory committeePrioritization.
HTMLPDF 28A.525.325School seismic safety grant program account.

Statement of intent.

It is hereby declared to be the intent of the legislature that the following provisions be enacted for the purpose of establishing and providing for the operation of a program of state assistance to school districts in providing school plant facilities.
[ 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.47.050. Prior: 1947 c 278 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 4940-12. Formerly RCW 28A.47.050, 28.47.050.]

Duties of superintendent of public instruction.

The superintendent of public instruction, considering policy recommendations from the school facilities citizen advisory panel, shall have the power and duty (1) to prescribe rules governing the administration, control, terms, conditions, and disbursements of allotments to school districts to assist them in providing school plant facilities; (2) to approve allotments to districts that apply for state assistance whenever such action is advisable; (3) to authorize the payment of approved allotments by warrant of the state treasurer; and (4) in the event that the amount of state assistance applied for exceeds the funds available for such assistance during any biennium, to make allotments on the basis of the urgency of need for school facilities in the districts that apply for assistance and/or to prorate allotments among such districts in conformity with applicable procedures and rules.
[ 2006 c 263 § 301; 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.47.060. Prior: 1947 c 278 § 2; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 4940-13. Formerly RCW 28A.47.060, 28.47.060.]


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.

School facilities citizen advisory panelMembershipTravel expensesTechnical advisory group.

(1) To maintain citizen oversight on issues pertaining to school facilities and funding for school construction, a school facilities citizen advisory panel shall be created by the state board of education. The panel shall advise and make recommendations to the superintendent of public instruction regarding school facilities, funding for school construction, joint planning and financing of educational facilities, facility plans and programs for nonhigh school districts, and determinations of remote and necessary schools.
(2) The membership of the school facilities citizen advisory panel shall be as follows:
(a) One member of the state board of education;
(b) Two school district directors representing school districts of various sizes and geographic locations, who are appointed by the state board of education and selected from a list of five names submitted to the board by the Washington state school directors' association; and
(c) Four additional citizen members appointed by the state board of education.
(3) Members of the panel shall be reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.
(4) In addition to the school facilities citizen advisory panel, the superintendent of public instruction may convene a technical advisory group including representatives from school business officers, building and construction contracting and trade organizations, architecture and engineering organizations, and other organizations with expertise in school facilities.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.

Modernization of existing school facilities.

Whenever funds are appropriated for modernization of existing school facilities, the superintendent of public instruction is authorized to approve the use of such funds for modernization of existing facilities, modernization being limited to major structural changes in such facilities and, as necessary to bring such facilities into compliance with the barrier free access requirements of section 504 of the federal rehabilitation act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Sec. 706) and rules implementing the act, both major and minor structural changes, and may include as incidental thereto the replacement of fixtures, fittings, furnishings and service systems of a building in order to bring it up to a contemporary state consistent with the needs of changing educational programs. The allocation of such funds shall be made upon the same basis as funds used for the financing of a new school plant project utilized for a similar purpose.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
PurposeEffective datesSavingsDisposition of certain fundsSeverability1980 c 154: See notes following chapter 82.45 RCW digest.

Portable buildings or classrooms.

State funding assistance shall not be denied to any school district undertaking any construction, repairs[,] or improvements for school district purposes solely on the ground that said construction, repairs[,] and improvements are in connection with portable buildings or classrooms.


Intent2009 c 129: See note following RCW 28A.335.230.

Applications for aidRecommendations.

All applications by school districts for state assistance in providing school plant facilities shall be made to the superintendent of public instruction. Studies and surveys shall be conducted by the superintendent for the purpose of securing information relating to (1) the kind and extent of the school plant facilities required and the urgency of need for such facilities in districts that seek state assistance, (2) the ability of such districts to provide capital outlay funds by local effort, (3) the need for improvement of school administrative units and school attendance areas among or within such districts, and (4) any other pertinent matters. Recommendations respecting action on the applications shall be submitted to the superintendent of public instruction.
[ 2006 c 263 § 303; 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.47.080. Prior: 1947 c 278 § 4; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 4940-15. Formerly RCW 28A.47.080, 28.47.080.]


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.

Eligibility for state assistance for new constructionInventory assessment exclusionsRules.

(1) The rules adopted by the superintendent of public instruction for determining eligibility for state assistance for new construction shall exclude from the inventory of available educational space those spaces that have been:
(a) Constructed for educational and community activities from grants received from other public or private entities; or
(b) Vacated by new construction in lieu of modernization; and
(i) Used for purposes of supporting state-funded all-day kindergarten or class size reduction in kindergarten through third grade, if the lack of district facilities warrants such a use; or
(ii) The district is experiencing a short-term special school housing burden due to enrollment growth and failed school construction bond elections within the prior five years.
(2) The exclusion in subsection (1)(b) of this section applies for state assistance for new construction awarded from July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2021.
(3) Educational spaces with classrooms occupied by students specified in subsection (1)(b) of this section must meet the safety standards for public school facilities.
(4) For the purposes of this section, "school housing burden" means the current instructional facility inventory does not provide the classroom capacity needed for the current or projected enrollment of the school district, as determined by the office of the superintendent of public instruction. The office shall give consideration to available instructional facility inventory or capacity of the neighboring school district.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Finding1994 c 219: See note following RCW 43.88.030.

ManualContentsPreparation and revision.

It shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the Washington state department of social and health services, to prepare, and so often as the superintendent deems necessary revise, a manual for the information and guidance of local school district authorities and others responsible for and concerned with the designing, planning, maintenance, and operation of school plant facilities for the common schools. In the preparation and revision of the aforesaid manual due consideration shall be given to the presentation of information regarding (1) the need for cooperative state-local district action in planning school plant facilities arising out of the cooperative plan for financing said facilities provided for in RCW 28A.525.010 through 28A.525.080 and 28A.335.230; (2) procedures in inaugurating and conducting a school plant planning program for a school district; (3) standards for use in determining the selection and development of school sites and in designing, planning, and constructing school buildings to the end that the health, safety, and educational well-being and development of school children will be served; (4) the planning of readily expansible and flexible school buildings to meet the requirements of an increasing school population and a constantly changing educational program; (5) an acceptable school building maintenance program and the necessity therefor; (6) the relationship of an efficient school building operations service to the health and educational progress of pupils; and (7) any other matters regarded by the aforesaid officer as pertinent or related to the purposes and requirements of RCW 28A.525.010 through 28A.525.080 and 28A.335.230.

Development of school building programsAssistance of superintendent of public instruction.

The superintendent of public instruction shall furnish to school districts seeking state assistance consultatory and advisory service in connection with the development of school building programs and the planning of school plant facilities for such district.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.

Federal funds for school plant facilitiesRules.

Insofar as is permissible under acts of congress, funds made available by the federal government for the purpose of assisting school districts in providing school plant facilities shall be made available to such districts in conformity with rules that the superintendent, considering policy recommendations from the school facilities citizen advisory panel, shall establish.
[ 2006 c 263 § 306; 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.47.120. Prior: 1947 c 278 § 8; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 4940-19. Formerly RCW 28A.47.120, 28.47.120.]


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.

Construction management techniquesRulesUseInformation and training.

(1) The superintendent of public instruction, considering policy recommendations from the school facilities citizen advisory panel, shall adopt rules for appropriate use of the following construction management techniques: Value engineering, constructibility review, building commissioning, and construction management. Rules adopted under this section shall:
(a) Define each technique as it applies to school buildings;
(b) Describe the scope of work for each technique;
(c) Define the timing for implementing each technique in the construction process;
(d) Determine the appropriate size of projects for the use of each technique; and
(e) Determine standards for qualification and performance for each technique.
(2) Except as provided in rules adopted under subsection (1)(d) of this section, in allocating state moneys provided under this chapter, the superintendent of public instruction shall include in funding for each project, at the state funding assistance percentage, the cost of each of the construction management techniques listed in subsection (1) of this section.
(3) When assigning priority and allocating state funds for construction of common school facilities, the superintendent shall consider the adequacy of the construction management techniques used by a district and the compliance with the rules adopted under subsection (1) of this section.
(4) Except as provided in rules adopted under subsection (1)(d) of this section, the construction management techniques in subsection (1) of this section shall be used on each project submitted for approval by the superintendent.
(5)(a) School districts applying for state funding assistance for school facilities shall:
(i) Cause value engineering, constructibility review, and building commissioning to be performed by contract with a professional firm specializing in those construction management techniques; and
(ii) Contract or employ personnel to perform professional construction management.
(b) All recommendations from the value engineering and constructibility review construction techniques for a school project shall be presented to the school district's board of directors for acceptance or rejection. If the board of directors rejects a recommendation it shall provide a statement explaining the reasons for rejecting the recommendation and include the statement in the application for state funding assistance to the superintendent of public instruction.
(6) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall provide:
(a) An information and training program for school districts on the use of the construction management techniques; and
(b) Consulting services to districts on the benefits and best uses of these construction management techniques.


Intent2009 c 129: See note following RCW 28A.335.230.
FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Findings1999 c 313: "The legislature finds that certain construction management techniques will improve the effectiveness of construction and operation of new school buildings, and that such techniques, including value engineering, constructibility reviews, building commissioning, and professional construction management, will provide better value to the taxpayers by reducing construction costs, improving building operations, improving the building environment for the occupants, and reducing future replacement costs." [ 1999 c 313 § 1.]

Condensed compliance reportsSecond-class districts.

Any compliance reporting requirements as a result of laws in this chapter that apply to second-class districts may be submitted in accordance with RCW 28A.330.250.


Conflict with federal requirements2011 c 45: See note following RCW 28A.330.250.

School construction assistance grants for small school districts and state-tribal education compact schools.

(1) School construction assistance program grants for small school districts and state-tribal education compact schools must be determined in accordance with this section.
(2) Eligibility. School districts and state-tribal education compact schools with enrollments that are less than or equal to one thousand students are eligible for small school district modernization grants. The advisory committee specified in subsection (4)(a) of this section may recommend amendments to the eligibility threshold as they learn more about the characteristics of school districts and state-tribal education compact schools that are unable to modernize their aging school facilities. Districts with incomplete information in the inventory and condition of schools data system are not eligible to apply for construction grants but may apply for planning grants.
(3) The office of the superintendent of public instruction must assist eligible school districts and state-tribal education compact schools that are interested in applying for a small school district modernization grant under this section by providing technical assistance and planning grants within appropriations for this purpose. Districts and state-tribal education compact schools seeking planning grants must provide a brief statement of the school condition, its deficiencies, student enrollment, student achievement measures, and financial limitations of the district or state-tribal education compact school. If applications for planning grants exceed funds available, the office of the superintendent of public instruction may prioritize the recipients of planning grants in order to help districts and state-tribal education compact schools with the most serious apparent building deficiencies, and the most limited financial capacity.
(4) Prioritized construction grants and advisory committee.
(a) The superintendent of public instruction must propose a list of prioritized grants to the governor by September 1st of even-numbered years. The superintendent of public instruction must appoint an advisory committee to prioritize applications from small school districts and state-tribal education compact schools. Committee members must have experience in financing, managing, repairing, and improving school facilities in small school districts or state-tribal education compact schools but must not be involved in a small school district modernization program grant request for the biennium under consideration. The office of the superintendent of public instruction must provide administrative and staff support to the [advisory] committee. The office of the superintendent of public instruction in consultation with the advisory committee must design a grant application process with specific criteria for prioritizing grant requests.
(b) The advisory committee created in (a) of this subsection must evaluate final applications from eligible school districts and state-tribal education compact schools. The advisory committee must submit a prioritized list of grants to the superintendent of public instruction. The list must prioritize applications to achieve the greatest improvement of school facilities, in the districts and state-tribal education compact schools with the most limited financial capacity, for projects that are likely to improve student health, safety, and academic performance for the largest number of students for the amount of state grant support. The advisory committee must develop specific criteria to achieve the prioritization. The submitted prioritized list must describe the project, the proposed state funding level, and the estimated total project cost including other funding and in-kind resources. The list must also indicate student achievement measures that will be used to evaluate the benefits of the project. The superintendent of public instruction and the governor may determine the level of funding in their omnibus capital appropriations act requests to support small school district modernization grants, but their funding requests must follow the prioritized list prepared by the advisory committee unless new information determines that a specific project is no longer viable as proposed.
(5) Coordination with the school construction assistance program.
(a) The full administrative and procedural process of school construction assistance program funding under RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180 may be streamlined by the office of the superintendent of public instruction in order to coordinate eligible school construction assistance program funding with the small school district modernization grants. Such coordination must ensure that total state funding from both grants does not exceed total project costs minus available local resources.
(b) Projects seeking small school district modernization grants must meet the requirements for a school construction assistance program grant except for the following: (i) The estimated cost of the project may be less than forty percent of the estimated replacement value of the facility, and (ii) local funding assistance percentage requirements of the school construction assistance program do not apply. However, available district and state-tribal education compact school resources are considered in prioritizing small school district modernization grants.
(6) Disbursement of grant funds and reporting requirements. The office of the superintendent of public instruction must award grants to school districts and state-tribal education compact schools. The grant must not be awarded until the district or state-tribal education compact school has identified available local and other resources sufficient to complete the approved project considering the amount of the state grant. The grant must specify reporting requirements from the district or state-tribal education compact school, which must include updating all pertinent information in the inventory and condition of schools data system and submitting a final project report as specified by the office of the superintendent of public instruction in consultation with the school facilities citizens [citizen] advisory panel specified in RCW 28A.525.025.

School construction assistance calculations for shared or colocated facilitiesRules.

The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall adopt rules in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW to ensure that a host school district is not penalized for the entirety of a shared or colocated facility when calculations for state school construction assistance are made.


Reviser's note: 2012 c 245 directed that this section be added to chapter 28A.300 RCW. This section has been added to chapter 28A.525 RCW, which relates more directly to school construction funding.

Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesLocal school district participationComputing state funding assistanceRules.

(1) Funds appropriated to the superintendent of public instruction from the common school construction fund shall be allotted by the superintendent of public instruction in accordance with this chapter.
(2) No allotment shall be made to a school district until such district has provided local funds equal to or greater than the difference between the total approved project cost and the amount of state funding assistance to the district for financing the project computed pursuant to RCW 28A.525.166, with the following exceptions:
(a) The superintendent of public instruction may waive the local requirement for state funding assistance for districts which have provided funds for school building construction purposes through the authorization of bonds or through the authorization of excess tax levies or both in an amount equivalent to two and one-half percent of the value of its taxable property, as defined in RCW 39.36.015.
(b) No such local funds shall be required as a condition to the allotment of funds from the state for the purpose of making major or minor structural changes to existing school facilities in order to bring such facilities into compliance with the barrier free access requirements of section 504 of the federal rehabilitation act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Sec. 706) and rules implementing the act.
(3) For the purpose of computing the state funding assistance percentage under RCW 28A.525.166 when a school district is granted authority to enter into contracts, adjusted valuation per pupil shall be calculated using head count student enrollments from the most recent October enrollment reports submitted by districts to the superintendent of public instruction, adjusted as follows:
(a) In the case of projects for which local bonds were approved after May 11, 1989:
(i) For districts which have been designated as serving high school districts under RCW 28A.540.110, students residing in the nonhigh district so designating shall be excluded from the enrollment count if the student is enrolled in any grade level not offered by the nonhigh district;
(ii) The enrollment of nonhigh school districts shall be increased by the number of students residing within the district who are enrolled in a serving high school district so designated by the nonhigh school district under RCW 28A.540.110, including only students who are enrolled in grade levels not offered by the nonhigh school district; and
(iii) The number of preschool students with disabilities included in the enrollment count shall be multiplied by one-half;
(b) In the case of construction or modernization of high school facilities in districts serving students from nonhigh school districts, the adjusted valuation per pupil shall be computed using the combined adjusted valuations and enrollments of each district, each weighted by the percentage of the district's resident high school students served by the high school district;
(c) The number of kindergarten students included in the enrollment count shall be counted as one head count student; and
(d) The number of students residing outside the school district who are enrolled in alternative learning experience courses under RCW 28A.232.010 shall be excluded from the total.
(4) In lieu of the exclusion in subsection (3)(d) of this section, a district may submit an alternative calculation for excluding students enrolled in alternative learning experience courses. The alternative calculation must show the student head count use of district classroom facilities on a regular basis for a regular duration by out-of-district alternative learning experience students subtracted by the head count of in-district alternative learning experience students not using district classroom facilities on a regular basis for a reasonable duration. The alternative calculation must be submitted in a form approved by the office of the superintendent of public instruction. The office of the superintendent of public instruction must develop rules to define "regular basis" and "reasonable duration."
(5) The superintendent of public instruction, considering policy recommendations from the school facilities citizen advisory panel, shall prescribe such rules as are necessary to equate insofar as possible the efforts made by school districts to provide capital funds by the means aforesaid.
(6) For the purposes of this section, "preschool students with disabilities" means children of preschool age who have developmental disabilities who are entitled to services under RCW 28A.155.010 through 28A.155.100 and are not included in the kindergarten enrollment count of the district.


ApplicationEnforcement of laws protecting health and safety2013 2nd sp.s. c 18: See note following RCW 28A.600.022.
Intent2012 c 244: "The school construction assistance funding formula is used to determine state funding contributions to school construction projects. It is the intent of the legislature that the formula use the most accurate method available to reflect the actual number of students using districts' school facilities. State funding currently provides all-day kindergarten for over twenty percent of kindergarten students and RCW 28A.150.315 calls for the continued phasing-in of all-day kindergarten each year until full statewide implementation is achieved in the 2017-18 school year. In addition, because alternative learning experience programs of education take place in whole, or in part, outside the regular classroom setting, and because online alternative learning experience programs are delivered primarily electronically using the internet or other computer-based methods, it is appropriate to consider the impact of alternative learning experience students in assessing school space needs. The legislature acknowledges the review of the formula conducted by the office of the superintendent of public instruction and accepts many recommendations from the resulting December 2011 report. The legislature also intends to provide financial assistance for school districts affected by the transition to the new funding formula. This assistance will be limited to grants to cover direct district expenditures for contracted architects, engineers, and other consultants for projects that are no longer eligible for state assistance under the new formula or for projects requiring significant redesign work as a result of reduced state assistance under the new formula." [ 2012 c 244 § 1.]
Effective date2012 c 244: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [March 30, 2012]." [ 2012 c 244 § 4.]
Intent2009 c 129: See note following RCW 28A.335.230.
FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
PurposeEffective datesSavingsDisposition of certain fundsSeverability1980 c 154: See notes following chapter 82.45 RCW digest.
Severability1974 ex.s. c 56: "If any provision of this 1974 amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1974 ex.s. c 56 § 9.]
SeverabilityEffective date1970 ex.s. c 42: See notes following RCW 39.36.015.
Severability1969 ex.s. c 244: "If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this act should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such act shall not affect nor impair the validity or constitutionality of any other section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this act. It is hereby declared that had any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word as to which this act is declared invalid been eliminated from the act at the time the same was considered, the act would have nevertheless been enacted with such portions eliminated." [ 1969 ex.s. c 244 § 16.]

Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesDuties of superintendent of public instruction.

In allotting the state funds provided by RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180, the superintendent of public instruction shall:
(1) Prescribe rules not inconsistent with RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180 governing the administration, control, terms, conditions, and disbursement of allotments to school districts to assist them in providing school plant facilities;
(2) Approve allotments to districts that apply for state assistance;
(3) Authorize the payment of approved allotments by warrant of the state treasurer; and
(4) In the event that the amount of state assistance applied for pursuant to the provisions hereof exceeds the funds available for such assistance during any biennium, make allotments on the basis of the urgency of need for school facilities in the districts that apply for assistance or prorate allotments among such districts in conformity with applicable rules.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Severability1974 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.
Severability1969 ex.s. c 244: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.

Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesComputation of state aid for school plant project.

Allocations to school districts of state funds provided by RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180 shall be made by the superintendent of public instruction and the amount of state funding assistance to a school district in financing a school plant project shall be determined in the following manner:
(1) The boards of directors of the districts shall determine the total cost of the proposed project, which cost may include the cost of acquiring and preparing the site, the cost of constructing the building or of acquiring a building and preparing the same for school use, the cost of necessary equipment, taxes chargeable to the project, necessary architects' fees, and a reasonable amount for contingencies and for other necessary incidental expenses: PROVIDED, That the total cost of the project shall be subject to review and approval by the superintendent.
(2) The state funding assistance percentage for a school district shall be computed by the following formula:
The ratio of the school district's adjusted valuation per pupil divided by the ratio of the total state adjusted valuation per pupil shall be subtracted from three, and then the result of the foregoing shall be divided by three plus (the ratio of the school district's adjusted valuation per pupil divided by the ratio of the total state adjusted valuation per pupil).
District adjusted
Total state
adjusted valuation
per pupil
per pupil
= - %
District adjusted
Total state
adjusted valuation
per pupil
per pupil
PROVIDED, That in the event the state funding assistance percentage to any school district based on the above formula is less than twenty percent and such school district is otherwise eligible for state funding assistance under RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180, the superintendent may establish for such district a state funding assistance percentage not in excess of twenty percent of the approved cost of the project, if the superintendent finds that such additional assistance is necessary to provide minimum facilities for housing the pupils of the district.
(3) In addition to the computed state funding assistance percentage developed in subsection (2) of this section, a school district shall be entitled to additional percentage points determined by the average percentage of growth for the past three years. One percent shall be added to the computed state funding assistance percentage for each percent of growth, with a maximum of twenty percent.
(4) In computing the state funding assistance percentage in subsection (2) of this section and adjusting the percentage under subsection (3) of this section, students residing outside the school district who are enrolled in alternative learning experience courses under RCW 28A.232.010 shall be excluded from the count of total pupils. In lieu of the exclusion in this subsection, a district may submit an alternative calculation for excluding students enrolled in alternative learning experience courses. The alternative calculation must show the student head count use of district classroom facilities on a regular basis for a reasonable duration by out-of-district alternative learning experience students subtracted by the head count of in-district alternative learning experience students not using district classroom facilities on a regular basis for a reasonable duration. The alternative calculation must be submitted in a form approved by the office of the superintendent of public instruction. The office of the superintendent of public instruction must develop rules to define "regular basis" and "reasonable duration."
(5) The approved cost of the project determined in the manner prescribed in this section multiplied by the state funding assistance percentage derived as provided for in this section shall be the amount of state funding assistance to the district for the financing of the project: PROVIDED, That need therefor has been established to the satisfaction of the superintendent: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That additional state funding assistance may be allowed if it is found by the superintendent, considering policy recommendations from the school facilities citizen advisory panel that such assistance is necessary in order to meet (a) a school housing emergency resulting from the destruction of a school building by fire, the condemnation of a school building by properly constituted authorities, a sudden excessive and clearly foreseeable future increase in school population, or other conditions similarly emergent in nature; or (b) a special school housing burden resulting from projects of statewide significance or imposed by virtue of the admission of nonresident students into educational programs established, maintained and operated in conformity with the requirements of law; or (c) a deficiency in the capital funds of the district resulting from financing, subsequent to April 1, 1969, and without benefit of the state funding assistance provided by prior state assistance programs, the construction of a needed school building project or projects approved in conformity with the requirements of such programs, after having first applied for and been denied state funding assistance because of the inadequacy of state funds available for the purpose; or (d) a condition created by the fact that an excessive number of students live in state owned housing; or (e) a need for the construction of a school building to provide for improved school district organization or racial balance; or (f) conditions similar to those defined under (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this subsection, creating a like emergency.
(6) For the 2015-2017 biennium, schools determined to have a lack of sufficient space to provide science classrooms or labs, to meet the requirements of law, have a special housing burden condition similar to those defined under subsection (5)(b) of this section, creating a like emergency. For the 2015-2017 biennium, school districts are entitled to additional percentage points for school construction projects that have a special housing burden condition only and have received private donations in the form of cash, in-kind, or equipment of more than one hundred thousand dollars. The additional percentage points are determined by (a) school district student enrollments in the free and reduced-price meals program, (b) school district class as defined by RCW 28A.300.065, and (c) the funding assistance percentage as calculated in subsection (2) of this section. The additional percentage points under (a) of this subsection are twenty percent of the percent of student enrollments eligible and enrolled in the free and reduced-price meals program. The additional percentage points under (b) of this subsection are ten for second class school districts. The additional percentage points under (c) of this subsection are ten for school districts with funding assistance percentages of more than fifty percent.


Effective date2015 3rd sp.s. c 3: See note following RCW 43.160.080.
ApplicationEnforcement of laws protecting health and safety2013 2nd sp.s. c 18: See note following RCW 28A.600.022.
IntentEffective date2012 c 244: See notes following RCW 28A.525.162.
Effective date2009 c 421: See note following RCW 43.157.005.
Intent2009 c 129: See note following RCW 28A.335.230.
FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Effective date1975 1st ex.s. c 98: "This 1975 amendatory act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1975." [ 1975 1st ex.s. c 98 § 3.]
Severability1974 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.
Severability1969 ex.s. c 244: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.
Project of statewide significanceDefined: RCW 43.157.010.

Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesUse of taxable valuation and state funding assistance percentage in determining eligibility.

Whenever the voters of a school district authorize the issuance of bonds and/or the levying of excess taxes in an amount sufficient to meet the requirements of RCW 28A.525.162 respecting eligibility for state funding assistance in providing school facilities, the taxable valuation of the district and the state funding assistance percentage in providing school facilities prevailing at the time of such authorization shall be the valuation and the percentage used for the purpose of determining the eligibility of the district for an allotment of state funds and the amount or amounts of such allotments, respectively, for all projects for which the voters authorize capital funds as aforesaid, unless a higher state funding assistance percentage prevails on the date that state funds for assistance in financing a project are allotted by the superintendent of public instruction in which case the percentage prevailing on the date of allotment by the superintendent of funds for each project shall govern: PROVIDED, That if the superintendent of public instruction, considering policy recommendations from the school facilities citizen advisory panel, determines at any time that there has been undue or unwarranted delay on the part of school district authorities in advancing a project to the point of readiness for an allotment of state funds, the taxable valuation of the school district and the state funding assistance percentage prevailing on the date that the allotment is made shall be used for the purposes aforesaid: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That the date specified in this section as applicable in determining the eligibility of an individual school district for state funding assistance and in determining the amount of such assistance shall be applicable also to cases where it is necessary in administering chapter 28A.540 RCW to determine eligibility for and the amount of state funding assistance for a group of school districts considered as a single school administrative unit.


Intent2009 c 129: See note following RCW 28A.335.230.
FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Severability1969 ex.s. c 244: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.

Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesAdditional allotment authorizedEffect of allotment on future disbursements to district.

If a school district which has qualified for an allotment of state funds under the provisions of RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180 for school building construction is found by the superintendent of public instruction, considering policy recommendations from the school facilities citizen advisory panel, to have a school housing emergency requiring an allotment of state funds in excess of the amount allocable under RCW 28A.525.166, an additional allotment may be made to such district: PROVIDED, That the total amount allotted shall not exceed ninety percent of the total cost of the approved project which may include the cost of the site and equipment. At any time thereafter when the superintendent finds that the financial position of such school district has improved through an increase in its taxable valuation or through retirement of bonded indebtedness or through a reduction in school housing requirements, or for any combination of these reasons, the amount of such additional allotment, or any part of such amount as the superintendent determines, shall be deducted, under terms and conditions prescribed by the superintendent, from any state school building construction funds which might otherwise be provided to such district.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Severability1974 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.
Severability1969 ex.s. c 244: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.

Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesApplication by district for state assistanceStudies and surveys by the superintendent of public instruction.

All applications by school districts for state assistance in providing school plant facilities shall be made to the superintendent of public instruction in conformity with rules adopted by the superintendent of public instruction, considering policy recommendations from the school facilities citizen advisory panel. Studies and surveys shall be conducted by the superintendent for the purpose of securing information relating to (a) [(1)] the kind and extent of the school plant facilities required and the urgency of need for such facilities in districts that seek state assistance, (b) [(2)] the ability of such districts to provide capital funds by local effort, (c) [(3)] the need for improvement of school administrative units and school attendance areas among or within such districts, and (d) [(4)] any other pertinent matters.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Severability1969 ex.s. c 244: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.

Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesManual, other materials to guide and provide information to district.

It shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the Washington state department of health, to prepare a manual and/or to specify other materials for the information and guidance of local school district authorities and others responsible for and concerned with the designing, planning, maintenance and operation of school plant facilities for the public schools. In so doing due consideration shall be given to the presentation of information regarding (1) the need for cooperative state-local district action in planning school plant facilities arising out of the cooperative plan for financing said facilities provided for in RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180; (2) procedures in inaugurating and conducting a school plant planning program for a school district; (3) standards for use in determining the selection and development of school sites and in designing, planning, and constructing school buildings to the end that the health, safety, and educational well-being and development of school children will be served; (4) the planning of readily expansible and flexible school buildings to meet the requirements of an increasing school population and a constantly changing educational program; (5) an acceptable school building maintenance program and the necessity therefor; (6) the relationship of an efficient school building operations service to the health and educational progress of pupils; and (7) any other matters regarded by the superintendent as pertinent or related to the purposes and requirements of RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Severability1974 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.
Severability1969 ex.s. c 244: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.

Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesConsultatory and advisory service from the superintendent of public instruction.

The superintendent of public instruction shall furnish to school districts seeking state assistance under the provisions of RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180 consultatory and advisory service in connection with the development of school building programs and the planning of school plant facilities.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Severability1974 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.
Severability1969 ex.s. c 244: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.

Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesModifiable basic or standard plans for school buildings.

When economies may be affected without impairing the usefulness and adequacy of school buildings, the superintendent of public instruction, considering policy recommendations from the school facilities citizen advisory panel, may prescribe rules and establish procedures governing the preparation and use of modifiable basic or standard plans for school building construction projects for which state assistance funds provided by RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180 are allotted.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Severability1974 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.
Severability1969 ex.s. c 244: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.

Allotment of appropriations for school plant facilitiesReduction of appropriation for receipt of federal funds.

The total amount of funds appropriated under the provisions of RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180 shall be reduced by the amount of federal funds made available during each biennium for school construction purposes under any applicable federal law. The funds appropriated by RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180 and available for allotment by the superintendent of public instruction shall be reduced by the amount of such federal funds made available. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the total amount of funds appropriated by RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180 shall not be reduced by reason of any grants to any school district of federal moneys paid under Public Law No. 815 or any other federal act authorizing school building construction assistance to federally affected areas.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Severability1974 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.
Severability1969 ex.s. c 244: See note following RCW 28A.525.162.

Prioritizing construction of common school facilities.

The superintendent of public instruction, considering policy recommendations from the school facilities citizen advisory panel[,] shall prioritize the construction of common school facilities only from funds appropriated and available in the common school construction fund.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.
Effective date1975 1st ex.s. c 98: See note following RCW 28A.525.166.

Allocation and distribution of funds for school plant facilities governed by chapter.

Notwithstanding any other provision of RCW 28A.525.010 through 28A.525.200, the allocation and distribution of funds by the superintendent of public instruction, considering policy recommendations from the school facilities citizen advisory panel, for the purposes of providing assistance in the construction of school plant facilities shall be governed by this chapter.


FindingsPurposePart headings not law2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.

Proceeds from voter-approved bonds, voter-approved levies, and other fundingUse for installment purchase contracts and leases with options to purchase.

The board of directors of any school district may use the proceeds of voter-approved bonds, voter-approved levies, state allocations for financial assistance, or other funds available to the district for: (1) Payment of an installment purchase contract for school plant facilities; or (2) payments under any financing lease the term of which is ten years or longer and that contains an option by the school district to purchase the leased property for nominal consideration. The authority granted by this section for the use of moneys from such sources is in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other authority provided by law, and the proceeds of voter-approved bonds or tax levies may be used for such payments to the full extent allowed by Article VII, section 2 of the state Constitution.

School seismic safety and planning grantsAdvisory committeePrioritization.

(1) School seismic safety grants and school seismic planning grants must be awarded and determined in accordance with this section.
(2) ELIGIBILITY. A school district or state tribal education compact school is eligible to receive a school seismic safety grant for remediation of seismic or tsunami hazards in qualifying buildings that meet the following criteria:
(a) The building is located within a high seismic hazard area as defined in subsection (3) of this section; and
(b) The building was constructed before 1998 and has not received a seismic retrofit to 2005 seismic standards.
(3) DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this section:
(a) "High seismic hazard area" means:
(i) Any location identified by the United States geological survey national seismic hazard map with a two percent probability of exceedance in 50 years and a national earthquake hazards reduction program site class D that are 0.3 peak horizontal acceleration or greater peak ground acceleration areas; or
(ii) Any area located within a Washington tsunami design zone map or, where a Washington tsunami design zone map is not available, an American society of civil engineers tsunami design zone map, that requires structures in risk category three or four to be designed for tsunamis.
(b) "Remediation" means solutions that mitigate or eliminate site specific seismic or tsunami hazards and may include building relocation or vertical evacuation towers if related to a tsunami hazard.
(c) "Total project cost" means direct and associated indirect costs for the remediation solution as approved by the advisory committee. Associated indirect costs can include site acquisition and development costs for approved building relocations. The combined direct and associated indirect costs cannot exceed the equivalent combined direct and associated indirect costs for building projects participating in the school construction assistance program for that same year.
(4) ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (a) The superintendent of public instruction must appoint an advisory committee to evaluate and prioritize grant applications from school districts and state-tribal education compact schools. Advisory committee members must have experience in financing, managing, or planning seismic remediation projects at school facilities but must not be involved in a school seismic safety grant request for the biennium under consideration. The office of the superintendent of public instruction must provide administrative and staff support to the advisory committee and consult with the advisory committee to design a grant application process with specific criteria for prioritizing grant requests.
(b) The advisory committee must submit a prioritized list of grants to the superintendent of public instruction. The list must prioritize applications to achieve the greatest improvement of school facilities, in the school districts and state-tribal education compact schools with the most limited financial capacity, for projects that are likely to improve student health, safety, and academic performance for the largest number of students for the amount of state grant support.
(5) REQUIRED GRANT LIST. (a) The superintendent of public instruction must propose a list of prioritized school seismic safety grants to the governor by September 1st of each year, beginning September 1, 2022. This list must include:
(i) A description of the proposed project;
(ii) The proposed school seismic safety grant amount, equal to at least two-thirds of the estimated total project cost;
(iii) The anticipated school construction assistance program amount;
(iv) The anticipated local share of project cost; and
(v) The estimated total project cost.
(b) The superintendent of public instruction and the governor may determine the level of funding in their omnibus capital appropriations act requests to support grants under this section, but their funding requests must follow the prioritized list prepared by the advisory committee unless new information determines that a specific project is no longer viable as proposed.
(6) SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND SMALL SCHOOL DISTRICT MODERNIZATION GRANT PROGRAM. (a) The full administrative and procedural process of school construction assistance program funding under RCW 28A.525.162 through 28A.525.180 and the small school district modernization grant program funding under RCW 28A.525.159 may be streamlined by the office of the superintendent of public instruction in order to coordinate eligible school construction assistance program funding and small school district modernization grant program funding with the school seismic safety grants. Such coordination must ensure that total state funding from all three grants does not exceed total project costs minus available local resources.
(b) Projects seeking school seismic safety grants must meet the requirements for a school construction assistance program grant except for the following: (i) The estimated cost of the project may be less than 40 percent of the estimated replacement value of the facility; and (ii) local funding assistance percentage requirements of the school construction assistance program do not apply. However, available school district and state-tribal education compact school resources are considered in prioritizing school seismic safety grants.
(7) DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS. The superintendent of public instruction must award state and federal grants under this section to eligible school districts and state tribal education compact schools in an amount equal to at least two-thirds of the total project cost. The grant must not be awarded until the school district or state-tribal education compact school has identified available local and other resources sufficient to complete the approved project considering the amount of the state grant. The grant must specify reporting requirements from the school district or state-tribal education compact school, which must include updating all pertinent information in the inventory and condition of schools data system and submitting a final project report as specified by the office of the superintendent of public instruction in consultation with the school facilities citizens advisory panel specified in RCW 28A.525.025.
(8) PLANNING GRANTS. Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, the office of the superintendent of public instruction must assist eligible school districts and state-tribal education compact schools that are interested in applying for a school seismic safety grant under this section by providing technical assistance and planning grants. School districts and state-tribal education compact schools seeking planning grants under this section must provide a brief statement describing existing school conditions, building system and site deficiencies, current and five-year projected student head count enrollment, student achievement measures, financial constraints, and any information required by the advisory committee established in subsection (4) of this section. If applications for planning grants exceed funds available, the office of the superintendent of public instruction may prioritize planning grant requests with primary consideration given to school district financial capacity and facility conditions.


FindingIntent2022 c 113: "The legislature finds that a significant number of Washington students in public school districts and state-tribal education compact schools attend school in older facilities located in geologically active areas. Accordingly, the legislature intends to create a grant program to help school districts and state-tribal education compact schools cover the cost of retrofitting or relocating school facilities located in high seismic areas or tsunami zones." [ 2022 c 113 § 1.]

School seismic safety grant program account.

The school seismic safety grant program account is created in the state treasury. All receipts from direct appropriations from the legislature or moneys directed to the account from any other source must be deposited in the account. Moneys in the account may be spent only after appropriation. The account is intended to fund projects using tax exempt bonds. Expenditures from the account are for the school seismic safety grant program.


FindingIntent2022 c 113: See note following RCW 28A.525.320.