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Chapter 28A.194 RCW



HTMLPDF 28A.194.005IntentFindings.
HTMLPDF 28A.194.010Education programs for juveniles in adult jails.
HTMLPDF 28A.194.020Definition.
HTMLPDF 28A.194.030Duties and authority of education provider.
HTMLPDF 28A.194.040School districtsAdditional authority and limitation.
HTMLPDF 28A.194.050Duties of jail facility superintendent or chief administrator.
HTMLPDF 28A.194.060Contract between education providers and adult jail facilities.
HTMLPDF 28A.194.070Instructional service plansNotice of closure of facility or unavailability of facility for juveniles.
HTMLPDF 28A.194.080Allocation of moneyAccountability requirementsRules.


The legislature intends to provide for the operation of education programs for juvenile inmates incarcerated in adult jails.
The legislature finds that this chapter fully satisfies any constitutional duty to provide education programs for juvenile inmates in adult jails. The legislature further finds that biennial appropriations for education programs under this chapter amply provide for any constitutional duty to educate juvenile inmates in adult jails.

Education programs for juveniles in adult jails.

A program of education shall be made available for juvenile inmates by adult jail facilities and the several school districts of the state for persons under the age of eighteen years who have been incarcerated in any adult jail facilities operated under the authority of chapter 70.48 RCW. Each school district within which there is located an adult jail facility shall, singly or in concert with another school district pursuant to RCW 28A.335.160 and 28A.225.250 or chapter 39.34 RCW, conduct a program of education, including related student activities for inmates in adult jail facilities. School districts are not precluded from contracting with educational service districts, community and technical colleges, four-year institutions of higher education, or other qualified entities to provide all or part of these education programs. The division of duties, authority, and liabilities of the adult jail facilities and the several school districts of the state respecting the educational programs shall be as provided for in this chapter with regard to programs for juveniles in adult jail facilities.


As used in this chapter, "adult jail facility" means an adult jail operated under the authority of chapter 70.48 RCW.

Duties and authority of education provider.

(1) Except as otherwise provided for by contract under RCW 28A.194.060, the duties and authority of a school district, educational service district, institution of higher education, or private contractor to provide for education programs under this chapter include:
(a) Employing, supervising, and controlling administrators, teachers, specialized personnel, and other persons necessary to conduct education programs, subject to security clearance by the adult jail facilities;
(b) Purchasing, leasing, renting, or providing textbooks, maps, audiovisual equipment paper, writing instruments, physical education equipment, and other instructional equipment, materials, and supplies deemed necessary by the provider of the education programs;
(c) Conducting education programs for inmates under the age of eighteen in accordance with program standards established by the superintendent of public instruction;
(d) Expending funds for the direct and indirect costs of maintaining and operating the program of education that are appropriated by the legislature and allocated by the superintendent of public instruction for the exclusive purpose of maintaining and operating education programs for juvenile inmates incarcerated in adult jail facilities, in addition to funds from federal and private grants, and bequests, and gifts made for the purpose of maintaining and operating the program of education; and
(e) Providing educational services to juvenile inmates within five school days of receiving notification from an adult jail facility within the district's boundaries that an individual under the age of eighteen has been incarcerated.
(2) The school district, educational service district, institution of higher education, or private contractor shall develop the curricula, instruction methods, and educational objectives of the education programs, subject to applicable requirements of state and federal law. For inmates who are under the age of eighteen when they commence the program and who have not met high school graduation requirements, such courses of instruction and school-related student activities as are provided by the school district for students outside of adult jail facilities shall be provided by the school district for students in adult jail facilities, to the extent that it is practical and judged appropriate by the school district and the administrator of the adult jail facility.

School districtsAdditional authority and limitation.

School districts providing an education program to juvenile inmates in an adult jail facility may:
(1) Award appropriate diplomas or certificates to juvenile inmates who successfully complete graduation requirements;
(2) Allow students eighteen years of age who have participated in an education program under this chapter to continue in the program, under rules adopted by the superintendent of public instruction; and
(3) Spend only funds appropriated by the legislature and allocated by the superintendent of public instruction for the exclusive purpose of maintaining and operating education programs under this chapter, including direct and indirect costs of maintaining and operating the education programs, and funds from federal and private grants, bequests, and gifts made for that purpose. School districts may not expend excess tax levy proceeds authorized for school district purposes to pay costs incurred under this chapter.

Duties of jail facility superintendent or chief administrator.

To support each education program under this chapter, the adult jail facility and each superintendent or chief administrator of an adult jail facility shall:
(1) Provide necessary access to existing instructional and exercise spaces for the education program that are safe and secure;
(2) Provide equipment deemed necessary by the adult jail facility to conduct the education program;
(3) Maintain a clean and appropriate classroom environment that is sufficient to meet the program requirements and consistent with security conditions;
(4) Provide appropriate supervision of juvenile inmates consistent with security conditions to safeguard agents of the education providers and juvenile inmates while engaged in educational and related activities conducted under this chapter;
(5) Provide such other support services and facilities deemed necessary by the adult jail facilities to conduct the education program;
(6) Provide the available medical and mental health records necessary to a determination by the school district of the educational needs of the juvenile inmate; and
(7) Notify the school district within which the adult jail facility resides within five school days that an eligible juvenile inmate has been incarcerated in the adult jail facility.

Contract between education providers and adult jail facilities.

Each education provider under this chapter and the adult jail facility shall negotiate and execute a written contract for each school year, or such longer period as may be agreed to, that delineates the manner in which their respective duties and authority will be cooperatively performed and exercised, and any disputes and grievances resolved through mediation , and if necessary, arbitration. Any such contract may provide for the performance of duties by an education provider in addition to those in this chapter, including duties imposed upon the adult jail facility and its agents under RCW 28A.194.050, if supplemental funding is available to fully pay the direct and indirect costs of these additional duties.

Instructional service plansNotice of closure of facility or unavailability of facility for juveniles.

(1) By September 30, 2010, districts must, in coordination with adult jail facilities residing within their boundaries, submit an instructional service plan to the office of the superintendent of public instruction. Service plans must meet requirements stipulated in the rules developed in accordance with RCW 28A.194.080, provided that (a) the rules shall not govern requirements regarding security within the jail facility nor the physical facility of the adult jail , including but not limited to, the classroom space chosen for instruction, and (b) any excess costs to the jails associated with implementing rules shall be negotiated pursuant to the contractual agreements between the education provider and adult jail facility.
(2) Once districts have submitted a plan to the office of the superintendent of public instruction, districts are not required to resubmit their plans unless either districts or adult jail facilities initiate a significant change to their plans.
(3) An adult jail facility shall notify the office of the superintendent of public instruction as soon as practicable upon the closure of any adult jail facility or upon the adoption of a policy that no juvenile shall be held in the adult jail facility.

Allocation of moneyAccountability requirementsRules.

The superintendent of public instruction shall:
(1) Allocate money appropriated by the legislature to administer and provide education programs under this chapter to school districts that have assumed the primary responsibility to administer and provide education programs under this chapter or to the educational service district operating the program under contract; and
(2) Adopt rules that apply to school districts and educational providers in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW that establish reporting, program compliance, audit, and such other accountability requirements as are reasonably necessary to implement this chapter and related provisions of the omnibus appropriations act effectively. In adopting the rules pursuant to this subsection, the superintendent of public instruction shall collaborate with representatives from the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs and shall attempt to negotiate rules that deliver the educational program in the most cost-effective manner while, to the extent practicable, not imposing additional costs on local jail facilities.