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72-280-030  <<  72-280-040 >>   72-280-050

PDFWAC 72-280-040

Consent for release of records.

(1) Parental consent must be obtained before personally identifiable information is disclosed to parties, other than officials of participating agencies in accordance with subsection (2) of this section, unless the information is contained in education records, and the disclosure is authorized without parental consent under 34 C.F.R. Part 99.
(2) Except as provided in this section, parental consent is not required before personally identifiable information is released to officials of participating agencies for purposes of meeting a requirement of this part.
(3) Parental consent, or the consent of an eligible student who has reached the age of majority under state law, must be obtained before personally identifiable information is released to officials of participating agencies providing or paying for transition services.
(4) If a parent (or eligible student) so requests, the school shall provide them with a copy of the records disclosed.
(5) "Directory information" may be disclosed without the parent's (or eligible student's) prior written consent, unless the parent (or eligible student) notifies the school in writing within 10 days of enrollment and thereafter by the 10th day of the academic year that they do not want any or all of the student's information to be designated as directory information.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 72.40.022, 34.05.220, 34.05.250, 28A.155.010, and 42.56.100. WSR 24-16-108, § 72-280-040, filed 8/5/24, effective 9/5/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.40.022. WSR 16-13-068, § 72-280-040, filed 6/13/16, effective 7/14/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.40.022 and 20 U.S.C. §§1232(g), 1412 (2)(D), 1414 (a)(1)(B) and 1417(c). WSR 90-16-010, § 72-280-040, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90.]
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