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314-68-030  <<  314-68-040 >>   314-68-050

PDFWAC 314-68-040

What are the procedures for a private individual to bring alcoholic beverages into the state from outside the United States for personal or household use?

Fill out a board declaration form, which is available from the United States Custom Service.
(1) Compute the state taxes and markup using the chart on the form.
(2) Sign the form.
(3) Keep a copy for your records and give a copy to the United States Customs Service.
(4) Send a copy of the form with payment within 10 days to the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board, Purchasing Division, Olympia, Washington.
(5) The board will mail a receipt to the individual who signed the form, authorizing use of the alcoholic beverages for personal or household use.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030 and 2015 c 70. WSR 24-16-064, § 314-68-040, filed 7/31/24, effective 8/31/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030 and 66.12.120. WSR 99-10-066, § 314-68-040, filed 5/4/99, effective 6/4/99; Order 60, § 314-68-040, filed 11/1/77; Order 40, § 314-68-040, Rule 137, filed 8/21/75.]
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