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PDFWAC 110-80-0030

What definitions apply to the adoption support program?

The following definitions apply to this chapter:
"Adoption" means the granting of an adoption decree consistent with chapter 26.33 RCW.
"Adoption support agreement" means a written contract between the adoptive parents and the department that identifies the specific benefits available to the adoptive parents and other terms and conditions of the agreement.
"Adoption support cash payment" means negotiated monthly cash payments paid pursuant to an adoption support agreement between the adoptive parents and the department.
"Applicant" means a person or couple applying for adoption support on behalf of a child the person or couple plans to adopt.
"Child placing agency (CPA)" means an agency or tribe licensed to place children for foster care or adoption and may be contracted by the department to provide professional therapeutic foster care services.
"Department" means the department of children, youth, and families.
"Extenuating circumstances" means a finding by an administrative law judge or a review judge that one or more qualifying conditions or events occurred that erroneously prevented an otherwise eligible child from being placed on the adoption support program prior to adoption.
"Medical services" means services covered by medicaid and administered by the health care authority.
"Negotiation" means the process of working toward an agreement between the department and the adoptive parent on the terms of the adoption support agreement.
"Nonrecurring costs" means reasonable, necessary, and direct expenses related to the cost of finalizing the adoption of a special needs child.
"Placing agency" means the public or private nonprofit agency that has the legal authority to place the child for adoption.
"Program" means the department's adoption support program.
"Reconsideration" means the limited state-funded support that may be available to an eligible child whose adoption was finalized without a valid adoption support agreement in place.
"Resident state" (for purposes of the child's medicaid eligibility) means the state in which the child physically resides. In some cases this may be different from the state of the parent's legal residence.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.220, 43.216.020, and 43.216.065. WSR 24-18-052, § 110-80-0030, filed 8/28/24, effective 9/28/24. Statutory Authority: 2017 c 6. WSR 20-04-019, § 110-80-0030, filed 1/27/20, effective 2/27/20. WSR 18-14-078, recodified as § 110-80-0030, filed 6/29/18, effective 7/1/18. Statutory Authority: 42 U.S.C. § 671-675, RCW 26.33.340, 74.13A.020, 74.13A.030, 74.13A.040, 74.13A.045, 74.13A.047, 74.13A.060, 74.13A.075, 74.13A.085, 74.13A.100, 74.15.020, 45 C.F.R. § 1356.40. WSR 18-14-008, § 388-27-0130, filed 6/21/18, effective 7/22/18. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.13.109, 74.13.031, 2002 c 371 § 202(8), 42 U.S.C. 671-675. WSR 04-06-024, § 388-27-0130, filed 2/23/04, effective 3/25/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.13.031. WSR 01-08-045, § 388-27-0130, filed 3/30/01, effective 4/30/01.]
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