Chapter 26.33 RCW Dispositions


Current RCWs


26.33.370  Permanent care and custody of a child-Assumption, relinquishment, or transfer except by court order or statute, when prohibited-Penalty.
[1984 c 155 § 36.]
Repealed by 2022 c 88 § 307. For later enactment, see RCW 26.38.110.

26.33.400  Advertisements-Prohibitions-Exceptions-Application of consumer protection act.
[2022 c 88 § 204; 2006 c 248 § 4; 1991 c 136 § 6; 1989 c 255 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 26.38.130 pursuant to 2022 c 88 § 306.

26.33.410  Advertisements — Exemption.
[1989 c 255 § 2.]
Repealed by 2006 c 248 § 5.

26.33.901  Severability-1984 c 155.
[1984 c 155 § 42.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.

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