Chapter 61.16 RCW



HTMLPDF 61.16.010Assignments, how madeSatisfaction by assignee.
HTMLPDF 61.16.020Mortgages, how satisfied of record.
HTMLPDF 61.16.030Failure to acknowledge satisfaction of mortgageDamagesOrder.


Effect of recording assignment of mortgage: RCW 65.08.120.

Assignments, how madeSatisfaction by assignee.

Any person to whom any real estate mortgage is given, or the assignee of any such mortgage, may, by an instrument in writing, signed and acknowledged in the manner provided by law entitling mortgages to be recorded, assign the same to the person therein named as assignee, and any person to whom any such mortgage has been so assigned, may, after the assignment has been recorded in the office of the auditor of the county wherein such mortgage is of record, acknowledge satisfaction of the mortgage, and discharge the same of record.
[ 1995 c 62 s 13; 1897 c 23 s 1; RRS s 10616.]


Validating1897 c 23: "All satisfactions of mortgages heretofore made by the assignees thereof, where the assignment was in writing, signed by the mortgagee or assignee, and where the same was recorded in the office of the auditor of the county wherein the mortgage was recorded, are hereby validated, and such satisfactions of mortgages so made shall have the same effect as if made by the mortgagees in such mortgages." [ 1897 c 23 s 2.]

Mortgages, how satisfied of record.

Whenever the amount due on any mortgage is paid, the mortgagee or the mortgagee's legal representatives or assigns shall, at the request of any person interested in the property mortgaged, execute an instrument in writing referring to the mortgage by the volume and page of the record or otherwise sufficiently describing it and acknowledging satisfaction in full thereof. Said instrument shall be duly acknowledged, and upon request shall be recorded in the county wherein the mortgaged property is situated. Every instrument of writing heretofore recorded and purporting to be a satisfaction of mortgage, which sufficiently describes the mortgage which it purports to satisfy so that the same may be readily identified, and which has been duly acknowledged before an officer authorized by law to take acknowledgments or oaths, is hereby declared legal and valid, and a certified copy of the record thereof is hereby constituted prima facie evidence of such satisfaction.

Failure to acknowledge satisfaction of mortgageDamagesOrder.

If the mortgagee fails to acknowledge satisfaction of the mortgage as provided in RCW 61.16.020 sixty days from the date of such request or demand, the mortgagee shall forfeit and pay to the mortgagor damages and a reasonable attorneys' fee, to be recovered in any court having competent jurisdiction, and said court, when convinced that said mortgage has been fully satisfied, shall issue an order in writing, directing the auditor to immediately record the order.


Effective date1999 c 233: See note following RCW 4.28.320.