Chapter 35.94 RCW



HTMLPDF 35.94.010Authority to sell or let.
HTMLPDF 35.94.020Procedure.
HTMLPDF 35.94.030Execution of lease or conveyance.
HTMLPDF 35.94.040Lease or sale of land or property originally acquired for public utility purposes.
HTMLPDF 35.94.050Application of chapter to certain service provider agreements under chapter 70A.140 RCW.

Authority to sell or let.

A city may lease for any term of years or sell and convey any public utility works, plant, or system owned by it or any part thereof, together with all or any equipment and appurtenances thereof.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.94.010. Prior: 1917 c 137 s 1; RRS s 9512. Cf. 1907 c 86 ss 1-3; 1897 c 106 ss 1-4. Formerly RCW 80.48.010.]


The legislative authority of the city, if it deems it advisable to lease or sell the works, plant, or system, or any part thereof, shall adopt a resolution stating whether it desires to lease or sell. If it desires to lease, the resolution shall state the general terms and conditions of the lease, but not the rent. If it desires to sell the general terms of sale shall be stated, but not the price. The resolution shall direct the city clerk, or other proper official, to publish the resolution not less than once a week for four weeks in the official newspaper of the city, together with a notice calling for sealed bids to be filed with the clerk or other proper official not later than a certain time, accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the city, for such amount as the resolution shall require, or a deposit of a like sum in money. Each bid shall state that the bidder agrees that if his or her bid is accepted and he or she fails to comply therewith within the time hereinafter specified, the check or deposit shall be forfeited to the city. If bids for a lease are called for, bidders shall bid the amount to be paid as the rent for each year of the term of the lease. If bids for a sale are called for, the bids shall state the price offered. The legislative authority of the city may reject any or all bids and accept any bid which it deems best. At the first meeting of the legislative authority of the city held after the expiration of the time fixed for receiving bids, or at some later meeting, the bids shall be considered. In order for the legislative authority to declare it advisable to accept any bid it shall be necessary for two-thirds of all the members elected to the legislative authority to vote in favor of a resolution making the declaration. If the resolution is adopted it shall be necessary, in order that the bid be accepted, to enact an ordinance accepting it and directing the execution of a lease or conveyance by the mayor and city clerk or other proper official. The ordinance shall not take effect until it has been submitted to the voters of the city for their approval or rejection at the next general election or at a special election called for that purpose, and a majority of the voters voting thereon have approved it. If approved it shall take effect as soon as the result of the vote is proclaimed by the mayor. If it is so submitted and fails of approval, it shall be rejected and annulled. The mayor shall proclaim the vote as soon as it is properly certified.
[ 2009 c 549 s 2133; 1985 c 469 s 40; 1965 c 7 s 35.94.020. Prior: 1917 c 137 s 2; RRS s 9513. Cf. 1907 c 86 ss 1-3; 1897 c 106 ss 1-4. Formerly RCW 80.48.020.]


Elections: Title 29A RCW.

Execution of lease or conveyance.

Upon the taking effect of the ordinance the mayor and the city clerk or other proper official shall execute, in the name and on behalf of the city, the lease or conveyance directed thereby. The lessee or grantee shall accept and execute the instrument within ten days after notice of its execution by the city or forfeit to the city, the amount of the check or deposit accompanying his or her bid: PROVIDED, That if litigation in good faith is instituted within ten days to determine the rights of the parties, no forfeiture shall take place unless the lessee or grantee fails for five days after the termination of the litigation in favor of the city to accept and execute the lease or conveyance.
[ 2009 c 549 s 2134; 1965 c 7 s 35.94.030. Prior: 1917 c 137 s 3; RRS s 9514. Cf. 1907 c 86 ss 1-3; 1897 c 106 ss 1-4. Formerly RCW 80.48.030.]

Lease or sale of land or property originally acquired for public utility purposes.

(1) Whenever a city shall determine, by resolution of its legislative authority, that any lands, property, or equipment originally acquired for public utility purposes is surplus to the city's needs and is not required for providing continued public utility service and, in the case of personal property or equipment, has an estimated value of greater than fifty thousand dollars, then such legislative authority by resolution and after a public hearing may cause such lands, property, or equipment to be leased, sold, or conveyed. Such resolution shall state the fair market value or the rent or consideration to be paid and such other terms and conditions for such disposition as the legislative authority deems to be in the best public interest.
(2) The provisions of RCW 35.94.020 and 35.94.030 shall not apply to dispositions authorized by this section. The provisions of this section and RCW 35.94.020 and 35.94.030 shall not apply to the disposition of any personal property or equipment originally acquired for public utility purposes that is surplus to the city's needs and is not required for providing continued public utility service and has an estimated value of fifty thousand dollars or less.
(3) This section does not apply to property transferred, leased, or otherwise disposed in accordance with RCW 39.33.015.

Application of chapter to certain service provider agreements under chapter 70A.140 RCW.

This chapter does not apply to dispositions of utility property in connection with an agreement entered into pursuant to chapter 70A.140 RCW provided there is compliance with the procurement procedure under RCW 70A.140.040.