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Chapter 35.68 RCW



HTMLPDF 35.68.010Authority conferred.
HTMLPDF 35.68.020ResolutionContents.
HTMLPDF 35.68.030ResolutionPublicationNoticeHearing.
HTMLPDF 35.68.040"Sidewalk construction fund."
HTMLPDF 35.68.050Assessment rollHearingNoticeConfirmationAppeal.
HTMLPDF 35.68.060Method of payment of assessments.
HTMLPDF 35.68.070Collection of assessments.
HTMLPDF 35.68.075Curb ramps for persons with disabilitiesRequiredStandards and requirements.
HTMLPDF 35.68.076Curb ramps for persons with disabilitiesModel standards.
HTMLPDF 35.68.080Construction of chapter.


Assessments and charges against state lands: Chapter 79.44 RCW.

Authority conferred.

Any city or town, hereinafter referred to as city, is authorized to construct, reconstruct, and repair sidewalks, gutters and curbs along and driveways across sidewalks, which work is hereafter referred to as the improvement, and to pay the costs thereof from any available funds, or to require the abutting property owner to construct the improvement at the owner's own cost or expense, or, subject to the limitations in RCW 35.69.020 (2) and (3), to assess all or any portion of the costs thereof against the abutting property owner.
[ 1996 c 19 § 1; 1965 c 7 § 35.68.010. Prior: 1949 c 177 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9332a.]


No such improvement shall be undertaken or required except pursuant to a resolution of the council or commission of the city or town, hereinafter referred to as the city council. The resolution shall state whether the cost of the improvement shall be borne by the city or whether all or a specified portion shall be borne by the city or whether all or a specified portion shall be borne by the abutting property owner; or whether the abutting owner is required to construct the improvement at his or her own cost and expense. If the abutting owner is required to construct the improvement the resolution shall specify the time within which the construction shall be commenced and completed; and further that if the improvement or construction is not undertaken and completed within the time specified that the city will perform or complete the improvement and assess the cost against the abutting owner.
[ 2009 c 549 § 2117; 1965 c 7 § 35.68.020. Prior: 1949 c 177 § 2; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9332b.]


If all or any portion of the cost is to be assessed against the abutting property owner, or if the abutting property owner is required to construct the improvement, the resolution shall fix a time from and after its passage, and a place, for hearing on the resolution. The resolution shall be published for two consecutive weeks before the time of hearing in the official newspaper or regularly published official publication of the city or town and a notice of the date of the hearing shall be given each owner or reputed owner of the abutting property by mailing to the owner or reputed owner of the property as shown on the tax rolls of the county treasurer, at the address shown thereon a notice of the date of hearing, the mailing to be at least ten days before the date fixed for the hearing. If the publication and mailing is made as herein required, proof thereof by affidavit shall be filed with the city clerk, comptroller or auditor of the city before the hearing. The hearing may be postponed from time to time to a definite date until the hearing is held. At the time of hearing the council shall hear persons who appear for or against the improvement, and determine whether it will or will not proceed with the improvement and whether it will make any changes in the original plan, and what the changes shall be. This action may be taken by motion adopted in the usual manner.
[ 1985 c 469 § 37; 1965 c 7 § 35.68.030. Prior: 1949 c 177 § 3; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9332c.]

"Sidewalk construction fund."

When all or any portion of the cost is to be assessed against the abutting property owner, the city council may create a "sidewalk construction fund No. . . . ." to be numbered differently for each improvement; and with warrants drawn on this fund the cost of the respective improvements may be paid. The city may advance as a loan to the sidewalk construction fund from any available funds the amounts necessary to pay any costs of the improvement. When any assessments are made for the improvement, payments therefor shall be paid into the particular sidewalk improvement fund; and whenever any funds are available over the amounts necessary to pay outstanding warrants any advances or loans made to the fund shall be repaid. Whenever warrants are drawn on any such fund which are not paid for want of sufficient funds, they shall be so stamped and shall bear interest until called and paid at a rate established by the city council by resolution.
[ 1965 c 7 § 35.68.040. Prior: 1949 c 177 § 4; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9332d.]

Assessment rollHearingNoticeConfirmationAppeal.

Where all or any portion of the costs are to be assessed against the abutting property, an assessment roll shall be prepared by the proper city official or by the city council which shall to the extent necessary be based on benefits and which shall describe the property assessed, the name of the owner, if known, otherwise stating that the owner is unknown and fixing the amount of the assessment. The assessment roll shall be filed with the city clerk, and when so filed the council shall by resolution fix a date for hearing thereon and direct the clerk to give notice of the hearing and the time and place thereof. The notice of hearing shall be mailed to the person whose name appears on the county treasurer's tax roll as the owner or reputed owner of the property, at the address shown thereon, and shall be published before the date fixed for the hearing for two consecutive weeks in the official newspaper or regular official publication of the city. The notice shall be mailed and first publication made at least ten days before the hearing date. Proof of mailing and publication shall be made by affidavit and shall be filed with the city clerk before the date fixed for the hearing. Following the hearing the city council shall by ordinance affirm, modify, or reject or order recasting of the assessment roll. An appeal may be taken to the superior court from the ordinance confirming the assessment roll in the same manner as is provided for appeals from the assessment roll by chapters 35.43 to 35.54 RCW, inclusive, as now or hereafter amended.
[ 1985 c 469 § 38; 1965 c 7 § 35.68.050. Prior: 1949 c 177 § 5; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9332e.]

Method of payment of assessments.

The city council shall by resolution provide whether the full amount of the assessment shall be paid in one payment or whether it may be paid in installments and shall prescribe the time and amount of such payments; and if more than one payment is provided for, the city council may by resolution provide for interest on unpaid installments and fix the rate thereof.
[ 1965 c 7 § 35.68.060. Prior: 1949 c 177 § 6; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9332f.]

Collection of assessments.

The assessment roll as affirmed or modified by the city council shall be filed with the city treasurer for collection, and the amount thereof including interest, if any, shall become a lien against the property described therein from the date of such filing. Whenever any payment on any assessment or installment is delinquent and unpaid for a period of thirty days or more the lien may be foreclosed in the same manner and with the same effect as is provided by chapters 35.43 to 35.54 RCW, inclusive; as now or hereafter amended. Whenever the deed is issued after the sale therein provided, the regularity, validity and correctness of the proceedings relating to such improvement and the assessment therefor shall be final and conclusive and no action shall thereafter be brought by or in behalf of any person to set aside said deed.
[ 1965 c 7 § 35.68.070. Prior: 1949 c 177 § 7; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9332g.]

Curb ramps for persons with disabilitiesRequiredStandards and requirements.

(1) The standard for construction on any county road, or city or town street, for which curbs in combination with sidewalks, paths, or other pedestrian access ways are to be constructed, shall be not less than two ramps per lineal block on or near the crosswalks at intersections. Such ramps shall be at least thirty-six inches wide and so constructed as to allow reasonable access to the crosswalk for persons with physical disabilities, without uniquely endangering blind persons.
(2) Standards set for curb ramping under subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to any curb existing upon enactment of this section but shall apply to all new curb construction and to all replacement curbs constructed at any point in a block which gives reasonable access to a crosswalk.
(3) Upon September 21, 1977, every ramp thereafter constructed under subsection (1) of this section, which serves one end of a crosswalk, shall be matched by another ramp at the other end of the crosswalk. However, no ramp shall be required at the other end of the crosswalk if there is no curb nor sidewalk at the other end of the crosswalk. Nor shall any matching ramp constructed pursuant to this subsection require a subsequent matching ramp.

Curb ramps for persons with disabilitiesModel standards.

The department of enterprise services shall, pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act, adopt several suggested model design, construction, or location standards to aid counties, cities, and towns in constructing curb ramps to allow reasonable access to the crosswalk for persons with physical disabilities without uniquely endangering blind persons. The department of enterprise services shall consult with persons with physical disabilities, blind persons, counties, cities, and the state building code council in adopting the suggested standards.


Effective date1989 c 175: See note following RCW 34.05.010.

Construction of chapter.

This chapter is supplemental and additional to any and all other laws relating to construction, reconstruction, and repair of sidewalks, gutters, and curbs along driveways across sidewalks in cities and towns.
[ 1965 c 7 § 35.68.080. Prior: 1949 c 177 § 8; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 9332h.]