Chapter 38.48 RCW



HTMLPDF 38.48.050Acceptance of national defense facilities act.


Reviser's note: The following acts, which appear to have been of limited duration, are omitted from RCW:
(1) 1941 c 200, 1943 c 191; RRS ss 8607-7 through 8607-15; Act in aid of national defense;
(2) 1943 c 93; Authorizing sale or lease of tools and equipment to federal agencies;
(3) 1943 c 200; Washington state war council; and
(4) 1945 c 211; Armory drill pay for active state guard.

Acceptance of national defense facilities act.

The legislature hereby expresses its intention to secure to this state the benefits of the act of congress entitled the "National Defense Facilities Act" (10 U.S.C. Sec. 2231, et seq., as amended), and the state military department shall be charged with the duty to cooperate with any official or agency of the United States having powers or duties under the provisions of the said act of congress for the acquisition, construction, expansion, rehabilitation or conversion of facilities necessary for the administration and training of units of the state military department and reserve components of the armed forces of the United States. The provisions of the said act of congress are hereby accepted by this state and this state will observe and comply with the requirements thereof.