Chapter 28A.345 RCW



HTMLPDF 28A.345.010Association created.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.020Membership.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.030Powers of association.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.040Coordination of policiesReport.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.050Association duesPayment.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.070Tribal relationshipsAchievement gapCurriculumReports to the legislature.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.075School districts and tribesEducation data-sharing agreements.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.080Model policy and procedure for granting waivers of credit for high school graduation.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.085Model policy and procedure for nurturing a positive social and emotional school and classroom climateAdoption by school districts.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.090Model school district discipline policiesAdoption and enforcement by school districts.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.110Model policy and procedure for students with epilepsy or other seizure disorders.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.115School director governanceCultural competency, diversity, equity, and inclusionReport.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.120School director governanceCultural competency, diversity, equity, and inclusionTraining programs.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.130Model policy and procedure for instructional materialsDiverse and inclusive curricula.
HTMLPDF 28A.345.902Effective date1983 c 187.


Motor vehicle transportation servicesWashington state school directors' association defined as state agency for purposes of: RCW 43.19.560.