Chapter 87.04 RCW



HTMLPDF 87.04.010Divisions of certain districts requiredNumberDirectorsWho are electors.
HTMLPDF 87.04.020Director vacancies, how filled.
HTMLPDF 87.04.030New district to be divided by county commissionersObjections, denial, election.
HTMLPDF 87.04.040Petition to divide or redivide.
HTMLPDF 87.04.050Redivision when number of directors changed or new lands included.
HTMLPDF 87.04.055Procedure for adding land to director divisions when new land included in district.
HTMLPDF 87.04.058Application of RCW 87.04.030 through 87.04.055 following merger of minor irrigation district into major irrigation district.
HTMLPDF 87.04.060Time for hearing on petitionNotice, contents.
HTMLPDF 87.04.070HearingOrder of denial or rejectionElection to divide or redivide.
HTMLPDF 87.04.080Election of directorsTerms.
HTMLPDF 87.04.090Levy limitation until water received when federal works or contracts involvedException.
HTMLPDF 87.04.100Certain excess lands under federal contracts, assessment limitationException.
HTMLPDF 87.04.900Chapter supplemental to other lawsGeneral repealer.

Divisions of certain districts requiredNumberDirectorsWho are electors.

An irrigation district comprising two hundred thousand or more acres, or irrigation districts comprising less than two hundred thousand acres which have followed the optional procedure specified in *this amendatory act, shall be divided into divisions of as nearly equal area as practical, consistent with being fair and equitable to the electors of the district. The number of divisions shall be the same as the number of directors, which shall be numbered first, second, third, etc. One director, who shall be an elector of the division, shall be elected for each division of the district by the electors of his or her division. A district elector shall be considered an elector of the division in which he or she holds title to or evidence of title to land. An elector holding title to or evidence of title to land in more than one division shall be considered an elector of the division nearest his or her place of residence.


*Reviser's note: The language "this amendatory act" refers to 1961 c 192 codified as RCW 87.04.010 through 87.04.900, 87.03.045, 87.03.080, 87.03.081, and 87.03.082.
DirectorsElection, terms, etc.: RCW 87.03.080 through 87.03.082.
Organization of board, meetings, etc.: RCW 87.03.115.
Qualifications of voters and directors: RCW 87.03.045.

Director vacancies, how filled.

Vacancies in the representation of director divisions on the board of directors of the irrigation district shall be filled by appointment of an elector of the division concerned, in the same manner and for the same time as provided by law for the filling of vacancies on the board of directors of irrigation districts generally.
[ 1961 c 192 s 2; 1939 c 13 s 2; RRS s 7505-5b.]


DirectorsVacancies, how filled: RCW 87.03.081.

New district to be divided by county commissionersObjections, denial, election.

When a new irrigation district comprising more than two hundred thousand acres has been authorized, pursuant to law, the board of county commissioners shall, within thirty days from the canvassing of the returns, divide the district into director divisions equal to the number of directors, and in the resolution organizing the district, they shall include an order designating the director divisions and describing the boundaries thereof. When a petition for the formation of a new irrigation district comprising less than two hundred thousand acres has been filed pursuant to law and said petition includes a request that the district be divided into director divisions, the board of county commissioners shall divide the district into director divisions as provided in this section unless objections to director divisions are made at the hearing held pursuant to RCW 87.03.020; and in the event objections to director divisions are made and not withdrawn, the board of county commissioners may deny the request for director divisions or if it determines that it is to the best interests of the district that director divisions be established, it may, in its order calling an election for organization of the district, include a separate proposition on the question of director divisions; and if a majority of the votes cast on said proposition are in favor of director divisions, then the resolution organizing the district shall include an order designating the director divisions and describing the boundaries thereof.
[ 1961 c 192 s 3; 1939 c 13 s 3; RRS s 7505-5c.]

Petition to divide or redivide.

Proceedings to divide or redivide a district comprising less than two hundred thousand acres into director divisions, or to redivide the director divisions heretofore established for districts comprising more than two hundred thousand acres, may be initiated by a petition filed with the county commissioners of the county in which the principal office of the district is situated. The petition shall designate the name of the district and pray that it be divided into director divisions, or that existing director divisions be redivided, and shall be signed by at least two-thirds of the directors of the district or in lieu thereof by at least twenty electors of the district. A petition to divide or redivide a district shall not be filed more than once in each five-year period except for redivisions necessitated by reason of a change in the total number of directors of the district.
[ 1961 c 192 s 4; 1939 c 13 s 4; RRS s 7505-5d.]

Redivision when number of directors changed or new lands included.

If the number of directors is changed for a district which is divided into director divisions or new lands outside of existing director divisions are included into a district but cannot be added to director divisions as provided in RCW 87.04.055 due to geographic limitations, a petition for redivision or addition shall be filed with the board of county commissioners by the directors of the district and all proceedings thereon shall be conducted in the manner as provided in RCW 87.04.060 and 87.04.070: PROVIDED, That even if objections are filed at the hearing on said petition, no election shall be held but the board of county commissioners shall make such division or addition that they determine to be fair and equitable to the electors of the district.

Procedure for adding land to director divisions when new land included in district.

When land located outside existing director divisions is included in an irrigation district such land shall thereby be added to the nearest director division, except that where added lands are adjacent to two or more director divisions, the common boundary lines between the divisions shall be extended in a straight line so as to include the new lands in such divisions: PROVIDED, That where the provisions of this section cannot be applied due to geographic limitations, the procedures provided for in RCW 87.04.050 shall apply.

Application of RCW 87.04.030 through 87.04.055 following merger of minor irrigation district into major irrigation district.

RCW 87.04.030 through 87.04.055 do not apply to redividing a district immediately following a merger as provided in RCW 87.03.849.

Time for hearing on petitionNotice, contents.

Upon the filing of the petition the board of county commissioners shall fix a time and place for hearing thereon, which shall be not less than thirty days nor more than forty-five days from the date of filing, and shall cause notice thereof, stating the time, place, and general purpose of the hearing, to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in each county in which any of the lands of the district are situated, in at least three consecutive weekly issues; if there is no such newspaper published in a county, then in a newspaper of general circulation therein, designated by the county commissioner. The notice shall state the filing of the petition and its prayer, but need not describe with particularity the boundaries of the divisions recommended in the petition, and shall notify all electors of the district to appear at the time and place named in the notice to show cause, if any they have, why the district should not be divided or redivided into director divisions.
[ 1961 c 192 s 6; 1939 c 13 s 5; RRS s 7505-5e.]


Official paper for publication: RCW 87.03.020.

HearingOrder of denial or rejectionElection to divide or redivide.

At the hearing or adjournments thereof, which shall not be for more than sixty days in all, the board of county commissioners shall consider the petition and shall hear electors of the district for or against the division or redivision of director divisions and recommendations for the manner in which division should be made. If the board deems it against the best interests of the district to divide the district into director divisions or to redivide existing divisions, it shall order the petition rejected, but if it deems it for the best interests of the district that the petition be granted, and if no elector of the district files cause in writing at said hearing why the petition should not be granted, or if having filed said cause in writing withdraws the same, the board shall enter an order dividing or redividing the district into the same number of director divisions as there are directors of the district, and designating the divisions and describing the boundaries thereof. The division to be made shall be such as the commissioners consider fair and equitable to the electors of the district. A copy of the commissioners' order shall be filed for record, without charge, with the auditor of each county in which any part of the district is situated, and thereafter the directors shall be elected or appointed as provided in this chapter. If any elector shall appear in person at said hearing and shall file cause in writing as aforesaid why the petition should not be granted and shall not withdraw the same, and if the board nevertheless deems it for the best interests of the district that the petition be granted, the board shall adopt a resolution to that effect and shall order an election held within the district on whether the district should be divided into director divisions or its existing director divisions be redivided, and shall fix the time thereof and cause notice to be published. The notice shall be given and the election conducted in the manner as for special elections on a bond issue of the district. The notice shall state the general plan of division or redivision but need not describe with particularity the boundaries of the proposed division or redivision. Such boundaries shall be described on the ballot. If the majority of votes cast at the election are in favor of dividing or redividing the district into director divisions, the board of county commissioners shall enter an order dividing or redividing the district into the same number of director divisions as there are directors of the district, and designating the divisions and designating the boundaries thereof. If a majority of the votes cast are against division or redivision into director districts, the board shall order the petition denied.
[ 1961 c 192 s 7; 1939 c 13 s 6; RRS s 7505-5f.]

Election of directorsTerms.

At the next general election of directors of a district which has been divided into director divisions, the electors of the first division shall select the director then to be elected on the board, and if more than one director is to be selected, the second division shall select one, and so on in numerical order, until, as the terms of incumbent directors expire, all the divisions are represented on the board, and thereafter directors shall be elected from the divisions in rotation, as their respective terms of office expire: PROVIDED, That if following the numerical order of director divisions will result in any year in one division having more than one director and one division having no director, then the numerical order of the divisions shall not be followed for the year or years in question but the electors of the next highest numbered division without representation on the board of directors shall select the director then to be elected on the board. If such a district is organized but has not yet held an annual election of officers, it shall, at its next annual election, select directors for three, two and one-year terms respectively, and if the district is managed by a board of three directors, the first division shall select a director for the three-year term, the second division shall select one for the two-year term, and the third division shall select one for the one-year term, and thereafter their successors shall be elected for three-year terms, respectively. If the district has five directors, the first and second divisions shall each select a director for the three-year term, the third and fourth divisions shall each select one for the two-year term, and the fifth division shall select one for the one-year term, and thereafter their successors shall be elected for three-year terms respectively. If the district has seven directors, the first, second and third divisions shall each select a director for the three-year term, the fourth and fifth divisions shall each select a director for the two-year term, and the sixth and seventh divisions shall each select a director for the one-year term, and thereafter their successors shall be elected for three-year terms respectively.
[ 1961 c 192 s 8; 1939 c 13 s 8; RRS s 7505-5h.]


Ballots, declaration of candidacy, nominating petitions: RCW 87.03.075.
Elections are governed by irrigation district laws: RCW 87.03.030.

Levy limitation until water received when federal works or contracts involvedException.

Lands in a district so divided into director divisions, which are to receive water from a system of works to be constructed by the federal government or under a contract between the district and the federal government shall not be assessed more than five cents an acre in any one calendar year until the secretary of the interior announces that water is ready for delivery to the land: PROVIDED, That this section shall not be applicable to districts comprising less than two hundred thousand acres.


Assessment: RCW 87.03.240 through 87.03.305.
Board's powers and duties (contracts with state or United States): RCW 87.03.140.

Certain excess lands under federal contracts, assessment limitationException.

Lands in such a district, which are designated as excess lands under the act of congress of May 27, 1937, and which have been subscribed by the owner thereof to the excess land contract, shall not be assessed more than above specified until after the date fixed in the contract for the sale of such excess lands, unless they have been sooner sold or the owner has sooner called for water thereon: PROVIDED, That this section shall not be applicable to districts comprising less than two hundred thousand acres.
[ 1961 c 192 s 10; 1939 c 13 s 10; RRS s 7505-5j.]


Assessments: RCW 87.03.240 through 87.03.305.

Chapter supplemental to other lawsGeneral repealer.

This chapter is intended, and shall be construed, to be supplemental to and shall become a part of the law relating to irrigation districts, and any act or part of the same inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this act or any part thereof are hereby repealed.
[ 1961 c 192 s 11; 1939 c 13 s 11; RRS s 7505-5k.]