Chapter 81.36 RCW



HTMLPDF 81.36.010Right of eminent domain.
HTMLPDF 81.36.020Right of entry.
HTMLPDF 81.36.030Intersections and connections with other roads or canals.
HTMLPDF 81.36.040Line or canal across or along watercourses.
HTMLPDF 81.36.050Change of grade or location of road or canal.
HTMLPDF 81.36.060Extensions, branch lines.
HTMLPDF 81.36.075Proceedings prior to March 18, 1909, validated.
HTMLPDF 81.36.090Requisites to building extension or branch line.
HTMLPDF 81.36.100Bridges over navigable streams.
HTMLPDF 81.36.120May own securities of irrigation companies.
HTMLPDF 81.36.130May construct and operate ditches and canals.


Assessment of private car companies for property tax purposes: Chapter 84.16 RCW.
Consolidation of competing railroads prohibited: State Constitution Art. 12 s 16.
Constitutional limitations, generally: State Constitution Art. 12.
Express companies: State Constitution Art. 12 s 21.
Rights-of-way over public lands, bridges, etc.: Chapter 79.36 RCW.
Taxation of rolling stock: State Constitution Art. 12 s 17.

Right of eminent domain.

Every corporation organized for the construction of any railway, macadamized road, plank road, clay road, canal or bridge, is hereby authorized and empowered to appropriate, by condemnation, land and any interest in land or contract right relating thereto, including any leasehold interest therein and any rights-of-way for tunnels beneath the surface of the land, and any elevated rights-of-way above the surface thereof, including lands granted to the state for university, school or other purposes, and also tide and shore lands belonging to the state (but not including harbor areas), which may be necessary for the line of such road, railway or canal, or site of such bridge, not exceeding two hundred feet in width, besides a sufficient quantity thereof for toll houses, workshops, materials for construction, excavations and embankments and a right-of-way over adjacent lands or property, to enable such corporation to construct and prepare its road, railway, canal or bridge, and to make proper drains; and in case of a canal, whenever the court shall deem it necessary, to appropriate a sufficient quantity of land, including lands granted to the state for university, school or other purposes, in addition to that before specified in this section, for the construction and excavation of such canal and of the slopes and bermes thereof, not exceeding one thousand feet in total width; and in case of a railway to appropriate a sufficient quantity of any such land, including lands granted to the state for university, schools and other purposes and also tide and shore lands belonging to the state (but not including harbor areas) in addition to that before specified in this section, for the necessary side tracks, depots and water stations, and the right to conduct water thereto by aqueduct, and for yards, terminal, transfer and switching grounds, docks and warehouses required for receiving, delivering, storage and handling of freight, and such land, or any interest therein, as may be necessary for the security and safety of the public in the construction, maintenance and operation of its railways; compensation therefor to be made to the owner thereof irrespective of any benefit from any improvement proposed by such corporation, in the manner provided by law: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That if such corporation locate the bed of such railway or canal upon any part of the track now occupied by any established state or county road, said corporation shall be responsible to the state or county in which such state or county road so appropriated is located, for all expenses incurred by the state or county in relocating and opening the part of such road so appropriated. The term land as herein used includes tide and shore lands but not harbor areas; it also includes any interest in land or contract right relating thereto, including any leasehold interest therein.

Right of entry.

A corporation organized for the construction of any railway, macadamized road, plank road, clay road, canal or bridge, shall have a right to enter upon any land, real estate or premises, or any of the lands granted to the state of Washington for school, university or other purposes, between the termini thereof, for the purpose of examining, locating and surveying the line of such road or canal, or the site of such bridge, doing no unnecessary damage thereby.
[ 1961 c 14 s 81.36.020. Prior: 1895 c 80 s 1; 1888 p 63 s 1; Code 1881 s 2455; 1869 p 34 s 1; RRS s 10538.]

Intersections and connections with other roads or canals.

Every corporation formed under the laws of this state for the construction of a railroad shall have the power to cross, intersect, join and unite its railway with any other railway before constructed, at any point in its route, and upon the grounds of such other railway company, with the necessary turn-outs, sidings, switches and other conveniences in furtherance of the objects of its connections, and every corporation whose railway is or shall be hereafter intersected by any new railway shall unite with the corporation owning such new railway in forming such intersections and connections and grant the facilities aforesaid; and if the two corporations cannot agree upon the amount of compensation to be made therefor, or the points and manner of such crossings and connections, the same shall be ascertained and determined in the manner provided by law for the taking of lands and other property which shall be necessary for the construction of its road, and every corporation formed under the laws of this state for the construction of a canal shall have the power to cross and intersect any railway before constructed at any point in its road and upon the grounds of such other railway company, and every corporation whose railway is or shall hereafter be crossed or intersected by any canal shall unite with the corporation owning such canal in forming such crossings and intersections and grant the facilities therefor; and if the two corporations cannot agree upon the compensation to be made therefor, or the points and manner of such crossings and connections, the same shall be ascertained and determined in the manner provided by law for the taking of lands and other property which shall be necessary for the construction of said canal.
[ 1961 c 14 s 81.36.030. Prior: 1895 c 80 s 3; 1888 p 64 s 3; Code 1881 s 2456 1/2; RRS s 10535.]

Line or canal across or along watercourses.

Every corporation formed under the laws of this state for the construction of railroads or canals shall possess the power to construct its railway or canal, as the case may be, across, along or upon any river, stream of water, watercourses, plank road, turnpike or canal, which the route of such railway or canal shall intersect or touch; but such corporation shall restore the river, stream, watercourse, plank road or turnpike thus intersected or touched to its former state as near as may be, and pay any damages caused by such construction: PROVIDED, That the construction of any railway or canal by such corporation along, across or upon any of the navigable rivers or waters of this state shall be in such manner as to not interfere with, impede or obstruct the navigation thereof; and all rights, privileges and powers of every description by law conferred upon road or railroad companies are hereby given and granted to canal companies so far as the same may be applicable, and all power and authority possessed by the public or municipal corporations of the state or their local authorities, with reference to road or railroad companies, may be exercised by them with reference to canal companies.

Change of grade or location of road or canal.

Any corporation may change the grade or location of its road, or canal, not departing from the general route specified in the articles of incorporation, for the purpose of avoiding annoyances to public travel or dangerous or deficient curves or grades, or unsafe or unsubstantial grounds or foundation, or for other like reasonable causes, and for the accomplishment of such change, shall have the same right to enter upon, examine, survey and appropriate the necessary lands and materials, as in the original location and construction of such road or canal.
[ 1961 c 14 s 81.36.050. Prior: Code 1881 s 2457; 1869 p 343 s 3; RRS s 10537.]

Extensions, branch lines.

Any railroad corporation chartered by, or organized under, the laws of the state, or of any state or territory, or under the laws of the United States, and authorized to do business in this state, may extend its railroads from any point named in its charter or articles of incorporation, or may build branch roads either from any point on its line of road or from any point on the line of any other railroad connecting, or to be connected, with its road, the use of which other road between such points and the connection with its own road such corporation shall have secured by lease or agreement for a term of not less than ten years from its date. Before making any such extension or building any such branch road, such corporation shall, by resolution of its directors or trustees, to be entered in the record of its proceedings, designate the route of such proposed extension or branch by indicating the place from and to which said railroad is to be constructed, and the estimated length of such railroad, and the name of each county in this state through or into which it is constructed or intended to be constructed, and file a copy of such record, certified by the president and secretary, in the office of the secretary of state, who shall endorse thereon the date of the filing thereof and record the same. Thereupon such corporation shall have all the rights and privileges to make such extension or build such branch and receive aid thereto which it would have had if it had been authorized in its charter or articles of incorporation.
[ 1961 c 14 s 81.36.060. Prior: 1890 p 526 s 1; RRS s 10460.]

Proceedings prior to March 18, 1909, validated.

Any sale or purchase of, and any consolidation by sale, or otherwise, or any lease, or agreement to sell, consolidate with or lease, the whole or any part of any railroad, or the branch lines of any company, whether organized or located within or without this state, with the franchises appertaining thereto, to, from or with any railroad company organized under the laws of the United States or of this state or any other state or territory, or any consolidation between such companies, executed prior to March 18, 1909 by the proper officers of the respective companies, parties to such sale, lease or consolidation or contract, is hereby legalized and made in all respects valid and binding from the date of its execution: PROVIDED, That the provisions of this section shall not apply when the railroads or transportation corporations involved are competing lines.
[ 1961 c 14 s 81.36.075. Prior: 1909 c 196 s 2; RRS s 10464.]

Requisites to building extension or branch line.

Any railroad corporation chartered by or organized under the laws of the United States, or of any state or territory, whose constructed railroad shall reach or intersect the boundary line of this state at any point, may extend its railroad into this state from any such point or points to any place or places within the state, and may build branches from any point on such extension. Before making such extension or building any such branch road, such corporation shall, by resolution of its directors or trustees, to be entered in the record of its proceedings, designate the route of such proposed extension or branch by indicating the place from and to which such extension or branch is to be constructed, and the estimated length of such extension or branch, and the name of each county in this state through or into which it is constructed or intended to be constructed, and file a copy of such record, certified by the president and secretary, in the office of the secretary of state, who shall endorse thereon the date of filing thereof, and record the same. Thereupon such corporation shall have all the rights and privileges to make such extension or build such branch and receive such aid thereto as it would have had had it been authorized so to do by articles of incorporation duly filed in accordance with the laws of this state.
[ 1961 c 14 s 81.36.090. Prior: 1890 p 527 s 3; RRS s 10466.]

Bridges over navigable streams.

(1) Any railroad corporation heretofore duly incorporated and organized under the laws of this state or of the territory of Washington, or which may hereafter be duly incorporated and organized under the laws of this state, or heretofore or hereafter incorporated and organized under the laws of any other state or territory of the United States, and authorized to do business in this state and to construct and operate railroads therein, shall have and hereby is given the right to construct bridges across the navigable streams within this state over which the projected line or lines of railway of said railroad corporations will run: PROVIDED, That said bridges are constructed in good faith for the purpose of being made a part of the constructed line of said railroad: AND PROVIDED, That they shall be constructed in the course of the construction of said railroad or thereafter for the more convenient operation thereof: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That such bridges shall be so constructed as not to interfere with, impede or obstruct the navigation of such streams.
(2)(a) Before entering into any contract for the construction of or replacement of any bridge by the state or its subdivisions as a property owner, the executive officer responsible for the contract must consider whether to require the installation of informational signs that address the hazard of diving or jumping off the bridge as part of the contract. These signs are meant to provide more information than just a "no jumping" sign so that people can better understand the hazards related to a particular location. Signs with information on the hazard of cold-water shock that leads to drowning are encouraged to be installed in locations where people might otherwise think a location is safe for swimming. Signs under this section may include the statewide 988 suicide prevention hotline.
(b) This section does not create a private right of action by, or a legal duty to, any party, and may not be used to impose liability on the property owner if a sign has or has not been erected on its property. The state of Washington, including all of its agencies, subdivisions, employees, and agents, shall not be liable in tort for any violation of chapter 54, Laws of 2023, notwithstanding any other provision of law.


Short titleIntentFinding2023 c 54: See notes following RCW 35.21.095.
Bridges and trestles across state waterways: RCW 79.110.130, 79.110.140.
Railroad bridges across navigable streams: RCW 79.110.110.

May own securities of irrigation companies.

It shall be lawful for any corporation, whether such corporation is organized under the laws of the territory or state of Washington, the laws of any other state or territory, or the laws of the United States owning, leasing or operating any line or lines of railway within the state of Washington, or which may own, lease or operate in the future any such line or lines of railway within this state, to take, acquire, own, negotiate, sell and guarantee bonds and stocks of companies or corporations which are or may hereafter be organized for the purpose of irrigating and reclaiming lands within this state.
[ 1961 c 14 s 81.36.120. Prior: 1890 p 529 s 1; RRS s 10461.]

May construct and operate ditches and canals.

It shall be lawful for any such corporation to build, own and operate irrigating ditches and canals in this state for the purpose of irrigating and reclaiming arid lands contiguous to or tributary to such line or lines of railway.
[ 1961 c 14 s 81.36.130. Prior: 1890 p 529 s 2; RRS s 10462.]