Chapter 70.62 RCW



HTMLPDF 70.62.200Purpose.
HTMLPDF 70.62.210Definitions.
HTMLPDF 70.62.220License requiredFeeDisplay.
HTMLPDF 70.62.240Rules.
HTMLPDF 70.62.250Powers and duties of department.
HTMLPDF 70.62.260LicensesApplicationsExpirationRenewal.
HTMLPDF 70.62.270Suspension or revocation of licensesCivil fine.
HTMLPDF 70.62.280ViolationsPenalty.
HTMLPDF 70.62.290Adoption of fire and safety rules.


Reviser's note: Throughout this chapter, the terms "this 1971 amendatory act" or "this act" have been changed to "this chapter." "This 1971 amendatory act" and "this act" consist of this chapter, the amendment of RCW 43.22.050 and the repeal of RCW 70.62.010 through 70.62.130 and 43.22.060 through 43.22.110 by 1971 ex.s. c 239.
Hotels: Chapter 19.48 RCW.
Lien of hotels, lodging and boarding houses: Chapter 60.64 RCW.


The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the development, establishment, and enforcement of standards for the maintenance and operation of transient accommodations through a licensing program to promote the protection of the health and safety of individuals using such accommodations in this state.


The following terms whenever used or referred to in this chapter shall have the following respective meanings for the purposes of this chapter, except in those instances where the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) The term "transient accommodation" shall mean any facility such as a hotel, motel, condominium, resort, or any other facility or place offering three or more lodging units to travelers and transient guests.
(2) The term "person" shall mean any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association or joint stock association, and the legal successor thereof.
(3) The term "secretary" shall mean the secretary of the Washington state department of health and any duly authorized representative thereof.
(4) The term "board" shall mean the Washington state board of health.
(5) The term "department" shall mean the Washington state department of health.
(6) The term "lodging unit" shall mean one self-contained unit designated by number, letter or some other method of identification.

License requiredFeeDisplay.

The person operating a transient accommodation as defined in this chapter shall secure each year an annual operating license and shall pay a fee to cover the cost of licensure and enforcement activities as established by the department under RCW 43.70.110 and 43.70.250. The initial licensure period shall run for one year from the date of issuance, and the license shall be renewed annually on that date. The license fee shall be paid to the department. The license shall be conspicuously displayed in the lobby or office of the facility for which it is issued.


Savings1987 c 75: See RCW 43.20B.900.


The board shall adopt such rules as may be necessary to assure that each transient accommodation will be operated and maintained in a manner consistent with the health and safety of the members of the public using such facilities. Such rules shall provide for adequate light, heat, ventilation, cleanliness, and sanitation and shall include provisions to assure adequate maintenance. All rules and amendments thereto shall be adopted in conformance with the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW.

Powers and duties of department.

The department is hereby granted and shall have and exercise, in addition to the powers herein granted, all the powers necessary and appropriate to carry out and execute the purposes of this chapter, including but not limited to the power:
(1) To develop such rules and regulations for proposed adoption by the board as may be necessary to implement the purposes of this chapter;
(2) To enter and inspect at any reasonable time any transient accommodation and to make such investigations as are reasonably necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter and any rules and regulations promulgated thereunder: PROVIDED, That no room or suite shall be entered for inspection unless said room or suite is not occupied by any patron or guest of the transient accommodation at the time of entry;
(3) To perform such other duties and employ such personnel as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter; and
(4) To administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder by the board.
[ 1971 ex.s. c 239 s 6; (1994 c 250 s 4 expired June 30, 1997).]


Contingent expiration date1994 c 250 s 4: "The 1994 amendments to RCW 70.62.250, section 4, chapter 250, Laws of 1994, expire on June 30, 1997, unless specifically extended by the legislature by an act of law. The department of health shall report to the legislature by December 1, 1996, on the impact of these amendments on transient accommodation licensees in the state of Washington." [ 1994 c 250 s 5.]


(1) No person shall operate a transient accommodation as defined in this chapter without having a valid license issued by the department. Applications for a transient accommodation license shall be filed with the department sixty days or more before initiating business as a transient accommodation. All licenses issued under the provisions of this chapter shall expire one year from the effective date.
(2) All applications for renewal of licenses shall be either: (a) Postmarked no later than midnight on the date the license expires; or (b) if personally presented to the department or sent by electronic means, received by the department by 5:00 p.m. on the date the license expires.
(3) A licensee that submits a license renewal application in accordance with this section and the rules and fee schedule adopted under this chapter shall be deemed to possess a valid license for the year following the expiration date of the expiring license, or until the department suspends or revokes the license pursuant to RCW 70.62.270.
(4) The license of a licensee that fails to submit a license renewal application in accordance with this section, and the rules and fee schedule adopted under this chapter, shall become invalid on the thirty-fifth day after the expiration date, unless the licensee shall have corrected any and all deficiencies in the renewal application and paid a penalty fee as established by rule by the department before the thirty-fifth day following the expiration date. An invalid license may be reinstated upon reapplication as an applicant for a new license under subsection (1) of this section.
(5) Each license shall be issued only for the premises and persons named in the application.

Suspension or revocation of licensesCivil fine.

(1) Licenses issued under this chapter may be suspended or revoked upon the failure or refusal of the person operating a transient accommodation to comply with the provisions of this chapter, or of any rules adopted under this chapter by the board. All such proceedings shall be governed by the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW.
(2) In lieu of or in addition to license suspension or revocation, the department may assess a civil fine in accordance with RCW 43.70.095.


Any violation of this chapter or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder by any person operating a transient accommodation shall be a misdemeanor and shall be punished as such. Each day of operation of a transient accommodation in violation of this chapter shall constitute a separate offense.

Adoption of fire and safety rules.

Rules establishing fire and life safety requirements, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, shall continue to be adopted by the director of commerce, through the director of fire protection.


Explanatory statement2023 c 470: See note following RCW 10.99.030.
Severability1986 c 266: See note following RCW 38.52.005.