Chapter 54.24 RCW



HTMLPDF 54.24.010TreasurerBondDutiesFundsDepositaries.
HTMLPDF 54.24.012Destruction of canceled or paid revenue obligations and interest coupons.
HTMLPDF 54.24.018Acquisition of propertyAdoption of planBonds or warrantsSpecial funds.
HTMLPDF 54.24.020General obligation bonds, revenue obligations for cost of utilities.
HTMLPDF 54.24.030Revenue obligationsSpecial fundForm, term, payment, etc.Resolution of authority, contentsContracts for future sale.
HTMLPDF 54.24.040Considerations in creating special fundStatus of claims against fundWhen lien attaches.
HTMLPDF 54.24.050Covenants to secure owners of revenue obligations.
HTMLPDF 54.24.060Sale, delivery of revenue obligations.
HTMLPDF 54.24.070Prima facie validity of revenue obligations.
HTMLPDF 54.24.080Rates and chargesWaiver of connection charges for low-income persons.
HTMLPDF 54.24.090Funding, refunding revenue obligations.
HTMLPDF 54.24.100Execution of revenue obligationsSignatures.
HTMLPDF 54.24.110Laws and resolutions as contract.
HTMLPDF 54.24.120Obligations as lawful securities and investments.
HTMLPDF 54.24.200Local improvement guaranty fund.
HTMLPDF 54.24.210Local improvement guaranty fundDuties of the district.
HTMLPDF 54.24.220Local improvement guaranty fundWarrants to meet liabilities.
HTMLPDF 54.24.230Local improvement guaranty fundCertificates of delinquencyContents, purchase, payment, issuance, sale.
HTMLPDF 54.24.240Local improvement guaranty fundCertificates of delinquencyRedemption, foreclosure.
HTMLPDF 54.24.250Local improvement guaranty fundSubrogation of district as trustee of fund, effect on fund, disposition of proceeds.
HTMLPDF 54.24.260Local improvement guaranty fundRights and remedies of bond or warrant holder which shall be printed on bond or warrantDisposition of balance of fund.



(1) The treasurer of the county in which a utility district is located shall be ex officio treasurer of the district: PROVIDED, That the commission by resolution may designate some other person having experience in financial or fiscal matters as treasurer of the utility district. The commission may require a bond, with a surety company authorized to do business in the state of Washington, in an amount and under the terms and conditions which the commission by resolution from time to time finds will protect the district against loss. The premium on any such bond shall be paid by the district.
(2) All district funds shall be paid to the treasurer and shall be disbursed by him or her only on warrants issued by an auditor appointed by the commission, upon orders or vouchers approved by it. The treasurer shall establish a public utility district fund, into which shall be paid all district funds, and he or she shall maintain such special funds as may be created by the commission, into which he or she shall place all money as the commission may, by resolution, direct.
(3) If the treasurer of the district is the treasurer of the county all district funds shall be deposited with the county depositaries under the same restrictions, contracts, and security as provided for county depositaries; if the treasurer of the district is some other person, all funds shall be deposited in such bank or banks authorized to do business in this state as the commission by resolution shall designate, and with surety bond to the district or securities in lieu thereof of the kind, no less in amount, as provided in *RCW 36.48.020 for deposit of county funds.
(4) Such surety bond or securities in lieu thereof shall be filed or deposited with the treasurer of the district, and approved by resolution of the commission.
(5) All interest collected on district funds shall belong to the district and be deposited to its credit in the proper district funds.
(6) A district may provide and require a reasonable bond of any other person handling moneys or securities of the district: PROVIDED, That the district pays the premium thereon.
(7) If the treasurer of the district is some other person than the treasurer of the county, the commission may adopt a policy for the payment of claims or other obligations of the utility district, which are payable out of solvent funds, and may elect to pay such obligations by check or warrant. However, if the applicable fund is not solvent at the time payment is ordered, then no check may be issued and payment shall be by warrant. When checks are to be used, the commission shall designate the qualified public depositary upon which the checks are to be drawn as well as the officers required or authorized to sign the checks. For the purposes of this chapter, "warrant" includes checks where authorized by this subsection.
[ 2009 c 173 s 2; 1999 c 18 s 6; 1959 c 218 s 2; 1957 c 140 s 1; 1955 c 124 s 7. Prior: (i) 1931 c 1 s 9; RRS s 11613. (ii) 1931 c 1 s 8, part; RRS s 11612, part.]


*Reviser's note: RCW 36.48.020 was repealed by 1984 c 177 s 21.

Destruction of canceled or paid revenue obligations and interest coupons.

After any revenue obligations or interest coupons have been canceled or paid they may be destroyed as directed by the district, any provisions of chapter 40.14 RCW notwithstanding: PROVIDED, That a certificate of destruction giving full descriptive reference to the documents destroyed shall be made by the person or persons authorized to perform such destruction and one copy of the certificate shall be filed with the treasurer of the district.


Acquisition of propertyAdoption of planBonds or warrantsSpecial funds.

(1) Whenever the commission shall deem it advisable that the public utility district purchase, purchase and condemn, acquire, or construct any such public utility, or make any additions or betterments thereto, or extensions thereof, the commission shall provide therefor by resolution, which shall specify and adopt the system or plan proposed, and declare the estimated cost thereof, as near as may be, and specify whether general or utility indebtedness is to be incurred, the amount of such indebtedness, the amount of interest and the time in which all general bonds (if any) shall be paid, not to exceed thirty years. In the event the proposed general indebtedness to be incurred will bring the nonvoter approved indebtedness of the public utility district to an amount exceeding three-fourths of one percent of the value of the taxable property of the public utility district, as the term "value of the taxable property" is defined in RCW 39.36.015, the proposition of incurring such indebtedness and the proposed plan or system shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said public utility district for their approval or rejection at the next general election held in such public utility district. Elections shall be held as provided in RCW 39.36.050.
Whenever the commission (or a majority of the qualified voters of such public utility district, voting at said election, when it is necessary to submit the same to said voters) shall have adopted a system or plan for any such public utility, as aforesaid, and shall have authorized indebtedness therefor by a three-fifths vote of the qualified voters of such district, voting at said election, general or public utility bonds may be used as hereinafter provided. The principal and interest of such general bonds shall be paid from the revenue of such public utility district after deducting costs of maintenance, operation, and expenses of the public utility district, and any deficit in the payment of principal and interest of said general bonds shall be paid by levying each year a tax upon the taxable property within said district sufficient to pay said interest and principal of said bonds, which tax shall be due and collectible as any other tax. Said bonds shall be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.
(2) All bonds and warrants issued under the authority of this chapter shall be legal securities, which may be used by any bank or trust company for deposit with the state treasurer, or any county or city treasurer, as security for deposits, in lieu of a surety bond, under any law relating to deposits of public moneys.
(3) When the commission shall not desire to incur a general indebtedness in the purchase, condemnation and purchase, acquisition, or construction of any such public utility, or addition or betterment thereto, or extension thereof, it shall have the power to create a special fund or funds for the sole purpose of defraying the cost of such public utility, or addition or betterment thereto, or extension thereof, into which special fund or funds it may obligate and bind the district to set aside and pay a fixed proportion of the gross revenues of such public utility, or any fixed amount out of, and not exceeding a fixed proportion of, such revenues, or a fixed amount without regard to any fixed proportion, and to issue and sell revenue bonds or warrants bearing interest at such rate or rates, payable semiannually, executed in such manner, and payable at such times and places as the commission shall determine, but such bonds or warrants and the interest thereon, shall be payable only out of such special fund or funds. In creating any such special fund or funds, the commission shall have due regard to the cost of operation and maintenance of the plant or system as constructed or added to, and to any proportion or part of the revenues previously pledged as a fund for the payment of bonds or warrants, and shall not set aside into such special fund or funds a greater amount or proportion of the revenues and proceeds than, in its judgment, will be available over and above such cost of maintenance and operation and the amount or proportion, if any, of the revenues so previously pledged. Any such bonds or warrants, and interest thereon, issued against any such fund, as herein provided, shall be a valid claim of the owner thereof only as against the said special fund and its fixed proportion or amount of the revenue pledged to such fund, and shall not constitute an indebtedness of such district within the meaning of the constitutional provisions and limitations. Each such bond or warrant shall state on its face that it is payable from a special fund, naming such fund and the resolution creating it. Said bonds and warrants shall be sold in such manner as the commission shall deem for the best interests of the district. The commission may provide in any contract for the construction and acquisition of a proposed improvement or utility that payment therefor shall be made only in such bonds or warrants at the par value thereof. In all other respects, the issuance of such utility bonds or warrants and payment therefor shall be governed by the public utility laws for cities and towns. The revenue or utility bonds or warrants may be in any form, including bearer bonds or bearer warrants, or registered bonds or registered warrants as provided in RCW 39.46.030.
(4) Notwithstanding subsection (3) of this section, any of such revenue bonds and revenue warrants may be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.


Purpose1984 c 186: See note following RCW 39.46.110.
Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Purpose1970 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 39.52.020.
ValidationSavingSeverability1969 ex.s. c 232: See notes following RCW 39.52.020.
Municipal utilities: Chapter 35.92 RCW.


General obligation bonds, revenue obligations for cost of utilities.

Whenever the commission of a public utility district, organized pursuant to chapter 1 of the Laws of 1931 (sections 11605 et seq. of Remington's Revised Statutes) shall deem it advisable that the district purchase, purchase and condemn, acquire or construct any public utility, or make any additions or betterments thereto or extensions thereof, the commission shall provide therefor by resolution, which shall specify and adopt the system or plan proposed and declare the estimated cost thereof, as near as may be, including as part of such cost funds necessary for working capital for the operation of such public utility by the district and for the payment of the expenses incurred in the acquisition or construction thereof, and shall specify whether general obligation bonds or revenue obligations are to be issued to defray such cost and the amount of such general obligation bonds or revenue obligations.
The commissioners may provide in such resolution that any additional works, plants, or facilities subsequently acquired or constructed by the district for the same uses, whether or not physically connected therewith, shall be deemed additions or betterments to or extensions of such public utility.
[ 1959 c 218 s 3; 1941 c 182 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 11611-1.]


Severability1941 c 182: "If any section or provision of this act shall be adjudged to be invalid such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the act as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged to be invalid." [ 1941 c 182 s 12.]
Revenue obligations defined: RCW 54.04.010.

Revenue obligationsSpecial fundForm, term, payment, etc.Resolution of authority, contentsContracts for future sale.

(1) Whenever the commission shall deem it advisable to issue revenue obligations for the purpose of defraying the cost or part of the cost of such public utility or any additions or betterments thereto or extensions thereof, it shall have power as a part of such plan and system to create a special fund or funds for the purpose of defraying the cost of such public utility, or additions or betterments thereto or extensions thereof, into which special fund or funds it may obligate and bind the district to set aside and pay a fixed proportion of the gross revenues of such public utility, and all additions or betterments thereto or extensions thereof, or any fixed amount out of, and not exceeding a fixed proportion of such revenues, or a fixed amount without regard to any fixed proportion, or an amount of such revenues equal to a fixed percentage of the aggregate principal amount of revenue obligations at any time issued against the special fund or funds, and to issue and sell revenue obligations payable as to both principal and interest only out of such fund or funds.
Such revenue obligations shall bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times, be in such denominations, be in such form, either coupon or registered, as provided in RCW 39.46.030, or both, carry such registration privileges, be made transferable, exchangeable, and interchangeable, be payable in such medium of payment, at such place or places, and be subject to such terms of redemption as the commission shall by resolution determine.
Any resolution or resolutions authorizing the issuance of any revenue obligations maturing in not exceeding six years from the date thereof (hereinafter in this section referred to as "short term obligations") may contain, in addition to all other provisions authorized by this title, and as an alternate method for the payment thereof, provisions which shall be a part of the contract with the holders of the short term obligations thereby authorized as to:
(a) Refunding the short term obligations at or prior to maturity and, if so provided, outstanding bonds by the issuance of revenue bonds of the district either by the sale of bonds and application of the proceeds to the payment of the short term obligations and outstanding bonds or by the exchange of bonds for the short term obligations;
(b) Satisfying, paying, or discharging the short term obligations at the election of the district by the tender or delivery of revenue bonds of the district in exchange therefor: PROVIDED, That the aggregate principal amount of bonds shall not exceed by more than five percent the aggregate principal amount of the short term obligations, to satisfy, pay, or discharge said short term obligations for which the bonds are tendered or delivered;
(c) Exchanging or converting the short term obligations at the election of the owner thereof for or into the bonds of the district: PROVIDED, That the aggregate principal amount of the bonds shall not exceed by more than five percent the aggregate principal amount of the short term obligations to be exchanged for or converted into bonds;
(d) Pledging bonds of the district as collateral to secure payment of the short term obligations and providing for the terms and conditions of the pledge and the manner of enforcing the pledge, which terms and conditions may provide for the delivery of the bonds in satisfaction of the short term obligations: PROVIDED, That the aggregate principal amount of the bonds pledged shall not exceed by more than five percent the aggregate principal amount of the short term obligations to secure said short term obligations for which they are pledged;
(e) Depositing bonds in escrow or in trust with a trustee or fiscal agent or otherwise providing for the issuance and disposition of the bonds as security for carrying out any of the provisions in any resolution adopted pursuant to this section and providing for the powers and duties of the trustee, fiscal agent, or other depositary and the terms and conditions upon which the bonds are to be issued, held and disposed of;
(f) Any other matters of like or different character which relate to any provision or provisions of any resolution adopted pursuant to this section.
A district shall have power to make contracts for the future sale from time to time of revenue obligations by which the purchasers shall be committed to purchase such revenue obligations from time to time on the terms and conditions stated in such contract; and a district shall have power to pay such consideration as it shall deem proper for such commitments.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, such revenue obligations may be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.
[ 1983 c 167 s 147; 1959 c 218 s 4; 1941 c 182 s 2; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 11611-2.]


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Alternative authority to issue revenue bonds: RCW 39.46.150, 39.46.160.
Funds for reserve purposes may be included in issue amount: RCW 39.44.140.

Considerations in creating special fundStatus of claims against fundWhen lien attaches.

In creating any special fund for the payment of revenue obligations, the commission shall have due regard to the cost of operation and maintenance of the plant or system constructed or added to, and to any proportion or amount of the revenues previously pledged as a fund for the payment of revenue obligations, and shall not set aside into such special fund or funds a greater amount or proportion of the revenues and proceeds than in its judgment will be available over and above such cost of maintenance and operation and the amount or proportion, if any, of the revenues so previously pledged. Any such revenue obligations and interest thereon issued against any such fund as herein provided shall be a valid claim of the owner thereof only as against such special fund and the proportion or amount of the revenues pledged to such fund, but shall constitute a prior charge over all other charges or claims whatsoever, including the charge or lien of any general obligation bonds against such fund and the proportion or amount of the revenues pledged thereto. Such revenue obligations shall not constitute an indebtedness of such district within the meaning of the constitutional provisions and limitations. Each revenue obligation shall state on its face that it is payable from a special fund, naming such fund and the resolution creating it, or shall describe such alternate method for the payment thereof as shall be provided by the resolution authorizing same.
It is the intention hereof that any pledge of the revenues or other moneys or obligations made by a district shall be valid and binding from the time that the pledge is made; that the revenues or other moneys or obligations so pledged and thereafter received by a district shall immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge without any physical delivery or further act, and that the lien of any such pledge shall be valid and binding as against any parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract, or otherwise against a district irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof. Neither the resolution or other instrument by which a pledge is created need be recorded.
[ 1983 c 167 s 148; 1959 c 218 s 5; 1941 c 182 s 5; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 11611-5.]


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

Covenants to secure owners of revenue obligations.

Any resolution creating any such special fund or authorizing the issue of revenue obligations payable therefrom, or by such alternate method of payment as may be provided therein, shall specify the title of such revenue obligations as determined by the commission and may contain covenants by the district to protect and safeguard the security and the rights of the owners thereof, including covenants as to, among other things:
(1) The purpose or purposes to which the proceeds of sale of such obligations may be applied and the use and disposition thereof;
(2) The use and disposition of the gross revenues of the public utility, and any additions or betterments thereto or extensions thereof, the cost of which is to be defrayed with such proceeds, including the creation and maintenance of funds for working capital to be used in the operation of the public utility and for renewals and replacements to the public utility;
(3) The amount, if any, of additional revenue obligations payable from such fund which may be issued and the terms and conditions on which such additional revenue obligations may be issued;
(4) The establishment and maintenance of adequate rates and charges for electric energy, water, and other services, facilities, and commodities sold, furnished, or supplied by the public utility;
(5) The operation, maintenance, management, accounting, and auditing of the public utility;
(6) The terms and prices upon which such revenue obligations or any of them may be redeemed at the election of the district;
(7) Limitations upon the right to dispose of such public utility or any part thereof without providing for the payment of the outstanding revenue obligations; and
(8) The appointment of trustees, depositaries, and paying agents to receive, hold, disburse, invest, and reinvest all or any part of the income, revenues, receipts, and profits derived by the district from the operation, ownership, and management of its public utility.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

Sale, delivery of revenue obligations.

(1) Such utility revenue obligations shall be sold and delivered in such manner, at such rate or rates of interest and for such price or prices and at such time or times as the commission shall deem for the best interests of the district. The commission may, if it deem it to the best interest of the district, provide in any contract for the construction or acquisition of the public utility, or the additions or betterments thereto or extensions thereof, that payment therefor shall be made only in such revenue obligations at the par value thereof.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, such obligations may be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Purpose1970 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 39.52.020.
ValidationSavingSeverability1969 ex.s. c 232: See notes following RCW 39.52.020.

Prima facie validity of revenue obligations.

The state auditor need not register, certify, nor sign revenue obligations after July 26, 1981. These obligations shall be held in every action, suit, or proceeding in which their validity is or may be brought into question prima facie valid and binding obligations of the districts in accordance with their terms, notwithstanding any defects or irregularities in the proceedings for the organization of the district and the election of the commissioners thereof or for the authorization and issuance of such revenue obligations or in the sale, execution, or delivery thereof.
[ 1981 c 37 s 1; 1959 c 218 s 8; 1941 c 182 s 6; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 11611-6.]

Rates and chargesWaiver of connection charges for low-income persons.

(1) The commission of each district which shall have revenue obligations outstanding shall have the power and shall be required to establish, maintain, and collect rates or charges for electric energy and water and other services, facilities, and commodities sold, furnished, or supplied by the district. The rates and charges shall be fair and, except as authorized by RCW 74.38.070 and by subsections (2) and (3) of this section, nondiscriminatory, and shall be adequate to provide revenues sufficient for the payment of the principal of and interest on such revenue obligations for which the payment has not otherwise been provided and all payments which the district is obligated to set aside in any special fund or funds created for such purpose, and for the proper operation and maintenance of the public utility and all necessary repairs, replacements, and renewals thereof.
(2) The commission of a district may waive connection charges for properties purchased by low-income persons from organizations exempt from tax under section 501(c)(3) of the federal internal revenue code as amended prior to the July 23, 1995. Waivers of connection charges for the same class of electric or gas utility service must be uniformly applied to all qualified property. Nothing in this subsection (2) authorizes the impairment of a contract.
(3) In establishing rates or charges for water service, commissioners may in their discretion consider the achievement of water conservation goals and the discouragement of wasteful water use practices.


Purposes1991 c 347: See note following RCW 90.42.005.

Funding, refunding revenue obligations.

Whenever any district shall have outstanding any utility revenue obligations, the commission shall have power by resolution to provide for the issuance of funding or refunding revenue obligations with which to take up and refund such outstanding revenue obligations or any part thereof at the maturity thereof or before maturity if the same be by their terms or by other agreement subject to call for prior redemption, with the right in the commission to include various series and issues of such outstanding revenue obligations in a single issue of funding or refunding revenue obligations, and to issue refunding revenue obligations to pay any redemption premium payable on the outstanding revenue obligations being funded or refunded. Such funding or refunding revenue obligations shall be payable only out of a special fund created out of the gross revenues of such public utility, and shall only be a valid claim as against such special fund and the amount of the revenues of such utility pledged to such fund. Such funding or refunding revenue obligations shall in the discretion of the commission be exchanged at par for the revenue obligations which are being funded or refunded or shall be sold in such manner, at such price and at such rate or rates of interest as the commission shall deem for the best interest of the district. Said funding or refunding [revenue] obligations shall except as specifically provided in this section, be issued in accordance with the provisions with respect to revenue obligations in chapter 182, Laws of 1941 set forth.


Purpose1970 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 39.52.020.
ValidationSavingSeverability1969 ex.s. c 232: See notes following RCW 39.52.020.

Execution of revenue obligationsSignatures.

(1) All revenue obligations, including funding and refunding revenue obligations, shall be executed in such manner as the commission may determine: PROVIDED, That warrants may be signed as provided in RCW 54.24.010. Any interest coupons attached to any revenue obligations may be executed with facsimile or lithographed signatures, or otherwise, as the commission may determine.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, such obligations may be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Facsimile signatures: RCW 39.44.100 through 39.44.102; chapter 39.62 RCW.

Laws and resolutions as contract.

The provisions of chapter 182, Laws of 1941 and the provisions of chapter 1, Laws of 1931, not hereby superseded, and of any resolution or resolutions providing for the issuance of any revenue obligations as herein set forth shall constitute a contract with the holder or holders of such revenue obligations and the agreements and covenants of the district and its commission under said acts and any such resolution or resolutions shall be enforceable by any revenue obligation holder by mandamus or any other appropriate suit or action in any court of competent jurisdiction.
[ 1959 c 218 s 12; 1941 c 182 s 10; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 11611-10.]


Mandamus: RCW 7.16.150 through 7.16.280.

Obligations as lawful securities and investments.

All bonds, warrants, and revenue obligations issued under the authority of chapter 1, Laws of 1931 and chapter 182, Laws of 1941 shall be legal securities, which may be used by any bank or trust company for deposit with the state treasurer, or any county, city, or town treasurer, as security for deposits in lieu of a surety bond under any law relating to deposits of public moneys and shall constitute legal investments for trustees and other fiduciaries other than corporations doing a trust business in this state and for savings and loan associations, banks, and insurance companies doing business in this state. All such bonds, warrants, and revenue obligations and all coupons appertaining thereto shall be negotiable instruments within the meaning of and for all purposes of the negotiable instruments law of this state.
[ 1959 c 218 s 13; 1941 c 182 s 11; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 11611-11.]


Investment securities: Article 62A.8 RCW.


Local improvement guaranty fund.

Every public utility district in the state is hereby authorized, by resolution, to create a fund for the purpose of guaranteeing, to the extent of such fund, and in the manner hereinafter provided, the payment of such of its local improvement bonds and/or warrants as the commission may determine issued to pay for any local improvement within any local utility district established within the boundaries of the public utility district. Such fund shall be designated "local improvement guaranty fund, public utility district No. . . . .". For the purpose of maintaining such fund the public utility district shall set aside and pay into it such proportion as the commissioners may direct by resolution of the monthly gross revenues of its public utilities for which local improvement bonds and/or warrants have been issued and guaranteed by said fund: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That any obligation to make payments into said fund as herein provided shall be junior to any pledge of said gross revenues for the payment of any outstanding or future general obligation bonds or revenue bonds of the district. The proportion may be varied from time to time as the commissioners deem expedient: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That under the existence of the conditions set forth in subdivisions (1) and (2), hereunder, and when consistent with the covenants of a public utility district securing its bonds, the proportion shall be as therein specified, to wit:
(1) When bonds and/or warrants of a local utility district have been guaranteed and are outstanding and the guaranty fund does not have a cash balance equal to twenty percent of all bonds and/or warrants originally guaranteed hereunder, excluding bonds and/or warrants which have been retired in full, then twenty percent of the gross monthly revenues from each public utility for which such bonds and/or warrants have been issued and are outstanding but not necessarily from users in other parts of the public utility district as a whole, shall be set aside and paid into the guaranty fund: PROVIDED, That when, under the requirements of this subdivision, the cash balance accumulates so that it is equal to twenty percent of the total original guaranteed bonds and/or warrants, exclusive of any issue of bonds and/or warrants of a local utility district which issue has been paid and/or redeemed in full, or equal to the full amount of all bonds and/or warrants guaranteed, outstanding and unpaid, which amount might be less than twenty percent of the original total guaranteed, then no further revenue need be set aside and paid into the guaranty fund so long as such condition continues;
(2) When warrants issued against the guaranty fund remain outstanding and uncalled, for lack of funds, for six months from date of issuance, or when bonds, warrants, or any coupons or interest payments guaranteed hereunder have been matured for six months and have not been redeemed, then twenty percent of the gross monthly revenue, or such portion thereof as the commissioners determine will be sufficient to retire the warrants or redeem the coupons, interest payments, bonds and/or warrants in the ensuing six months, derived from all the users of the public utilities for which such bonds and/or warrants have been issued and are outstanding in whole or in part, shall be set aside and paid into the guaranty fund: PROVIDED, That when under the requirements of this subdivision all warrants, coupons, bonds and/or warrants specified in this subdivision have been redeemed and interest payments made, no further income need be set aside and paid into the guaranty fund under the requirements of this subdivision unless other warrants remain outstanding and unpaid for six months or other coupons, bonds and/or warrants default or interest payments are not made: PROVIDED, FURTHER, HOWEVER, That no more than a total of twenty percent of the gross monthly revenue shall be required to be set aside and paid into the guaranty fund by these subdivisions (1) and (2).


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Local utility districts: RCW 54.16.120.

Local improvement guaranty fundDuties of the district.

To comply with the requirements of setting aside and paying into the local improvement guaranty fund a proportion of the monthly gross revenues of the public utilities of a district, for which guaranteed local improvement bonds and/or warrants have been issued and are outstanding, the district shall bind and obligate itself so long as economically feasible to maintain and operate the utilities and establish, maintain and collect such rates for water and/or electric energy, as the case may be, as will produce gross revenues sufficient to maintain and operate the utilities, and make necessary provision for the guaranty fund. The district shall alter its rates for water and/or electric energy, as the case may be, from time to time and shall vary them in different portions of its territory to comply with such requirements.

Local improvement guaranty fundWarrants to meet liabilities.

When a bond, warrant, or any coupon or interest payment guaranteed by the guaranty fund matures and there are not sufficient funds in the local utility district bond redemption fund to pay it, the county treasurer shall pay it from the local improvement guaranty fund of the public utility district; if there are not sufficient funds in the guaranty fund to pay it, it may be paid by issuance and delivery of a warrant upon the local improvement guaranty fund.
When the cash balance in the local improvement guaranty fund is insufficient for the required purposes, warrants drawing interest at a rate determined by the commission may be issued by the district auditor, against the fund to meet any liability accrued against it and shall issue them upon demand of the owners of any matured coupons, bonds, interest payments, and/or warrants guaranteed hereby, or to pay for any certificate of delinquency for delinquent installments of assessments as provided hereinafter. Guaranty fund warrants shall be a first lien in their order of issuance upon the guaranty fund.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

Local improvement guaranty fundCertificates of delinquencyContents, purchase, payment, issuance, sale.

Within twenty days after the date of delinquency of any annual installment of assessments levied for the purpose of paying the local improvement bonds and/or warrants of a district guaranteed hereunder, the county treasurer shall compile a statement of all installments delinquent together with the amount of accrued interest and penalty appurtenant to each installment, and shall forthwith purchase, for the district, certificates of delinquency for all such delinquent installments. Payment for the certificates shall be made from the local improvement guaranty fund and if there is not sufficient money in that fund to pay for the certificates, the county treasurer shall accept the local improvement guaranty fund warrants in payment therefor. All certificates shall be issued in the name of the local improvement guaranty fund and all guaranty fund warrants issued in payment therefor shall be issued in the name of the appropriate local utility district fund. When a market is available and the commissioners direct, the county treasurer shall sell any certificates belonging to the local improvement guaranty fund, for not less than face value thereof plus accrued interest from date of issuance to date of sale.
The certificates shall be issued by the county treasurer, shall bear interest at the rate of ten percent per year, shall each be for the face value of the delinquent installment, plus accrued interest to date of issuance, plus a penalty of five percent of the face value, and shall set forth the:
(1) Description of property assessed;
(2) Date the installment of assessment became delinquent; and
(3) Name of the owner or reputed owner, if known.

Local improvement guaranty fundCertificates of delinquencyRedemption, foreclosure.

The certificates of delinquency may be redeemed by the owner of the property assessed at any time up to two years from the date of foreclosure of the certificate.
If a certificate is not redeemed on the second occurring first day of January, after its issuance, the county treasurer shall foreclose the certificate in the manner specified for the foreclosure of the lien of local improvement assessments in cities, and if no redemption is made within the succeeding two years, from date of the decree of foreclosure, shall execute and deliver unto the public utility district, as trustee for the fund, a deed conveying fee simple title to the property described in the foreclosed certificate.

Local improvement guaranty fundSubrogation of district as trustee of fund, effect on fund, disposition of proceeds.

When there is paid out of a guaranty fund any sum on the principal or interest upon local improvement bonds, and/or warrants, or on the purchase of certificates of delinquency, the public utility district, as trustee, for the fund, shall be subrogated to all rights of the owner of the bonds, and/or warrants, any interest coupons, or delinquent assessment installments so paid; and the proceeds thereof, or of the assessment underlying them, shall become a part of the guaranty fund. There shall also be paid into the guaranty fund the interest received from the bank deposits of the fund, as well as any surplus remaining in the local utility district funds guaranteed hereunder, after the payment of all outstanding bonds and/or warrants payable primarily out of such local utility district funds. As among the several issues of bonds and/or warrants guaranteed by the fund, no preference shall exist, but defaulted interest coupons and bonds and/or warrants shall be purchased out of the fund in the order of their presentation.
The commissioners shall prescribe, by resolution, appropriate rules for the guaranty fund consistent herewith. So much of the money of a guaranty fund as is necessary and not required for other purposes hereunder may be used to purchase property at county tax foreclosure sales or from the county after foreclosure in cases where the property is subject to unpaid local improvement assessments securing bonds and/or warrants guaranteed hereunder and such purchase is deemed necessary for the purpose of protecting the guaranty fund. In such cases the funds shall be subrogated to all rights of the district. After so acquiring title to real property, the district may lease or resell and convey it in the same manner that county property may be leased or resold and for such prices and on such terms as may be determined by resolution of the commissioners. All proceeds resulting from such resales shall belong to and be paid into the guaranty fund.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

Local improvement guaranty fundRights and remedies of bond or warrant holder which shall be printed on bond or warrantDisposition of balance of fund.

Neither the holder nor the owner of local improvement bonds and/or warrants guaranteed hereunder shall have a claim therefor against the public utility district, except for payment from the special assessment made for the improvement for which the bonds and/or warrants were issued, and except as against the guaranty fund. The district shall not be liable to any holder or owner of such local improvement bonds and/or warrants for any loss to the guaranty fund occurring in the lawful operation thereof by the district. The remedy of the holder of a local improvement bond and/or warrant shall be confined to the enforcement of the assessment and to the guaranty fund. A copy of the foregoing part of this section shall be plainly written, printed, or engraved on each local improvement bond and/or warrant guaranteed hereby. The establishment of a guaranty fund shall not be deemed at variance from any comprehensive plan heretofore adopted by a district.
If a guaranty fund at any time has balance therein in cash, and the obligations guaranteed thereby have all been paid off, the balance may be transferred to such other fund of the district as the commissioners shall, by resolution, direct.