Chapter 38.40 RCW



HTMLPDF 38.40.010Liability of officers and enlisted persons on duty.
HTMLPDF 38.40.020Not liable for exercise of judgment.
HTMLPDF 38.40.025Liability of state for federal activities.
HTMLPDF 38.40.030Compensation for death or disability.
HTMLPDF 38.40.040Interference with employmentPenalty.
HTMLPDF 38.40.050Discharge from employmentPenalty.
HTMLPDF 38.40.060Military leave for public employees.
HTMLPDF 38.40.100Notice for duty.
HTMLPDF 38.40.110Employment or membership in other organizationsDiscrimination prohibitedPenaltyCivil cause of action.
HTMLPDF 38.40.120Authorized military organizations.
HTMLPDF 38.40.130Corporations may be formed.
HTMLPDF 38.40.150Property to remain public property.
HTMLPDF 38.40.200Military department capital account.
HTMLPDF 38.40.210Military department rental and lease account.
HTMLPDF 38.40.220Military department active state service account.
HTMLPDF 38.40.230Purple heart stateSignageAccount.


Acknowledgments and powers of attorney: Chapter 73.20 RCW.
Acquisitions of lands for permanent military installations: Chapter 37.16 RCW.
Common carriersSpecial exceptions on carriage of property, government freight, etc.: RCW 81.28.080.
Eminent domain
condemnation for military purposes: RCW 8.04.170, 8.04.180.
notice where military land is involved: RCW 8.28.030.
proof of missing in action, capture by enemy, etc.: RCW 5.40.030.
written finding of presumed death as prima facie evidence: RCW 5.40.020.
Federal areas and jurisdiction: Title 37 RCW.
Gas bombs: RCW 70.74.310.
Joint armory sites: RCW 36.64.050.
JuriesPersons exempt: RCW 2.36.080.
Mental illness hospitalization
authority over patientFederal agencies, private establishments: RCW 71.02.490.
commitment to veterans administration or other federal agencyGeneral provision: RCW 73.36.165.
privilege from arrest: State Constitution Art. 10 s 5.
soldiers' home: State Constitution Art. 10 s 3.
Personal exemptionsPension money exempt: RCW 6.15.020.
Residence, contingencies affecting: State Constitution Art. 6 s 4.
Soldiers' and veterans' homes and veterans' cemetery: Chapter 72.36 RCW.
Statute of limitations tolledAs to person in military service of United States: RCW 4.16.220.
Tidelands and shorelands grants to United States: RCW 79.125.760 through 79.125.790.
Unlawful firearmsException: RCW 9.41.190.
Veterans and veterans' affairs: Title 73 RCW.
Veterans' rehabilitation council: Chapter 43.61 RCW.
Voter, when privileged from military duty: State Constitution Art. 6 s 5.

Liability of officers and enlisted persons on duty.

Members of the militia ordered into active service of the state by any proper authority shall not be liable civilly or criminally for any act or acts done by them while on such duty nor shall any action lie against any officer or enlisted person for any acts done by the officer or enlisted person in line of duty by virtue of any order which may thereafter be held invalid by any civil court. When a suit or proceeding shall be commenced in any court by any person against any officer or enlisted person of the militia for any act done by such officer or enlisted person in his or her official capacity or in the discharge of any duty, or against any person acting under the authority or order of such officer or by virtue of any warrant issued pursuant to law, the defendant may require the person prosecuting or instituting the proceeding to give security for the payment of all costs that may be awarded to the defendant, and the defendant in all cases may make a general denial and, under such general denial, give all other or any special defense matter in evidence. In case the plaintiff shall be nonsuited or the verdict or judgment be in favor of the defendant, treble costs shall be assessed against the plaintiff. The defendant in such action shall be defended by the attorney general at the expense of the state, but private counsel may also be employed by the defendant. The venue of all such actions shall be Thurston county and the state of Washington shall be in all cases a necessary party defendant.
[ 1989 c 19 s 45; 1943 c 130 s 13; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 8603-13. Cf. 1909 c 134 s 25, part; 1895 c 108 s 173, part.]

Not liable for exercise of judgment.

The commanding officer of any of the military forces of the state of Washington engaged under the order of proper authority in the suppression of insurrection, the dispersion of a mob, the protection of life or property, or the enforcement of the laws, shall exercise discretion as to the propriety of the means to be used in controlling or dispersing of any mob or other unlawful assembly and, if he or she exercises his or her honest judgment thereon, he or she shall not be liable in either a civil or criminal action for any act done in line of duty.
[ 1989 c 19 s 46; 1943 c 130 s 14; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 8603-14. Cf. 1909 c 134 s 25, part; 1895 c 108 s 173, part.]

Liability of state for federal activities.

Neither the state of Washington, its officers, employees, or agents, nor any member of the militia may be held liable in any civil action for damages arising out of any of the activities of the military forces of the state of Washington while engaged in activities during which the officers, employees, agents, or members are considered employees of the federal government under the federal tort claims act, *26 U.S.C. Sec. 2671 et seq.


*Reviser's note: The reference to 26 U.S.C. appears to be incorrect. Reference to 28 U.S.C. was apparently intended.
Legislative declaration1987 c 26: "The legislature recognizes that Congress has established comprehensive administrative programs to compensate members of the military forces for injuries they may incur while performing training for national defense." [ 1987 c 26 s 1.]
Severability1987 c 26: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1987 c 26 s 3.]

Compensation for death or disability.

If any member of the organized militia is injured, incapacitated, or otherwise disabled while in active state service or inactive duty as a member of the organized militia, he or she shall receive from the state of Washington just and reasonable relief in the amount to be determined as provided in this section, including necessary medical care. If the member dies from disease contracted or injury received or is killed while in active state service or inactive duty under order of the governor, then the dependents of the deceased shall receive such compensation as may be allowed as provided in this section. If the United States or any agent thereof, in accordance with any federal statute or regulation, furnishes monetary assistance, benefits, or other temporary or permanent relief to militia members or to their dependents for injuries arising out of and occurring in the course of their activities as militia members, but not including Social Security benefits, then the amount of compensation which any militia member or his or her dependents are otherwise entitled to receive from the state of Washington as provided in this section shall be reduced by the amount of monetary assistance, benefits, or other temporary or permanent relief the militia member or his or her dependents have received and will receive from the United States or any agent thereof as a result of his or her injury. All claims arising under this section shall be inquired into by a board of three officers, at least one being a medical officer, to be appointed by the adjutant general. The board has the same power to take evidence, administer oaths, issue subpoenas, compel witnesses to attend and testify and produce books and papers, and punish their failure to do so as is possessed by a general court martial. The amount of compensation or benefits payable shall conform as nearly as possible to the general schedule of payments and awards provided under the workers' compensation law in effect in the state of Washington at the time the disability or death occurred. The findings of the board shall be reviewed by the adjutant general for final approval. The adjutant general may return the proceedings for revision or for the taking of further testimony. The action of the board when finally approved by the adjutant general is final and conclusive and constitutes the fixed award for the injury or loss and is a debt of the state of Washington.


IntentSeverability1987 c 185: See notes following RCW 51.12.130.
Workers' compensation: Title 51 RCW.

Interference with employmentPenalty.

A person, who either alone, or with another, wilfully deprives a member of the organized militia of Washington of his or her employment or prevents such member being employed, or obstructs or annoys said member or his or her employer in their trade, business or employment, because he or she is such member, or dissuades any person from enlisting in said organized militia by threat or injury to him or her in their employment, trade or business, in case he or she shall so enlist, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
[ 1989 c 19 s 48; 1943 c 130 s 46; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 8603-46. Prior: 1917 c 107 s 41; 1909 c 134 s 67; 1895 c 108 s 104, part.]

Discharge from employmentPenalty.

No member of the organized militia of Washington shall be discharged by his or her employer by reason of the performance of any military duties upon which he or she may be ordered. When any member of the organized militia of Washington is ordered upon active state service or inactive duty which takes the member from his or her employment the member may apply upon the termination of such duty to be restored to his or her position and employment, and if the tour of duty shall have continued for a period not longer than three months, any employer or the officer or manager of any firm or corporation having authority to reemploy such member and failing to do so shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
[ 1989 c 19 s 49; 1943 c 130 s 48; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 8603-48. Prior: 1917 c 107 s 43; 1909 c 134 s 69; 1895 c 108 s 104, part.]

Military leave for public employees.

(1) Every officer and employee of the state or of any county, city, or other political subdivision thereof who is a member of the Washington national guard or of the army, navy, air force, coast guard, or marine corps reserve of the United States, or of any organized reserve or armed forces of the United States shall be entitled to and shall be granted military leave of absence from such employment for a period not exceeding twenty-one days during each year beginning October 1st and ending the following September 30th in order that the person may report for required military duty, training, or drills including those in the national guard under Title 10 U.S.C., Title 32 U.S.C., or state active status.
(2) Such military leave of absence shall be in addition to any vacation or sick leave to which the officer or employee might otherwise be entitled, and shall not involve any loss of efficiency rating, privileges, or pay.
(3) During the period of military leave, the officer or employee shall receive from the state, or the county, city, or other political subdivision, his or her normal pay.
(4)(a) The officer or employee shall be charged military leave only for days that he or she is scheduled to work for the state or the county, city, or other political subdivision.
(b) If the officer or employee is scheduled to work a shift that begins on one calendar day and ends on the next calendar day, the officer or employee shall be charged military leave for only the first calendar day. If the officer or employee is scheduled to work a shift that begins on one calendar day and ends later than the next calendar day, the officer or employee shall be charged military leave for each calendar day except the calendar day on which the shift ends.


Effective date2001 c 71: "This act takes effect October 1, 2001." [ 2001 c 71 s 2.]
Application1991 c 25: "This act applies to all public employees and officers who reported for active duty or active training duty, under RCW 38.40.060, on or after August 2, 1990." [ 1991 c 25 s 2.]
Military family leave act: Chapter 49.77 RCW.

Notice for duty.

Orders for duty may be oral or written. Officers and enlisted persons may be warned for duty as follows: Either by stating the substance of the order, or by reading the order to the person warned, or by delivering a copy of such order to such person, or by leaving a copy of such order at his or her last known place of abode or business, with some person of suitable age and discretion, or by sending a copy of such order or notice containing the substance thereof, to such person by mail, directed to his or her last known place of abode or business. Orders may be transmitted by telegraph or telephone. Such warning may be given by any officer or authorized enlisted person. The officer or enlisted person giving such warning shall, when required, make a return thereof, containing the names of persons warned and the time, place and manner of warning. Such returns shall be verified on oath and shall be prima facie evidence, on the trial of any person returned as a delinquent, of the facts therein stated.
[ 1989 c 19 s 51; 1943 c 130 s 53; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 8603-53. Prior: 1909 c 134 s 65; 1895 c 108 s 102.]

Employment or membership in other organizationsDiscrimination prohibitedPenaltyCivil cause of action.

No club, society, association, corporation, employer, or organization shall by any constitution, rule, bylaws, resolution, vote or regulation, or otherwise, discriminate against or refuse to hire, employ, or reemploy any member of the organized militia of Washington because of his or her membership in said organized militia. Any person or persons, club, society, association, employer, corporation, or organization, violating or aiding, abetting, or assisting in the violation of any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and in addition thereto shall forfeit the right to do business for a period of thirty days. Any person who has been discriminated against in violation of this section shall have a civil cause of action for damages.

Authorized military organizations.

No organized body other than the recognized militia organizations of this state, armed forces of the United States, students of educational institutions where military science is a prescribed part of the course of instruction or bona fide veterans organizations shall associate themselves together as a military company or organize or parade in public with firearms: PROVIDED, That nothing herein shall be construed to prevent authorized parades by the organized militia of another state or armed forces of foreign countries. Any person participating in any such unauthorized organization shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
[ 1989 c 19 s 53; 1943 c 130 s 54; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 8603-54. Prior: 1909 c 249 s 294; 1903 c 135 s 1.]

Corporations may be formed.

The officers, or the officers and enlisted persons of any regiment, battalion, company or similar unit of the organized militia of Washington, or the officers and enlisted persons of any two or more companies or similar units of the organized militia of the state of Washington, located at the same station, are hereby authorized to organize themselves into a corporation for social purposes and for the purpose of holding, acquiring and disposing of such property, real and personal, as such military organizations may possess or acquire. Such corporations shall not be required to pay any filing or license fee to the state.
The dissolution or disbandment of any such unit as a military organization shall not in itself terminate the existence of the corporation, but the existence of the same may continue for the period limited in its articles of incorporation for the benefit of such corporation.
Upon the dissolution or disbandment of any such unit which shall not have incorporated, and which shall at the time of such dissolution or disbandment possess any funds or property, the title to such funds or property shall immediately vest in the state of Washington, and the adjutant general shall take possession thereof and dispose of the same to the best interest of the organized militia of Washington.
[ 1989 c 19 s 54; 1943 c 130 s 49; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 8603-49. Prior: 1923 c 49 s 4; 1917 c 107 s 44; 1915 c 19 s 1; 1909 c 134 s 71; 1895 c 108 ss 123, 124.]

Property to remain public property.

All property issued to organizations and members of the organized militia of Washington shall be and remain public property.
[ 1943 c 130 s 38; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 8603-38. Prior: 1917 c 107 s 33; 1909 c 134 s 51; 1895 c 108 s 78.]

Military department capital account.

The military department capital account is created in the state treasury. All receipts from the sale of state-owned military department property must be deposited into the account. Money in the account may be spent only after appropriation. Expenditures from the account may be used only for military department capital projects.

Military department rental and lease account.

The military department rental and lease account is created in the state treasury. All receipts from the rental or lease of state-owned military department property must be deposited into the account. Money in the account may be spent only after appropriation. Expenditures from the account may be used only for operating and maintenance costs of military property.

Military department active state service account.

The military department active state service account is created in the state treasury. Moneys may be placed in the account from legislative appropriations and transfers, federal appropriations, or any other lawful source. Moneys in the account may be spent only after appropriation. Expenditures from the account may be used only for claims and expenses for the organized militia called into active state service to perform duties under RCW 38.08.040 that are not paid under RCW 38.24.010 from nonappropriated funds, including but not limited to claims and expenses arising from anticipated planning, training, exercises, and other administrative duties that are not of an emergency nature.

Purple heart stateSignageAccount.

(1) Any state agency operating pursuant to this title is authorized to erect signs recognizing that Washington state is a purple heart state as designated in RCW 1.20.190. State agencies are authorized to accept gifts or donations to assist efforts related to Washington state being a purple heart state.
(2) The military department purple heart state account is created in the custody of the state treasurer. All receipts from gifts and donations received pursuant to this section must be deposited into the account. Expenditures from the account may only be used to erect signs or other activities that assist efforts related to Washington state being a purple heart state, as authorized under this section. Only the director of the military department or the director's designee may authorize expenditures from the account. The account is subject to allotment procedures under chapter 43.88 RCW, but an appropriation is not required for expenditures.


Findings2021 c 213: See note following RCW 1.20.190.