Chapter 53.40 RCW



HTMLPDF 53.40.010Revenue bonds authorized.
HTMLPDF 53.40.020Purposes for which bonds may be issued and sold.
HTMLPDF 53.40.030BondsTerm, form, etc.
HTMLPDF 53.40.040Bonds payable solely out of revenuesSpecial funds.
HTMLPDF 53.40.050Sale of bonds to federal government.
HTMLPDF 53.40.110Interest, signatures, sale of bondsCovenantsSafeguardsEnforcement.
HTMLPDF 53.40.120Irregularity in bonds or use of funds no defense.
HTMLPDF 53.40.125District may mortgage industrial development facility.
HTMLPDF 53.40.130Funding, refunding bonds.
HTMLPDF 53.40.135Revenue warrants.
HTMLPDF 53.40.140Construction of chapter.
HTMLPDF 53.40.150Validation1959 c 183.

Revenue bonds authorized.

The port commission of any port district is authorized for the purpose of carrying out the lawful powers granted port districts by the laws of the state to contract indebtedness and to issue revenue bonds evidencing such indebtedness in conformity with this chapter.
[ 1959 c 183 s 1; 1957 c 59 s 1; 1949 c 122 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1949 s 9711-1.]


Alternative authority to issue revenue bonds: RCW 39.46.150, 39.46.160.
Declaratory judgments of local bond issues: Chapter 7.25 RCW.
Funds for reserve purposes may be included in issue amount: RCW 39.44.140.

Purposes for which bonds may be issued and sold.

All such revenue bonds authorized under the terms of this chapter may be issued and sold by the port district from time to time and in such amounts as is deemed necessary by the port commission to provide sufficient funds for the carrying out of all port district powers, and without limiting the generality thereof, shall include the following: Acquisition, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, additions and operation of port properties and facilities, including in the cost thereof engineering, inspection, accounting, fiscal and legal expenses; the cost of issuance of bonds, including printing, engraving and advertising and other similar expenses; payment of interest on the outstanding bonds issued for any project during the period of actual construction and for six months after the completion thereof, and the proceeds of such bond issue are hereby made available for all such purposes. "Port property and facilities," as used in this section, includes facilities for the freezing or processing of agricultural products.
[ 1987 c 289 s 2; 1959 c 183 s 2; 1957 c 59 s 3. Prior: 1949 c 122 s 2, part; Rem. Supp. 1949 s 9711-2, part.]

BondsTerm, form, etc.

(1) The port commission shall determine the form, conditions, and denominations of all such bonds, the maturity date or dates which the bonds so sold shall bear, and the interest rate or rates thereon. It shall not be necessary that all bonds of the same authorized issue bear the same interest rate or rates. Principal and interest of the bonds shall be payable at such place or places as may be fixed and determined by the port commission. The bonds may contain provisions for registration thereof as to principal only or as to both principal and interest as provided in RCW 39.46.030. The bonds shall have interest payable at such time or times as may be determined by the port commission and in such amounts as it may prescribe. The port commission may provide for retirement of bonds issued under this chapter at any time or times prior to their maturity, and in such manner and upon the payment of such premiums as may be fixed and determined by resolution of the port commission. The port commission may delegate authority to the chief executive officer of the port to approve the interest rate or rates, maturity date or dates, redemption rights, interest payment dates, and principal maturities under such terms and conditions approved by resolution of the port commission.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, such bonds may be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.
[ 2000 c 181 s 1; 1983 c 167 s 137; 1970 ex.s. c 56 s 73; 1969 ex.s. c 232 s 37; 1959 c 183 s 3; 1957 c 59 s 4. Prior: 1949 c 122 s 2, part; Rem. Supp. 1949 s 9711-2, part.]


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Purpose1970 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 39.52.020.
ValidationSavingSeverability1969 ex.s. c 232: See notes following RCW 39.52.020.
BondsForm, terms of sale, payment, etc.: Chapter 39.44 RCW.

Bonds payable solely out of revenuesSpecial funds.

Bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be payable solely out of operating revenues of the port district. Such bonds shall be authorized by resolution adopted by the port commission, which resolution shall create a special fund or funds into which the port commission may obligate and bind the port district to set aside and pay any part or parts of, or all of, or a fixed proportion of, or a fixed amount of the gross revenue of the port district for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same shall become due, and if deemed necessary to maintain adequate reserves therefor. Such fund or funds shall be drawn upon solely for the purpose of paying the principal and interest upon the bonds issued pursuant to this chapter.
The bonds shall be negotiable instruments within the provisions and intent of the negotiable instruments law of this state, even though they shall be payable solely from such special fund or funds, and the tax revenue of the port district may not be used to pay, secure, or guarantee the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds. The bonds and any coupons attached thereto shall state upon their face that they are payable solely from such special fund or funds. If the port commission fails to set aside and pay into such fund or funds the payments provided for in such resolution, the owner of any such bonds may bring suit to compel compliance with the provisions of the resolution.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Negotiable instrumentsUniform Commercial Code: Title 62A RCW.

Sale of bonds to federal government.

Port districts may, but are not required by the terms of this chapter to do so, sell any or all such bonds issued pursuant to this chapter to the federal government, or any agency of the federal government, at private sale and without the necessity of public advertisement or calling for bids.
[ 1959 c 183 s 5; 1957 c 59 s 6; 1949 c 122 s 3; Rem. Supp. 1949 s 9711-3.]


Bonds sold to government at private sale: Chapter 39.48 RCW.

Interest, signatures, sale of bondsCovenantsSafeguardsEnforcement.

(1) The bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall bear interest at such rate or rates as authorized by the port commission; shall be signed on behalf of the port district by the president of the port commission and shall be attested by the secretary of the port commission, one of which signatures may be a facsimile signature, and shall have the seal of the port district impressed thereon; any interest coupons attached thereto shall be signed by the facsimile signatures of said officials. Such bonds shall be sold in the manner and at such price as the port commission shall deem best, either at public or private sale.
The port commission may provide such covenants as it may deem necessary to secure the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds and may but shall not be required to include covenants to create a reserve fund or account and to authorize the payment or deposit of certain moneys therein for the purpose of securing the payment of such principal and interest; to establish, maintain, and collect tariffs, rates, charges, fees, rentals, and sales prices on facilities and services the income of which is pledged for the payment of such bonds, sufficient to pay or secure the payment of such principal and interest and to maintain an adequate coverage over annual debt service; and to make any and all other covenants not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter which will increase the marketability of such bonds. The port commission may also provide that revenue bonds payable out of the same source or sources may later be issued on a parity with any revenue bonds being issued and sold. The provisions of this chapter and any resolution or resolutions providing for the authorization, issuance, and sale of such bonds shall constitute a contract with the owners of such bonds, and the provisions thereof shall be enforceable by any owner of such bonds by mandamus or any appropriate suit, action or proceeding at law or in equity in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, such bonds may be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Purpose1970 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 39.52.020.
ValidationSavingSeverability1969 ex.s. c 232: See notes following RCW 39.52.020.
Mandamus: Chapter 7.16 RCW.

Irregularity in bonds or use of funds no defense.

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation, or any other agency of the United States government making any such loan, or any other holder or owner of any bonds issued pursuant to this chapter, shall not be required to see to the application of the moneys derived from such bonds to the purposes for which the bonds are issued as specified in any resolution authorizing the issuance thereof. No defense of invalidity, or irregularity in any such bonds funded or refunded by the issuance of bonds hereunder, shall be a valid defense in any action at law or equity for a judgment upon or for the enforcement or collection of any bonds issued pursuant to this chapter, and no court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any such defense in any such action or proceeding.
[ 1957 c 59 s 10. Prior: 1949 c 122 s 7, part; Rem. Supp. 1949 s 9711-6, part.]

District may mortgage industrial development facility.

The port commission of any port district, as security for the payment of the principal of and interest on any revenue bonds issued and any agreements made in connection therewith, may mortgage, pledge, or otherwise encumber the particular industrial development facility or facilities or any part or parts thereof that are being financed by the revenue bonds, whether then owned or thereafter acquired, and may assign any mortgage and repledge any security conveyed to the port district for that particular facility or facilities.

Funding, refunding bonds.

(1) The port commission of any port district may by resolution, from time to time, provide for the issuance of funding or refunding revenue bonds to fund or refund any outstanding revenue warrants, bonds, and any premiums and interest due thereon at or before the maturity of such warrants or bonds, and may combine various outstanding revenue warrants and parts or all of various series and issues of outstanding revenue bonds and any matured coupons in the amount thereof to be funded or refunded.
The port commission shall create a special fund for the sole purpose of paying the principal of and interest on such funding or refunding revenue bonds, into which fund the commission shall obligate and bind the port district to set aside and pay any part or parts of, or all of, or a fixed proportion of, or a fixed amount of the gross revenue of the port district sufficient to pay such principal and interest as the same shall become due, and if deemed necessary to maintain adequate reserves therefor.
Such funding or refunding bonds shall be negotiable instruments within the provisions and intent of the negotiable instruments law of this state, and the tax revenue of the port district may not be used to pay, secure, or guarantee the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds. Such bonds may be in any form, including bearer bonds or registered bonds as provided in RCW 39.46.030.
The port district may exchange such funding or refunding bonds for the warrants, bonds, and any coupons being funded or refunded, or it may sell such funding or refunding bonds in the manner, at such rate or rates of interest and at such price as the port commission shall deem to be for the best interest of the district and its inhabitants, either at public or private sale.
The provisions of this chapter relating to the terms, conditions, covenants, issuance, and sale of revenue bonds shall be applicable to such funding or refunding bonds except as may be otherwise specifically provided in this section.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, such bonds may be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Purpose1970 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 39.52.020.
ValidationSavingSeverability1969 ex.s. c 232: See notes following RCW 39.52.020.

Revenue warrants.

Port districts may also issue revenue warrants for the same purposes for which they may issue revenue bonds, and the provisions of this chapter relating to the terms, conditions, covenants, issuance, and sale of revenue bonds shall be applicable to such revenue warrants.

Construction of chapter.

This chapter shall be complete authority for the issuance of the bonds and warrants hereby authorized, and shall be liberally construed to accomplish its purposes. Any restrictions, limitations or regulations relative to the issuance of such bonds or warrants contained in any other act shall not apply to the bonds or warrants issued under this chapter. Any act inconsistent herewith shall be deemed modified to conform with the provisions of this chapter for the purpose of this chapter only.
[ 1949 c 122 s 10; Rem. Supp. 1949 s 9711-9.]

Validation1959 c 183.

Any sale of revenue bonds or warrants of port districts heretofore made, whether at public or private sale and whether at par or less than par as authorized herein, and any terms, conditions, and covenants of any revenue bonds or warrants of port districts heretofore issued, are hereby declared to be valid, legal, and binding in all respects: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That this section shall not be construed to exonerate any officer or agent of any such district from any liability for any acts which were committed fraudulently or in bad faith.