WSR 00-17-018



[ Filed August 4, 2000, 8:44 a.m. ]

     The Washington State Lottery (WSL) has recently adopted or revised the following policies:

POL 110.022 - Telephone Customer Service (New)

     This policy establishes guidelines to make every effort for all callers to the lottery to be able to reach a live person during normal business hours, for all calls to be returned within twenty-four hours or the next business day (if at all possible), and for current voice messages and extended absence greetings to be used in a manner that assists callers.

     Signed April 24, 2000.

POL 120.027 - Hiring New Employees (Revision)

     A personnel action request (PAR) form replaces hiring memos. Added that the employee services manager or designee and the hiring supervisor work together to determine the most appropriate method of recruitment. Clarified the approval signatures necessary for recruiting and hiring a specific individual. Added section on notifying unsuccessful applicants (all receive written notification) and retaining applications/resumes (retained at least one year, then destroyed). Eliminates the reference to all applicants completing a Washington state application for employment (they are still used when hiring off the state register). Clarified that inquiries regarding the status of a background investigation are made through employee services.

     Signed June 28, 2000.

POL 130.005 - Retailer Criminal History and Credit Criteria for Applicants and Licensees (Revision)

     The lottery's security chief, or his/her designee, may now determine that circumstances justify performing follow-up checks on a specific retailer. Added that, in addition to the other criteria listed, "minimal" credit ratings are given when accounts are less than one year old. Spouses of officers for a corporation/organization are not investigated. Added "received a deferred a sentence" to the list of reasons the WSL may deny, suspend or revoke a license. Added director discretion as a reason to revoke a license, and lists examples of when this might be used (cash flow or gambling problems).

     Signed April 7, 2000.

POL 220.002 - Travel Reimbursement (Revision)

     Requests for advancements were eliminated, except for out-of-state travel. The deputy director or other designee can now approve out-of-state travel. The accounts payable supervisor and financial services manager are now authorized to accept reimbursement requests made more than ten days after the end of the month in which the expense was incurred. The director or deputy director must make all denials. The general accounting manager can now sign the director's travel voucher in the financial services managers' absence.

     Eliminates need for receipt for items up to $25. Added the ability to file travel vouchers electronically. Added clarification that meal reimbursements are considered taxable income when no overnight travel is involved.

     Signed July 5, 2000.

POL 240.003 - Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT Rejections) (Revision)

     Added that after a retailer's first EFT rejection, their RSM or a designee will visit the retailer to explain the consequence of a subsequent rejection (in addition to being in the letter sent from customer service). This visit will usually occur within two business days of the rejection; the RSM or designee e-mails the retailer support manager that the visit has taken place.

     For revocations, terminals are now removed as soon as the on-line vendor can schedule removal. For on-line retailers, if the retailer wins an appeal, the WSL pays for reinstallation of the phone line.

     Letters for third rejections now include a statement that collection efforts will begin if the retailer does not pay the amount owed. Added a note referencing POL 130.005, that the director has the discretion to determine circumstances justify revocation of a lottery license. All letters are sent via both regular and certified mail.

     Signed April 20, 2000.

POL 240.004 - Terminating Retailers (New)

     The lottery now waits thirty days, rather than five days, from the date of the termination letter before turning uncollected balances over to a collection agency. Clarified that customer service notifies retailers via letter that unpaid balances are sent to collection. For retailers with a credit balance whose account is closed, clarified that accounts receivable debits account balances, rather than "manually adjusts" them. Accounts receivable does not enter the date letters are sent or the last game played for accounts that appear on the weekly EFT exceptions report.

     Signed April 13, 2000.

POL 320.058 - Lotto "Double Days" Promotion (New)

     This policy establishes guidelines for paying double the normal pay out to players with second, third, and fourth-prize winning lotto tickets for the July 19 through August 12, 2000, drawings. The increase in pay out is paid from the Unclaimed Prizes Fund. The promotion is an effort to recognize the feedback from current players and retailers on the desire for higher pay outs in low-tier prizes, return unclaimed prize money to the players, bring back lapsed players, and increase player awareness.

     Signed June 28, 2000.

POL 320.059 - "Mystery Shopper" Program (Lotto Double Days) (New)

     This policy establishes the process for rewarding on-line retailers for displaying at least three pieces of point of sale (POS) relating to the Lotto Double Days promotion (see POL 320.058 above). Approximately 10% of all high volume and new on-line retailers will be visited. If the appropriate POS is displayed, an average of five $1 Scratch tickets will be awarded to the clerks' supervisor for distribution to the clerks. (For stores with fewer or more than five clerks, the "Mystery Shopper" has the discretion to adjust the number of tickets awarded, according to the number of clerks.)

     Signed July 5, 2000.

     To receive a copy of any of these policies, contact Becky Zopolis, Washington State Lottery, P.O. Box 43000, Olympia, WA 98504-3000, phone (360) 664-4816, fax (360) 664-4817.

July 26, 2000

Merritt D. Long


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