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Chapter 434-166 WAC

Last Update: 1/27/10


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF434-166-020Purpose of regulations.
HTMLPDF434-166-030Official address, telephone number of the office of the secretary of state, international student exchange program.
HTMLPDF434-166-040Office hours.
HTMLPDF434-166-050Public records.
HTMLPDF434-166-060Public records copying charge—Exemptions.
HTMLPDF434-166-070Registration applications—Grounds for denial.
HTMLPDF434-166-090Selection of student.
HTMLPDF434-166-100Orientation of students and host families.
HTMLPDF434-166-110Health and accident insurance.
HTMLPDF434-166-120Acceptance of students.
HTMLPDF434-166-130Selection of host family.
HTMLPDF434-166-140Host family housing requirements for students.
HTMLPDF434-166-150Change in host family assignment.
HTMLPDF434-166-160Employment of students.
HTMLPDF434-166-170Supervision by organization.
HTMLPDF434-166-180Travel responsibility of organization.
HTMLPDF434-166-190Information to be provided.
HTMLPDF434-166-200Agency records requirements.
HTMLPDF434-166-210Appointment of a responsible officer and responsible officer address.
HTMLPDF434-166-220Change of responsible officer and/or responsible officer address.
HTMLPDF434-166-230Resignation of responsible officer.
HTMLPDF434-166-240Duties of the responsible officer.
HTMLPDF434-166-250Individual located in state of Washington.
HTMLPDF434-166-260Requirement to register.
HTMLPDF434-166-270Transaction of business or conducting affairs.
HTMLPDF434-166-280Application for registration.
HTMLPDF434-166-290Application for renewal.
HTMLPDF434-166-320Responsibilities of organization upon termination.
HTMLPDF434-166-330Adherence to regulations.
HTMLPDF434-166-340Requests by secretary of state.
HTMLPDF434-166-350Inquiries and investigations.




These rules are adopted under the authority of chapter 19.166 RCW to provide for the administration of the International Student Exchange Agency Registration Act, hereafter referred to as the "act." These regulations shall be considered a supplement to and not a replacement for the act.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-010, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-010, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Purpose of regulations.

The purpose of the regulations is to set minimum standards to implement the "act" in an effective and efficient manner.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-020, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Official address, telephone number of the office of the secretary of state, international student exchange program.

The address to be used for delivery and receipt of mail, information, registration applications, amendments, fees, and other material required by the act is:
Office of the Secretary of State
International Student Exchange Program
P.O. Box 40234
Olympia WA 98504-0234
The telephone number to be used for inquiries relating to this act and to be disclosed by the organization as required by RCW 19.166.070, is: 360-725-0377.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-030, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 00-21-086, § 434-166-030, filed 10/17/00, effective 11/17/00; WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-030, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Office hours.

Customary hours of operation of the International Student Exchange Program are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Registration documents received after 4:30 p.m. will not be processed until the next day.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-040, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-040, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Public records.

Except as provided by RCW 42.56.230, all documents relating to the International Student Exchange Program are public record and are available for public inspection and copying pursuant to rules of procedure, chapter 434-12A WAC.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-050, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-050, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Public records copying charge—Exemptions.

Requests for copies or certificates relating to the public records of this act shall be charged per registered organization, as follows:
(1) A photocopy shall be fifty cents per page for the first ten pages and twenty-five cents per page for each additional page.
(2) A certified copy or certificate of fact shall be five dollars for the certification plus any additional copying charges.
(3) Requests for copies (whether photo or certified) or a certificate of fact by a Washington state agency in the pursuit of business shall be provided without charge.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-060, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Registration applications—Grounds for denial.

Any application or form shall not be accepted by the secretary of state if it is not on the form prescribed by the secretary, or is unsigned, incomplete, illegible, or does not include all required fees, information, and documents.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-070, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]



Terms defined in RCW 19.166.020 shall apply in these regulations. In addition, the following definitions shall be applicable when used in these regulations:
(1) "Secretary" means the secretary of state or an employee of the secretary acting under the authority of the secretary.
(2) "Act" means the International Student Exchange Agency Registration Act, chapter 128, Laws of 1991 and Title 19 RCW.
(3) "Responsible officer" means the officer or employee of the international student placement organization who has primary authority for supervising placements in the state of Washington.
[(4)] "Responsible officer address" means the physical location of the responsible officer.
[(5)] "Immediate family" means the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of an international student exchange visitor.
[(6)] "Nonimmigrant visa" means a visa category used by nonresident aliens whose primary purpose for visiting the United States is to study full time at an approved institution.
[(7)] "Host family" means the family residing in the state of Washington that the international student exchange visitor resides with during his or her period of academic study.
[(8)] "CSIET" means the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel.
[(9)] "CSIET standards" means standards published by CSIET and used by the CSIET to evaluate the operations of international student exchange visitor placement organizations.
[(10)] "CSIET's approval for listing letter" means the letter from CSIET showing that the placement organization meets the standards set by the CSIET and has been accepted for the current listing.
[(11)] "High school" means any secondary public institution of learning in the state of Washington.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-080, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-080, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules, and deems ineffectual changes not filed by the agency in this manner. The bracketed material in the above section does not appear to conform to the statutory requirement.



Selection of student.

The organization shall be fully responsible for the selection of suitable students for participation in its international student exchange visitor program. Selection shall be limited to students who have a sufficient command of the English language to enable them to function well in an English-speaking academic and community environment. Students shall also be screened for demonstrated maturity, good character, and ability to derive maximum benefit from the program experience.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-090, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Orientation of students and host families.

(1) The organization shall provide:
(a) Each student and immediate family of each student with suitable orientation prior to departure from their home and upon arrival in the state of Washington to acquaint them in advance with the customs of the state of Washington and the United States. In addition, they shall be provided with detailed knowledge of the school and academic program in which he or she will be participating and information relating to their host family.
(b) Each host family with suitable orientation in advance of the student's arrival, including information on family, school, and cultures of the student's native country, as well as information relating to the academic program in which the student will be enrolled in.
(2) Each organization shall maintain in their records a copy of the letters used to notify the student, immediate family, and host family of the above information.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-100, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Health and accident insurance.

(1) Each organization shall ensure that every student participating in the exchange program has health and accident insurance from the time of departure from home to the time the student returns to his or her home country. Minimum acceptable insurance is:
(a) Medical and accident coverage of fifty thousand dollars per illness or accident;
(b) Preparation and transportation of remains to the student's home country (minimum of seven thousand five hundred dollars) in the event of death. Coverage may be provided in one of the following ways:
(i) By the student;
(ii) By the organization.
(2) The organization is responsible for providing each student, each student's immediate family and the host family detailed printed information regarding the terms and limits of insurance coverage and procedures for filing a claim (including forms wherever possible).
(3) The organization shall maintain in its files proof of health and accident insurance.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-110, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-110, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Acceptance of students.

No student shall be brought into the state of Washington by the organization unless he or she has been accepted in writing as a student by the legally authorized designee of the admitting high school. The organization shall maintain in its files copies of such documents authorizing enrollment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-120, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Selection of host family.

(1) The organization is responsible for making all arrangements for the placement of each student with a host family whose home is located in a place convenient to the educational institution in which the student is to be enrolled.
(2) The organization shall make every effort to assure the maximum degree of compatibility between the family and the student, including, wherever possible, the presence in the family of a teenage student.
(3) The organization's representative shall visit the home of, and personally interview, each host family before a student is assigned to such family including verifying that each member of the host family eighteen years of age and older has undergone a criminal background check.
(4) The organization shall ensure that its representative selects only those homes which reflect the high quality expected of the International Student Exchange Agency Program.
(5) A written record shall be made of this visit and interview by the representative, a copy of which shall be maintained by the organization.
(6) Selection of host families and assignment of students shall be made prior to the student's departure from his or her home country.
(7) No organization shall bring a student into the United States without written acceptance from the host family.
(8) The host family shall be advised in writing of the name, age, educational status, other background information, and anticipated arrival time of the assigned student.
(9) The student's immediate family shall be advised in writing of the name, address, family composition, and other background information concerning the host family at the earliest possible time, to permit the exchange of correspondence between the respective families in advance of the student's arrival.
(10) Copies of these notifications shall be maintained in its files by the organization.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-130, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-130, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Host family housing requirements for students.

(1) Each organization shall be responsible for placing the student with a host family which can provide housing which:
(a) Furnishes separate private sleeping quarters for each sex;
(b) A bed of his or her own; and
(c) No more than four persons to a bedroom.
(2) The host family's home, and household equipment shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, free of hazards, and in good repair. The home shall be accessible to other resources in the event of an emergency (e.g., telephone, emergency services, etc.).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-140, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Change in host family assignment.

If unforeseen events occur and it is in the best interest of the student, the organization may make a change in the host family assignment of a student. Reports of any such changes and the reasons therefore shall be retained by the organization. Notification of any change shall be sent within twenty-four hours to the immediate family, host families, and the school of placement.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-150, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Employment of students.

(1) Each organization shall advise its students that they may not accept or undertake regular employment while enrolled in the program.
(2) Students may engage in occasional intermittent jobs, such as tutoring, grass-cutting, baby-sitting and the like.
(3) Students may not perform the duties of a household domestic for compensation or otherwise in the home of the host family.
(4) Students may be asked to assist in normal daily chores in the host family household which other members of the family perform.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-160, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Supervision by organization.

The organization shall maintain continuous personal contact with each of its' students, the host family, and the high school in which each student is enrolled. The organization shall initiate action to attempt to resolve any problems which may arise with respect to the student's participation in his or her academic program or with respect to the student's relationship with his or her host family.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-170, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Travel responsibility of organization.

(1) Each organization shall be responsible for maintaining records of prepaid travel arrangements of all students placed in the state of Washington by the organization.
(2) Transportation must be provided both to and from the student's home to their destination by air and/or surface modes of commercial transportation.
(3) Travel arrangements shall be carried out by the purchase of a roundtrip ticket or tickets to their final destinations for each student prior to the entry of each student into the state of Washington. These travel arrangements may be made either:
(a) By the organization; or
(b) By the student.
(4) A copy of the travel itinerary and a copy of the prepaid roundtrip ticket shall be maintained by the organization in their files.
(5) A copy of the prepaid roundtrip ticket shall be given to the host family.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-180, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Information to be provided.

(1) An international student placement agency shall provide each student, each student's immediate family, and the host family with an informational document regarding the agency services, in English, which shall contain at a minimum: Disclosure of all moneys paid to the agency which are to be paid to the host family, students, or for special or additional activities during the program period. The timing and method of payment are to be specified.
(2) In addition, each student and host family shall receive a statement which includes the amount of the fee to be charged to the student.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-190, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Agency records requirements.

(1) Each organization shall keep records at the organizational office of services rendered to host families and students. The records and obligations shall include:
(a) The name, home address, and telephone number of the student (in that student's home country) to whom services are provided or promised.
(b) The name, address, and telephone number of the host family with whom the student is placed, which shall be on file at least seven days prior to the student's arrival in the state of Washington.
(c) Document that each student entered the state with a nonimmigrant visa and is enrolled in a public secondary educational institution.
(d) Document that authorizes enrollment in school of acceptance.
(e) Copy of written records of interview between the organization's representative and the host family.
(f) Copy of correspondence to the student's immediate family advising them of the name, address, family composition, and other background information concerning the host family.
(g) Copy of correspondence to host family(ies) advising them of the name, age, educational status, other background information, and anticipated arrival time of student.
(h) The amount of the organization's fee(s) charged to a student and an itemization of the services attributable to individual portions of the fee(s).
(i) A complete copy of any written agreements entered into between the organization, students, and the host families.
(j) Copy of health and accident insurance policy covering participating students and a statement of how coverage shall be provided.
(2) The records shall be maintained for a period of one year from the date on which the student departs from the state of Washington. For purposes of investigating a complaint or otherwise assuring compliance with this chapter and rules adopted thereunder, the records shall be subject to inspection by the secretary, upon request.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-200, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]



Appointment of a responsible officer and responsible officer address.

(1) Each organization shall appoint and continuously maintain a responsible officer, as required by RCW 19.166.040, who has primary responsibility for supervising placements within the state of Washington.
(2) The responsible officer shall be an employee or officer of the organization.
(3) The person who signs the application as responsible officer as required by RCW 19.166.040(2) shows acceptance of assuming the duties of the responsible officer.
(4) The responsible officer shall have an address which shall be a specific geographic location, and be identified by number, if any, and street, or building address, or rural route, city, state, and zip code or, if a commonly known street or rural route does not exist, by legal description. The responsible officer's address may not be identified by post office box number or other nongeographic address. For purposes of communicating by mail, the secretary may permit the use of a post office address in conjunction with the geographic location if they are located in same city, if, the organization also maintains on file the specific geographic address of the Washington office.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.030, 19.166.040, 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 99-16-066, § 434-166-210, filed 8/2/99, effective 9/2/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-210, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Change of responsible officer and/or responsible officer address.

An organization may change its responsible officer or responsible officer address by delivering to the secretary, within thirty days of the change, a statement of change form prescribed by the secretary that sets forth:
(1) The name of the organization;
(2) If the current officer address is to be changed, the street address of the current officer and the street address of the new officer address in accordance with WAC 434-166-210;
(3) If the current responsible officer is to be changed, the name of the current responsible officer and the name of the new responsible officer; and
(4) The new officer's written consent accepting the responsibility of the responsible officer.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-220, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-220, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Resignation of responsible officer.

(1) A responsible officer may resign by signing and delivering to the secretary of state for filing a statement of resignation. The statement must also include a statement that the responsible officer address is also discontinued.
(2) After filing the statement the secretary of state shall mail a copy of the filed statement and a statement of change form to the organization at its organizational address.
(3) The organization shall appoint a new responsible officer and responsible officer address within thirty days of notification.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-230, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-230, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Duties of the responsible officer.

The officer who signs the application consenting to serve as responsible officer, shall:
(1) Accept all official communications and inquiries from the secretary on behalf of the organization.
(2) Maintain copies of all documentation, as required by WAC 434-166-200, on behalf of the organization for each individual student placed in the state of Washington.
(3) Furnish all documentation, information, reports, documents, books, files, and other records requested by the secretary on all matters relating to the students placed in Washington by the organization.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-240, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Individual located in state of Washington.

(1) The organization shall maintain an in-state telephone number as required by RCW 19.166.070. This telephone number shall be registered to an individual residing in the state of Washington, which may be:
(a) An employee for the organization; or
(b) An officer for the organization; or
(c) A volunteer for the organization.
(2) The organization shall ensure that this individual has:
(a) A listing of all placements of students by the organization and the location of each in the state of Washington;
(b) Knowledge of emergency procedures;
(c) Twenty-four-hour contact with the organization for emergencies;
(d) Knowledge and capability to assist and advise the students in their relationship with the organization[.];
(3) Each individual maintaining the in-state telephone number for the organization shall sign a written agreement with the organization, a copy of which shall be submitted to the secretary with the registration application.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-250, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-250, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules, and deems ineffectual changes not filed by the agency in this manner. The bracketed material in the above section does not appear to conform to the statutory requirement.


Requirement to register.

Each organization operating in Washington is required to register with the secretary, if two or more students are placed in Washington public high schools within a five year period. Registration is due in the office of the secretary during the enrollment period of March 1st through June 15th preceding the beginning of the next school year.
The secretary shall provide, annually, a list of all international student exchange agencies registered as of June 15th to the superintendent of public instruction on or before August 5th of the same year. Subsequent lists may be provided at a later date.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-260, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.030, 19.166.040 and 19.166.060. WSR 96-10-052, § 434-166-260, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-260, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Transaction of business or conducting affairs.

No organization that is a foreign corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability company defined in RCW 23B.01.400[(13)], 24.03.005(2), 24.06.005(2), 25.10.010(4), and 25.15.005(3) will be registered under this program unless and until the organization complies with foreign corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability company registration requirements.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-270, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-270, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules, and deems ineffectual changes not filed by the agency in this manner. The bracketed material in the above section does not appear to conform to the statutory requirement.


Application for registration.

(1) Any organization meeting the requirements set forth in chapters 19.166 RCW and 434-166 WAC shall register with the secretary of state. Such registration shall be made on a form prescribed by the secretary of state and filed with the secretary's office.
(2) The applicant must also provide evidence that they have met the established standards as an international student exchange visitor placement organization, by:
(a) Submitting a copy of the U.S. Department of State's Designation Letter showing current registration; or
(b) Submitting a copy of the CSIET's Approval for Listing Letter showing current registration; or
(c) Submitting a notarized statement, on a form prescribed by the secretary of state, declaring that the organization has met all standards and obligations as required by chapters 19.166 RCW and 434-166 WAC.
(3) Registrations filed during the enrollment period specified in WAC 434-166-260 are valid until June 15th of the next year. All other registrations expire June 15th of the next enrollment period.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-280, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.030, 19.166.040 and 19.166.060. WSR 96-10-052, § 434-166-280, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-280, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Application for renewal.

(1) Prior to the expiration of the registration period, organizations may seek renewal within the enrollment period specified in WAC 434-166-260 by completing the registration requirements as set forth in RCW 19.166.040 and WAC 434-166-280.
(2) The secretary may mail a renewal form to the responsible officer/responsible officer address within forty-five days prior to the registration expiration.
(3) Failure of the secretary to notify the organization of renewal does not relieve the organization's obligation for filing its renewal documents.
(4) Applications to renew must be filed by the due date specified by RCW 19.166.040; no extensions will be granted by the secretary.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-290, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.030, 19.166.040, 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 99-16-066, § 434-166-290, filed 8/2/99, effective 9/2/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.030, 19.166.040 and 19.166.060. WSR 96-10-052, § 434-166-290, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-290, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]



(1) Organizations required to register or renew under RCW 19.166.030 and chapter 434-166 WAC shall pay a fee of fifty dollars per application.
(2) A notification of change of information required under RCW 19.166.050 shall be accepted without fee.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-300, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-300, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]




Registrations of organizations shall be terminated when any of the following circumstances set forth occur:
(1) Voluntary termination. An organization may voluntarily terminate its registration by notifying the secretary of such intent. The organization's registration shall terminate upon such notification.
(2) Failure to apply for renewal. Failure to apply for renewal will result in the automatic termination of the organization's registration. If so terminated, the former organization must apply for a new registration.
(3) Loss of license, permit or accreditation. An organization's registration shall automatically terminate in the event that the organization fails to remain in compliance with local, state statute and regulations, federal, or professional requirements necessary to carry out the activities for which it was registered.
(4) Ownership change. An organization's registration shall automatically terminate in the event of a change of structure of the organization.
(5) Failure to notify. An organization's registration shall automatically terminate in the event the organization fails to notify the secretary within thirty days of any changes in their registration documents within thirty days, as required by RCW 19.166.040(3).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.066.050 [19.166.050]. WSR 10-04-035, § 434-166-310, filed 1/27/10, effective 2/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.030, 19.166.040, 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 99-16-066, § 434-166-310, filed 8/2/99, effective 9/2/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-310, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Responsibilities of organization upon termination.

(1) The termination of the organization's registration shall not relieve the organization's obligation to all students who are in the state of Washington.
(2) The organization shall immediately cancel any student's exchange visit prior to entry to the state of Washington unless a transfer to another registered program can be obtained.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-320, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]



Adherence to regulations.

Organizations are required to adhere to regulations set forth in chapters 19.166 RCW and 434-166 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-330, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Requests by secretary of state.

Organizations shall furnish all information, reports, documents, books, files, and other records requested by the secretary on all matters related to the organization's international student exchange visitor placement programs.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-340, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]


Inquiries and investigations.

Organizations shall cooperate fully with any inquiry or investigation that may be undertaken by the secretary.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.166.050 and 19.166.060. WSR 92-10-023, § 434-166-350, filed 4/29/92, effective 5/30/92.]