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Chapter 392-169 WAC

Last Update: 6/16/23


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF392-169-015Running start programDefinition.
HTMLPDF392-169-020Eligible studentDefinition.
HTMLPDF392-169-022Running start studentDefinition.
HTMLPDF392-169-023College or university dayDefinition.
HTMLPDF392-169-025Full-time equivalent (FTE) running start enrollmentDefinition.
HTMLPDF392-169-030Annual average full-time equivalent (AAFTE) running start enrollmentDefinition.
HTMLPDF392-169-033Institution of higher educationDefinition.
HTMLPDF392-169-040School districtDefinition.
HTMLPDF392-169-045EnrollmentGeneral requirements and conditions.
HTMLPDF392-169-050EnrollmentHigh school credit—Prior confirmation.
HTMLPDF392-169-055EnrollmentExtent and duration of running start enrollment.
HTMLPDF392-169-057EnrollmentExtent of combined high school and running start enrollment.
HTMLPDF392-169-060EnrollmentException from tuition and fees.
HTMLPDF392-169-065EnrollmentContinuing eligibility.
HTMLPDF392-169-070Annual notice to students and parents.
HTMLPDF392-169-075Academic standards and disciplineJurisdiction of educational agencies.
HTMLPDF392-169-080Compliance with federal and state requirements of lawSpecial education program requirementsNecessary cooperative agreements.
HTMLPDF392-169-085High school creditAward by school districts.
HTMLPDF392-169-090FinanceGeneration and apportionment of state basic education moneys.
HTMLPDF392-169-095Determination of uniform statewide rates for nonvocational and vocational students.
HTMLPDF392-169-100Running start enrollment count dates.
HTMLPDF392-169-105FinanceInstitution of higher education reporting requirements.
HTMLPDF392-169-110FinanceSchool district reporting requirements.
HTMLPDF392-169-115FinanceLimitations on enrollment counts.
HTMLPDF392-169-120FinanceDocumentation requirements.
HTMLPDF392-169-125Current and future institution of higher education enrollment alternatives not affected.
392-169-035Community and technical colleges—Definition. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-035, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.] Repealed by WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290.



The authority for this chapter is RCW 28A.600.390, which authorizes the superintendent of public instruction, the state board for community and technical colleges, and the Washington student achievement council to jointly develop and adopt rules governing RCW 28A.600.300 through 28A.600.380, and 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290 which authorize the superintendent of public instruction to adopt rules governing basic education allocation moneys. The rules set forth in this chapter have been jointly developed and agreed upon by the three agencies, and adopted and codified in separate chapters of the Washington Administrative Code by each of the three agencies. The rules may be modified only by agreement of all three agencies.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390. WSR 16-10-115, § 392-169-005, filed 5/4/16, effective 6/4/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-005, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-005, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]



The purpose of this chapter is to set forth policies and procedures governing the running start program.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-010, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]



Running start programDefinition.

As used in this chapter, the terms "running start" and "running start program" mean the part-time to full-time equivalent enrollment under this chapter of eligible eleventh and twelfth grade high school students in an institution of higher education for the purpose of earning at least high school credit to be awarded by a school district, and such additional college level or university level credit as may be awarded by the institution of higher education. A running start program's course must be open for registration to matriculated students at the participating institution of higher education and may not be a course consisting solely of high school students in a high school classroom.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390. WSR 16-10-115, § 392-169-015, filed 5/4/16, effective 6/4/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-015, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-015, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Eligible studentDefinition.

As used in this chapter, the term "eligible student" means any person, including a person who is otherwise attending a private school or receiving home-based instruction, who meets each of the following conditions:
(1) The person is under the age of twenty-one years of age as of September 1 of the school year.
(2) The person is eligible by reason of his or her residence or other criterion established by law to enroll in the school district through which the person seeks to obtain the award of running start program high school credit. See RCW 28A.225.160 (residents of a school district), RCW 28A.225.170 (residents of the United States and Indian Reservations), RCW 28A.225.210 (residents of "nonhigh" school districts), and RCW 28A.225.220 ("choice" students). Note: A running start student who changes his or her school district of residence, including after a rescindment of a choice transfer agreement following enrollment in running start, solely for the purpose of attending an institution of higher education under this chapter shall be deemed to have retained his or her residence in the school district of initial running start enrollment for high school graduation, funding and other purposes under this chapter.
(3) The person is eligible under the grade placement policies of the school district through which the person seeks to obtain running start program high school credit to be in the eleventh or the twelfth grade.
(4) The person has not as of the beginning of the school year earned the credits required for the award of a high school diploma by the school district through which the person seeks to obtain the award of running start program high school credit.
(5) The person has not as of the beginning of the school year received a high school diploma or its equivalent. Note: A general education development certificate is not considered to be the equivalent of a high school diploma for purposes of this subsection.
(6) The person's running start program enrollment to date is below the applicable eleventh or twelfth grade running start enrollment limitations established under WAC 392-169-055.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390. WSR 16-10-115, § 392-169-020, filed 5/4/16, effective 6/4/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-020, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-020, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Running start student—Definition.

For the purposes of this chapter and chapter 392-121 WAC, the term "running start student" means an eligible student:
(1) Who is enrolled in the running start program in accordance with this chapter;
(2) Whose enrollment has not been suspended or terminated by withdrawal, transfer, suspension or expulsion; and
(3) Who has participated in one or more instructional activities conducted by college or university staff (e.g., classroom or laboratory instruction, course work testing, post enrollment/registration academic counseling, and similar other instructional activities) on at least one college or university day during the current quarter or semester since the last enrollment count date.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-022, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-022, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


College or university day—Definition.

For the purposes of this chapter, the term "college or university day" means a day on which running start students are afforded the opportunity to be engaged in instructional activity which is planned and conducted by or under the supervision of college or university instructional staff, and on which day all or any portion of the enrolled running start students actually participate in such instructional activity.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-023, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-023, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Full-time equivalent (FTE) running start enrollmentDefinition.

For the purposes of this chapter and chapter 392-121 WAC, "full-time equivalent (FTE) running start enrollment" (i.e., college or university enrollment) means the FTE of running start students on an enrollment count date when each student's FTE is determined subject to the limitations of WAC 392-169-022, 392-169-055 and 392-169-115 as follows:
(1) FTE for running start enrollment is the result of dividing a student's enrolled college credits by fifteen. For Washington State University classes offered at the college campus only, the FTE for running start enrollment is the result of dividing a student's enrolled college semester credits by fifteen.
(2) The sum of the results of running start enrollment under subsection (1) of this section at all colleges shall not exceed 1.00 FTE per student on any count day except for the month of January or 1.00 annual average FTE in any school year.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390. WSR 16-10-115, § 392-169-025, filed 5/4/16, effective 6/4/16; WSR 14-22-079, § 392-169-025, filed 11/3/14, effective 12/4/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-025, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-025, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Annual average full-time equivalent (AAFTE) running start enrollmentDefinition.

For purposes of this chapter and chapter 392-121 WAC, "annual average full-time equivalent (AAFTE) running start enrollment" means the sum of the AAFTE of all running start students for a school year when each running start student's AAFTE equals the sum of the student's running start FTE enrollment on the 11 running start count dates divided by nine.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390 and 2022 c 297 § 504(18). WSR 23-13-089, § 392-169-030, filed 6/16/23, effective 7/1/23. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390. WSR 16-10-115, § 392-169-030, filed 5/4/16, effective 6/4/16; WSR 14-22-079, § 392-169-030, filed 11/3/14, effective 12/4/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-030, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Institution of higher education—Definition.

As used in this chapter, the term "institution of higher education" means:
(1) A Washington community college established under chapter 28B.50 RCW;
(2) A Washington technical college established under chapter 28B.50 RCW;
(3) Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, Washington State University, and The Evergreen State College if:
(a) The university has decided to participate in the running start program; and
(b) The board of directors of the school district through which an eligible student seeks to obtain running start program high school credit has decided to participate in the universities' running start program.
(4) A public tribal college located in Washington and accredited by the northwest commission on colleges and universities or another accrediting association recognized by the United States Department of Education pursuant to RCW 28A.600.300.
(5) Community colleges in Idaho or Oregon pursuant to RCW 28A.600.385.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.290. WSR 10-19-029, § 392-169-033, filed 9/9/10, effective 10/10/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-033, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95.]


School district—Definition.

As used in this chapter, the term "school district" means a Washington public school district established under Title 28A RCW.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-040, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]



Enrollment—General requirements and conditions.

The enrollment of an eligible student in the running start program shall be governed as follows:
(1) An eligible student is responsible for applying for and pursuing admission to an institution of higher education on or before the deadline for enrollment established by the college or university.
(2) It shall not be necessary for an eligible student to obtain a release of attendance from his or her resident school district in order for the student to enroll in an institution of higher education.
(3) An eligible student is entitled to enroll in an institution of higher education for running start program purposes subject to each of the following conditions and limitations:
(a) Enrollment is limited to college and university level courses.
(b) Prior confirmation pursuant to WAC 392-169-050 by the school district through which the student seeks to obtain the award of running start program high school credit of the amount of high school credit to be awarded on or before the deadline for enrollment established by the institution of higher education.
(c) Acceptance of the student by the institution of higher education subject to generally applicable admission and enrollment requirements and limitations established by the institution, including a determination that the student is competent to profit from the college or university level course(s) the student seeks to enroll in: Provided, That a technical college shall not deny admission or continued attendance to a person under twenty-two years of age with a disability based upon impaired competency or the creation of a disruptive atmosphere associated with the person's disability.
(d) The limitations upon the duration and extent of institution of higher education course enrollment set forth in WAC 392-169-055 and 392-169-057.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-045, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-045, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Enrollment—High school credit—Prior confirmation.

As a condition to an eligible student's enrollment in college or university courses under this chapter, the eligibility of the courses which the student intends to take for the award of high school credit and the amount of such credit shall first be established, as follows:
(1) The student shall notify the school district through which the student seeks to obtain the award of running start program high school credit of the specific college or university courses he or she intends to take and shall request confirmation of the amount of high school credit that will be awarded upon successful completion of the courses.
(2) The school district shall establish on a course by course basis the amount of high school required or elective credit, or combination thereof, that shall be awarded for each college or university course successfully completed by the student based upon the conversion rate set forth in WAC 180-51-050.
(3) If a college or university course is not comparable to a school district course required for high school graduation, the school district superintendent shall determine the amount of required high school credit which shall be awarded following consultation with a representative of the institution of higher education designated for that purpose. The difference between the amount of required credit and the amount of credit earned at the conversion rate set forth in WAC 180-51-050 shall be awarded as elective credit.
(4) Within twenty school district business days of a student's request for confirmation of credit the school district superintendent or other designated school district representative shall confirm in writing the amount of high school required or elective credit, or combination thereof, which shall be awarded upon successful completion of the courses.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-050, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-050, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


EnrollmentExtent and duration of running start enrollment.

Running start program enrollment under this chapter is limited as follows (and as may be further limited for academic reasons under WAC 392-169-057):
(1) An eligible student who enrolls in grade 11 may enroll in an institution of higher education while in the 11th grade for no more than the course work equivalent to one academic year of enrollment as an annual average full-time equivalent running start student.
(2) An eligible student who enrolls in grade 12 may enroll in an institution of higher education while in the 12th grade for no more than the course work equivalent to one academic year of enrollment as an annual average full-time equivalent running start student.
(3) As a general rule a student's eligibility for running start program enrollment terminates at the end of the student's 12th grade regular academic year, notwithstanding the student's failure to have enrolled in an institution of higher education to the full extent permitted by subsections (1) and (2) of this section: Provided, That a student who has failed to meet high school graduation requirements as of the end of the student's 12th grade regular academic year (September through June) due to the student's absence, the student's failure of one or more courses, or another similar reason may continue running start program enrollment for the sole and exclusive purpose of completing the particular course or courses required to meet high school graduation requirements, subject to the enrollment limitation established by subsection (2) of this section.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390 and 2022 c 297 § 504(18). WSR 23-13-089, § 392-169-055, filed 6/16/23, effective 7/1/23. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390. WSR 16-10-115, § 392-169-055, filed 5/4/16, effective 6/4/16; WSR 14-22-079, § 392-169-055, filed 11/3/14, effective 12/4/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-055, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-055, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


EnrollmentExtent of combined high school and running start enrollment.

Concurrent or combined regular high school program and running start program enrollment by a student may exceed the equivalent of full-time enrollment as follows:
(1) An eligible student's concurrent enrollment in both the regular high school program, and in running start or an institution of higher education under this chapter, may exceed the equivalent of full-time enrollment: Provided, That a designated school district representative and a designated college or university representative may jointly limit a student's concurrent high school and institution of higher education enrollment, but not to less than the equivalent of full-time enrollment, for bona fide academic reasons based upon a joint evaluation of the student's capabilities and the total course work the student seeks to enroll in.
(2) Prior to the 2018-19 school year and for purposes of limiting a student's combined regular high school and running start program enrollment for bona fide academic reasons under subsection (1) of this section twenty-five hours per week shall constitute full-time high school enrollment, and fifteen quarter credits or fifteen semester credits shall constitute full-time running start enrollment. For example, a student enrolled in the regular high school program for ten hours per week (one-third FTE) and in a college for ten quarter credit (two-thirds FTE) is enrolled the equivalent of full-time. Beginning with the 2018-19 school year, twenty seven hours and forty-five minutes per week shall constitute full-time high school enrollment. Therefore, a student enrolled in the regular high school program for nine hours and fifteen minutes per week will equal one-third FTE and in a college for ten quarter credits (two-thirds FTE) is enrolled the equivalent of full-time.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.290. WSR 17-16-162, § 392-169-057, filed 8/2/17, effective 9/2/17. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-057, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-057, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Enrollment—Exception from tuition and fees.

A running start student shall not be required by an institution of higher education to pay any tuition or other fee as a condition to the student's full participation in running start college or university course work and related activities, or as a condition to the award of credit therefor: Provided, That requiring a running start student to provide and pay for consumable supplies, textbooks, and other materials to be retained by the student does not constitute the assessment of tuition or a fee for purposes of this section: Provided further, That this limitation on the assessment of tuition and fees does not apply to a student's college and university enrollment beyond the limitations which may be claimed for state basic education funding under running start in accordance with WAC 392-121-136.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.305. WSR 13-02-006, § 392-169-060, filed 12/19/12, effective 1/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-060, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-060, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Enrollment—Continuing eligibility.

Once an eligible student has been enrolled in one or more running start or institution of higher education courses under this chapter, the student shall not be displaced by another student: Provided, That a student's continued enrollment in a course or program and enrollment in other courses or programs shall be subject to generally applicable enrollment requirements and limitations established by the institution of higher education: Provided further, That a technical college shall not deny continued attendance to a person under twenty-two years of age with a disability based upon impaired competency or the creation of a disruptive atmosphere associated with the person's disability.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-065, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-065, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]



Annual notice to students and parents.

Each school district shall annually provide general information respecting the running start program to all tenth and eleventh grade students of the school district and their parents or guardians.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-070, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Academic standards and discipline—Jurisdiction of educational agencies.

Each school district and institution of higher education shall independently have and exercise exclusive jurisdiction over academic and discipline matters involving a student's enrollment and participation in courses of, and the receipt of services and benefits from, the school district or the institution of higher education.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-075, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-075, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Compliance with federal and state requirements of law—Special education program requirements—Necessary cooperative agreements.

As a general rule, a school district and an institution of higher education are independently responsible for assuring compliance with federal and state requirements of law which are applicable to the provision of services and benefits by the school district or the institution of higher education under this chapter. If, however, the individualized education program of a special education student established under chapter 392-171 WAC provides for running start enrollment in an institution of higher education, the school district which established the individualized education program shall also be responsible for assuring compliance with chapter 392-171 WAC in connection with the student's running start enrollment in the institution of higher education. School districts and institutions of higher education shall enter into cooperative agreements as necessary to assure compliance with their respective duties under federal and state law, including agreements which substantiate a school district's claim to necessary federal and state funding.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-080, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-080, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


High school credit—Award by school districts.

Upon confirmation by an institution of higher education of a student's successful completion of running start program courses under this chapter, the school district shall record on the student's secondary school records and transcript the high school credit previously confirmed under WAC 392-169-050 together with a notation that the courses were taken at an institution of higher education.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-085, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-085, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]



Finance—Generation and apportionment of state basic education moneys.

(1) Each running start student shall generate state running start basic education moneys based upon the student's enrollment under this chapter in institution of higher education courses or programs in accordance with the definitions of FTE and AAFTE students set forth in WAC 392-169-025 and 392-169-030, the enrollment and enrollment count limitations set forth in WAC 392-169-055 and 392-169-115, rules of the superintendent of public instruction set forth in Title 392 WAC which supplement and do not conflict with this chapter, and the Biennial Operating Appropriations Act.
(2) The superintendent of public instruction shall apportion running start basic education moneys to school districts reporting running start enrollments based upon AAFTE nonvocational and vocational running start enrollments and uniform statewide rates for nonvocational and vocational students as determined pursuant to WAC 392-169-095.
(3) School districts may retain and expend for running start program counseling or other school district purposes up to seven percent of the running start basic education moneys apportioned by the superintendent of public instruction.
(4) School districts shall apportion each institution of higher education's share of running start basic education moneys received under this chapter to each institution on at least a modified quarterly basis on or before December 31, March 31, June 30, and August 31 each school year.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-090, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-090, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Determination of uniform statewide rates for nonvocational and vocational students.

Prior to September 1 of each school year, the superintendent of public instruction shall calculate estimated uniform statewide rates for allocating state basic education moneys for nonvocational and vocational running start student enrollment in consultation with state board for community and technical college staff. Calculations shall be based on assumptions used in the state Operating Appropriations Act for the school year. Rates shall equal the estimated average basic education formula generated amount per nonvocational and vocational AAFTE ninth through twelfth grade student for the school year excluding enhancements provided for small schools.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-095, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Running start enrollment count dates.

Enrollment count dates for the running start program shall be as follows:
(1) For community and technical colleges and for Central Washington University and Eastern Washington University, the first college or university day of each of the months of October through August; and
(2) For Washington State University, the first university day of each of the months of September through July.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390 and 2022 c 297 § 504(18). WSR 23-13-089, § 392-169-100, filed 6/16/23, effective 7/1/23. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390. WSR 16-10-115, § 392-169-100, filed 5/4/16, effective 6/4/16; WSR 14-22-079, § 392-169-100, filed 11/3/14, effective 12/4/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-100, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-100, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Finance—Institution of higher education reporting requirements.

Each institution of higher education that enrolls an eligible student under this chapter shall periodically report enrollment information as follows:
(1) Within ten calendar days of enrollment of the student, provide written notice to the student, and the school district through which the student seeks to obtain running start program high school credit of the courses and the credit hours or instructional/clock hours of enrollment.
(2) After each monthly count date the institution of higher education shall report running start student enrollments by the eighth day of the month to the school district through which the student seeks to obtain the award of running start program high school credit as is necessary for the school district to claim state running start basic education program moneys under this chapter and chapter 392-121 WAC.
(3) The monthly report shall be prepared in accordance with instructions provided by the superintendent of public instruction, and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
(a) The total number of enrolled running start students on the count date (see the definition of a "running start student" in WAC 392-169-022);
(b) Total nonvocational running start FTE enrollment;
(c) Total vocational running start FTE enrollment; and
(d) The name of each running start student and the nonvocational and vocational running start FTE reported for the student.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-105, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-105, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Finance—School district reporting requirements.

Each school district through which a running start student seeks to obtain running start program high school credit shall make all reports to the superintendent of public instruction in accordance with this chapter and chapter 392-121 WAC as are necessary to substantiate the district's entitlement to the receipt of moneys based upon the student's institution of higher education enrollment under this chapter. Running start students shall be so reported as full-time equivalent vocational and nonvocational students, or fractions thereof, in accordance with the definition of full-time equivalent students set forth in WAC 392-169-025.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-110, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-110, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Finance—Limitations on enrollment counts.

No running start student enrolled in one or more institutions of higher education reported under WAC 392-169-105 and 392-169-110 shall exceed one full-time equivalent running start student on any enrollment count date except for the month of January or more than one annual average full-time equivalent student in any school year. An exception is allowed for January when the change in high school semesters may result in students exceeding the FTE limitation until the high school begins a new term.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.305. WSR 13-02-006, § 392-169-115, filed 12/19/12, effective 1/19/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-115, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-115, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]


Finance—Documentation requirements.

School districts and institutions of higher education shall maintain documentation supporting running start student enrollment and state funding claims, including the following:
(1) Institution of higher education documentation shall show each student's college or university enrollment status on each enrollment count date and evidence of the student's participation in college or university instructional activities conducted by college or university staff on at least one college or university day since the last enrollment count date. See WAC 392-169-022(3) for a description of required "instructional activities."
(2) School district documentation shall show each student's school district enrollment status on each enrollment count date and evidence that the student is earning high school graduation credit for running start enrollment reported for state funding.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-120, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-120, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]



Current and future institution of higher education enrollment alternatives not affected.

This chapter shall not affect the alternative enrollment, and arrangements, therefor, of a secondary student in an institution of higher education pursuant to a contractual agreement entered into pursuant to RCW 28B.50.530 (interschool district/college district cooperative programs) or chapter 39.34 RCW (the Interlocal Cooperation Act). See WAC 392-121-183 (Contracting with a higher education institution).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.300.390, 28A.150.260 and 28A.150.290. WSR 95-09-042 (Order 95-02), § 392-169-125, filed 4/14/95, effective 5/15/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.600.390, 28A.150.260 and [28A.150.]290. WSR 94-04-095 (Order 94-01), § 392-169-125, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94.]