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Chapter 284-29A WAC

Last Update: 5/2/14


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF284-29A-010Finding and purpose.
HTMLPDF284-29A-030Transition to prior approval system.
HTMLPDF284-29A-040Supporting information required under RCW 48.29.147.
HTMLPDF284-29A-050Unfairly discriminatory rates.
HTMLPDF284-29A-055Cancellation fees.
HTMLPDF284-29A-060Judgment rating.
HTMLPDF284-29A-070Referral fees and marketing expenses.
HTMLPDF284-29A-080Expense component of rates.
HTMLPDF284-29A-090Rates must include all costs.
HTMLPDF284-29A-100Effect of premium split on filing of premium rates.
HTMLPDF284-29A-110Title insurers and title insurance agents must report data to the statistical reporting agent.
HTMLPDF284-29A-120Filing documents incorporated by reference into this chapter.
HTMLPDF284-29A-130General rate filing rules.
HTMLPDF284-29A-140The commissioner may reject filings.
HTMLPDF284-29A-150Responding to objection letters.
HTMLPDF284-29A-160Filing authorization rules.
HTMLPDF284-29A-170Duties of the statistical reporting agent.
HTMLPDF284-29A-180Allocation of costs and expenses, including any examination costs, of the statistical reporting agent.
Site Contents
Selected content listed in alphabetical order under each group