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Chapter 110-700 WAC

Last Update: 9/13/24


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF110-700-0005What definitions apply to this chapter?
HTMLPDF110-700-0010When are background checks required?
HTMLPDF110-700-0015What crimes prohibit "regular access" to juveniles?
HTMLPDF110-700-0020What are the reporting requirements for criminal convictions?
HTMLPDF110-700-0025Is a contracting agency required to do background checks?
HTMLPDF110-700-0030What action must be taken if there is a belief that sexual misconduct by a JRA employee has occurred?
HTMLPDF110-700-0035What disciplinary action is required if there is evidence that sexual misconduct by a JRA employee has occurred?
HTMLPDF110-700-0040What action must be taken if there is a belief that sexual misconduct by a JR contractor has occurred?
HTMLPDF110-700-0045What action is required if there is evidence that sexual misconduct by a JR contractor has occurred?
HTMLPDF110-700-0050What action will be taken if an employee or contractor has sexual intercourse or sexual contact against their will?



What definitions apply to this chapter?

The following definitions apply to this chapter:
"Assistant secretary" means the assistant secretary of the juvenile rehabilitation administration.
"Community facility" means a group care facility operated for the care of juveniles committed to the department under RCW 13.40.185. A county detention facility that houses juveniles committed to the department under RCW 13.40.185 pursuant to an interagency agreement with the department is not a community facility.
"Contractor" means a department of social and health services (DSHS)/juvenile rehabilitation administration (JRA) contractor and all employees and all subcontractors of that contractor.
"Department" means the department of social and health services.
"JRA" means the juvenile rehabilitation administration, department of social and health services.
"JRA youth" or "juvenile" means a juvenile offender under the jurisdiction of JRA or a youthful offender under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections who is placed in a JRA facility.
"Limited access" means supervised access to a juvenile(s) that is the result of the person's regularly scheduled activities or work duties.
"Preponderance of the evidence" means a determination by the secretary that the alleged sexual misconduct more likely than not occurred, or an admission of sexual misconduct has been made.
"Program administrator" means institution superintendent, regional administrator, or their designees.
"Reasonable cause" means a reason that would motivate a person of ordinary intelligence under the circumstances to believe that an act of sexual misconduct may have occurred.
"Regular access" means unsupervised access to a juvenile(s), for more than a nominal amount of time, that is the result of the person's regularly scheduled activities or work duties.
"Secretary" means the secretary of the department of social and health services.
"Sexual contact" means any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person done for the purpose of gratifying sexual desire of either party or a third party.
"Sexual intercourse" has its ordinary meaning and:
(1) Occurs upon any penetration, however slight; and
(2) Also means any penetration of the vagina or anus however slight, by an object, when committed on one person by another, whether such persons are of the same or opposite sex, except when such penetration is accomplished for medically recognized treatment or diagnostic purposes; and
(3) Also means any act of sexual contact between persons involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another whether such persons are of the same or opposite sex.
"Suspend" means to remove from unsupervised access to any JRA youth.
[WSR 19-14-079, recodified as § 110-700-0005, filed 7/1/19, effective 7/1/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0005, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.]


When are background checks required?

JRA must conduct background checks on prospective employees, volunteers, and individual contracted service providers who will have regular access to juveniles. Background checks may be conducted on prospective employees, volunteers, and individual contracted service providers who will have limited access to juveniles.
(1) Procedures must be established in order to investigate and determine suitability of a person in a position who will have regular access or limited access to juveniles.
(2) Employees, volunteers or individual contracted service providers who are authorized for regular access do not require the presence of another person cleared through the designated background check process during the performance of their duties.
(3) The presence of another person cleared through the designated background check process is required for people authorized to have limited access to juveniles.
[WSR 19-14-079, recodified as § 100-700-0010, filed 7/1/19, effective 7/1/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0010, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.]


What crimes prohibit "regular access" to juveniles?

Effective September 1, 1998, potential employees, volunteers, and individual contracted service providers must not be hired, engaged, or authorized in a position which allows regular access if the individual has been convicted of:
(1) Any felony sex offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030 and 9A.44.130;
(2) Any crime specified in chapter 9A.44 RCW when the victim was a juvenile in the custody of or under the jurisdiction of JRA as stated in RCW 13.40.570; or
(3) Any violent offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030.
[WSR 19-14-079, recodified as § 110-700-0015, filed 7/1/19, effective 7/1/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0015, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.]


What are the reporting requirements for criminal convictions?

Effective September 1, 1998 employees, volunteers, and individual contracted service providers who are authorized for regular access to a juvenile(s) must report any conviction of a crime identified in WAC 388-700-0015. The report must be made to the person's supervisor within seven days of conviction. Failure to report within seven days constitutes misconduct under Title 50 RCW. Employees, volunteers, and individual contracted service providers who have been convicted of offenses in WAC 388-700-0015 must not have regular access to a juvenile(s).
[WSR 19-14-079, recodified as § 110-700-0020, filed 7/1/19, effective 7/1/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0020, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.]


Is a contracting agency required to do background checks?

JRA must require background checks to be conducted on prospective employees and volunteers of contracting agencies if the person will have regular access to juveniles.
(1) Requirements of WAC 388-700-0010, 388-700-0015, and 388-700-0020 must be met by contracted service providers.
(2) The contracted service provider or designee of an agency contracting with JRA for the provision of a community facility must ensure background check investigations are conducted according to department licensing requirements.
[WSR 19-14-079, recodified as § 110-700-0025, filed 7/1/19, effective 7/1/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0025, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.]


What action must be taken if there is a belief that sexual misconduct by a JRA employee has occurred?

If there is reasonable cause to believe that sexual intercourse or sexual contact between a JRA employee and a JRA youth has occurred, the secretary must immediately remove the JRA employee from access to JRA youth, and follow reporting requirements in chapter 26.44 RCW, Reporting abuse and neglect of a child.
[WSR 19-14-079, recodified as § 110-700-0030, filed 7/1/19, effective 7/1/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0030, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.]


What disciplinary action is required if there is evidence that sexual misconduct by a JRA employee has occurred?

If the preponderance of the evidence finds that sexual intercourse or sexual contact between a JRA employee and a JRA youth has occurred, or upon a guilty plea or conviction for any crime specified in chapter 9A.44 RCW when the victim was an offender, the secretary must immediately institute proceedings to terminate the employee.
[WSR 19-14-079, recodified as § 110-700-0035, filed 7/1/19, effective 7/1/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0035, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.]


What action must be taken if there is a belief that sexual misconduct by a JR contractor has occurred?

The secretary requires the individual contractor, or employee of a contractor, when there is reasonable cause to believe the contractor or employee of the contractor had sexual intercourse or sexual contact with a JR youth, to be immediately removed from access to any JR youth, and follow reporting requirements in chapter 26.44 RCW, Abuse of children.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.020. WSR 24-19-056, s 110-700-0040, filed 9/13/24, effective 10/14/24. WSR 19-14-079, recodified as § 110-700-0040, filed 7/1/19, effective 7/1/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0040, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.]


What action is required if there is evidence that sexual misconduct by a JR contractor has occurred?

(1) If there is a preponderance of evidence that sexual intercourse or sexual contact between a JR contractor and a JR youth occurred, the secretary must inform the contractor that the individual employee is disqualified from employment with a contractor in any position with access to JR youth.
(2) A contract with a contractor who has had an employee who has been disqualified for employment based on a preponderance of evidence that they had sexual intercourse or sexual contact with a JR youth, must not be renewed until the secretary determines that significant progress has been made by the contractor to reduce the likelihood that any of its employees or subcontractors have sexual intercourse or sexual contact with a JR youth.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.020. WSR 24-19-056, s 110-700-0045, filed 9/13/24, effective 10/14/24. WSR 19-14-079, recodified as § 110-700-0045, filed 7/1/19, effective 7/1/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0045, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.]


What action will be taken if an employee or contractor has sexual intercourse or sexual contact against their will?

DSHS will not take any action against a person who is employed or contracted by JRA who has sexual intercourse or sexual contact with a JRA youth and it is found to have been against the employed or contracted person's will.
[WSR 19-14-079, recodified as § 110-700-0050, filed 7/1/19, effective 7/1/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0050, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.]