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Reports to the Legislature
Close Note: This page consolidates, and makes available electronically, reports to the Legislature from January 1, 2008 to date. These reports come from a variety of sources and the Legislature makes no claim as to the timeliness or comprehensiveness of the list. If you have or are aware of additional reports during this time frame, please send them to the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives or the Secretary of the Senate.

Reports to the Legislature by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee, and the State Auditor's Office can be accessed at:
WSIPP: https://www.wsipp.wa.gov
JLARC: Audit and Study Reports
SAO: Reports
You may click on the column headings in the table below to sort it in ascending or descending order. For instance, if you would like to see all reports for an organization in date order, first choose the organization from the menu below, then click the Report Date column heading to sort by date. View more information about this page.

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Organization Name RCW Bill Exec. Order Report Title Report Date
Transportation, Department of 35.58.2796 Public Transportation, 2020 Summary (36.3MB) 1/1/2022
Transportation, Department of SSB 5165 (2021-22)   Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT) Targets - Technical Report (137k) 12/1/2021
Transportation, Department of SSB 5165 (2021-22)   SR 520 Bridge Self-Insurance Evaluation (165k) 12/1/2021
Transportation, Department of 47.64.360 Ferries Division - Fiscal Year 2021 Performance Report (845k) 12/1/2021
Transportation, Department of 47.60.830 Diesel Fuel Hedging, FY 2021 (388k) 2/1/2022
Transportation, Department of SSB 5165 (2021-22)  (1.3MB) Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission February 2022 Report (396k) 2/1/2022
Transportation, Department of 47.01.485 Local Governments Determination on Permits (126k) 2/1/2022
Transportation, Department of SSB 5165 (2021-22)   Tort Judgements and Settlements Pertaining to WSF and non-WSF Operations (124k) 2/1/2022
Transportation, Department of SSB 5165 (2021-22)   2021-2023 Freight Rail Investment Bank (FRIB) Progress Report (83k) 12/1/2021
Transportation, Department of 47.85.040 Violations of Environmental Permits and Regulations for State Transportation Projects (465k) 2/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)   Modular Expansion Joint Noise Mitigation Study Interim Report (555k) 2/15/2022
Transportation, Department of ESHB 1160 (2019-20)   Toll Division Annual Report, FY2021, (July 1, 2020 - June 30,2021) (3.1MB) 4/15/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)   Statewide Culvert Remediation Plan Report (23k) 6/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)   Interstate Bridge Replacement Program, 2022 Progress Report (1.7MB) 6/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)   Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT) Targets - Interim Report (471k) 6/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)   Amtrak Cascades Service Development Plan Progress Report (110k) 6/30/2022
Transportation, Department of 47.01.480 Practical Design Savings on Connecting Washington Funded Projects, July 2022 (232k) 7/15/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) Fund Transfer Letter, August 2022 (348k) 8/25/2022
Transportation, Department of 81.104.115 Rail Fixed Guideway Public Transportation System Safety Report for 2021 (1.4MB) 7/1/2022
Transportation, Department of SSB 5165 (2021-22)  (1.3MB) Tort Judgements and Settlements Pertaining to WSF and non-WSF Operations, FY 2022 Qtrs 3 & 4 (127k) 8/1/2022
Transportation, Department of 47.01.495 Construction Program Business Plan Biennial Progress Report, September 2022 (1.4MB) 9/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) Grants Management System Report (692k) 10/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission October 2022 Report (141k) 10/15/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5974 (2021-22)  (732k) Clean Fuels Program: State Transportation Investment Credit Revenue Generation Forecast - Initial Report (209k) 10/1/2022
Transportation, Department of SSB 5165 (2021-22)  (1.3MB) Capital Projects Report, Quarters 2, 3, & 4, 2021-23 Biennium (2.1MB) 11/7/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) Capital Projects Report, Quarters 2, 3, & 4, 2021-23 Biennium (2.1MB) 11/7/2022
Transportation, Department of 47.04.285 2022 Biennial Transportation Attainment Report (426k) 10/1/2022
Transportation, Department of 47.01.435 SSB 5165 (2021-22)  (1.3MB) 2022 On-the-Job Training Support Services Program Report (575k) 11/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) Pedestrian and Bicyclist Program and Safe Routes to Schools Program, 2023-2025 Prioritized Project List and Program Update (2.2MB) 12/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) 2023-2025 Freight Rail Assistance Program/Freight Rail Infrastructure Bank Project Lists (114k) 10/1/2022
Transportation, Department of SSB 5975 (2021-22)  (204k) Tiered NL-3 Leap List Report (427k) 11/18/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) Fund Transfers Letter, November 2022 (254k) 11/14/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5974 (2021-22)  (732k) Connecting Communities Pilot Program (885k) 12/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) Safety Rest Area Free Coffee Program Report (52k) 11/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) Connecting Washington Programs with Benefits to Transit, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Elements, Fiscal Year 2022 (199k) 11/16/2022
Transportation, Department of 35.58.2796 Transit Integration Report for 2022 (1.6MB) 11/1/2022
Transportation, Department of SSB 5975 (2021-22)  (204k) Active Transportation Projects: Ranked NL-2 LEAP List (380k) 12/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) Community Workforce Agreement and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Report (255k) 12/1/2022
Transportation, Department of 47.66.030 Regional Mobility Grant Program 2023-2025 Prioritized List of Projects (719k) 12/1/2022
Transportation, Department of 47.66.120 Green Transportation Capital Grant, 2023-2025 Prioritized Project List (529k) 12/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) Public Health Associated with Homeless Encampments on Department Owned Rights of Way (452k) 11/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5974 (2021-22)  (732k) Elimination of Fares for Amtrak Cascades Passengers 18 Years Old and Under (113k) 12/1/2022
Transportation, Department of SHB 1379 (2021-22)  (123k) Unpiloted Aircraft System (UAS) Coordinator and Commercial Drone Registration Fee Review and Recommendations (410k) 11/17/2022
Transportation, Department of SSB 5975 (2021-22)  (204k) Sustainable Aviation Grant Program (203k) 12/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5974 (2021-22)  (732k) School-Based Bicycle Safety Education Program; 2023-2025 Legislative Report: Program Start-Up (150k) 12/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) Interstate Bridge Replacement Program, December 2022 Progress Report (1.5MB) 12/1/2022
Transportation, Department of 47.66 Public Transportation Mobility Report for 2022 (9.5MB) 11/1/2022
Transportation, Department of SSB 5975 (2021-22)  (204k) I-5 Study Proviso: Seismic Recommendations and Funding Request Executive Summary (998k) 12/1/2022
Transportation, Department of 35.58.2796 Public Transportation 2021 Summary (35.0MB) 9/1/2022
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5689 (2021-22)  (1009k) Frequent Transit Service Study Initial Report (1.9MB) 12/1/2022

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