Chapter 36.90 RCW



HTMLPDF 36.90.010Control of property.
HTMLPDF 36.90.020Fair commission abolishedRights, duties, and obligations devolved upon Lewis county commissionersProperty vested in Lewis county.
HTMLPDF 36.90.030Administration of fairAppointment of designee or commissionOrganization of commissionFunds.
HTMLPDF 36.90.040Fair deemed county and district fair and agricultural fair.
HTMLPDF 36.90.050Acquisition, improvement, control of property.
HTMLPDF 36.90.070Conveyance of property to Lewis county for fair purposes.

Control of property.

The property of the Southwest Washington Fair Association including the buildings and structures thereon, as constructed or as may be built or constructed from time to time, or any alterations or additions thereto, shall be under the jurisdiction of Lewis county. That property will be under the management and control of the board of county commissioners of Lewis county or that board's designee, for fair and county purposes.


Severability1973 1st ex.s. c 97: "If any provision of this act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1973 1st ex.s. c 97 s 8.]

Fair commission abolishedRights, duties, and obligations devolved upon Lewis county commissionersProperty vested in Lewis county.

The southwest Washington fair commission heretofore established and authorized under the provisions of this chapter is abolished and all rights, duties and obligations of such commission is devolved upon the board of county commissioners of Lewis county and title to or all interest in real estate, choses in action and all other assets, including but not limited to assignable contracts, cash, deposits in county funds (including any interest or premiums thereon), equipment, buildings, facilities, and appurtenances thereto held as of the date of passage of this 1973 amendatory act by or for the commission shall, on *the effective date of this 1973 amendatory act vest in Lewis county for fair and county purposes.


*Reviser's note: "the effective date of this 1973 amendatory act" [1973 1st ex.s. c 97] was July 16, 1973.
Severability1973 1st ex.s. c 97: See note following RCW 36.90.010.

Administration of fairAppointment of designee or commissionOrganization of commissionFunds.

The board of county commissioners in the county of Lewis as administrators of all property relating to the southwest Washington fair may elect to appoint either (1) a designee, whose operation and funds the board may control and oversee, to carry out the board's duties and obligations as set forth in RCW 36.90.020, or (2) a commission of citizens to advise and assist in carrying out such fair. The chair of the board of county commissioners of Lewis county may elect to serve as chair of any such commission. Such commission may elect a president and secretary and define their duties and fix their compensation, and provide for the keeping of its records. The commission may also designate the treasurer of Lewis county as fair treasurer. The funds relating to fair activities shall be managed and accounted for as are other funds of Lewis county.


Severability1973 1st ex.s. c 97: See note following RCW 36.90.010.

Fair deemed county and district fair and agricultural fair.

The southwest Washington fair shall be deemed a county and district fair for the purposes of chapter 15.76 RCW as well as an agricultural fair for the purpose of receiving allocations of funds under RCW 15.76.140 through 15.76.165.


Severability1973 1st ex.s. c 97: See note following RCW 36.90.010.

Acquisition, improvement, control of property.

The Lewis county board of county commissioners may acquire by gift, exchange, devise, lease, or purchase, real property for southwest Washington fair purposes or joint fair and county purposes, and may construct and maintain temporary or permanent improvements suitable and necessary for the purpose of holding and maintaining the southwest Washington fair or other county uses of the fairgrounds. Any such property deemed surplus by the board may be (1) sold at private sale after notice in a local publication of general circulation, or (2) exchanged for other property after notice in a local publication of general circulation, under Lewis county property management regulations.


Severability1973 1st ex.s. c 97: See note following RCW 36.90.010.

Conveyance of property to Lewis county for fair purposes.

Upon payment to the state of Washington by Lewis county of the sum of one dollar, which sum shall be deposited in the general fund when received by the treasurer of the state of Washington, such treasurer is authorized and directed to certify to the governor and secretary of state that such payment has been made on the following described property presently utilized for southwest Washington fair purposes situated in Lewis county, Washington: "Beginning at the intersection of the south line of section Seventeen (17) Township Fourteen (14) North of Range Two (2) West of W.M. with the West right-of-way line of the Somerville consent Road, and running thence North 15 degrees 20 feet East along the West line of said Road, Eleven Hundred Forty-four (1144) feet, thence North 2 degrees 33 feet West along the said west line Seventy-four and four-tenths (74.4) feet, thence west on a line parallel with the said south line of said Section Seventeen (17) Eleven Hundred Sixty-seven and two tenths (1167.2) feet to within one hundred fifty (150) feet to the Center line of the Northern Pacific Railroad, thence south 16 degrees 20 feet West on a line parallel with and one hundred fifty (150) feet distant Easterly from the Center line of the Northern Pacific Railroad Eleven Hundred and Thirty-five and seven-tenths (1135.7) feet, thence East on a line parallel with and Eighty-seven and three-tenths (87.3) feet north of the south line of said section seventeen (17) eight hundred fifty-seven (857) feet, thence south 74 degrees 40 feet East three hundred thirty (330) feet to the point of beginning, containing thirty (30) acres in Section Seventeen (17) Township Fourteen (14) North of Range Two (2) West of W.M." and the governor is thereby authorized and directed forthwith to execute and the secretary of state is authorized and directed to attest to a deed conveying said lands to Lewis county, Washington. The office of the attorney general and the commissioner of public lands shall offer any necessary assistance in carrying out such conveyance. This conveyance shall be understood to have no use restrictions and to give Lewis county control of the property for fair and county purposes as set forth in this chapter.


Severability1973 1st ex.s. c 97: See note following RCW 36.90.010.