Chapter 6.23 RCW



HTMLPDF 6.23.010Redemption from saleWho may redeemTerms include successors.
HTMLPDF 6.23.011Voluntary relinquishment of ownership rights by mortgagor may result in loss of redemption rights.
HTMLPDF 6.23.020Time for redemption from purchaserAmount to be paid.
HTMLPDF 6.23.030Notice to be given during redemption periodEffect of noncomplianceForm of notice and affidavit.
HTMLPDF 6.23.040Time for redemption from redemptionerSuccessive redemptionsAmount to be paid.
HTMLPDF 6.23.050Purchaser or redemptioner to file statements of amounts paid.
HTMLPDF 6.23.060Sheriff's deedWhen issued.
HTMLPDF 6.23.070Payment on successive redemptions.
HTMLPDF 6.23.080Redemption procedureCertificate to be recordedEvidence of right to redeem.
HTMLPDF 6.23.090Rents and profits during period of redemptionAccountingOption for reimbursement or extension on agricultural property.
HTMLPDF 6.23.100Restraining waste during redemption period.
HTMLPDF 6.23.110Possession during period of redemption.
HTMLPDF 6.23.120Listing of property for sale during redemption periodAcceptance of qualifying offer if property unredeemed and deed issuedProcedureDisposition of proceeds.

Redemption from saleWho may redeemTerms include successors.

(1) Real property sold subject to redemption, as provided in RCW 6.21.080, or any part thereof separately sold, may be redeemed by the following persons, or their successors in interest:
(a) The judgment debtor, in the whole or any part of the property separately sold.
(b) A creditor having a lien by judgment, decree, deed of trust, or mortgage, on any portion of the property, or any portion of any part thereof, separately sold, subsequent in priority to that on which the property was sold. The persons mentioned in this subsection are termed redemptioners.
(2) As used in this chapter, the terms "judgment debtor," "redemptioner," and "purchaser" refer also to their respective successors in interest.
[ 2013 c 53 s 1; 1987 c 442 s 701; 1899 c 53 s 7; RRS s 594. Prior: 1897 c 50 s 15. Formerly RCW 6.24.130.]

Voluntary relinquishment of ownership rights by mortgagor may result in loss of redemption rights.

See RCW 61.12.093 through 61.12.095.

Time for redemption from purchaserAmount to be paid.

(1) Unless redemption rights have been precluded pursuant to RCW 61.12.093 et seq., the judgment debtor or any redemptioner may redeem the property from the purchaser at any time (a) within eight months after the date of the sale if the sale is pursuant to judgment and decree of foreclosure of any mortgage executed after June 30, 1961, which mortgage declares in its terms that the mortgaged property is not used principally for agricultural or farming purposes, and in which complaint the judgment creditor has expressly waived any right to a deficiency judgment, or (b) otherwise within one year after the date of the sale.
(2) The person who redeems from the purchaser must pay: (a) The amount of the bid, with interest thereon at the rate provided in the judgment to the time of redemption, together with (b) the amount of any assessment or taxes which the purchaser has paid thereon after purchase, and like interest on such amount from time of payment to time of redemption, together with (c) any sum paid by the purchaser on a prior lien or obligation secured by an interest in the property to the extent the payment was necessary for the protection of the interest of the judgment debtor or a redemptioner, and like interest upon every payment made from the date of payment to the time of redemption, and (d) if the redemption is by a redemptioner and if the purchaser is also a creditor having a lien, by judgment, decree, deed of trust, or mortgage, prior to that of the redemptioner, other than the judgment under which such purchase was made, the redemptioner shall also pay the amount of such lien with like interest: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That a purchaser who makes any payment as mentioned in (c) of this subsection shall submit to the sheriff the affidavit required by RCW 6.23.080, and any purchaser who pays any taxes or assessments or has or acquires any such lien as mentioned in (d) of this subsection must file the statement required in RCW 6.23.050 and provide evidence of the lien as required by RCW 6.23.080.


Application1984 c 276: See note following RCW 6.21.020.

Notice to be given during redemption periodEffect of noncomplianceForm of notice and affidavit.

(1) If the property is subject to a homestead as provided in chapter 6.13 RCW, the purchaser, or the redemptioner if the property has been redeemed, shall send a notice, in the form prescribed in subsection (3) of this section, at least forty but not more than sixty days before the expiration of the judgment debtor's redemption period both by regular mail and by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the judgment debtor or debtors and to each of them separately, if there is more than one judgment debtor, at their last known address or addresses and to "occupant" at the property address. The party who sends the notice shall file a copy of the notice with an affidavit of mailing with the clerk of the court and deliver or mail a copy to the sheriff.
(2) Failure to comply with this section extends the judgment debtor's redemption period six months. If the redemption period is extended, no further notice need be sent. Time for redemption by redemptioners shall not be extended.
(3) The notice and affidavit of mailing required by subsection (1) of this section shall be in substantially the following form:
TO:  [Judgment Debtor]
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the period for redemption of the following described real property ("the property") is expiring. The property is situated in the County of  . . . . . ., State of Washington, to wit:
. . . . . . [legal description]  . . . . . . and commonly known as  . . . . . ., which was sold by  . . . . . .,  . . . . . . County Sheriff, in  . . . .,  . . . . . . County, Washington on the  . . . . day of  . . . . . ., (year) . . . ., under and by virtue of a writ of execution and order of sale issued by the court in the above-entitled action.
THE REDEMPTION PERIOD FOR THE PROPERTY IS  . . . . MONTHS. THE REDEMPTION PERIOD COMMENCED ON  . . . . . ., (year) . . . ., AND WILL EXPIRE AT 4:30 p.m. ON  . . . . . ., (year) . . . .
If you intend to redeem the property described above you must give written notice of your intention to the  . . . . . . County Sheriff on or before  . . . . . ., (year) . . . .
Following is an itemized account of the amount required to redeem the property to date:
Purchase price paid at sale
Interest from date of sale to date of this notice at  . . . percent per annum
Real estate taxes plus interest
Assessments plus interest
Liens or other costs paid by purchaser or purchaser's successor during redemption period plus interest
Lien of redemptioner
You may redeem the property by 4:30 p.m. on or before the  . . . . day of  . . . . . ., (year) . . . ., by paying the amount set forth above and such other amounts as may be required by law. Payment must be in the full amount and in cash, certified check, or cashier's check. Because such other amounts as may be required by law to redeem may include presently unknown expenditures required to operate, preserve, protect, or insure the property, or the amount to comply with state or local laws, or the amounts of prior liens, with interest, held by the purchaser or a redemptioner, it will be necessary for you to contact the  . . . . . . County Sheriff at the address stated below prior to the time you tender the redemption amount so that you may be informed exactly how much you will have to pay to redeem the property.
. . . . . . SHERIFF-DIRECTOR,  . . . . . . COUNTY, WASHINGTON.
By  . . . . . . . . . ., Deputy
Address  . . . . . . . . . .
City  . . . . . . . . . .
Washington 9 . . . .
Phone ( . . .) . . . . . . . . . .
DATED THIS  . . . . DAY OF  . . . . . ., (year) . . . .
[Purchaser's attorney]
Attorneys for
The undersigned being first duly sworn on oath states: That on this day affiant deposited in the mails of the United States of America a properly stamped and addressed envelope directed to the judgment debtor at the address stated on the face of this document and to "occupant" at the property address, both by certified mail, return receipt requested, and by first-class mail, all of the mailings containing a copy of the document to which this affidavit is attached.
SIGNED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS  . . . . DAY OF  . . . . . ., (year) . . . ., BY  . . . . . . (name of person making statement)
. . . .
Title . . . .
My appointment expires
. . . . . ., (year) . . . .


Application1984 c 276: See note following RCW 6.21.020.
Severability1981 c 329: See note following RCW 6.21.020.

Time for redemption from redemptionerSuccessive redemptionsAmount to be paid.

(1) If property is redeemed from the purchaser by a redemptioner, as provided in RCW 6.23.020, another redemptioner may, within sixty days after the first redemption, redeem it from the first redemptioner. The property may be again, and as often as a redemptioner is so disposed, redeemed from any previous redemptioner within sixty days after the last redemption, and such sixty-day redemption periods may extend beyond the period prescribed in RCW 6.23.020 for redemption from the purchaser.
(2) The judgment debtor may also redeem from a redemptioner, but in all cases the judgment debtor shall have the entire redemption period prescribed by RCW 6.23.020, but no longer unless the time is extended under RCW 6.23.030 or 6.23.090. If the judgment debtor redeems, the effect of the sale is terminated and the estate of the debtor is restored.
(3) A redemptioner may redeem under this section by paying the sum paid on the last previous redemption with interest at the rate of eight percent per annum, and the amount of any assessments or taxes which the last previous redemptioner paid on the property after redeeming, with like interest, and the amount of any liens by judgment, decree, deed of trust, or mortgage, other than the judgment under which the property was sold, held by the last redemptioner, prior to his or her own, with interest. A judgment debtor who redeems from a redemptioner under this section must make the same payments as are required to effect a redemption by a redemptioner, including any lien by judgment, decree, deed of trust, or mortgage, other than the judgment under which the property was sold, held by the redemptioner. A redemptioner who pays any taxes or assessments, or has or acquires any such lien as herein mentioned, must file a statement as required under RCW 6.23.050.

Purchaser or redemptioner to file statements of amounts paid.

A purchaser or redemptioner who pays any taxes or assessments or has or acquires a lien on the property by judgment, decree, deed of trust, or mortgage prior to that of a prospective redemptioner must file a statement thereof, for recording, with the recording officer of the county in which the property is situated before the property has been redeemed from him or her. Otherwise, the property may be redeemed without paying such tax, assessment, or lien, but if actual notice of such payments or liens has been given to the person who redeems, failure to file the statement shall not affect the right to payment from that person absent that person's demonstration of prejudice resulting from the failure to file the statement.

Sheriff's deedWhen issued.

If no redemption is made within the redemption period prescribed by RCW 6.23.020 or within any extension of that period under any other provision of this chapter, the purchaser is entitled to a sheriff's deed; or, if so redeemed, whenever sixty days have elapsed and no other redemption has been made or notice given operating to extend the period for re-redemption, and the time for redemption by the judgment debtor has expired, the last redemptioner is entitled to receive a sheriff's deed as provided in RCW 6.21.120.

Payment on successive redemptions.

When two or more persons apply to the sheriff to redeem at the same time, the sheriff shall allow the person having the prior lien to redeem first, and so on. The sheriff shall immediately pay the money over to the person from whom the property is redeemed, if that person is present at time of redemption; or if not, at any time thereafter when demanded. When a sheriff wrongfully refuses to allow any person to redeem, the right to redeem shall not be prejudiced by such refusal, and the sheriff may be required, by order of the court, to allow such redemption.
[ 1987 c 442 s 707; 1899 c 53 s 11; RRS s 598. Formerly RCW 6.24.170.]

Redemption procedureCertificate to be recordedEvidence of right to redeem.

(1) The person seeking to redeem shall give the sheriff at least five days' written notice of intention to apply to the sheriff for that purpose. It shall be the duty of the sheriff to notify the purchaser or redemptioner, as the case may be, or the purchaser's or redemptioner's attorney, of the receipt of such notice, if such person is within such county. At the time specified in such notice, the person seeking to redeem may do so by paying to the sheriff the sum required. The sheriff shall give the person redeeming a certificate stating the sum paid on redemption, from whom redeemed, the date thereof and a description of the property redeemed. A certificate of redemption must be filed and recorded in the office of the recording officer of the county in which the property is situated, and the recording officer must note the record thereof in the margin of the record of the certificate of sale.
(2) A person seeking to redeem shall submit to the sheriff the evidence of the right to redeem, as follows:
(a) A lien creditor shall submit a copy of the docket of the judgment or decree under which the right to redeem is claimed, certified by the clerk of the court where such judgment or decree is docketed; or the holder of a mortgage or deed of trust shall submit the certificate of the record thereof together with an affidavit, verified by the holder or agent, showing the amount then actually due thereon.
(b) An assignee shall submit a copy of any assignment necessary to establish the claim, verified by the affidavit of the assignee or agent, showing the amount then actually due on the judgment, decree, deed of trust, or mortgage.
(3) If the redemptioner or purchaser has a lien prior to that of the lien creditor seeking to redeem, such redemptioner or purchaser shall submit to the sheriff the same kind of evidence thereof as is required from a person seeking to redeem under subsection (2) of this section, and the amount due thereon, or the same may be disregarded.
(4) A purchaser who has paid a sum on a prior lien or obligation secured by an interest in the property shall submit to the sheriff an affidavit, verified by the purchaser or an agent, showing the amount paid on the prior lien or obligation, or the prior lien or obligation may be disregarded.


Application1984 c 276: See note following RCW 6.21.020.

Rents and profits during period of redemptionAccountingOption for reimbursement or extension on agricultural property.

(1) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section and in RCW 6.23.110, the purchaser, from the time of the sale until the redemption, and the redemptioner from the time of the redemption until another redemption, is entitled to receive from the tenant in possession the rents of the property sold or the value of the use and occupation thereof. But when any rents or profits have been received from the property by such purchaser or redemptioner, preceding the redemption thereof from him or her, the amount of such rents and profits, over and above the expenses paid for operating, caring for, protecting and insuring the property, shall be a credit upon the redemption money to be paid.
(2) If a redemptioner or other person entitled to redeem, before the expiration of the time allowed for such redemption, files with the sheriff a demand in writing for a written and verified statement of the amounts of rents and profits thus received and expenses paid and incurred, the period for redemption is extended five days after such a sworn statement is given by the person receiving such rents and profits, or by his or her agent, to the person making the demand, or to the sheriff. It shall be the duty of the sheriff to serve a copy of such demand upon the person receiving such rents and profits, his or her agent or his or her attorney, if service can be made in the county where the property is situate. If such person shall, for a period of ten days after such demand has been given to the sheriff, fail or refuse to give such statement, the redemptioner or other person entitled to redeem who made the demand may bring an action within sixty days after making such demand, but not later, in any court of competent jurisdiction, to compel an accounting and disclosure of such rents, profits and expenses, and until fifteen days from and after the final determination of such action the right of redemption is extended to such redemptioner or other person entitled to redeem who made the demand. If a sworn statement is given by the purchaser or other person receiving such rents and profits, and the redemptioner or other person entitled to redeem who made the demand, desires to contest the correctness of the statement, he or she must first redeem in accordance with such sworn statement, and if he or she desires to bring an action for an accounting thereafter he or she may do so within thirty days after such redemption, but not later.
(3) If such property is farming or agricultural property and is in possession of any purchaser or any previous redemptioner and is redeemed after the first day of April and before the first day of December, and the purchaser or previous redemptioner or the tenant of either has performed any work in preparing such property for crops or has planted crops, such purchaser or previous redemptioner shall have the option to demand reimbursement for such work and labor or to retain possession of such property until the first day of December following, and the new redemptioner shall be entitled to collect the reasonable rental value thereof during such farming year, unless such reasonable rental shall have been collected by such purchaser or previous redemptioner and accounted for to the new redemptioner.
[ 1987 c 442 s 709; 1899 c 53 s 13; RRS s 600. Formerly RCW 6.24.190.]

Restraining waste during redemption period.

Until the expiration of the time allowed for redemption, the court may restrain the commission of waste on the property. But it is not waste for the person in possession of the property at the time of the sale or entitled to possession afterwards during the period allowed for redemption to continue to use it in the same manner in which it was previously used, or to use it in the ordinary course of husbandry, or to make the necessary repairs of buildings thereon, or to use wood or timber on the property therefor, or for the repairs of fences, or for fuel in his or her family while occupying the property.
[ 1987 c 442 s 710; 1899 c 53 s 14; RRS s 601. Formerly RCW 6.24.200.]

Possession during period of redemption.

(1) Except as provided in this section and RCW 6.23.090, the purchaser from the day of sale until a resale or redemption, and the redemptioner from the day of redemption until another redemption, shall be entitled to the possession of the property purchased or redeemed, unless the same be in the possession of a tenant holding under an unexpired lease, and in such case shall be entitled to receive from such tenant the rents or the value of the use and occupation thereof during the period of redemption.
(2) If a mortgage contains a stipulation that in case of foreclosure the mortgagor may remain in possession of the mortgaged premises after sale and until the period of redemption has expired, the court shall make its decree to that effect and the mortgagor shall have such right.
(3) As to any land so sold which is at the time of the sale used for farming purposes, or which is a part of a farm used, at the time of sale, for farming purposes, the judgment debtor shall be entitled to retain possession thereof during the period of redemption and the purchaser or his or her successor in interest shall, if the judgment debtor does not redeem, have a lien upon the crops raised or harvested thereon during said period of redemption, for interest on the purchase price at the rate of six percent per annum during said period of redemption and for taxes becoming delinquent during the period of redemption together with interest thereon.
(4) In case of any homestead as defined in chapter 6.13 RCW and occupied for that purpose at the time of sale, the judgment debtor shall have the right to retain possession thereof during the period of redemption without accounting for issues or for value of occupation.


Severability1981 c 329: See note following RCW 6.21.020.

Listing of property for sale during redemption periodAcceptance of qualifying offer if property unredeemed and deed issuedProcedureDisposition of proceeds.

(1) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, during the period of redemption for any property that a person would be entitled to claim as a homestead, any licensed real estate broker within the county in which the property is located may nonexclusively list the property for sale whether or not there is a listing contract. If the property is not redeemed by the judgment debtor and a sheriff's deed is issued under RCW 6.21.120, then the property owner shall accept the highest current qualifying offer upon tender of full cash payment within two banking days after notice of the pending acceptance is received by the offeror. If timely tender is not made, such offer shall no longer be deemed to be current and the opportunity shall pass to the next highest current qualifying offer, if any. Notice of pending acceptance shall be given for the first highest current qualifying offer within five days after delivery of the sheriff's deed under RCW 6.21.120 and for each subsequent highest current qualifying offer within five days after the offer becoming the highest current qualifying offer. An offer is qualifying if the offer is made during the redemption period through a licensed real estate broker listing the property and is at least equal to the sum of: (a) One hundred twenty percent of the redemption amount determined under RCW 6.23.020 and (b) the normal commission of the real estate broker or agent handling the offer.
(2) The proceeds shall be divided at the time of closing with: (a) One hundred twenty percent of the redemption amount determined under RCW 6.23.020 paid to the property owner, (b) the real estate broker's or agent's normal commission paid, and (c) any excess paid to the judgment debtor.
(3) Notice, tender, payment, and closing shall be made through the real estate broker or agent handling the offer.
(4) This section shall not apply to mortgage or deed of trust foreclosures under chapter 61.12 or 61.24 RCW.


Explanatory statement2018 c 22: See note following RCW 1.20.051.
Severability1981 c 329: See note following RCW 6.21.020.