Chapter 47.46 RCW



HTMLPDF 47.46.010Finding.
HTMLPDF 47.46.011FindingIntent2002 c 114.
HTMLPDF 47.46.020Definitions.
HTMLPDF 47.46.030Demonstration projectsSelectionPublic involvement.
HTMLPDF 47.46.040Demonstration projectsTerms of agreementsPublic participation.
HTMLPDF 47.46.050Financial arrangements.
HTMLPDF 47.46.060Deferral of taxesApplicationRepayment.
HTMLPDF 47.46.070Use of state bonds on certain projects.
HTMLPDF 47.46.080State toll facilities authorized for projects.
HTMLPDF 47.46.090Citizen advisory committeeTolls.
HTMLPDF 47.46.091Tacoma Narrows bridge citizen advisory committee.
HTMLPDF 47.46.100TollsSettingLien on.
HTMLPDF 47.46.105TollsElectronic toll collection and photo toll systemsAdministrative feesViolation.
HTMLPDF 47.46.110TollsTerm, use.
HTMLPDF 47.46.120Toll increases in excess of fiscal growth factor.
HTMLPDF 47.46.130Use of state bond proceeds.
HTMLPDF 47.46.140Repayment of motor vehicle fund from toll charges.
HTMLPDF 47.46.150Alteration not a new proposal.
HTMLPDF 47.46.160Applicable rules and statutes.
HTMLPDF 47.46.170Application of RCW 47.46.040 and 47.46.050.
HTMLPDF 47.46.180Legislative oversight committee.
HTMLPDF 47.46.190Tacoma Narrows bridge facility fundingIntentState contribution loansPrivate right of action not created.
HTMLPDF 47.46.200ReportsDetermination of contribution amount from nontoll sourcesMaintenance of debt service plan repayment schedule—Annual expected toll revenue information to be used for repayment of state contribution loans—Private right of action not created.
HTMLPDF 47.46.900Effective date1993 c 370.


The legislature finds and declares:
It is essential for the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the state and the maintenance of a high quality of life that the people of the state have an efficient transportation system.
The ability of the state to provide an efficient transportation system will be enhanced by a public-private sector program providing for private entities to undertake all or a portion of the study, planning, design, development, financing, acquisition, installation, construction or improvement, operation, and maintenance of transportation systems and facility projects.
A public-private initiatives program will provide benefits to both the public and private sectors. Public-private initiatives provide a sound economic investment opportunity for the private sector. Such initiatives will provide the state with increased access to property development and project opportunities, financial and development expertise, and will supplement state transportation revenues, allowing the state to use its limited resources for other needed projects.
The public-private initiatives program, to the fullest extent possible, should encourage and promote business and employment opportunities for Washington state citizens.
The public-private initiatives program shall be implemented in cooperation, consultation, and with the support of the affected communities and local jurisdictions.
The secretary of transportation should be permitted and encouraged to test the feasibility of building privately funded transportation systems and facilities or segments thereof through the use of innovative agreements with the private sector. The secretary of transportation should be vested with the authority to solicit, evaluate, negotiate, and administer public-private agreements with the private sector relating to the planning, construction, upgrading, or reconstruction of transportation systems and facilities.
Agreements negotiated under a public-private initiatives program will not bestow on private entities an immediate right to construct and operate the proposed transportation facilities. Rather, agreements will grant to private entities the opportunity to design the proposed facilities, demonstrate public support for proposed facilities, and complete the planning processes required in order to obtain a future decision by the department of transportation and other state and local lead agencies on whether the facilities should be permitted and built.
Agreements negotiated under the public-private initiatives program should establish the conditions under which the private developer may secure the approval necessary to develop and operate the proposed transportation facilities; create a framework to attract the private capital necessary to finance their development; ensure that the transportation facilities will be designed, constructed, and operated in accordance with applicable local, regional, state, and federal laws and the applicable standards and policies of the department of transportation; and require a demonstration that the proposed transportation facility has the support of the affected communities and local jurisdictions.
The legislature finds that the Puget Sound congestion pricing project, selected under this chapter, raises major transportation policy, economic, and equity concerns. These relate to the integrity of the state's high occupancy vehicle program; the cost-effective movement of freight and goods; the diversion of traffic to local streets and arterials; and possible financial hardship to commuters. The legislature further finds that these potential economic and social impacts require comprehensive legislative review prior to advancement of the project and directs that the secretary not proceed with the implementation of the project without prior approval of the legislature.
The department of transportation should be encouraged to take advantage of new opportunities provided by federal legislation under section 1012 of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). That section establishes a new program authorizing federal participation in construction or improvement or improvement of publicly or privately owned toll roads, bridges, and tunnels, and allows states to leverage available federal funds as a means for attracting private sector capital.


Effective date1995 2nd sp.s. c 19: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately [June 16, 1995]." [ 1995 2nd sp.s. c 19 s 5.]

FindingIntent2002 c 114.

The legislature finds that greater flexibility to provide state financing for projects developed under chapter 47.46 RCW will result in better use of public resources, lower financing costs, and potential savings to taxpayers. The legislature intends to: Clarify the ability of the department of transportation to use public and private financing for projects selected and developed under chapter 47.46 RCW; provide the department with specific means of state financing where that financing is in the public's best interest; provide citizens living in the impacted areas a statutory mechanism to review proposed toll rates and provide input before adoption of toll schedules by the toll authority; and prevent unreasonable delay of critical transportation projects that are essential for public safety and welfare.


Captions not law2002 c 114: "Captions used in this act do not constitute any part of the law." [ 2002 c 114 s 26.]


As used in this chapter:
(1) "Electronic toll collection system" means a system that collects tolls by crediting or debiting funds from a customer's unique prepaid tolling account.
(2) "Photo toll" means a charge associated with a particular vehicle that can only be identified by its license plate. A photo toll may be paid through one of the following methods:
(a) A customer-initiated account that is prepaid or postpaid.
(b) In response to a toll bill that is sent to the registered owner of the vehicle incurring the photo toll charge. The toll bill may designate a toll payment due date for the photo toll assessed.
(3) "Photo toll system" means a camera-based imaging system that uses digital video or still image formats to record license plate images of vehicles using toll lanes for the purpose of collecting a photo toll.
(4) "Toll payment due date" means the date when a toll must be paid to avoid a toll violation civil penalty. The toll payment due date is eighty days from the date the vehicle uses the toll facility and incurs the toll charge.
(5) "Transportation systems and facilities" means capital-related improvements and additions to the state's transportation infrastructure, including but not limited to highways, roads, bridges, vehicles, and equipment, marine-related facilities, vehicles, and equipment, park and ride lots, transit stations and equipment, transportation management systems, and other transportation-related investments.


Contingent effective date2010 c 249: See note following RCW 47.56.795.

Demonstration projectsSelectionPublic involvement.

(1) The secretary or a designee shall solicit proposals from, and negotiate and enter into agreements with, private entities to undertake as appropriate, together with the department and other public entities, all or a portion of the study, planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of transportation systems and facilities, using in whole or in part public or private sources of financing.
The public-private initiatives program may develop up to six demonstration projects. Each proposal shall be weighed on its own merits, and each of the six agreements shall be negotiated individually, and as a stand-alone project.
(2) If project proposals selected prior to September 1, 1994, are terminated by the public or private sectors, the department shall not select any new projects, including project proposals submitted to the department prior to September 1, 1994, and designated by the transportation commission as placeholder projects, after June 16, 1995, until June 30, 1997.
The department, in consultation with the legislative transportation committee, shall conduct a program and fiscal audit of the public-private initiatives program for the biennium ending June 30, 1997. The department shall submit a progress report to the legislative transportation committee on the program and fiscal audit by June 30, 1996, with preliminary and final audit reports due December 1, 1996, and June 30, 1997, respectively.
The department shall develop and submit a proposed public involvement plan to the 1997 legislature to identify the process for selecting new potential projects and the associated costs of implementing the plan. The legislature must adopt the public involvement plan before the department may proceed with any activity related to project identification and selection. Following legislative adoption of the public involvement plan, the department is authorized to implement the plan and to identify potential new projects.
The public involvement plan for projects selected after June 30, 1997, shall, at a minimum, identify projects that: (a) Have the potential of achieving overall public support among users of the projects, residents of communities in the vicinity of the projects, and residents of communities impacted by the projects; (b) meet a state transportation need; (c) provide a significant state benefit; and (d) provide competition among proposers and maximum cost benefits to users. Prospective projects may include projects identified by the department or submitted by the private sector.
Projects that meet the minimum criteria established under this section and the requirements of the public involvement plan developed by the department and approved by the legislature shall be submitted to the Washington state transportation commission for its review. Forty-five days after the submission to the commission of the list of eligible projects, the secretary is authorized to solicit proposals for the eligible project.
(3) Prior to entering into agreements with private entities under the requirements of RCW 47.46.040 for any project proposal selected before September 1, 1994, or after June 30, 1997, except as provided for in subsections (11) and (12) of this section, the department shall require an advisory vote as provided under subsections (5) through (9) of this section.
(4) The advisory vote shall apply to project proposals selected prior to September 1, 1994, or after June 30, 1997, that receive public opposition as demonstrated by the submission to the department of original petitions bearing at least five thousand signatures of individuals opposing the project collected and submitted in accordance with the dates established in subsections (11) and (12) of this section. The advisory vote shall be on the preferred alternative identified under the requirements of chapter 43.21C RCW and, if applicable, the national environmental policy act, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq. The execution by the department of the advisory vote process established in this section is subject to the prior appropriation of funds by the legislature for the purpose of conducting environmental impact studies, a public involvement program, local involvement committee activities, traffic and economic impact analyses, engineering and technical studies, and the advisory vote.
(5) In preparing for the advisory vote, the department shall conduct a comprehensive analysis of traffic patterns and economic impact to define the geographical boundary of the project area that is affected by the imposition of tolls or user fees authorized under this chapter. The area so defined is referred to in this section as the affected project area. In defining the affected project area, the department shall, at a minimum, undertake: (a) A comparison of the estimated percentage of residents of communities in the vicinity of the project and in other communities impacted by the project who could be subject to tolls or user fees and the estimated percentage of other users and transient traffic that could be subject to tolls or user fees; (b) an analysis of the anticipated traffic diversion patterns; (c) an analysis of the potential economic impact resulting from proposed toll rates or user fee rates imposed on residents, commercial traffic, and commercial entities in communities in the vicinity of and impacted by the project; (d) an analysis of the economic impact of tolls or user fees on the price of goods and services generally; and (e) an analysis of the relationship of the project to state transportation needs and benefits.
(6)(a) After determining the definition of the affected project area, the department shall establish a committee comprised of individuals who represent cities and counties in the affected project area; organizations formed to support or oppose the project; and users of the project. The committee shall be named the public-private local involvement committee, and be known as the local involvement committee.
(b) The members of the local involvement committee shall be: (i) An elected official from each city within the affected project area; (ii) an elected official from each county within the affected project area; (iii) two persons from each county within the affected project area who represent an organization formed in support of the project, if the organization exists; (iv) two persons from each county within the affected project area who represent an organization formed to oppose the project, if the organization exists; and (v) four public members active in a statewide transportation organization. If the committee makeup results in an even number of committee members, there shall be an additional appointment of an elected official from the county in which all, or the greatest portion of the project is located.
(c) City and county elected officials shall be appointed by a majority of the members of the city or county legislative authorities of each city or county within the affected project area, respectively. The county legislative authority of each county within the affected project area shall identify and validate organizations officially formed in support of or in opposition to the project and shall make the appointments required under this section from a list submitted by the chair of the organizations. Public members shall be appointed by the governor. All appointments to the local involvement committee shall be made and submitted to the department of transportation no later than January 1, 1996, for projects selected prior to September 1, 1994, and no later than thirty days after the affected project area is defined for projects selected after June 30, 1997. Vacancies in the membership of the local involvement committee shall be filled by the appointing authority under (b)(i) through (v) of this subsection for each position on the committee.
(d) The local involvement committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the department on all matters related to the execution of the advisory vote.
(e) Members of the local involvement committee serve without compensation and may not receive subsistence, lodging expenses, or travel expenses.
(7) The department shall conduct a minimum thirty-day public comment period on the definition of the geographical boundary of the project area. The department, in consultation with the local involvement committee, shall make adjustments, if required, to the definition of the geographical boundary of the affected project area, based on comments received from the public. Within fourteen calendar days after the public comment period, the department shall set the boundaries of the affected project area in units no smaller than a precinct as defined in RCW 29A.04.121.
(8) The department, in consultation with the local involvement committee, shall develop a description for selected project proposals. After developing the description of the project proposal, the department shall publish the project proposal description in newspapers of general circulation for seven calendar days in the affected project area. Within fourteen calendar days after the last day of the publication of the project proposal description, the department shall transmit a copy of the map depicting the affected project area and the description of the project proposal to the county auditor of the county in which any portion of the affected project area is located.
(9) Upon receipt of the map and the description of the project proposal, the county auditor shall, within thirty days, verify the precincts that are located within the affected project area. The county auditor shall prepare the text identifying and describing the affected project area and the project proposal using the definition of the geographical boundary of the affected project area and the project description submitted by the department and shall set an election date for the submission of a ballot proposition authorizing the imposition of tolls or user fees to implement the proposed project within the affected project area, which date may be the next succeeding general election to be held in the state, or at a special election, if requested by the department. The text of the project proposal must appear in a voters' pamphlet for the affected project area. The department shall pay the costs of publication and distribution. The special election date must be the next date for a special election provided under RCW 29A.04.330 that is at least sixty days but, if authorized under RCW 29A.04.330, no more than ninety days after the receipt of the final map and project description by the auditor. The department shall pay the cost of an election held under this section.
(10) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the department may contract with a private developer of a selected project proposal to conduct environmental impact studies, a public involvement program, and engineering and technical studies funded by the legislature. For projects subject to this subsection, the department shall not enter into an agreement under RCW 47.46.040 prior to the advisory vote on the preferred alternative.
(11) Subsections (5) through (9) of this section shall not apply to project proposals selected prior to September 1, 1994, that have no organized public opposition as demonstrated by the submission to the department of original petitions bearing at least five thousand signatures of individuals opposing the project, collected and submitted after September 1, 1994, and by thirty calendar days after June 16, 1995.
(12) Subsections (5) through (9) of this section shall not apply to project proposals selected after June 30, 1997, that have no organized public opposition as demonstrated by the submission to the department of original petitions bearing at least five thousand signatures of individuals opposing the project, collected and submitted by ninety calendar days after project selection.


FindingsIntentPart headingsEffective dates2005 c 319: See notes following RCW 43.17.020.
FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.
Effective date1996 c 280: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately [March 29, 1996]." [ 1996 c 280 s 2.]
Effective date1995 2nd sp.s. c 19: See note following RCW 47.46.010.

Demonstration projectsTerms of agreementsPublic participation.

(1) The secretary or a designee shall consult with legal, financial, and other experts within and outside state government in the negotiation and development of the agreements.
(2) Agreements may provide for private ownership of the projects during the construction period. After completion and final acceptance of each project or discrete segment thereof, the agreement may provide for state ownership of the transportation systems and facilities and lease to the private entity unless the state elects to provide for ownership of the facility by the private entity during the term of the agreement.
The state may lease each of the demonstration projects, or applicable project segments, to the private entities for operating purposes for up to fifty years.
(3) The department may exercise any power possessed by it to facilitate the development, construction, financing operation, and maintenance of transportation projects under this section. Agreements for maintenance services entered into under this section shall provide for full reimbursement for services rendered by the department or other state agencies. Agreements for police services for projects, involving state highway routes, developed under agreements shall be entered into with the Washington state patrol. The agreement for police services shall provide that the state patrol will be reimbursed for costs on a comparable basis with the costs incurred for comparable service on other state highway routes. The department may provide services for which it is reimbursed, including but not limited to preliminary planning, environmental certification, and preliminary design of the demonstration projects.
(4) The plans and specifications for each project constructed under this section shall comply with the department's standards for state projects. A facility constructed by and leased to a private entity is deemed to be a part of the state highway system for purposes of identification, maintenance, and enforcement of traffic laws and for the purposes of applicable sections of this title. Upon reversion of the facility to the state, the project must meet all applicable state standards. Agreements shall address responsibility for reconstruction or renovations that are required in order for a facility to meet all applicable state standards upon reversion of the facility to the state.
(5) For the purpose of facilitating these projects and to assist the private entity in the financing, development, construction, and operation of the transportation systems and facilities, the agreements may include provisions for the department to exercise its authority, including the lease of facilities, rights-of-way, and airspace, exercise of the power of eminent domain, granting of development rights and opportunities, granting of necessary easements and rights of access, issuance of permits and other authorizations, protection from competition, remedies in the event of default of either of the parties, granting of contractual and real property rights, liability during construction and the term of the lease, authority to negotiate acquisition of rights-of-way in excess of appraised value, and any other provision deemed necessary by the secretary.
(6) The agreements entered into under this section may include provisions authorizing the state to grant necessary easements and lease to a private entity existing rights-of-way or rights-of-way subsequently acquired with public or private financing. The agreements may also include provisions to lease to the entity airspace above or below the right-of-way associated or to be associated with the private entity's transportation facility. In consideration for the reversion rights in these privately constructed facilities, the department may negotiate a charge for the lease of airspace rights during the term of the agreement for a period not to exceed fifty years. If, after the expiration of this period, the department continues to lease these airspace rights to the private entity, it shall do so only at fair market value. The agreement may also provide the private entity the right of first refusal to undertake projects utilizing airspace owned by the state in the vicinity of the public-private project.
(7) Agreements under this section may include any contractual provision that is necessary to protect the project revenues required to repay the costs incurred to study, plan, design, finance, acquire, build, install, operate, enforce laws, and maintain toll highways, bridges, and tunnels and which will not unreasonably inhibit or prohibit the development of additional public transportation systems and facilities. Agreements under this section must secure and maintain liability insurance coverage in amounts appropriate to protect the project's viability and may address state indemnification of the private entity for design and construction liability where the state has approved relevant design and construction plans.
(8) Agreements entered into under this section shall include a process that provides for public involvement in decision making with respect to the development of the projects.
(9)(a) In carrying out the public involvement process required in subsection (8) of this section, the private entity shall proactively seek public participation through a process appropriate to the characteristics of the project that assesses and demonstrates public support among: Users of the project, residents of communities in the vicinity of the project, and residents of communities impacted by the project.
(b) The private entity shall conduct a comprehensive public involvement process that provides, periodically throughout the development and implementation of the project, users and residents of communities in the affected project area an opportunity to comment upon key issues regarding the project including, but not limited to: (i) Alternative sizes and scopes; (ii) design; (iii) environmental assessment; (iv) right-of-way and access plans; (v) traffic impacts; (vi) tolling or user fee strategies and tolling or user fee ranges; (vii) project cost; (viii) construction impacts; (ix) facility operation; and (x) any other salient characteristics.
(c) If the affected project area has not been defined, the private entity shall define the affected project area by conducting, at a minimum: (i) A comparison of the estimated percentage of residents of communities in the vicinity of the project and in other communities impacted by the project who could be subject to tolls or user fees and the estimated percentage of other users and transient traffic that could be subject to tolls or user fees; (ii) an analysis of the anticipated traffic diversion patterns; (iii) an analysis of the potential economic impact resulting from proposed toll rates or user fee rates imposed on residents, commercial traffic, and commercial entities in communities in the vicinity of and impacted by the project; (iv) an analysis of the economic impact of tolls or user fees on the price of goods and services generally; and (v) an analysis of the relationship of the project to state transportation needs and benefits.
The agreement may require an advisory vote by users of and residents in the affected project area.
(d) In seeking public participation, the private entity shall establish a local involvement committee or committees comprised of residents of the affected project area, individuals who represent cities and counties in the affected project area, organizations formed to support or oppose the project, if such organizations exist, and users of the project. The private entity shall, at a minimum, establish a committee as required under the specifications of RCW 47.46.030(6)(b) (ii) and (iii) and appointments to such committee shall be made no later than thirty days after the project area is defined.
(e) Local involvement committees shall act in an advisory capacity to the department and the private entity on all issues related to the development and implementation of the public involvement process established under this section.
(f) The department and the private entity shall provide the local involvement committees with progress reports on the status of the public involvement process including the results of an advisory vote, if any occurs.
(10) Nothing in this chapter limits the right of the secretary and his or her agents to render such advice and to make such recommendations as they deem to be in the best interests of the state and the public.


FindingsIntentPart headingsEffective dates2005 c 319: See notes following RCW 43.17.020.
FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.
Effective date1995 2nd sp.s. c 19: See note following RCW 47.46.010.

Financial arrangements.

(1) The department may enter into agreements using federal, state, and local financing in connection with the projects, including without limitation, grants, loans, and other measures authorized by section 1012 of ISTEA, and to do such things as necessary and desirable to maximize the funding and financing, including the formation of a revolving loan fund to implement this section.
(2) Agreements entered into under this section may authorize the private entity to lease the facilities within a designated area or areas from the state and to impose user fees or tolls within the designated area to allow a reasonable rate of return on investment, as established through a negotiated agreement between the state and the private entity. The negotiated agreement shall determine a maximum development fee and, where appropriate, a maximum rate of return on investment, based on project and financing characteristics. If the negotiated rate of return on investment or development fee is not affected, the private entity may establish and modify toll rates and user fees.
(3) Agreements that include a maximum rate of return may establish "incentive" rates of return beyond the negotiated maximum rate of return on investment. The incentive rates of return shall be designed to provide financial benefits to the affected public jurisdictions and the private entity, given the attainment of various safety, performance, or transportation demand management goals. The incentive rates of return shall be negotiated in the agreement.
(4) Agreements shall require that over the term of the ownership or lease the user fees or toll revenues be applied only to payment of:
(a) The capital outlay costs for the project, including the costs associated with planning, design, development, financing, construction, improvement, operations, toll collection, maintenance, and administration of the project;
(b) The reimbursement to the state for all costs associated with an election as required under RCW 47.46.030, the costs of project review and oversight, and technical and law enforcement services;
(c) The establishment of a fund to assure the adequacy of maintenance expenditures; and
(d) A reasonable return on investment to the private entity. A negotiated agreement shall not extend the term of the ownership or lease beyond the period of time required for payment of the private entity's capital outlay costs for the project under this subsection.


FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.
Effective date1995 2nd sp.s. c 19: See note following RCW 47.46.010.

Deferral of taxesApplicationRepayment.

(1) Any person, including the department of transportation and any private entity or entities, may apply for deferral of taxes on the site preparation for, the construction of, the acquisition of any related machinery and equipment that becomes a part of, and the rental of equipment for use in the state route number 16 corridor improvements project under this chapter. Application must be made to the department of revenue in a form and manner prescribed by the department of revenue. The application must contain information regarding estimated or actual costs, time schedules for completion and operation, and other information required by the department of revenue. The department of revenue must approve the application within sixty days if it meets the requirements of this section.
(2) The department of revenue must issue a sales and use tax deferral certificate for state and local sales and use taxes due under chapters 82.08, 82.12, and 82.14 RCW on the project.
(3) The department of transportation or a private entity granted a tax deferral under this section must begin paying the deferred taxes in the twenty-fourth year after the date certified by the department of revenue as the date on which the project is operationally complete. The first payment is due on December 31st of the twenty-fourth calendar year after such certified date, with subsequent annual payments due on December 31st of the following nine years. Each payment must equal ten percent of the deferred tax. The project is operationally complete under this section when the collection of tolls is commenced for the state route number 16 improvements covered by the deferral.
(4) The department of revenue may authorize an accelerated repayment schedule upon request of the department of transportation or a private entity granted a deferral under this section.
(5) Interest may not be charged on any taxes deferred under this section for the period of deferral, although all other penalties and interest applicable to delinquent excise taxes may be assessed and imposed for delinquent payments under this section. The debt for deferred taxes is not extinguished by insolvency or other failure of the private entity. Transfer of ownership does not terminate the deferral.
(6) Applications and any other information received by the department of revenue under this section are not confidential and are subject to disclosure. Chapter 82.32 RCW applies to the administration of this section.


Effective date2015 3rd sp.s. c 44: See note following RCW 46.68.395.
FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.
Finding1998 c 179: See note following RCW 35.21.718.

Use of state bonds on certain projects.

(1) To the extent that the legislature specifically appropriates funding for a project developed under this chapter using the proceeds of bonds issued by the state, an agreement for the design or construction of the project entered into by the secretary must incorporate provisions that are consistent with the use of the state financing provided by the appropriation.
(2) The secretary shall amend existing agreements or execute new agreements to comply with subsection (1) of this section.
(3) If the secretary is unable to reach agreement with other parties on contractual provisions providing for state financing, the secretary shall not enter into an agreement, or shall take no action with respect to an agreement, or shall exercise termination provisions, whichever option in the secretary's determination will result in the lowest net cost to the state.


FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.

State toll facilities authorized for projects.

The department may provide for the establishment and construction of state toll bridge facilities upon any public highways of this state together with approaches to them under agreements entered into under this chapter to develop such facilities. A state toll bridge facility authorized under this section includes, but is not limited to, the construction of an additional toll bridge, including approaches, adjacent to and within two miles of an existing bridge, the imposition of tolls on both bridges, and the operation of both bridges as one toll facility.


FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.

Citizen advisory committeeTolls.

(1) A citizen advisory committee must be created for any project developed under this chapter that imposes toll charges for use of a transportation facility. The governor shall appoint nine members to the committee, all of whom must be permanent residents of the affected project area as defined for each project. Members of the committee shall serve without compensation.
(2) The citizen advisory committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the commission on all matters related to the imposition of tolls including, but not limited to, (a) the feasibility of providing discounts to frequent users, electronic transponder users, senior citizens, or students; (b) the tradeoff of lower tolls versus the early retirement of debt; and (c) a consideration of variable, or time of day pricing.
(3) No toll charge may be imposed or modified unless the citizen advisory committee has been given at least twenty days to review and comment on any proposed toll charge schedule. In setting toll rates, the commission shall give consideration to any recommendations of the citizen advisory committee.


FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.

Tacoma Narrows bridge citizen advisory committee.

The Tacoma Narrows bridge citizen advisory committee is hereby created as directed under RCW 47.46.090. The advisory committee members shall be appointed proportionately, to the extent practicable, from those areas from which the majority of the trips originate on the bridge according to the latest traffic analysis by the department.

TollsSettingLien on.

(1) The commission shall fix the rates of toll and other charges for all toll bridges built under this chapter that are financed primarily by bonds issued by the state. Subject to RCW 47.46.090, the commission may impose and modify toll charges from time to time as conditions warrant.
(2) In establishing toll charges, the commission shall give due consideration to any required costs for operating and maintaining the toll bridge or toll bridges, including the cost of insurance, and to any amount required by law to meet the redemption of bonds and interest payments on them.
(3) The toll charges must be imposed in amounts sufficient to:
(a) Provide annual revenue sufficient to provide for annual operating and maintenance expenses, except as provided in RCW 47.56.245;
(b) Make payments required under RCW 47.56.165 and 47.46.140, including insurance costs and the payment of principal and interest on bonds issued for any particular toll bridge or toll bridges; and
(c) Repay the motor vehicle fund under RCW 47.46.110, 47.56.165, and 47.46.140.
(4) The bond principal and interest payments, including repayment of the motor vehicle fund for amounts transferred from that fund to provide for such principal and interest payments, constitute a first direct and exclusive charge and lien on all tolls and other revenues from the toll bridge concerned, subject to operating and maintenance expenses.


FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.

TollsElectronic toll collection and photo toll systemsAdministrative feesViolation.

(1) A toll collection system may include, but is not limited to, electronic toll collection and photo tolling.
(2)(a) A photo toll system may take photographs, digital photographs, microphotographs, videotapes, or other recorded images of the vehicle and vehicle license plate only.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all photographs, digital photographs, microphotographs, videotape, other recorded images, or other records identifying a specific instance of travel prepared under this chapter are for the exclusive use of the tolling agency for toll collection and enforcement purposes and are not open to the public and may not be used in a court in a pending action or proceeding unless the action or proceeding relates to a civil penalty under RCW 46.63.160. No photograph, digital photograph, microphotograph, videotape, other recorded image, or other record identifying a specific instance of travel may be used for any purpose other than toll collection or enforcement of civil penalties under RCW 46.63.160. Records identifying a specific instance of travel by a specific person or vehicle must be retained only as required to ensure payment and enforcement of tolls and to comply with state records retention policies.
(3) The department and its agents shall only use electronic toll collection system technology for toll collection purposes.
(4) Tolls may be collected and paid by the following methods:
(a) A customer may pay an electronic toll through an electronic toll collection account;
(b) A customer who does not have an electronic toll collection account may pay a photo toll either through a customer-initiated payment or in response to a toll bill; or
(c) A customer who does not have an electronic toll collection account may pay with cash on toll facilities that have a manual cash collection system.
(5) To the extent practicable, the department shall adopt electronic toll collection options, which allow for anonymous customer accounts and anonymous accounts that are not linked to a specific vehicle.
(6) The transportation commission shall adopt rules, in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW, to assess administrative fees as appropriate for toll collection processes. Administrative fees must not exceed toll collection costs. All administrative fees collected under this section must be deposited into the toll facility account of the facility on which the toll was assessed.
(7) Failure to pay a photo toll by the toll payment due date is a violation for which a notice of civil penalty may be issued under RCW 46.63.160.


Contingent effective date2010 c 249: See note following RCW 47.56.795.

TollsTerm, use.

(1) The commission shall retain toll charges on any existing and future facilities constructed under this chapter and financed primarily by bonds issued by the state until:
(a) All costs of investigation, financing, acquisition of property, and construction advanced from the motor vehicle fund have been fully repaid, except as provided in subsection (2)(b) of this section;
(b) Obligations incurred in constructing that facility have been fully paid;
(c) The motor vehicle fund is fully repaid under RCW 47.46.140; and
(d) The accounts from which moneys are provided to reduce the debt service according to RCW 47.46.190(5) are fully repaid.
(2) This section does not:
(a) Prohibit the use of toll revenues to fund maintenance, operations, or management of facilities constructed under this chapter except as prohibited by RCW 47.56.245;
(b) Require repayment of funds specifically appropriated as a nonreimbursable state financial contribution to a project.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (2)(a) of this section, upon satisfaction of the conditions enumerated in subsection (1) of this section:
(a) The facility must be operated as a toll-free facility; and
(b) The operation, maintenance, upkeep, and repair of the facility must be paid from funds appropriated for the use of the department for the construction and maintenance of the primary state highways of the state of Washington.


FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.

Toll increases in excess of fiscal growth factor.

Pursuant to RCW 43.135.055, the legislature authorizes the transportation commission to increase bridge tolls in excess of the fiscal growth factor.


FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.

Use of state bond proceeds.

Proceeds of the sale of bonds issued by the state for projects constructed under this chapter must be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of a special account designated for those purposes. Those proceeds must be expended only for the purposes enumerated in this chapter, for payment of the expense incurred in the issuance and sale of any such bonds, and to repay the motor vehicle fund for any sums advanced to pay the cost of surveys, location, design, development, right-of-way, and other activities related to the financing and construction of the bridge and its approaches.


FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.

Repayment of motor vehicle fund from toll charges.

Toll charges must be used to repay the motor vehicle fund consistent with RCW 47.56.165 for any amounts transferred from the motor vehicle fund to the highway bond retirement fund under RCW 47.10.847 to provide for bond retirement and interest on bonds issued for the Tacoma Narrows public-private initiative project. Toll charges must remain on any facility financed by bonds issued by the state for a length of time necessary to repay the motor vehicle fund for any amounts expended from that fund for the design, development, right-of-way, financing, construction, maintenance, repair, or operation of the toll facility or for amounts transferred from the motor vehicle fund to the highway bond retirement fund under RCW 47.10.847 to provide for bond retirement and interest on bonds issued for the Tacoma Narrows public-private initiative project. Funds specifically appropriated as a nonreimbursable state financial contribution to the project do not require repayment.


FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.

Alteration not a new proposal.

If a proposal is or has been selected for the design, development, construction, maintenance, or operation of transportation systems or facilities under this chapter, subsequent agreements may be made to implement portions of the proposal that modify the proposal or that do not incorporate all the features of the proposal. Any such modified agreement does not require the solicitation or consideration of additional proposals for all or any portion of the services rendered under that modified agreement. Modified agreements may provide for the reimbursement of expenses and fees incurred under earlier agreements.


FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.

Applicable rules and statutes.

All projects designed, constructed, and operated under this chapter must comply with all applicable rules and statutes in existence at the time the agreement is executed, including but not limited to the following provisions: Chapter 39.12 RCW, this title, *RCW 41.06.380, chapter 47.64 RCW, RCW 49.60.180, and 49 C.F.R. Part 21.


*Reviser's note: RCW 41.06.380 was repealed by 2002 c 354 s 403, effective July 1, 2005.
FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.

Application of RCW 47.46.040 and 47.46.050.

RCW 47.46.040 and 47.46.050 apply only to those agreements that include private sources of financing in whole or in part.


FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.

Legislative oversight committee.

A legislative oversight committee is established to monitor and report on the progress, execution, and efficiency of design-build contracts issued under this chapter. The legislative oversight committee will be comprised of one legislator from each caucus of each chamber of the legislature. The leadership of each caucus shall appoint one member from his or her respective caucus to serve on the legislative oversight committee authorized by this section.


FindingIntent2002 c 114: See RCW 47.46.011.
Captions not law2002 c 114: See note following RCW 47.46.011.

Tacoma Narrows bridge facility fundingIntentState contribution loansPrivate right of action not created.

(1) The legislature finds funding of the Tacoma Narrows bridge facility to be distinct from other Washington state tolling facilities due to its increasing debt service costs, which is the primary driver of the facility's escalating costs. Washington state has since recommended and established financing structures with steadier levels of debt service payments for subsequent tolled transportation facilities, supporting better management of the state's debt burden and a lower financial burden for toll ratepayers.
(2) The Tacoma Narrows bridge facility debt service structure resulted, in part, from a decision by the legislature to fund construction of the bridge without drawing from state tax dollars. As a result, toll revenue was committed to fund 99 percent of bridge construction costs, as well as the associated interest payments and other associated debt service costs. This is not the standard more recently utilized by the legislature, as is the case of the state route 520 bridge's construction, 72 percent of which is to be paid for with toll revenues. In light of the maximum burden for bridge construction that was placed on Tacoma Narrows bridge toll ratepayers, there is no equitable reason that the burden of future debt service payment increases should be borne by these same toll ratepayers.
(3) The legislature established the Tacoma Narrows bridge work group in 2017 and tasked it with identifying opportunities for long-term toll payer relief from increasing toll rates on the Tacoma Narrows bridge. The work group recommended a request of up to $125,000,000 in state funding from the legislature to offset future debt service payment increases, allocated across the remaining years of tolling at levels that result in maintaining toll rates at fiscal year 2018 levels.
(4) Due to the findings aforementioned, an alternative is put forward by the legislature. State contribution loans for each fiscal biennium are to be made through the life of the debt service plan of up to a total of $85,000,000, and will be repaid in annual amounts beginning after the debt service and deferred sales tax are fully repaid. It is the intent of the legislature that the commission will adjust tolls accordingly, in consideration of annual contributions from nontoll sources and the costs required to be covered under RCW 47.46.100, until such time as the debt service and deferred sales tax obligation is fully met according to the repayment schedule in place as of June 7, 2018, and until any state contribution loans are fully repaid.
(5) To offset part of the toll rate increases that would otherwise be necessary to meet increases in future debt service payments, it is the intent of the legislature that the state treasurer make state contribution loan transfers to the Tacoma Narrows toll bridge account created in RCW 47.56.165 on the first day of each fiscal biennium, beginning in the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium, through the life of the debt service plan. It is the intent of the legislature that the state treasurer make state contribution loan transfers in amounts necessary to ensure debt service payments are made in full after toll revenue from the Tacoma Narrows bridge toll facility is applied to the debt payment amounts and other required costs.
(6) This section does not create a private right of action.

ReportsDetermination of contribution amount from nontoll sourcesMaintenance of debt service plan repayment schedule—Annual expected toll revenue information to be used for repayment of state contribution loans—Private right of action not created.

(1) Through 2031, the commission shall submit to the transportation committees of the legislature on an annual basis a report that includes sufficient information to enable the legislature to determine an adequate amount of contribution from nontoll sources required for each fiscal biennium to maintain the debt service plan repayment schedule in place as of June 7, 2018. The report must be submitted by January 5th of each year.
(2) Beginning in 2031, and until such time as the state contribution loans described in RCW 47.46.190(4) are repaid, the commission shall submit to the transportation committees of the legislature on an annual basis a report that includes information detailing the annual expected toll revenue to be used for repayment of the state contribution loans. The report must be submitted by January 5th of each year.
(3) This section does not create a private right of action.

Effective date1993 c 370.

This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1993.