Chapter 36.76 RCW



HTMLPDF 36.76.080Bonds authorizedElection.
HTMLPDF 36.76.090How to be heldIssuance of bonds.
HTMLPDF 36.76.100Notice of election.
HTMLPDF 36.76.110Disposition of proceedsCity assistance.
HTMLPDF 36.76.120Payment of principal and interest.
HTMLPDF 36.76.130Act cumulative.
HTMLPDF 36.76.140Toll bridge bonds authorizedAdjoining counties.

Bonds authorizedElection.

The legislative authority of any county may, whenever a majority thereof so decides, submit to the voters of their county the question whether the legislative authority shall be authorized to issue negotiable road bonds of the county in an amount subject to the limitations on indebtedness provided for in RCW 39.36.020(2), for the purpose of constructing a new road or roads, or improving established roads within the county, or for aiding in so doing, as herein prescribed.
The word "improvement" wherever used in this section and RCW 36.76.090, 36.76.100, 36.76.110, 36.76.120, and 36.76.130 shall embrace any undertaking for any or all of such purposes. The word "road" shall embrace all highways, roads, streets, avenues, bridges, and other public ways.
The provisions of this section and RCW 36.76.090, 36.76.100, 36.76.110, 36.76.120, and 36.76.130 shall apply not only to roads which are or shall be under the general control of the county, but also to all parts of state roads in such county and to all roads which are situated or are to be constructed wholly or partly within the limits of any incorporated city or town therein, provided the county legislative authority finds that they form or will become a part of the public highway system of the county, and will connect the existing roads therein. Such finding may be made by the county legislative authority at any stage of the proceedings before the actual delivery of the bonds.
The constructing or improving of any and all such roads, or the aiding therein, is declared to be a county purpose.
The question of the issuance of bonds for any undertaking which relates to a number of different roads or parts thereof, whether intended to supply the whole expenditure or to aid therein, may be submitted to the voters as a single proposition in all cases where such course is consistent with the provisions of the state Constitution. If the county legislative authority, in submitting a proposition relating to different roads or parts thereof, finds that such proposition has for its object the furtherance and accomplishment of the construction of a system of public and county highways in such county, and constitutes and has for its object a single purpose, such finding shall be presumed to be correct, and upon the issuance of the bonds the presumption shall become conclusive.
No proposition for bonds shall be submitted which proposes that more than forty percent of the proceeds thereof shall be expended within any city or town or within any number of cities and towns.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

How to be heldIssuance of bonds.

The election shall be held as provided in RCW 39.36.050. If three-fifths of the legal ballots cast on the question of issuing bonds for the improvement contemplated in RCW 36.76.080 are in favor of the bond issue, the county legislative authority must issue the general obligation bonds. Such bonds shall be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.


Purpose1984 c 186: See note following RCW 39.46.110.
Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Purpose1970 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 39.52.020.
ValidationSavingSeverability1969 ex.s. c 232: See notes following RCW 39.52.020.

Notice of election.

The notice of this election shall state which road or roads are to be built or improved. The notice need not describe the road or roads with particularity, but it shall be sufficient either to describe them by termini and with a general statement as to their course, or to use any other appropriate language sufficient to show the purpose intended to be accomplished. The county legislative authority may, at its option, give such other or further notice as it may deem advisable.


Purpose1984 c 186: See note following RCW 39.46.110.

Disposition of proceedsCity assistance.

When the bonds are sold, the money arising therefrom shall be immediately paid into the treasury of the county, and shall be drawn only for the improvement for which they were issued, under the general direction of the board: PROVIDED, That if the improvement includes in whole or in part the constructing or improving of one or more roads, or any part or parts thereof, within the limits of an incorporated city or town, and if the county commissioners find that the amount of the proceeds of the bonds intended to be expended for the improvements within such corporate limits will probably not be sufficient to defray the entire expense of the improvement therein, and if they further find it to be equitable that the city or town should bear the remainder of the expense, they may postpone any expenditure therefor from the proceeds of the bonds until the city or town makes provision by ordinance for proceeding with the improvement within its corporate limits at its own expense insofar as concerns the cost thereof over and above the amount of bond proceeds available therefor.
In such case it shall be lawful for the county commissioners to consent, under such general directions as they shall impose, that the proper authorities of the city or town shall have actual charge of making the proposed improvement within the corporate limits. The city or town shall acquire any needed property or rights and do the work by contract or otherwise in accordance with its charter or ordinances, but the same shall be subject to the approval of the county commissioners insofar as concerns any payment therefor from the proceeds of the bonds.
In such case, as the work progresses and money is needed to pay therefor, the county commissioners shall, from time to time, by proper order, specifying the amount and purpose, direct the county treasurer to turn over to the city or town treasurer such part or parts of the proceeds of the bonds as may be justly applicable to such improvement or part thereof within such city or town, and any money so received by the city or town treasurer shall be inviolably applied to the purpose specified. When that portion of the entire improvement which lies within any such city or town can readily be separated into parts, the procedure authorized by this section may be pursued separately as to any one or more of such parts of the general improvement.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to render the county liable for any greater part of the expense of any improvement or part thereof within any city or town than the proper amount of the proceeds of such bonds, or to prevent the city or town from raising any part of the cost of any such improvement or part thereof, over and above the amount arising from the proceeds of the bonds, by assessment upon property benefited, or by contribution from any of its general or special funds in accordance with the provisions of the charter or laws governing such city or town. The provisions of this section, other than the direction for the payment into the county treasury of the money arising from the sale of the bonds, need not be complied with until after the issuance of the bonds and the validity of the bonds shall not be dependent upon such compliance.
[ 1963 c 4 s 36.76.110. Prior: 1913 c 25 s 5; RRS s 5596.]

Payment of principal and interest.

The county legislative authority must ascertain and levy annually a tax sufficient to pay the interest on all such bonds whenever it becomes due and to meet the annual maturities of principal. The county treasurer must pay out of any money accumulated from the taxes levied to pay the interest as aforesaid, the interest upon all such bonds when it becomes due as provided on the bond or, if coupons are attached to a bond, upon presentation at the place of payment of the proper coupon. Any interest payments or coupons so paid must be reported to the county legislative authority at its first meeting thereafter. Whenever interest is payable at any place other than the city in which the county treasurer keeps his or her office, the county treasurer shall seasonably remit to the state fiscal agent the amount of money required for the payment of any interest which is about to fall due. When any such bonds or any interest is paid, the county treasurer shall suitably and indelibly cancel them.


Purpose1984 c 186: See note following RCW 39.46.110.
Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

Act cumulative.

*This act shall not be construed as repealing or affecting any other act relating to the issuance of bonds for road or other purposes, but shall be construed as conferring additional power and authority.
[ 1963 c 4 s 36.76.130. Prior: 1913 c 25 s 7; RRS s 5598.]


*Reviser's note: "This act" [1913 c 25] consists of RCW 36.76.080, 36.76.090, 36.76.100, 36.76.110, 36.76.120, and 36.76.130.

Toll bridge bonds authorizedAdjoining counties.

The county legislative authority may, by majority vote, and by submission to the voters under the same procedure required in RCW 36.76.090 and 36.76.100, issue general obligation bonds for the purpose of contributing money, or the bonds themselves, to the department to help finance the construction of toll bridges across topographical formations constituting boundaries between the county and an adjoining county, or a toll bridge across topographical formation located wholly within an adjoining county, which in the discretion of the county legislative authority, directly or indirectly benefits the county. The bonds may be transferred to the department to be sold by it for the purposes outlined herein. The bonds may bear interest at a rate or rates as authorized by the county legislative authority. Such indebtedness is subject to the limitations on indebtedness provided for in RCW 39.36.020(2).


Purpose1970 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 39.52.020.
ValidationSavingSeverability1969 ex.s. c 232: See notes following RCW 39.52.020.