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Chapter 36.75 RCW



HTMLPDF 36.75.010Definitions.
HTMLPDF 36.75.020County roadsCounty legislative authority as agent of stateStandards.
HTMLPDF 36.75.030State and county cooperation.
HTMLPDF 36.75.035County may fund improvements to state highways.
HTMLPDF 36.75.040Powers of county commissioners.
HTMLPDF 36.75.050PowersHow exercised.
HTMLPDF 36.75.060County road districts.
HTMLPDF 36.75.065Community revitalization financingPublic improvements.
HTMLPDF 36.75.070Highways worked seven years are county roads.
HTMLPDF 36.75.080Highways used ten years are county roads.
HTMLPDF 36.75.090Abandoned state highways.
HTMLPDF 36.75.100Informalities not fatal.
HTMLPDF 36.75.110True locations to be determinedSurvey.
HTMLPDF 36.75.120Action to determine true location.
HTMLPDF 36.75.130Approaches to county roadsRules regarding constructionPenalty.
HTMLPDF 36.75.160Power of county commissioners as to roads, bridges, and other structures crossing boundary lines.
HTMLPDF 36.75.170Power of county commissioners as to roads, bridges, and other structures crossing boundary linesResolution to acquire or construct.
HTMLPDF 36.75.180Power of county commissioners as to roads, bridges, and other structures crossing boundary linesFreeholders' petition to acquire or construct.
HTMLPDF 36.75.190Engineer's reportHearingOrder.
HTMLPDF 36.75.200Bridges on city or town streets.
HTMLPDF 36.75.203Responsibility of city to maintain county road forming a municipal boundary.
HTMLPDF 36.75.205Street as extension of road in town of less than one thousand.
HTMLPDF 36.75.207Agreements for planning, establishment, construction, and maintenance of city streets by countiesUse of county road fundPayment by cityContracts, bids.
HTMLPDF 36.75.210Roads crossing boundaries.
HTMLPDF 36.75.220Connecting road across segment of third county.
HTMLPDF 36.75.230Acquisition of land under RCW 36.75.210 and 36.75.220.
HTMLPDF 36.75.240Sidewalks and pedestrian paths or walksBicycle paths, lanes, routes, and roadwaysStandards.
HTMLPDF 36.75.243Curb ramps for persons with physical disabilities.
HTMLPDF 36.75.250State may intervene if maintenance neglected.
HTMLPDF 36.75.255Street improvementsProvision of supplies or materials.
HTMLPDF 36.75.260Annual report to secretary of transportation.
HTMLPDF 36.75.270Limitation of type or weight of vehicles authorizedPenalty.
HTMLPDF 36.75.280Centralized repair and storage of machinery, equipment, supplies, etc.
HTMLPDF 36.75.290General penalty.
HTMLPDF 36.75.300Primitive roadsClassification and designation.


Bridges across navigable waters: Chapter 88.28 RCW.
Cities and towns
annexation of unincorporated areas, disposition of road district taxes: RCW 35.13.270.
disincorporation, effect on streets: RCW 35.07.110.
incorporation, disposition of uncollected road district taxes: RCW 35.02.140.
Classification of highways, county roads: RCW 47.04.020.
Contracts for street, road, and highway projects: Chapter 35.72 RCW.
County roads
construction or maintenance of, cooperative agreements, prevention or minimization of flood damages: RCW 47.28.140.
defined for highway purposes: RCW 47.04.010(11).
defined for motor vehicle purposes: RCW 46.04.150.
designation as arterial: RCW 46.61.195.
federal funds for, state to match: RCW 47.08.020.
federal grants to, department of transportation to administer: RCW 47.04.060, 47.04.070.
may be selected as state highway route: RCW 47.28.010.
projects by department of transportation, funds set aside: RCW 47.08.080.
state participation in building: RCW 47.04.080.
title to rights-of-way vested in state: RCW 47.04.040.
Department of transportation and transportation improvement board to coordinate long range needs studies: RCW 47.01.240.
Destroying native flora near county roads unlawful: RCW 47.40.080.
Dikes along public road, diking districts by: RCW 85.05.250.
Diking, drainage, and sewerage improvement districts
benefits to roads, costs: RCW 85.08.370.
crossing roads, procedure: RCW 85.08.340.
Diking, drainage district benefits to roads, how paid: RCW 85.07.040, 85.07.050.
Diking and drainage intercounty districts, counties to contribute for benefits to roads and bridges by: RCW 85.24.240.
Drainage ditches along roads by drainage improvement district: RCW 85.08.385.
Flood control districts (1937 act), crossing county roads, procedure: RCW 86.09.229.
Glass bottles thrown along county roads, collection and removal: RCW 47.40.090.
Highway advertising control act
county information signs allowed under: RCW 47.42.050.
not to supersede county ordinance: RCW 47.42.070.
Labor on, maximum hours of prescribed: Chapter 49.28 RCW.
Limited access facilities: Chapter 47.52 RCW.
Local adopt-a-highway programs: RCW 47.40.105.
Motor vehicles, maximum weight, size, speed in traversing bridges, tunnels, etc.: RCW 46.61.450.
Public lands
rights-of-way over for county bridges, trestles, across waterways, tide or shore lands: RCW 79.110.120.
rights-of-way over for roads, county wharves: RCW 79.36.440.
sale of road materials on to counties: RCW 79.15.320.
Public works contracts, reserve from amount due contractors to cover lien for labor, material or taxes: Chapter 60.28 RCW.
Railroad grade crossings, county participation in grant, duty to maintain: Chapter 81.53 RCW.
Reclamation districts of one million acres benefit to public roads, procedure: RCW 89.30.181.
Right to back and hold waters over county roads: RCW 90.28.010, 90.28.020.
Speeds, maximums on county roads: RCW 46.61.415.
State cooperation in building roads, bridges, etc.: RCW 47.04.080.
Street railways, may cross public road: RCW 81.64.030.
Telecommunications companies, use of county roads, how: RCW 80.36.040.
Title to rights-of-way in county roads vested in state: RCW 47.04.040.
Toll bridges
ferry crossings not to infringe existing franchises: RCW 47.60.120.
state given right-of-way through county roads: RCW 47.56.100.
Toll roads, bridges, and ferries of state, sale or lease of unneeded property to county: RCW 47.56.253.


As used in this title with relation to roads and bridges, the following terms mean:
(1) "Alley," a highway not designed for general travel and primarily used as a means of access to the rear of residences and business establishments;
(2) "Board," the board of county commissioners or the county legislative authority, however organized;
(3) "Center line," the line, marked or unmarked, parallel to and equidistant from the sides of a two-way traffic roadway of a highway except where otherwise indicated by painted lines or markers;
(4) "City street," every highway or part thereof, located within the limits of incorporated cities and towns, except alleys;
(5) "County engineer" means the county road engineer, county engineer, and engineer, and shall refer to the statutorily required position of county engineer appointed under RCW 36.80.010; and may include the county director of public works when the person in that position also meets the requirements of a licensed professional engineer and is duly appointed by the county legislative authority under RCW 36.80.010;
(6) "County road," every highway or part thereof, outside the limits of incorporated cities and towns and which has not been designated as a state highway;
(7) "Department," the state department of transportation;
(8) "Director" or "secretary," the state secretary of transportation or his or her duly authorized assistant;
(9) "Pedestrian," any person afoot;
(10) "Private road or driveway," every way or place in private ownership and used for travel of vehicles by the owner or those having express or implied permission from the owner, but not by other persons;
(11) "Highway," every way, lane, road, street, boulevard, and every way or place in the state of Washington open as a matter of right to public vehicular travel both inside and outside the limits of incorporated cities and towns;
(12) "Railroad," a carrier of persons or property upon vehicles, other than streetcars, operated upon stationary rails, the route of which is principally outside incorporated cities and towns;
(13) "Roadway," the paved, improved, or proper driving portion of a highway designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel;
(14) "Sidewalk," property between the curb lines or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property, set aside and intended for the use of pedestrians or such portion of private property parallel and in proximity to a highway and dedicated to use by pedestrians;
(15) "State highway," includes every highway as herein defined, or part thereof, that has been designated as a state highway, or branch thereof, by legislative enactment.


Severability1975 c 62: "If any provision of this amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1975 c 62 § 52.]

County roadsCounty legislative authority as agent of stateStandards.

All of the county roads in each of the several counties shall be established, laid out, constructed, altered, repaired, improved, and maintained by the legislative authority of the respective counties as agents of the state, or by private individuals or corporations who are allowed to perform such work under an agreement with the county legislative authority. Such work shall be done in accordance with adopted county standards under the supervision and direction of the county engineer.
[ 1982 c 145 § 6; 1963 c 4 § 36.75.020. Prior: 1943 c 82 § 1; 1937 c 187 § 2; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 6450-2.]

State and county cooperation.

The state department of transportation and the governing officials of any county may enter into reciprocal public highway improvement and maintenance agreements, providing for cooperation either in the county assisting the department in the improvement or maintenance of state highways, or the department assisting the county in the improvement or maintenance of county roads, under any circumstance where a necessity appears therefor or where economy in public highway improvement and maintenance will be best served.

County may fund improvements to state highways.

A county pursuant to chapter 36.88 RCW, or a service district as provided for in chapter 36.83 RCW, may, with the approval of the state department of transportation, improve or fund the improvement of any state highway within its boundaries. The county may fund improvements under this section by any means authorized by law, except that expenditures of county road funds under chapter 36.82 RCW under this section must be limited to improvements to the state highway system and shall not include maintenance or operations. Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of a county to fund cooperative improvement and maintenance agreements with the department of transportation, authorized by RCW 36.75.030 or 47.28.140.


County road improvement districts and service districts may improve state highways: RCW 36.83.010 and 36.88.010.

Powers of county commissioners.

The board of county commissioners of each county, in relation to roads and bridges, shall have the power and it shall be its duty to:
(1) Acquire in the manner provided by law property real and personal and acquire or erect structures necessary for the administration of the county roads of such county;
(2) Maintain a county engineering office and keep record of all proceedings and orders pertaining to the county roads of such county;
(3) Acquire land for county road purposes by purchase, gift, or condemnation, and exercise the right of eminent domain as by law provided for the taking of land for public use by counties of this state;
(4) Perform all acts necessary and proper for the administration of the county roads of such county as by law provided;
(5) In its discretion rent or lease any lands, improvements or air space above or below any county road or unused county roads to any person or entity, public or private: PROVIDED, That the said renting or leasing will not interfere with vehicular traffic along said county road or adversely affect the safety of the traveling public: PROVIDED FURTHER, That any such sale, lease or rental shall be by public bid in the manner provided by law: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That nothing herein shall prohibit any county from granting easements of necessity.

PowersHow exercised.

The powers and duties vested in or imposed upon the boards with respect to establishing, examining, surveying, constructing, altering, repairing, improving, and maintaining county roads, shall be exercised under the supervision and direction of the county road engineer.
The board shall by resolution, and not otherwise, order the survey, establishment, construction, alteration, or improvement of county roads; the county road engineer shall prepare all necessary maps, plans, and specifications therefor, showing the right-of-way widths, the alignments, gradients, and standards of construction.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.050. Prior: 1943 c 73 § 1, part; 1937 c 187 § 4, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 6450-4.]

County road districts.

For the purpose of efficient administration of the county roads of each county the board may, but not more than once in each year, form their respective counties, or any part thereof, into suitable and convenient road districts, not exceeding nine in number, and cause a description thereof to be entered upon their records.
Unless the board decides otherwise by majority vote, there shall be at least one road district in each county commissioner's district embracing territory outside of cities and towns and no road district shall extend into more than one county commissioner's district.

Community revitalization financingPublic improvements.

In addition to other authority that a road district possesses, a road district may provide any public improvement as defined under RCW 39.89.020, but this additional authority is limited to participating in the financing of the public improvements as provided under RCW 39.89.050.
This section does not limit the authority of a road district to otherwise participate in the public improvements if that authority exists elsewhere.

Highways worked seven years are county roads.

All public highways in this state, outside incorporated cities and towns and not designated as state highways, which have been used as public highways for a period of not less than seven years, where they have been worked and kept up at the expense of the public, are county roads.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.070. Prior: 1955 c 361 § 2; prior: 1945 c 125 § 1, part; 1937 c 187 § 10, part; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 6450-10, part.]

Highways used ten years are county roads.

All public highways in this state, outside incorporated cities and towns and not designated as state highways which have been used as public highways for a period of not less than ten years are county roads: PROVIDED, That no duty to maintain such public highway nor any liability for any injury or damage for failure to maintain such public highway or any road signs thereon shall attach to the county until the same shall have been adopted as a part of the county road system by resolution of the county commissioners.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.080. Prior: 1955 c 361 § 3; prior: 1945 c 125 § 1, part; 1937 c 187 § 10, part; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 6450-10, part.]

Abandoned state highways.

All public highways in this state which have been a part of the route of a state highway and have been or may hereafter be no longer necessary as such, if situated outside of the limits of incorporated cities or towns, shall, upon certification thereof by the state department of transportation to the legislative authority of the county in which any portion of the highway is located, become a county road of the county, and if situated within the corporate limits of any city or town shall upon certification thereof by the state department of transportation to the mayor of the city or town in which any portion of the highway is located become a street of the city or town. Upon the certification the secretary of transportation shall execute a deed, which shall be duly acknowledged, conveying the abandoned highway or portion thereof to the county or city as the case may be.
[ 1984 c 7 § 28; 1977 ex.s. c 78 § 4; 1963 c 4 § 36.75.090. Prior: 1955 c 361 § 4; prior: 1953 c 57 § 1; 1945 c 125 § 1, part; 1937 c 187 § 10, part; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 6450-10, part.]

Informalities not fatal.

No informalities in the records in laying out, establishing, or altering any public highways existing on file in the offices of the various county auditors of this state or in the records of the department or the transportation commission, may be construed to invalidate or vacate the public highways.

True locations to be determinedSurvey.

Whenever the board declares by resolution that the true location, course, or width of any county road is uncertain and that the same should be determined, it shall direct the county road engineer to make examination and survey thereof.
This shall embrace an examination and survey of the original petition, report, and field notes on the establishment of such road; a survey of the present traveled roadway; all topography within a reasonable distance and having a bearing on the true location of such road; the distance from the center line of the traveled roadway to the nearest section and quarter section corners; a map of sufficient scale accurately showing the above with field notes thereon; a map on the same scale showing the original field notes, such field notes to be transposed and the same meridian used on both maps.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.110. Prior: 1937 c 187 § 12; RRS § 6450-12.]

Action to determine true location.

When the true location, course, or width of a county road, which was prior thereto uncertain, has been reported by the examining engineer, the board shall file an action in the superior court of such county for the determination thereof. All persons affected by the determination of the true location, course, or width insofar as the same may vary from the originally established location, course, or width shall be made parties defendant in such action and service had and return made as in the case of civil actions. Upon the hearing the court shall consider the survey, maps, and all data with reference to the investigation of the examining engineer and may demand such further examination as it may deem necessary and any objection of any party defendant may be heard and considered. The court shall determine the true location, course, and width of the road and may in its discretion assess the cost of such action against the county to be paid from the county road fund.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.120. Prior: 1937 c 187 § 13; RRS § 6450-13.]

Approaches to county roadsRules regarding constructionPenalty.

(1) No person shall be permitted to build or construct any approach to any county road without first obtaining permission therefor from the board.
(2) The boards of the several counties of the state may adopt reasonable rules for the construction of approaches which, when complied with, shall entitle a person to build or construct an approach from any abutting property to any county road. The rules may include provisions for the construction of culverts under the approaches, the depth of fills over the culverts, and for such other drainage facilities as the board deems necessary. The construction of approaches, culverts, fills, or such other drainage facilities as may be required, shall be under the supervision of the county road engineer, and all such construction shall be at the expense of the person benefited by the construction.
(3) Any person violating this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
[ 2003 c 53 § 208; 1963 c 4 § 36.75.130. Prior: 1943 c 174 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 6450-95.]


IntentEffective date2003 c 53: See notes following RCW 2.48.180.

Power of county commissioners as to roads, bridges, and other structures crossing boundary lines.

The board of county commissioners of any county may erect and construct or acquire by purchase, gift, or condemnation, any bridge, trestle, or any other structure which crosses any stream, body of water, gulch, navigable water, swamp or other topographical formation requiring such structure for the continuation or connection of any county road if such topographical formation constitutes the boundary of a city, town, another county or the state of Washington or another state or a county, city or town of such other state.
The board of such county may join with such city, town, other county, the state of Washington, or other state, or a county, city or town of such other state in paying for, erecting, constructing, acquiring by purchase, gift, or condemnation any such bridge, trestle, or other structure, and the purchase or condemnation of right-of-way therefor.
The board of any county may construct, maintain, and operate any county road which forms the boundary line between another county within the state or another county in any other state or which through its meandering crosses such boundary; and acquire by purchase or condemnation any lands or rights within this state, either within or without its county, necessary for such boundary road; and enter into joint contracts with authorities of adjoining counties for the construction, operation, and maintenance of such boundary roads. The power of condemnation herein granted may be exercised jointly by two counties in the manner provided in RCW 36.75.170 for bridges, or it may be exercised by a single county in the manner authorized by law.
[ 2000 c 155 § 1; 1963 c 4 § 36.75.160. Prior: 1943 c 82 § 3; 1937 c 187 § 26; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 6450-26.]

Power of county commissioners as to roads, bridges, and other structures crossing boundary linesResolution to acquire or construct.

The board may by original resolution entered upon its minutes declare its intention to pay for and erect or construct, or acquire by purchase, gift, or condemnation, any bridge, trestle, or other structure upon any county road which crosses any stream, body of water, gulch, navigable water, swamp or other topographical formation constituting a boundary, or to join therein with any other county, city or town, or with this state, or with any other state, or with any county, city or town of any other state, in the erection, or construction, or acquisition of any such structure, and declare that the same is a public necessity, and direct the county road engineer to report upon such project, dividing any just proportional cost thereof.
In the event two counties or any county and any city wish to join in paying for the erection or acquisition of any such structure, the resolution provided in this section shall be a joint resolution of the governing authorities of the counties and cities and they shall further, by such resolution, designate an engineer employed by one county to report upon the proposed erection or acquisition.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.170. Prior: 1937 c 187 § 27; RRS § 6450-27.]

Power of county commissioners as to roads, bridges, and other structures crossing boundary linesFreeholders' petition to acquire or construct.

Ten or more freeholders of any county may petition the board for the erection and construction or acquisition by purchase, gift, or condemnation of any bridge, trestle, or any other structure in the vicinity of their residence, and upon any county road which crosses any stream, body of water, gulch, navigable waters, swamp or other topographical formation constituting a boundary by joining with any other county, city or town, or the state of Washington, or with any other state or with any county, city or town of any other state, setting forth and describing the location proposed for the erection of such bridge, trestle, or other structure, and stating that the same is a public necessity. The petition shall be accompanied by a bond with the same requirements, conditions, and amount and in the same manner as in case of a freeholders' petition for the establishing of a county road. Upon the filing of such petition and bond and being satisfied that the petition has been signed by freeholders residing in the vicinity of such proposed bridge, trestle, or other structure, the board shall direct the county road engineer to report upon the project, dividing any just proportional cost thereof.
In the event two counties or any county and any city or town are petitioned to join in paying for the erection or acquisition of such structure, the board of county commissioners of the counties or the board of county commissioners of the county and governing authorities of the city or town shall act jointly in the selection of the engineer who shall report upon such acquisition or erection.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.180. Prior: 1937 c 187 § 28; RRS § 6450-28.]

Engineer's reportHearingOrder.

Upon report by the examining engineer for the erection and construction upon any county road, or for acquisition by purchase, gift or condemnation of any bridge, trestle, or any other structure crossing any stream, body of water, gulch, navigable water, swamp or other topographical formation, which constitutes a boundary, publication shall be made and joint hearing had upon such report in the same manner and upon the same procedure as in the case of resolution or petition for the laying out and establishing of county roads. If upon the hearing the governing authorities jointly order the erection and construction or acquisition of such bridge, trestle, or other structure, they may jointly acquire land necessary therefor by purchase, gift, or condemnation in the manner as provided for acquiring land for county roads, and shall advertise calls for bids, require contractor's deposit and bond, award contracts, and supervise construction as by law provided and in the same manner as required in the case of the construction of county roads.
Any such bridges, trestles or other structures may be operated free, or may be operated as toll bridges, trestles, or other structures under the provisions of the laws of this state relating thereto.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.190. Prior: 1937 c 187 § 29; RRS § 6450-29.]

Bridges on city or town streets.

The boards of the several counties may expend funds from the county road fund for the construction, improvement, repair, and maintenance of any bridge upon any city street within any city or town in such county where such city street and bridge are essential to the continuation of the county road system of the county. Such construction, improvement, repair, or maintenance shall be ordered by resolution and proceedings conducted in respect thereto in the same manner as provided for the laying out and establishing of county roads by counties, and for the preparation of maps, plans, and specifications, advertising and award of contracts therefor.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.200. Prior: 1937 c 187 § 30; RRS § 6450-30.]

Responsibility of city to maintain county road forming a municipal boundary.

If the centerline of a portion of a county road is part of a corporate boundary of a city or town as of May 21, 1985, and that portion of county road has no connection to the county road system, maintenance of all affected portions of the road shall be the responsibility of such city or town after a petition requesting the same has been made to the city or town by the county legislative authority.

Street as extension of road in town of less than one thousand.

Whenever any street in any town, having a population of less than one thousand persons, forms an extension of a county road of the county in which such town is located, and where the board of county commissioners of such county and the governing body of such town, prior to the commencement of any work, have mutually agreed and each adopted a resolution setting forth the nature and scope of the work to be performed and the share of the cost or labor which each shall bear, such county may expend county road funds for construction, improvement, repair, or maintenance of such street.

Agreements for planning, establishment, construction, and maintenance of city streets by countiesUse of county road fundPayment by cityContracts, bids.

See RCW 35.77.020 through 35.77.040.

Roads crossing boundaries.

Whenever a county road is established within any county, and such county road crosses the boundary of the county, the board of the county within which the major portion of the road is located may expend the county road fund of such county in laying out, establishing, constructing, altering, repairing, improving, and maintaining that portion of the road lying outside the county, in the manner provided by law for the expenditure of county funds for the construction, alteration, repair, improvement, and maintenance of county roads within the county.
The board of any county may construct, maintain, and operate any county road which forms the boundary line between another county within the state or another county in any other state or which through its meandering crosses such boundary; and acquire by purchase or condemnation any lands or rights within this state, either within or without its county, necessary for such boundary road; and enter into joint contracts with authorities of adjoining counties for the construction, operation, and maintenance of such boundary roads. The power of condemnation herein granted may be exercised jointly by two counties in the manner provided for bridges, or it may be exercised by a single county in the manner authorized by law.
[ 2000 c 155 § 2; 1963 c 4 § 36.75.210. Prior: 1937 c 187 § 23; RRS § 6450-23. FORMER PART OF SECTION: 1943 c 82 § 3, part; 1937 c 187 § 26, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 6450-26, part, now codified in RCW 36.75.160.]

Connecting road across segment of third county.

Whenever two counties are separated by an intervening portion of a third county not exceeding one mile in width, and each of such counties has constructed or shall construct a county road to the boundary thereof, and the boards of the two counties deem it beneficial to such counties to connect the county roads by the construction and maintenance of a county road across the intervening portion of the third county, it shall be lawful for the boards of the two counties to expend jointly the county road funds of their respective counties in acquiring right-of-way for the construction, improvement, repair, and maintenance of such connecting county road and any necessary bridges thereon, in the manner provided by law for the expenditure of county road funds for the construction, improvement, repair, and maintenance of county roads lying within a county.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.220. Prior: 1937 c 187 § 24; RRS § 6450-24.]

Acquisition of land under RCW 36.75.210 and 36.75.220.

For the purpose of carrying into effect RCW 36.75.210 and 36.75.220 and under the circumstances therein set out the boards may acquire land necessary for the right-of-way for any portion of a county road lying outside such county or counties by gift or purchase or by condemnation in the manner provided for the taking of property for public use by counties.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.230. Prior: 1937 c 187 § 25, part; RRS § 6450-25, part.]

Sidewalks and pedestrian paths or walksBicycle paths, lanes, routes, and roadwaysStandards.

The boards may expend funds credited to the county road fund from any county or road district tax levied for the construction of county roads for the construction of sidewalks, bicycle paths, lanes, routes, and roadways, and pedestrian allocated paths or walks. Bicycle facilities constructed or modified after June 10, 1982, shall meet or exceed the standards of the state department of transportation.
[ 1982 c 55 § 2; 1974 ex.s. c 141 § 7; 1963 c 4 § 36.75.240. Prior: 1937 c 187 § 25, part; RRS § 6450-25, part.]


Pavement marking standards: RCW 47.36.280.

Curb ramps for persons with physical disabilities.

State may intervene if maintenance neglected.

If by any agreement with the federal government or any agency thereof or with the state or any agency thereof, a county has agreed to maintain certain county roads or any portion thereof and the maintenance is not being performed to the satisfaction of the federal government or the department, reasonably consistent with original construction, notice thereof may be given by the department to the legislative authority of the county, and if the county legislative authority does not within ten days provide for the maintenance, the department may perform the maintenance, and the state treasurer shall pay the cost thereof on vouchers submitted by the department and deduct the cost thereof from any sums in the motor vehicle fund credited or to be credited to the county in which the county road is located.

Street improvementsProvision of supplies or materials.

Any county may assist a street abutter in improving the street serving the abutter's premises by providing asphalt, concrete, or other supplies or materials. The furnishing of supplies or materials or paying to the abutter the cost thereof and the providing of inspectors and other incidental personnel shall not render the street improvements a public work or improvement subject to competitive bidding. The legislative authority of such county shall approve any such assistance at a public meeting and shall maintain a public register of any such assistance setting forth the value, nature, purpose, date and location of the assistance and the name of the beneficiary.

Annual report to secretary of transportation.

Each county legislative authority shall on or before May 31st of each year submit such records and reports to the secretary of transportation, on forms furnished by the department, as are necessary to enable the secretary to compile an annual report on county highway operations.

Limitation of type or weight of vehicles authorizedPenalty.

The board of county commissioners of each county may by resolution limit or prohibit classes or types of vehicles on any county road or bridge and may limit the weight of vehicles which may travel thereon. Any such resolution shall be effective for a definite period of time which shall be stated in the resolution. If such resolution is published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county and if signs indicating such closure or limitation of traffic have been posted on such road or bridge, any person violating such resolution shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.270. Prior: 1949 c 156 § 8; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 6450-8g.]


Local restrictions or limitations of weight: RCW 46.44.080.

Centralized repair and storage of machinery, equipment, supplies, etc.

All county road machinery, equipment, stores, and supplies, excepting stockpiles and other road building material, shall while not in use be stored and repaired at one centralized point in each county: PROVIDED, That if the geography, topography, distance, or other valid economic considerations require more than one place for storage or repairs, the county commissioners may, by unanimous vote, authorize the same.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.280. Prior: 1949 c 156 § 4; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 6450-8d.]

General penalty.

It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to violate any of the provisions of this title relating to county roads and bridges unless such violation is by this title or other law of this state declared to be a felony or gross misdemeanor.
[ 1963 c 4 § 36.75.290. Prior: 1943 c 82 § 13, part; 1937 c 187 § 66, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 6450-66, part.]

Primitive roadsClassification and designation.

The legislative authority of each county may by resolution classify and designate portions of the county roads as primitive roads where the designated road portion:
(1) Is not classified as part of the county primary road system, as provided for in RCW 36.86.070;
(2) Has a gravel or earth driving surface; and
(3) Has an average annual daily traffic of one hundred or fewer vehicles.
Any road designated as a primitive road shall be marked with signs indicating that it is a primitive road, as provided in the manual of uniform traffic control devices, at all places where the primitive road portion begins or connects with a highway other than another primitive road. No design or signing or maintenance standards or requirements, other than the requirement that warning signs be placed as provided in this section, apply to primitive roads.
The design of a primitive road, any discretionary maintenance, and the location, placing, or failing to place road signs, other than the requirement that warning signs be placed as provided in this section, shall not be considered in any action for damages brought against a county, or against a county employee or county employees, or both, arising from vehicular traffic on the primitive road.