Chapter 79.36 RCW



HTMLPDF 79.36.310Acquisition of property interests for access authorized.
HTMLPDF 79.36.320CondemnationDuty of attorney general.
HTMLPDF 79.36.330Disposal of property interests acquired.
HTMLPDF 79.36.340AcquisitionPayment.
HTMLPDF 79.36.350Application for right-of-way.
HTMLPDF 79.36.355Grant of easements and rights in public land.
HTMLPDF 79.36.370Lands subject to easements for removal of valuable materials.
HTMLPDF 79.36.380Private easement subject to common user.
HTMLPDF 79.36.390Reasonable facilities and service for transportation must be furnished.
HTMLPDF 79.36.400Duty of utilities and transportation commission.
HTMLPDF 79.36.410Penalty for violation of orders.
HTMLPDF 79.36.430Forfeiture for nonuse.
HTMLPDF 79.36.440Right-of-way for public roads.
HTMLPDF 79.36.450Railroad right-of-way.
HTMLPDF 79.36.460Railroad right-of-wayProcedure to acquire.
HTMLPDF 79.36.470Railroad right-of-wayAppraisement.
HTMLPDF 79.36.480Railroad right-of-wayImprovementsAppraisal.
HTMLPDF 79.36.490Railroad right-of-wayRelease or payment of damages.
HTMLPDF 79.36.500Railroad right-of-wayCertificate.
HTMLPDF 79.36.510Utility pipe lines, transmission lines, etc.
HTMLPDF 79.36.520Utility pipe lines, transmission lines, etc.Procedure to acquire.
HTMLPDF 79.36.530Utility pipe linesAppraisalCertificateReversion.
HTMLPDF 79.36.540Right-of-way for irrigation, diking, and drainage purposes.
HTMLPDF 79.36.550Right-of-way for irrigation, diking, and drainage purposesProcedure to acquire.
HTMLPDF 79.36.560Right-of-way for irrigation, diking, and drainage purposesAppraisalCertificate.
HTMLPDF 79.36.570Grant of overflow rights.
HTMLPDF 79.36.580Construction of foregoing sections.
HTMLPDF 79.36.590Easement reserved in later grants.
HTMLPDF 79.36.600Private easement over state lands.
HTMLPDF 79.36.610Easement over public lands subject to common user.
HTMLPDF 79.36.620Reservations in grants and leases.
HTMLPDF 79.36.630Duty of utilities and transportation commission.
HTMLPDF 79.36.640Penalty for violating utilities and transportation commission's order.
HTMLPDF 79.36.650ApplicationsAppraisementCertificateForfeitureFee.


Diking district right-of-way: RCW 85.05.080.
Flood control district right-of-way: Chapter 86.09 RCW.
Reclamation district right-of-way: RCW 89.30.223.


Acquisition of property interests for access authorized.

Whenever the department finds that it is in the best interests of the state of Washington to acquire any property or use of a road in private ownership to afford access to state timber and other valuable material for the purpose of developing, caring for, or selling the same, the acquisition of such property, or use thereof, is hereby declared to be necessary for the public use of the state of Washington, and the department is authorized to acquire such property or the use of such roads by gift, purchase, exchange, or condemnation, and subject to all of the terms and conditions of such gift, purchase, exchange, or decree of condemnation to maintain such property or roads as part of the department's land management road system.
[ 2003 c 334 s 226; 1963 c 140 s 1; 1945 c 239 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 5823-30. Formerly RCW 76.16.010.]


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
Eminent domain: State Constitution Art. 1 s 16; chapter 8.04 RCW.
State lands subject to easements for removal of materials: RCW 79.36.370 and 79.36.590.

CondemnationDuty of attorney general.

The attorney general of the state of Washington is hereby required and authorized to condemn said property interests found to be necessary for the public purposes of the state of Washington, as provided in RCW 79.36.310, and upon being furnished with a certified copy of the resolution of the department, describing said property interests found to be necessary for the purposes set forth in RCW 79.36.310, the attorney general shall immediately take steps to acquire said property interests by exercising the state's right of eminent domain under the provisions of chapter 8.04 RCW, and in any condemnation action herein authorized, the resolution so describing the property interests found to be necessary for the purposes set forth above shall, in the absence of a showing of bad faith, arbitrary, capricious, or fraudulent action, be conclusive as to the public use and real necessity for the acquisition of said property interests for a public purpose, and said property interests shall be awarded to the state without the necessity of either pleading or proving that the department was unable to agree with the owner or owners of said private property interest for its purchase. Any condemnation action herein authorized shall have precedence over all actions, except criminal actions, and shall be summarily tried and disposed of.
[ 2003 c 334 s 227; 1963 c 140 s 2; 1945 c 239 s 2; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 5823-31. Formerly RCW 76.16.020.]


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Disposal of property interests acquired.

In the event the department should determine that the property interests acquired under the authority of this chapter are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were acquired, the department shall dispose of the same in the following manner, when in the discretion of the department it is to the best interests of the state of Washington to do so, except that property purchased with educational funds or held in trust for educational purposes shall be sold only in the same manner as are state lands:
(1) Where the state property necessitating the acquisition of private property interests for access purposes under authority of this chapter is sold or exchanged, the acquired property interests may be sold or exchanged as an appurtenance of the state property when it is determined by the department that sale or exchange of the state property and acquired property interests as one parcel is in the best interests of the state.
(2) If the acquired property interests are not sold or exchanged as provided in subsection (1) of this section, the department shall notify the person or persons from whom the property interest was acquired, stating that the property interests are to be sold, and that the person or persons shall have the right to purchase the same at the appraised price. The notice shall be given by registered letter or certified mail, return receipt requested, mailed to the last known address of the person or persons. If the address of the person or persons is unknown, the notice shall be published twice in an official newspaper of general circulation in the county where the lands or a portion thereof is located. The second notice shall be published not less than ten nor more than thirty days after the notice is first published. The person or persons shall have thirty days after receipt of the registered letter or five days after the last date of publication, as the case may be, to notify the department, in writing, of their intent to purchase the offered property interest. The purchaser shall include with his or her notice of intention to purchase, cash payment, certified check, or money order in an amount not less than one-third of the appraised price. No instrument conveying property interests shall issue from the department until the full price of the property is received by the department. All costs of publication required under this section shall be added to the appraised price and collected by the department upon sale of the property interests.
(3) If the property interests are not sold or exchanged as provided in subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the department shall notify the owners of land abutting the property interests in the same manner as provided in subsection (2) of this section and their notice of intent to purchase shall be given in the manner and in accordance with the same time limits as are set forth in subsection (2) of this section. However, if more than one abutting owner gives notice of intent to purchase the property interests, the department shall apportion them in relation to the lineal footage bordering each side of the property interests to be sold, and apportion the costs to the interested purchasers in relation thereto. Further, no sale is authorized by this section unless the department is satisfied that the amounts to be received from the several purchasers will equal or exceed the appraised price of the entire parcel plus any costs of publishing notices.
(4) If no sale or exchange is consummated as provided in subsections (1) through (3) of this section, the department shall sell the properties in the same manner as state lands are sold.
(5) Any disposal of property interests authorized by this chapter shall be subject to any existing rights previously granted by the department.
[ 2004 c 199 s 217; 2003 c 334 s 228; 1963 c 140 s 3; 1945 c 239 s 3; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 5823-32. Formerly RCW 76.16.030.]


Part headings not law2004 c 199: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.


The department in acquiring any property interests under the provisions of this chapter, either by purchase or condemnation, is hereby authorized to pay for the same out of any moneys available to the department for this purpose.
[ 2003 c 334 s 229; 1963 c 140 s 4; 1945 c 239 s 4; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 5823-33. Formerly RCW 76.16.040.]


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.


Application for right-of-way.

(1) Any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of logging or lumbering, quarrying, mining or removing sand, gravel, or other valuable materials from land, and desirous of obtaining a right-of-way for the purpose of transporting or moving timber, minerals, stone, sand, gravel, or other valuable materials from other lands, over and across any state lands, or tide or shore lands belonging to the state, or any such lands sold or leased by the state since the fifteenth day of June, 1911, shall file with the department upon a form to be furnished for that purpose, a written application for such right-of-way, accompanied by a plat showing the location of the right-of-way applied for with references to the boundaries of the government section in which the lands over and across which such right-of-way is desired are located. Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, upon the filing of such application and plat, the department shall cause the lands embraced within the right-of-way applied for, to be inspected, and all timber thereon, and all damages to the lands affected which may be caused by the use of such right-of-way, to be appraised, and shall notify the applicant of the appraised value of such timber and such appraisement of damages. Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, upon the payment to the department of the amount of the appraised value of timber and damages, the department shall issue in duplicate a right-of-way certificate setting forth the terms and conditions upon which such right-of-way is granted, as provided in the preceding sections, and providing that whenever such right-of-way shall cease to be used for the purpose for which it was granted, or shall not be used in accordance with such terms and conditions, it shall be deemed forfeited. One copy of such certificate shall be filed in the office of the department and one copy delivered to the applicant.
(2) The department's obligation to issue a right-of-way certificate as provided in subsection (1) of this section does not apply to an application for a right-of-way over land in which the federal government claims the exclusive right to grant an easement or right-of-way to third parties over such land. However, this exception does not apply where the department disputes the claim by the federal government. The existence of this section may not be deemed an acknowledgment that the federal government holds any such exclusive granting rights.


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.650.

Grant of easements and rights in public land.

The department may grant to any person such easements and rights in public lands, not otherwise provided in law, as the applicant applying therefor may acquire in privately owned lands. No grant shall be made under this section until such time as the full market value of the estate or interest granted together with damages to all remaining property of the state of Washington has been ascertained and safely secured to the state.


Part headings not law2004 c 199: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
SavingsCaptionsSeverabilityEffective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 21: See RCW 79.135.900 through 79.135.904.

Lands subject to easements for removal of valuable materials.

All state lands granted, sold or leased since the fifteenth day of June, 1911, or hereafter granted, sold or leased, containing timber, minerals, stone, sand, gravel, or other valuable materials, or when other state lands contiguous or in proximity thereto contain any such valuable materials, shall be subject to the right of the state, or any grantee or lessee thereof who has acquired such other lands, or any such valuable materials thereon, since the fifteenth day of June, 1911, or hereafter acquiring such other lands or valuable materials thereon, to acquire the right-of-way over such lands so granted, sold or leased, for private railroads, skid roads, flumes, canals, watercourses or other easements for the purpose of, and to be used in, transporting and moving such valuable materials from such other lands, over and across the lands so granted or leased, upon the state, or its grantee or lessee, paying to the owner of lands so granted or sold, or the lessee of the lands so leased, reasonable compensation therefor. In case the parties interested cannot agree upon the damages incurred, the same shall be ascertained and assessed in the same manner as damages are ascertained and assessed against a railroad company seeking to condemn private property.


SavingsCaptionsSeverabilityEffective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 21: See RCW 79.135.900 through 79.135.904.
Railroads, eminent domain: RCW 81.36.010 and 81.53.180.
Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.590.
State lands, eminent domain: RCW 8.28.010.

Private easement subject to common user.

Every grant, deed, conveyance, contract to purchase or lease made since June 15, 1911, or hereafter made to any person, firm, or corporation, for a right-of-way for a private railroad, skid road, canal, flume, watercourse, or other easement, over or across any public lands for the purpose of, and to be used in, transporting and moving timber, minerals, stone, sand, gravel, or other valuable materials of the land, shall be subject to the right of the state, or any grantee or lessee thereof, or other person who has acquired since June 15, 1911, or shall hereafter acquire, any lands containing valuable materials contiguous to, or in proximity to, such right-of-way, or who has so acquired or shall hereafter acquire such valuable materials situated upon public lands or contiguous to, or in proximity to, such right-of-way, of having such valuable materials transported or moved over such private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement, after the same is or has been put in operation, upon paying therefor just and reasonable rates for transportation, or for the use of such private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement, and upon complying with just, reasonable and proper rules and regulations relating to such transportation or use, which rates, rules, and regulations, shall be under the supervision and control of the utilities and transportation commission.


Part headings not law2004 c 199: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
SavingsCaptionsSeverabilityEffective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 21: See RCW 79.135.900 through 79.135.904.
Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.600.
Washington utilities and transportation commission: Chapter 80.01 RCW.

Reasonable facilities and service for transportation must be furnished.

Any person, firm, or corporation, having acquired such right-of-way or easement since June 15, 1911, or hereafter acquiring such right-of-way or easement over any public lands for the purpose of transporting or moving timber, mineral, stone, sand, gravel, or other valuable materials, and engaged in such business thereon, shall accord to the state, or any grantee or lessee thereof, having since June 15, 1911, acquired, or hereafter acquiring, from the state, any public lands containing timber, mineral, stone, sand, gravel, or other valuable materials, contiguous to or in proximity to such right-of-way or easement, or any person, firm, or corporation, having since June 15, 1911, acquired, or hereafter acquiring, the timber, mineral, stone, sand, gravel, or other valuable materials upon any public lands contiguous to or in proximity to the lands over which such right-of-way or easement is operated, proper and reasonable facilities and service for transporting and moving such valuable materials, under reasonable rules and regulations and upon payment of just and reasonable charges therefor, or, if such right-of-way or other easement is not then in use, shall accord the use of such right-of-way or easement for transporting and moving such valuable materials, under reasonable rules and regulations and upon the payment of just and reasonable charges therefor.


Part headings not law2004 c 199: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
SavingsCaptionsSeverabilityEffective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 21: See RCW 79.135.900 through 79.135.904.
Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.610.

Duty of utilities and transportation commission.

Should the owner or operator of any private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse or other easement operating over lands acquired since the fifteenth day of June, 1911, or hereafter acquired, from the state, as in the previous sections provided, fail to agree with the state, or any grantee thereof, as to the reasonable and proper rules, regulations and charges, concerning the transportation of timber, mineral, stone, sand, gravel or other valuable materials, from lands contiguous to, or in proximity to, the lands over which such private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse or other easement, is operated, for transporting or moving such valuable materials, the state, or such person, firm or corporation, owning and desiring to have such valuable materials transported or moved, may apply to the state utilities and transportation commission and have the reasonableness of the rules and regulations and charges inquired into, and it shall be the duty of the utilities and transportation commission to inquire into the same and it is hereby given the same power and authority to investigate the same as it is now authorized to investigate or inquire into the reasonableness of rules, regulations and charges made by railroad companies, and it is authorized and empowered to make any such order as it would make in an inquiry against a railroad company, and in case such private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse or easement, is not then in use, may make such reasonable, proper and just rules and regulations concerning the use thereof for the purposes aforesaid as may be just and proper, and such order shall have the same force and effect, and be binding upon the parties to such hearing, as though such hearing and order was made affecting a common carrier railroad.
[ 1983 c 4 s 6; 1927 c 255 s 81; RRS s 7797-81. Prior: 1911 c 109 s 4. Formerly RCW 79.01.324, 79.36.040.]


Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.630.
Transportation, general regulations: Chapter 81.04 RCW.

Penalty for violation of orders.

In case any person, firm or corporation, owning or operating any private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse or other easement, over and across any state lands, or any lands acquired since the fifteenth day of June, 1911, or hereafter acquired, from the state, subject to the provisions of the preceding sections, shall violate or fail to comply with any rule, regulation or order made by the utilities and transportation commission, after an inquiry and hearing as provided in the preceding section, such person, firm or corporation, shall be subject to a penalty of not to exceed one thousand dollars for each and every violation thereof, and in addition thereto such right-of-way, private road, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse or other easement and all improvements and structures on such right-of-way, and connected therewith, shall revert to the state or to the owner of the land over which such right-of-way is located, and may be recovered in an action instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction.


SavingsCaptionsSeverabilityEffective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 21: See RCW 79.135.900 through 79.135.904.
Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.640.

Forfeiture for nonuse.

Any such right-of-way heretofore granted which has never been used, or has ceased to be used for the purpose for which it was granted, for a period of two years, shall be deemed forfeited. The forfeiture of any such right-of-way heretofore granted, or granted under the provisions of the preceding sections, shall be rendered effective by the mailing of a notice of such forfeiture to the grantee thereof at his or her last known post office address and by stamping a copy of such certificate, or other record of the grant, in the office of the department with the word "canceled", and the date of such cancellation.


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.650.

Right-of-way for public roads.

Any county or city or the United States of America or state agency desiring to locate, establish, and construct a road or street over and across any state lands of the state of Washington shall by resolution of the board of county commissioners of such county, or city council or other governing body of such city, or proper agency of the United States of America, or state agency, cause to be filed in the office of the department a petition for a right-of-way for such road or street, setting forth the reasons for the establishment thereof, accompanied by a duly attested copy of a plat made by the county or city engineer or proper agency of the United States of America, or state agency, showing the location of the proposed road or street with reference to the legal subdivisions, or lots and blocks of the official plat, or the lands, over and across which such right-of-way is desired, the amount of land to be taken and the amount of land remaining in each portion of each legal subdivision or lot or block bisected by such proposed road or street.
Upon the filing of such petition and plat the department, if deemed for the best interest of the state to grant the petition, shall cause the land proposed to be taken to be inspected and shall appraise the value of the land and valuable materials thereon and notify the petitioner of such appraised value.
If there are no valuable materials on the proposed right-of-way, or upon the payment of the appraised value of the land and valuable materials thereon, to the department in cash, or by certified check drawn upon any bank in this state, or money order, except for all rights-of-way granted to the department on which the valuable materials, if any, shall be sold at public auction or by sealed bid, the department may approve the plat filed with the petition and file and enter the same in the records of its office, and such approval and record shall constitute a grant of such right-of-way from the state.


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
SavingsCaptionsSeverabilityEffective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 21: See RCW 79.135.900 through 79.135.904.

Railroad right-of-way.

A right-of-way through, over and across any state lands not held under a contract of sale, is hereby granted to any railroad company organized under the laws of this state, or any state or territory of the United States, or under any act of congress of the United States, to any extent not exceeding fifty feet on either side of the center line of any railroad now constructed, or hereafter to be constructed, and for such greater width as is required for excavations, embankments, depots, station grounds, passing tracks or borrow pits, which extra width shall not in any case exceed two hundred feet on either side of said right-of-way.
[ 1927 c 255 s 86; RRS s 7797-86. Prior: 1907 c 104 s 1; 1901 c 173 s 1. Formerly RCW 79.01.344, 79.36.090.]


Railroad rights-of-way: Chapter 81.52 RCW.

Railroad right-of-wayProcedure to acquire.

In order to obtain the benefits of RCW 79.36.450, any railroad company hereafter constructing, or proposing to construct, a railroad, shall file with the department a copy of its articles of incorporation, due proof of organization thereunder, a map or maps, accompanied by the field notes of the survey, showing the location of the line of said railroad, the width of the right-of-way and extra widths, if any, and shall pay to the department as hereinafter provided the amount of the appraised value of the lands included within the right-of-way, and extra widths if any are required, and the damages to any lands affected by the right-of-way or extra widths.


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Railroad right-of-wayAppraisement.

All state lands over which a right-of-way of any railroad to be hereafter constructed, shall be located, shall be appraised in the same manner as in the case of applications for the purchase of state lands, fixing the appraised value per acre for each lot or block, quarter section or subdivision thereof, less the improvements, if any, and the damages to any state lands affected by such right-of-way, shall be appraised in like manner, and the appraisement shall be recorded and the evidence or report upon which the same is based shall be preserved of record, in the office of the department, and the department shall send notice to the railroad company applying for the right-of-way that such appraisement has been made.
[ 2003 c 334 s 387; 1927 c 255 s 88; RRS s 7797-88. Prior: 1901 c 173 ss 2, 5. Formerly RCW 79.01.352, 79.36.110.]


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Railroad right-of-wayImprovementsAppraisal.

Should any improvements, made by anyone not holding adversely to the state at the time of making such improvements or made in good faith by a lessee of the state whose lease had not been canceled or was not subject to cancellation for any cause, or made upon the land by mistake, be upon any of such lands at the time of the appraisement, the same shall be separately appraised, together with the damage and waste done to said lands, or to adjacent lands, by the use and occupancy of the same, and after deducting from the amount of the appraisement for improvements the amount of such damage and waste, the balance shall be regarded as the value of said improvements, and the railroad company, if not the owner of such improvements, shall deposit with the department the value of the same, as shown by the appraisement, within thirty days next following the date thereof. The department shall hold such moneys for a period of three months, and unless a demand and proof of ownership of such improvements shall be made upon the department within said period of three months, the same shall be deemed forfeited to the state and deposited with the state treasurer and paid into the general fund. If two or more persons shall file claims of ownership of said improvements, within said period of three months, with the department, the department shall hold such moneys until the claimants agree or a certified copy of the judgment decreeing the ownership of said improvements shall be filed with the department. When notice of agreement or a certified copy of a judgment has been so filed, the department shall pay over to the owner of the improvements the money so deposited.


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Railroad right-of-wayRelease or payment of damages.

When the construction or proposed construction of said railroad affects the value of improvements on state lands not situated on the right-of-way or extra widths, the applicant for said right-of-way shall file with the department a valid release of damages duly executed by the owner or owners of such improvements, or a certified copy of a judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, showing that compensation for the damages resulting to such owner or owners, as ascertained in accordance with existing law, has been made or paid into the registry of such court.


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Railroad right-of-wayCertificate.

Upon full payment of the appraised value of any right-of-way for a railroad and of damages to state lands affected, the department shall issue to the railroad company applying for such right-of-way a certificate in such form as the department may prescribe, in which the terms and conditions of said easement shall be set forth and the lands covered thereby described, and any future grant, or lease, by the state, of the lands crossed or affected by such right-of-way shall be subject to the easement described in the certificate.


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Utility pipe lines, transmission lines, etc.

A right-of-way through, over, and across any state lands or state forestlands, may be granted to any municipal or private corporation, company, association, individual, or the United States of America, constructing or proposing to construct, or which has heretofore constructed, any telephone line, ditch, flume, or pipe line for the domestic water supply of any municipal corporation or transmission line for the purpose of generating or transmitting electricity for light, heat, or power.


SavingsCaptionsSeverabilityEffective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 21: See RCW 79.135.900 through 79.135.904.

Utility pipe lines, transmission lines, etc.Procedure to acquire.

In order to obtain the benefits of the grant made in RCW 79.36.510, the municipal or private corporation or company, association, individual, or the United States of America, constructing or proposing to construct, or which has heretofore constructed, such telephone line, ditch, flume, pipe line, or transmission line, shall file, with the department, a map, accompanied by the field notes of the survey and location of such telephone line, ditch, flume, pipe line, or transmission line, and shall make payment therefor as provided in RCW 79.36.530. The land within the right-of-way shall be limited to an amount necessary for the construction of said telephone line, ditch, flume, pipe line, or transmission line sufficient for the purposes required, together with sufficient land on either side thereof for ingress and egress to maintain and repair the same, and the grant shall include the right to cut all standing timber, and/or reproduction within said right-of-way. The grant shall also include the right to cut trees marked as danger trees by the applicant outside of the right-of-way, which shall be dangerous to the operation and maintenance of the telephone line, ditch, flume, pipe line, or transmission line upon full payment of the appraised value thereof.


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Utility pipe linesAppraisalCertificateReversion.

Upon the filing of the plat and field notes, as provided in RCW 79.36.520, the land applied for and the valuable materials on the right-of-way applied for, and the marked danger trees to be felled off the right-of-way, if any, and the improvements included in the right-of-way applied for, if any, shall be appraised as in the case of an application to purchase state lands. Upon full payment of the appraised value of the land applied for, or upon payment of an annual rental when the department deems a rental to be in the best interests of the state, and upon full payment of the appraised value of the valuable materials and improvements, if any, the department shall issue to the applicant a certificate of the grant of such right-of-way stating the terms and conditions thereof and shall enter the same in the abstracts and records in its office, and thereafter any sale or lease of the lands affected by such right-of-way shall be subject to the easement of such right-of-way. Should the corporation, company, association, individual, state agency, political subdivision of the state, or the United States of America, securing such right-of-way ever abandon the use of the same for a period of sixty months or longer for the purposes for which it was granted, the right-of-way shall revert to the state, or the state's grantee.


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Right-of-way for irrigation, diking, and drainage purposes.

A right-of-way through, over and across any state lands is hereby granted to any irrigation district, or irrigation company duly organized under the laws of this state, and to any association, individual, or the United States of America, constructing or proposing to construct an irrigation ditch or pipe line for irrigation, or to any diking and drainage district or any diking and drainage improvement district proposing to construct a dike or drainage ditch.


SavingsCaptionsSeverabilityEffective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 21: See RCW 79.135.900 through 79.135.904.

Right-of-way for irrigation, diking, and drainage purposesProcedure to acquire.

In order to obtain the benefits of the grant provided for in RCW 79.36.540, the irrigation district, irrigation company, association, individual, or the United States of America, constructing or proposing to construct such irrigation ditch or pipe line for irrigation, or the diking and drainage district or diking and drainage improvement district constructing or proposing to construct any dike or drainage ditch, shall file with the department a map accompanied by the field notes of the survey and location of the proposed irrigation ditch, pipe line, dike, or drainage ditch, and shall pay to the state as hereinafter provided, the amount of the appraised value of the said lands used for or included within such right-of-way. The land within said right-of-way shall be limited to an amount necessary for the construction of the irrigation ditch, pipe line, dike, or drainage ditch for the purposes required, together with sufficient land on either side thereof for ingress and egress to maintain and repair the same.
[ 2003 c 334 s 393; 1945 c 147 s 5; 1927 c 255 s 100; Rem. Supp. 1945 s 7797-100. Prior: 1917 c 148 s 7; 1907 c 161 s 2. Formerly RCW 79.01.400, 79.36.190.]


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Right-of-way for irrigation, diking, and drainage purposesAppraisalCertificate.

Upon the filing of the plat and field notes as provided in RCW 79.36.550, the lands included within the right-of-way applied for shall be appraised as in the case of an application to purchase such lands, at the full market value thereof. Upon full payment of the appraised value of the lands the department shall issue to the applicant a certificate of right-of-way, and enter the same in the records in its office and thereafter any sale or lease by the state of the lands affected by such right-of-way shall be subject thereto.
[ 2003 c 334 s 394; 1927 c 255 s 101; RRS s 7797-101. Prior: 1907 c 161 s 3. Formerly RCW 79.01.404, 79.36.200.]


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Grant of overflow rights.

The department shall have the power to grant to any person or corporation the right, privilege, and authority to perpetually back and hold water upon or over any state lands, and overflow such lands and inundate the same, whenever the department shall deem it necessary for the purpose of erecting, constructing, maintaining, or operating any water power plant, reservoir, or works for impounding water for power purposes, irrigation, mining, or other public use, but no such rights shall be granted until the value of the lands to be overflowed and any damages to adjoining lands of the state, appraised as in the case of an application to purchase such lands, shall have been paid by the person or corporation seeking the grant, and if the construction or erection of any such water power plant, reservoir, or works for impounding water for the purposes heretofore specified, shall not be commenced and diligently prosecuted and completed within such time as the department may prescribe at the time of the grant, the same may be forfeited by the department by serving written notice of such forfeiture upon the person or corporation to whom the grant was made, but the department, for good cause shown to its satisfaction, may extend the time within which such work shall be completed.
[ 2003 c 334 s 395; 1982 1st ex.s. c 21 s 174; 1927 c 255 s 102; RRS s 7797-102. Prior: 1915 c 147 ss 10, 11; 1907 c 125 ss 1, 2. Formerly RCW 79.01.408, 79.36.210.]


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
SavingsCaptionsSeverabilityEffective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 21: See RCW 79.135.900 through 79.135.904.
Operating agencies: Chapter 43.52 RCW.

Construction of foregoing sections.

The foregoing sections relating to the acquiring of rights-of-way and overflow rights through, over and across lands belonging to the state, shall not be construed as exclusive or as affecting the right of municipal and public service corporations to acquire lands belonging to or under control of the state, or rights-of-way or other rights thereover, by condemnation proceedings.
[ 1927 c 255 s 103; RRS s 7797-103. Formerly RCW 79.01.412, 79.36.220.]


Railroad rights-of-way: Chapter 81.52 RCW.

Easement reserved in later grants.

All state lands hereafter granted, sold or leased shall be subject to the right of the state, or any grantee or lessee or successor in interest thereof hereafter acquiring other state lands, or acquiring the timber, stone, mineral or other natural products thereon, or the manufactured products thereof to acquire the right-of-way over such lands so granted, for logging and/or lumbering railroads, private railroads, skid roads, flumes, canals, watercourses, or other easements for the purpose of and to be used in the transporting and moving of such timber, stone, mineral or other natural products thereon, and the manufactured products thereof from such state land, and all necessary machinery, supplies or materials to be used in transporting, cutting, manufacturing, mining or quarrying any or all of such products over and across the lands so granted or leased, upon the state or its grantee or successor in interest thereof, paying to the owner of the lands so granted, sold, or leased reasonable compensation therefor. In case the parties interested cannot agree upon the damages incurred, the same shall be ascertained and assessed in the same manner as damages are ascertained and assessed against a railroad seeking to condemn private property.
[ 1927 c 312 s 1; RRS s 8107-1. Prior: 1911 c 109 s 1. Formerly RCW 79.36.230.]


Severability1927 c 312: "If any section, subdivision, sentence or clause in this act shall be held invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the act as a whole, or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional." [ 1927 c 312 s 8.] This applies to RCW 79.36.230 through 79.36.290.
Railroads, eminent domain: RCW 81.36.010 and 81.53.180.
Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.370.

Private easement over state lands.

Every grant, deed, conveyance, lease or contract hereafter made to any person, firm or corporation over and across any state lands for the purpose of right-of-way for any logging and/or lumbering railroad, private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse or other easement to be used in the hauling of timber, stone, mineral or other natural products of the land and the manufactured products thereof and all necessary machinery, supplies or materials to be used in transporting, cutting, manufacturing, mining or quarrying any or all of such products, shall be subject to the right of the state, or any grantee or successor in interest thereof, owning or hereafter acquiring from the state any timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products, or any state lands containing valuable timber, stone, mineral or other natural products of the land, of having such timber, stone, mineral or other natural products, and the manufactured products thereof and all necessary machinery, supplies or materials to be used in transporting, cutting, manufacturing, mining or quarrying any or all of such products transported or moved over such railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse or other easement, after the same is or has been put in operation, upon paying therefor just and reasonable rates for transportation or for the use of such railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse or other easement, and upon complying with just, reasonable and proper rules affecting such transportation, which rates, rules and regulations shall be under the supervision and control of the utilities and transportation commission of the state of Washington.
[ 1983 c 4 s 7; 1927 c 312 s 2; RRS s 8107-2. Prior: 1911 c 109 s 2. Formerly RCW 79.36.240.]


Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.380.

Easement over public lands subject to common user.

Any person, firm or corporation hereafter acquiring the right-of-way or other easement over state lands or over any tide or shore lands belonging to the state, or over and across any navigable water or stream for the purpose of transporting or moving timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products of the lands, and the manufactured products thereof and engaged in such business thereon, shall accord to the state or any grantee or successor in interest thereof hereafter acquiring state lands containing valuable timber, stone, mineral or other natural products of the land, or any person, firm or corporation hereafter acquiring the timber, stone, mineral or other natural products situate upon state lands, or the manufactured products thereof proper and reasonable facilities and service, including physical connection therewith, for the transportation and moving of such timber, stone, mineral and other natural products of the land, and the manufactured products thereof and all necessary machinery, supplies or materials to be used in transporting, cutting, manufacturing, mining or quarrying any or all of such products under reasonable rules and regulations upon payment of just and reasonable charges therefor, or, if such right-of-way or other easement is not then in use to have the right to use such right-of-way or easement for transporting and moving such products under such reasonable rules and regulations and upon payment of just and reasonable charges therefor.
[ 1927 c 312 s 3; RRS s 8107-3. Prior: 1911 c 109 s 3. Formerly RCW 79.36.250.]


Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.390.

Reservations in grants and leases.

Whenever any person, firm, or corporation shall hereafter purchase, lease, or acquire any state lands, or any easement or interest therein, or any timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products thereon, or the manufactured products thereof the purchase, lease, or grant shall be subject to the condition or reservation that such person, firm, or corporation, or their successors in interest, shall, whenever any of the timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products on said lands or the manufactured products thereof are removed, by any logging and/or lumbering railroad, private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement, owned, leased, or operated by such person, firm, or corporation, or their successors in interest, accord to any other person, firm, or corporation, or their successors in interest, having the right to remove any timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products or the manufactured products thereof from any other lands, owned or formerly owned by the state, proper and reasonable facilities and service, including physical connection therewith, for the transportation and moving of such other timber, stone, mineral, and other natural products, and the manufactured products thereof and all necessary machinery, supplies, or materials to be used in transporting, cutting, manufacturing, mining, or quarrying any or all of such products under reasonable rules and upon payment of just and reasonable charges therefor; and that any conveyance, lease, or mortgage of such logging and/or lumbering railroad, private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement, shall be subject to the right of the person, firm, or corporation, or their successors in interest, having the right to remove timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products or the manufactured products thereof from such other state lands, to be accorded such proper and reasonable facilities and service, including physical connection therewith, for the transportation and moving of such other timber, stone, mineral, and other natural products and the manufactured products thereof and all necessary machinery, supplies, or materials to be used in transporting, cutting, manufacturing, mining, or quarrying any or all of such products under reasonable rules and upon payment of just and reasonable charges therefor; and such purchase, lease, or grant from the state shall also be subject to the condition or reservation that whenever any of the timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products on such lands or the manufactured products thereof are about to be removed, by means of any logging and/or lumbering railroad, private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement, not owned, controlled, or operated by the person, firm, or corporation owning or having the right to remove, and about to remove such timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products or the manufactured products thereof shall exact and require from the owners and operators of such logging and/or lumbering railroad, private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement, which shall be binding upon the successors in interest of such owners and operators, an agreement and promise, as a part of the contract for removal, and by virtue of RCW 79.36.590 through 79.36.650 there shall be deemed to be a part of any such express or implied contract for removal, an agreement, and promise that such owners and operators, and their successors in interest, shall accord to any person, firm, or corporation and their successors in interest, having the right to remove any timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products or the manufactured products thereof from any lands, owned, or formerly owned by the state, proper and reasonable facilities and service, including physical connection therewith, for the transportation and moving of such timber, stone, mineral, and other natural products and the manufactured products thereof and all necessary machinery, supplies, or materials to be used in transporting, cutting, manufacturing, mining, or quarrying any or all of such products and under reasonable rules and upon payment of just and reasonable charges therefor.
[ 2003 c 334 s 495; 1927 c 312 s 4; RRS s 8107-4. Formerly RCW 79.36.260.]


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Duty of utilities and transportation commission.

Should the owner or operator of any logging and/or lumbering railroad, private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement operating over lands hereafter acquired from the state, as in RCW 79.36.590 through 79.36.650 set out, fail to agree with the state or with any subsequent grantee or successor in interest thereof as to the reasonable and proper rules and charges concerning the transportation of timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products of the land, or the manufactured products thereof and all necessary machinery, supplies, or materials to be used in transporting, cutting, manufacturing, mining, or quarrying any or all of such products for carrying and transporting such products or for the use of the railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement in transporting such products, the state or such person, firm, or corporation owning and desiring to ship such products may apply to the utilities and transportation commission and have the reasonableness of the rules and charges inquired into and it shall be the duty of the utilities and transportation commission to inquire into the same in the same manner, and it is hereby given the same power and authority to investigate the same as it is now authorized to investigate and inquire into the rules and charges made by railroads and is authorized and empowered to make such order as it would make in an inquiry against a railroad, and in case such logging and/or lumbering railroad, private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement is not then in use, may adopt such reasonable, proper, and just rules concerning the use thereof for the purposes aforesaid as may be just and proper and such order shall have the same force and effect and shall be binding upon the parties to such hearing as though such hearing and order was made affecting a railroad.
[ 2003 c 334 s 496; 1983 c 4 s 8; 1927 c 312 s 5; RRS s 8107-5. Prior: 1911 c 109 s 4. Formerly RCW 79.36.270.]


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.400.

Penalty for violating utilities and transportation commission's order.

In case any person, firm, or corporation owning and/or operating any logging and/or lumbering railroad, private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement subject to the provisions of RCW 79.36.590 through 79.36.650 shall fail to comply with any rule or order made by the utilities and transportation commission, after an inquiry as provided for in RCW 79.36.630, each person, firm, or corporation shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding one thousand dollars, and in addition thereto, the right-of-way over state lands theretofore granted to such person, firm, or corporation, and all improvements and structures on such right-of-way and connected therewith, shall revert to the state of Washington, and may be recovered by it in an action instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction, unless such state lands have been sold.
[ 2003 c 334 s 497; 1983 c 4 s 9; 1927 c 312 s 7; RRS s 8107-7. Prior: 1911 c 109 s 5. Formerly RCW 79.36.280.]


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.410.


Any person, firm, or corporation shall have a right-of-way over public lands, subject to the provisions of RCW 79.36.590 through 79.36.650, when necessary, for the purpose of hauling or removing timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products or the manufactured products thereof of the land. Before, however, any such right-of-way grant shall become effective, a written application for and a plat showing the location of such right-of-way, with reference to the adjoining lands, shall be filed with the department, and all timber on the right-of-way, together with the damages to the land, shall be appraised and paid for in cash by the person, firm, or corporation applying for such right-of-way. The department shall then cause to be issued in duplicate to such person, firm, or corporation a right-of-way certificate setting forth the conditions and terms upon which the right-of-way is granted. Whenever the right-of-way shall cease to be used, for a period of two years, for the purpose for which it was granted, it shall be deemed forfeited, and the right-of-way certificate shall contain such a provision. However, any right-of-way for logging purposes heretofore issued which has never been used, or has ceased to be used, for a period of two years, for the purpose of which it was granted, shall be deemed forfeited and shall be canceled upon the records of the department. One copy of each certificate shall be filed with the department and one copy delivered to the applicant. The forfeiture of the right-of-way, as herein provided, shall be rendered effective by the mailing of notice of such a forfeiture to the grantee thereof to his or her last known post office address and by stamping the copy of the certificate in the department canceled and the date of such cancellation. For the issuance of such a certificate the same fee shall be charged as provided in the case of certificates for railroad rights-of-way.


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
Certificates for railroad rights-of-way: RCW 79.36.500.
Fees, generally: RCW 79.02.240.
Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.350 and 79.36.430.